Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1068: Spring and Autumn Dream

When the outside world focused on the general election, Franz sent his two sons to overseas colonies as governor.

Frankly speaking, there is a certain political risk when changing people at this time. The struggle for Anglo-Austrian hegemony is not over, and overseas colonization is not as stable as Mount Tai.

Once the colony falls in the future game, the governor is the first person to bear the brunt. But there is no way. Wealth has always been sought by danger.

Even for the royal family, political resources are not unlimited. In order to ensure a smooth transfer of power, political resources must be given priority to the crown prince.

In a country where military merits are nominated, there is not enough credit and prestige, even if Franz pushes them to the top, it is difficult to convince the public.

For long-term consideration, it is very necessary to send them to the colony in advance. Even if they did not accumulate enough merits, they could at least cultivate a group of trusted party members.

European imperial power is not as powerful as Eastern imperial power. Even if it is a powerful emperor like Franz, he can only follow the trend in many cases.

Although in the long run, the "Overseas State Program" is more beneficial to the empire, it is damaging the power of the central government in the short term.

Not everyone looks so far away, and not everyone can be selfless. Franz doesn't think this kind of plan can win the support of most people.

As an emperor, he can suppress opposition strongly, but Franz has no ability to make the people of overseas colonies loyal to his sons.

If you can't convince everyone, even if the emperor's order is reluctantly accepted, problems will continue in the future.

If you want to stabilize the regime, you must rely more on your own efforts. As the governor in advance, controlling local power is a good transition.

The change of term is the best time to finalize things. Everyone's attention is drawn away, and there is no time to care about the trivial matter of the colonial governor.

Even if a politician finds out, they can only pretend not to see it. Otherwise, there would be no place for them in the subsequent process of personnel adjustment.

The political struggle is cruel. Relatively speaking, the political struggle of the Vienna government is already considered harmonious.

As long as you don't die, even if you lose in a political struggle, the most serious consequence is to go home and take your grandson.

There is no shock inside Shinra, which does not mean that there is no change outside. The successive changes in the personnel of the colonial governors still attracted the attention of interested people.


St. Petersburg

Looking at the information in his hand, Nicholas II couldn't help rubbing his forehead. Perhaps the assassination left a sequelae. Every time he overuses his brain, he will feel a headache.

"Recently, the overseas governors of the Holy Roman Empire have been changing, and the new governors are still princes. What does Franz the Great want to do?"

Thanks to his status as a mentor of Soul Chicken Soup, Franz's prestige in the monarchy world is not generally high. Juniors like Nicholas II have not been fed chicken soup less.

As a disciplined instructor, although all he said were fudge, it was not completely nutritious.

A specific plan is never given, but there are rough suggestions. Taking himself as a case, Franz also let someone compile a history of struggle.

Although there are more than a billion elements of artistic processing, it still has reference significance and is very attractive to young monarchs.

What kind of reform cannot be achieved in one leap, but must proceed from detail; national development must be done step by step, and no opportunistic tricks...

The central idea is that the classics can no longer be classics. The only problem is that the principles are easy to understand, and it is troublesome to perform specific operations.

If you copy the struggle history of Emperor Franz, it is estimated that a small country will be able to complete the initial industrialization after 30 to 50 years of farming, and a big country will have to struggle for 20 to 30 years.

This "industrialization" is still based on the current industrial standards. Taking into account the development of the times, the actual time may be longer.

Of course, countries that already have an industrial base can greatly shorten this time. However, it still has nothing to do with Crash.

This is the case, but not everyone can see it. Most of them only saw the rapid restoration of Austria and the reconstruction of the Shenluo, but did not notice how many family backgrounds existed in Austria before the restoration, and ignored the vents of the great era.

It's like an entrepreneur sharing a successful experience, provided that he has "success". It can be used for reference, but it is a dream to copy.

It is one thing to learn or not to learn, but it does not affect Franz's respect. With these chicken soups, it is estimated that Franz will leave a strong mark in the history of the world.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Mikhailovich: "We have too little intelligence to confirm for the time being. However, taking into account the special system of the Holy Roman Empire, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs speculates that Franz the Great may have another enfeoffment.

In the history of the Habsburg dynasty, similar things have not never happened. The Holy Roman Empire is too big now, and it is not surprising that Franz the Great wants to split it up. "

It is indeed not the first time. That is how the first day of the empire that was overwhelmed by the European world was split by the Habsburgs.

"Right from wrong" is now difficult to distinguish from the few history books. However, after the division, the number of times the Habsburg dynasty was jointly targeted by various countries was significantly reduced.

The current Holy Roman Empire is a bit stronger than the empire that the sun never sets. Without the birth of the Anti-Shinluo Alliance, it can only be regarded as Franz's clever means.

The Russian Empire did not panic. In addition to the Russian-Austrian alliance, more people still believed that the strength of Shinra could not continue.

Franz has enough skills to make Shinra the leader of the European world, without being jointly targeted by everyone, does not mean that his successor also has this ability.

If you look at the territory of the Holy Roman Empire, once diplomatic failure falls into public criticism, there will be enemies on all sides.

Of course, the premise is that the Holy Roman Empire itself has problems first, otherwise the clerks would not dare to mix.

Prime Minister Sergey Witt: "If you are only worried about falling into public criticism, such a split is meaningless.

The core of the Holy Roman Empire is mainly Europe, the Near East, and the African continent. The remaining overseas colonies are just additions.

The governors who are currently replaced are all overseas colonies and have not touched the core area. Even without these areas, the strength of the Holy Roman Empire will not have much impact.

In the style of Emperor Franz, even if he is really worried about falling into public criticism, he cannot abandon his martial arts, and it is more likely to take the initiative.

Throughout the world, there are few countries that can pose a certain threat to the Holy Roman Empire. As long as these countries are suppressed, all problems will no longer be a problem. "

Obviously, this few threatening countries also include the Russian Empire. It is not a question of diplomatic relations, but the main problem lies in strength.

The Russian Empire has strength, and that is a potential threat. Once the Vienna government decides to eliminate the threat ahead of time, the Russian Empire cannot escape.

The existence of economic **** and the Russian-Austrian alliance can only guarantee that the two countries will not turn their faces directly, but it does not mean that they cannot secretly attack.

In recent decades, in secret games, the Tsarist government has not suffered less. The tragedy is that it is obviously that I have suffered a loss, but I still have a daily loss, and I am embarrassed to say it.

The deep "heart of fear" is beyond words. It can be seen that Sergey Witt has never really let go of his vigilance towards Shinra.

Minister of the Interior Vyacheslav: "Perhaps Franz the Great didn't think so much, just because he loved his son and wanted to get a fief for his sons.

You know that the African continent is now full of nobles. The remaining land is either strategically important or worthless desert and sandy land.

In contrast, overseas colonies are still more fertile. The number of nobles in the fief was relatively small, and it was not difficult to divide a piece from it to his son. "

Giving a fief to his son in the European world is nothing new. It is less in modern times, mainly because all countries are playing centralization.

It's not easy to get homeland, but overseas colonies have no restrictions. It is not a big deal for a person like Franz who has entrusted a five-figure nobleman to gain a fief for his son for personal gain.

The Habsburg dynasty itself has this tradition, but in modern times, most of the princes who were entrusted in the local area were just under the title.

Army Secretary Yevgeny: "This probability is not high. If only Aiko is eager, there are the Near East regions to choose from. Although the land is not fertile enough, the geographical position is superior.

I feel that Franz the Great is strengthening the control of the place. The governor of the colony is highly powerful, and he usually holds a tenure term. Don't worry about putting others up in such a position, just change to your own.

Considering the next battle between Shenluo and Britain for hegemony, once the victory is won, the colony of the Holy Roman Empire will expand further. It is also very necessary to plan ahead.

If this plan of Emperor Franz succeeds, it is obviously not a good thing for the Empire.

The Holy Roman Empire is too strong, and if we let them grow, even if we realize the Yellow Russia plan and take India, we can only keep pace with them. "


All speculations are reasonable, making the indecisive Nicholas II even more confused. But in the final analysis, there is a common conclusion, that is, going on like this is very detrimental to the Russian Empire.

Since it's not good for oneself, then there is no need to say, we must find a way to destroy it.

As for "realizing the Yellow Russia plan and taking India", it is just a dream for the time being. Rao had a good appetite for Nicholas II, and he didn't think he could realize the two big plans in a short time.

Of course, dreams are still necessary. If you don't even dream, what is the difference between it and salted fish?

With dreams in mind, Nicholas II frowned and asked: "How to stop it? The appointment of the governor of the colony is an internal affair of the Holy Roman Empire, and we have no reason to oppose it."

Interference in other countries' internal affairs is always taboo. Even if Russia and Austria are allies, the tsarist government still has no room to intervene on this issue.

If you go up and compare, not only will it not be effective, but it will worsen the relations between the two countries.

Prime Minister Sergey Witt: "Naturally, we can't directly interfere, but we can make trouble for them elsewhere.

Your Majesty, France has completely eroded. Wanting to get war reparations from the French is destined to be indefinitely.

At this point, continuing to station France in France has no meaning to the empire, and we should withdraw. "

Obviously, things are not as simple as "withdrawal". To cause trouble to the Holy Roman Empire, it is natural not to leave a stable France.

In fact, France has never been stable. Now just a little bit of material can turn France into a quagmire.

The Russian army is professional in sabotage. As long as the restraints were released, the custody caused France to immediately be engulfed.

Foreign Minister Mikhailovich objected: "Prime Minister, it is not time to withdraw troops. Although France has no value, don't forget the international influence.

As a member of the anti-French alliance, if we withdraw our troops for no reason, it will certainly arouse dissatisfaction with the empire.

Unless there is a reason that is acceptable to all parties, we will withdraw our troops in a hurry and deliberately create problems in France.

The achievements we have worked hard for decades in diplomacy will be lost for a while, and it will be difficult to recover. "

Politics has always been complicated, and it is obviously not advisable to look at problems from a certain direction.

Although the "diplomatic achievements" of the tsarist government are not significant, it is better to have something than nothing. The difficulty from zero to one is far greater than from one to two.

For the Tsarist government to let go at this time, it is a kind of betrayal to the anti-French alliance.

Traitors are always the most hateful. Not only can they not be mixed in the European world, but even the Russian-Austrian League will have problems.

"Excuses" are easy to find, but an "excus" that can be accepted by all parties is not so easy to find.

Since participating in the international community, it is inevitable to be bound by the rules of the international community, even the Russian Empire is no exception.

After a glance at the crowd, Nicholas II sighed secretly when no one retorted.

Diplomacy has always been a shortcoming of the tsarist government. The czars of all dynasties wanted to change this pattern, but for various reasons, they all ended in failure.

Relatively speaking, Alexander III can be regarded as the most successful one. The legacy of the diplomatic strategy has continued to the present.

Nicholas II, who was young and frivolous, was naturally unwilling to be in the shadow of his father, and always wanted to make further progress on this basis.

However, the plan always fails to keep up with the changes. Earlier, the atrocities committed by the Russian army in France attracted a lot of scolding. Fortunately, there were more people in the anti-French alliance, which made it to hold the ground.

If we are now renunciation of the anti-French alliance, it is estimated that the Russian Empire does not need to be in the international community. It’s nothing more than a bad reputation. The key is that international trade has not been done.

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