Holy Right: A Multiverse Occultist Chapter 537

But if the inhibitory force really wants to deal with him, it won't just send such a Guardian', and killing the Guardian doesn't make any sense. That's because the inhibitory force uses information projection. A shadow on the earth, as long as the information is still there: it can be said to be truly immortal and can be resurrected infinitely.

'It's not my trouble.

'Roy lowered his head and looked towards Anastasia, that silhouette just now....

It was an arrow shot The direction of the attack is still the target of the cut, in fact, it is this...Imperial Princess!' Why is it aimed at Anna? Although according to history, she should have died, but Alaya only cares about the survival of mankind, and Anna is just a An Imperial Princess who ruined the dynasty, but she has no ability to destroy human beings, and she did not do such a thing, and the general trend of history belongs to the scope of human management, but it is not under the control of Alaya, and Anna has no ability to change people. The ability of reasoning is right.

'Roy felt strange in his heart, although he looked down upon Her Royal Highness Imperial Princess, but this little girl has little to do with the history of mankind and the survival of mankind. Meaning, her death and life can't affect human and human history, although she died once before, so that she received the last gift from the Romanov dynasty that she didn't even know, but only those... ...the gift is not enough for her to be targeted by the inhibitory force.

'If it is true that Anna's survival has affected humans, then the other three Imperial Princesses should also be It's right to be affected, but the Guardian just now completely turned a blind eye to the other three Imperial Princesses.

''Or maybe it was my sudden behavior that made the inhibitions wary, thinking that I was It may have caused great harm to the human beings in this world, so the Guardian was sent to rectify the history. Alaya consciousness is so intelligent. Well, I have not studied the alaya consciousness. It is also possible that it has such subjective initiative... ...of course it may have nothing to do with me, just because of Anna's own reasons.

'For the time being, Roy can't think of a reason, although he has no fear of inhibition , even if this world is over, he can leave at any time by himself, but no matter if...

Imperial Princess or Poppy are still in this world, not as a la st resort He still doesn't want to be the Great Demon King who destroys the world.

Roy's heart moved, and he stomped his foot lightly, and a rune suddenly appeared on the ground of this room. , these are the 'primitive runes' that Skaha taught Roy, the rune's versatility is very strong, he just engraved the two runes of 'guardian' and 'rune making runes' under his feet , that is... In an instant, a densely packed rune sea is formed, superimposed on it is a powerful 'rune' guardian art.

"You three Stand in this rune and don't come out, Ana, come with me..."

Roy said to the four Imperial Princesses.

The three older Imperial Princesses knew that the situation might be urgent at this time. Although the three of them were afraid, they hurriedly nodded. They stepped on the rune and did not dare to move, while Roy was on the rune. Under Anastasia's exclamation, she grabbed Zhao Zhao Zhao, her slender waist as a willow, and with a flick of her body... she left the church.

As soon as Roy left with His Royal Highness the Imperial Princess, the shadow of red that had already died appeared again. Roy stared at him closely, wanting to see his movements, and as he thought, Alaya appeared. The Guardian ignored the other three Imperial Princesses, just... chasing after Anastasia in Roy's arms.

"Sure enough, the problem was with Anna Here..."

Roy whispered, hugging Her Royal Highness Imperial Princess to St. Petersburg.



The building is the foothold, and a few jumps are...to the center of the city.

Anastasia hugged Roy tightly, even though Roy was moving very fast, but the strong wind all around was blocked by Roy's own strength, Her Royal Highness the Imperial Princess hugged him tightly and shrank her neck. Although she was a little scared, she still asked the girl full of doubts: "...Godfather, where are we going?"

"The real Imperial Palace of the Romanovs - the Winter Palace!"

"The Winter Palace"

"Well, there is your father and the emperor The last legacy left by the kingdom to you, my tsar!"

Chapter 102 I summon myself!

The Hermitage is located in St. Petersburg.



The building on the Palace Square is a model of Russian neoclassical architecture in the eighteenth century. Until now, it is also the Imperial Palace of Tsarist Russia. It will be used as a museum in later generations. It is one of the four major museums in the world comparable to the Louvre Museum and the British Museum.

In the nineteenth century, there were special legal provisions, St. Petersburg.



The building except... It can be said to be the tallest building in the city except the Peter and Paul Church where Roy lives.

It's just that the last Tsar Nicholas II lived in the Summer Palace for a long time, which made the real Imperial Palace in Russia seem less important at the end of the Romanov Dynasty.

When the Provisional Duma Council came to power last year, their office Public Area Point was located in the Winter Palace, but in the end the members of the Provisional Duma Council were overthrown again in the Winter Palace, and the current regime was established.

Roy brought Anastasia to the square outside the Winter Palace at a very fast speed. Above the magnificent square, the most conspicuous thing is... the one located in the center of the square. The huge stone pillar is built to commemorate Alexander I leading the Russian army to break Napoleon. On that root: the huge stone pillar is the ancient symbol of an angel holding a cross stepping on a snake.

Roy ignored everything in this square, the Winter Palace is not open to the public yet, except... Tourists, he directly carried Her Royal Highness Imperial Princess into the great hall of the Winter Palace, ignoring the luxury and magnificence of Inside the palace, and finally came to the private museum of Catherine II and stopped in front of a portrait .

"Godfather, this painting is "Holy Mother of Benova""

Anastasia Seeing the painting in front of 127, as the Imperial Princess, she must have studied art lessons for nobles, and recognized this famous painting in the Winter Palace at a glance.

” Well, this is Leonardo.


A painting by Vinci.”

Roy gently nods to admit the speculation of Her Royal Highness the Imperial Princess.

“Is there anything wrong with this painting?”

Anastasia hugged Roy's waist nervously and looked out of the palace from time to time, for fear that... the strange red silhouette would suddenly appear here.

" Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with this painting, but there is a hidden mechanism behind the painting."

Roy put down the Imperial Princess in his arms and explained to her : "...This is the only private museum in Russian history called 'Great Emperor' by the female tsar Catherine II, who made allegiance to Tsarist Russia's magic when she was alive. The teacher has built a treasure trove and has included some of Russia's precious collections."

Roy chanted the incantation, and when the word spirit of mysterious appeared, this side hung On the walls of Leonardo da Vinci's famous paintings, there are runes of one after another, and these runes come together to form a distorted symbol like a door.

"This is..."

Anastasia stared wide-eyed staring at the door in front of her, never seeing the real mysterious Imperial Princess It's incredible.

"An imaginary number space, but to make the imaginary number space such a size, the magic body required is not... a small number, and only as a tsar Only the emperor has such great financial resources."

Roy grabbed the delicate and weak hand of Her Royal Highness Imperial Princess beside him, and said in a low voice, "... Catch me and follow me!"


Anastasia nodded hard, Her expression was full of excitement. For a girl who is seven years old and seven years old, such a mysterious adventure will always surprise and excite her.

Roy dragged Her Royal Highness Imperial Princess away After entering the door, there is a small room behind the door. Even with the financial support of the Tsar, it is already the limit for modern magicians to create an imaginary space of this size and stability.

There are many rare treasures hidden in this small house, which can be called Russian national treasures, and even some of them exude the ultimate myster ious , a legacy from the Age of God.

Anastasia didn't notice those...priceless and unique rare treasure, her sight Immediately it landed on an old rag doll in this treasure, it has no facial features, its face is black, its hair is like wheat ears, it wears a small crown, and its body is also like leaves The same clothes.

At first glance, you might think that this is a dirty doll thrown in the garbage, and even the weird appearance will remind you of a cursed cloth Puppets and the like.

But the sight of Her Royal Highness Imperial Princess is...attracted by it, she widened her beautiful eyes, her slender jade hand covered Mouth, surprise in her eyes, when she was 'shot to death' in the basement, Anastasia clearly remembered that she seemed to have seen this wonderful and strange puppet when she was dying! Her Royal Highness Imperial Princess's body seemed to be out of control In general, just walked to the puppet like this, Roy didn't stop her, just watched Anastasia come to the puppet, and gently held her in his arms, like stroking a cat Dog, treat the puppet gently.

At this time, Her Royal Highness Imperial Princess came back to his senses, she was terrified and wanted to throw the puppet in her hand, but The feeling of being close to the puppet in her deep in one's heart stopped her body's instinctive movements, and the bewildered Imperial Princess looked towards Roy with a puzzled plea in her eyes.

"This is a fairy in Slavic legends. It has its silhouette in many Slavic stories. If you trace its origins, you can probably trace it to the deep sea giant of Celtic mythology, Balor, the king of the Fermor tribe. It has always been the secret treasure of the Romanov Dynasty, and the specific situation cannot be explained to you now, that... the cleaner has caught up again, Anna, you are now doing as I ask!"

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