Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 217 Memories of murder sweep through the Lunar New Year holiday

On January 9, when various news linkages about memories of murder were becoming more and more intense around the world, Zhao Donghuai was watching a movie in a large villa of more than ten acres in Dakeng Village. He had edited each movie and completed all post-production work. It’s time to watch the Lunar New Year blockbusters released.

Halfway through the movie, there was a knock on the door outside, which startled Li Jiaxin and made her tremble violently.

When Ah Xin ran to open the door, Chen Hong was outside the door. Ah Hong came excitedly and showed off several lipsticks, "Boss, there are three types of Oriental series lipsticks, namely Xi Shi, Diao Chan, and Yang Yuhuan. How many are there? Different shades.”

"Try it? How do you feel?"

Zhao Donghuai was a little overwhelmed. This lipstick has been successfully developed and the color number has been finalized. Do you want to try it?

New product to try? Ah Hong used the wrong word!


Black River.

A group of figures gathered together and were eating and drinking in a restaurant. Their emotions were suppressed and hot. When another figure opened the door and walked in, the seven or eight young people at the table looked at each other and greeted them warmly.

"Da Qiang, come and take a sip to warm yourself up!"

"It warms your stomach on a cold day."

"Daqiang, how was your run? Did you get the clearance application?"


This group of people is among the dozens of drivers who applied to Zhao's Logistics in the early days to learn the skills of driving large trucks. During the Christmas period, they were transferred out to follow Pan-Asia bodyguards to run down the transportation line. After discovering the super trade route, they resigned. a group of people.

After resigning on New Year's Day, they gathered together and planned to go on the international business trip together.

Most of the people here are not from Heihe, but from other prefecture-level cities in Heilongjiang Province.

After they really started working alone, everyone discovered that in this era, if you want to buy cotton coats, drinks, bread, ham, bacon and other supplies in Heihe and other cities, you can buy them if you have money. Wanjia Supermarket in Heihe has them. The department store is well equipped with supplies.

But it is far from easy to obtain the clearance documents that allow them to enter Blagoveshchensk from Heihe.

Or as time goes by, in another year and a half, that kind of document will become easier and easier to process, because it will involve all the people becoming villains, and there are too many people, so the process of applying for the certificate will naturally be accelerated.

At this stage, a group of them have only gone there twice in a Zhao Logistics car. The second time they traded ten kilograms of personal goods, they basically made a few hundred yuan.

A few hundred yuan is a lot of wealth!

Northeast environment at this stage? We are not too far away from a massive layoff frenzy. Most workers in large factories in the Northeast earn a monthly salary of only a few dozen yuan, and not many can receive their wages on time without being in arrears.

Amidst the greetings, Daqiang came over and drank a glass of wine to warm himself up, and then calmed down his coldness, "Damn it, let's wait. In my opinion, why don't we try sneaking across?"

"We have saved a lot of goods this week, and we have almost spent all the money. It is not a problem to keep waiting like this!"

On the second trip, each person earned several hundred yuan, and most of them were turned into supplies, just waiting to be traded by the big-haired bear man.

Here, across the river is Blagoveshchensk with its big furry bears!

There is only a river blocking the way. The river is still frozen in winter. You can run across the frozen layer with your bag on your back. As long as you can find a suitable trader, it is not too difficult.

As a native of Heihe, Daqiang actually doesn't know anything about some things, but he just hasn't paid attention to them before.

Grabbing his chopsticks and taking a bite of chicken stewed with mushrooms, Daqiang looked to his left and right, "Pan Asia Group and Zhao's Logistics are both large international companies. The process is much easier than ours. To develop on your own, you can only take your time."

"How about we collect two bottles of good wine and a piece of Jinhua ham in the afternoon, and I can find a big brother who lives on the street to learn from it? It's best to ask him to contact the other side and find a buyer in advance."

"At night, while the river is freezing, let's bring the goods to meet and trade!"

Under the words, a group of young people looked at each other, some were greatly moved, while others looked worried and timid.

A certain young man thought for dozens of seconds before speaking, "What if we are hacked? In this kind of transaction, even if you find the local street guy, what will happen to the big furry bear guy opposite who doesn't follow the rules?"

Really, I was stimulated by the Zhao family and saw big bosses like Zhao Donghuai making tens of millions at a time, while they only made a few hundred yuan at a time. The gap was too big, and then I felt that if I went it alone, Me too.

Can you earn thousands or tens of thousands of dollars at a time? !

He broke the contract and resigned when his brain got hot. Even if he pays a hundred yuan in liquidated damages, it doesn't matter. Being blacklisted doesn't seem to matter? ?

Now that I have started working alone, more and more people are realizing the difficulties of working alone.

At these words, Daqiang's expression froze, but he continued to pick up vegetables, drink, chewed the mushrooms and swallowed them, and said, "I have to try it."

"I heard that another group from Harbin is trying to apply for documents and buy train tickets to go to Moscow to do business. If they really go to Moscow, they will definitely make a lot more money than here."

"But aren't they afraid of being hacked by the mafia? There are definitely risks involved. It's not unusual to encounter robberies on the train. Now that we have chosen this path, we are no longer employees of the Zhao family."

There were dozens of people who resigned from Zhao's Transportation in the first wave, and there were less than ten of them here. How could there be no problems and troubles?

A group of young people looked at each other. Some of the timid ones started to regret that they had resigned from Zhao. Otherwise, they would have followed the Pan-Asia Group and run the business safely under the protection of the big group. They would make three or four trips a month, and their monthly salary would increase. With extra money from small goods trading, it is possible to earn 2,000 yuan a month.

This was a monthly salary of 2,000 yuan in early 1988.

Big groups have their own advantages and disadvantages, and running a single gang on your own also has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Seeing his friends' lower confidence, Da Qiang immediately raised his glass and said, "Come on, brothers, let's have a drink together. We are all good guys in our 20s. There are nine of us together. Even if we meet a gangster, Even if you eat black, it’s not hopeless to survive.”

The other eight people raised their glasses.



When zero o'clock arrived on the 12th, on the cold Black River, a group of figures carried or pulled big bags and ran back to the shore in panic from the frozen river.

They all gasped and sat on the roadside, unable to hide the panic and fear on their faces.

The afternoon before yesterday, Daqiang took the lead and found a big brother who was a gangster on the street. He wanted to ask him to help contact the buyer, because Daqiang’s middleman was pretty good, and the big brother also contributed to the work.

But the eldest brother can't guarantee whether the big-haired bear people on the other side of the river will sell his face to do fair business and smuggle people into business. No one can guarantee that they are all serious businessmen.

It was almost midnight on the 11th, so they each took their goods to trade. When they arrived at the consignee, they saw a group of people holding knives and steel pipes who wanted to rob them.

Public security in this era is not very good. It is not too difficult to obtain guns and other things, but it is a border transaction. How many people dare to actually use guns? The chaos that a single gunshot can cause is far beyond what ordinary gunshots can sound in other areas.

So there are knives, steel pipes, etc. that Daqiang and his group also carry.

After breathing for a while, Daqiang stood up and looked around. There were still nine people. "No one is injured, right? Is anyone injured?"

A figure suddenly stood up, enduring the pain and crying, "I'm injured. I got a knife on my back. The wound is cold and painful..."

Daqiang hurriedly walked over to check, and after a few minutes he said thankfully, "It's nothing serious, the skin is injured, and the wound is frozen. Go back to the doctor quickly... Fortunately, we wear thick clothes in the winter, and our cotton clothes are strong and durable."

Another suddenly stood up and shouted, "All my things were robbed, I didn't get a penny, all my goods were robbed!"

What he bought was cotton-padded clothes, drinks, instant noodles and ham.

The crowd gathered together and started again. When they were going to find a doctor, a young man with slightly longer hair said with a sad face while walking, "I regret it and want to go home."

If this was a group of people like Ha Shi Qiao Si and He Zizi, they would definitely not be frightened by a gangster in a smuggling transaction. The nature of that group of people is the same as the fierce brother of the Hong Kong community. They would fight and fight. normal.

But they are not. They are normal unemployed young people who are strong but do not want to break the law. They are taught by Zhao Logistics to drive a big car for free and they apply for the driver team.

Using knives, steel pipes, etc. to fight and do business by being fierce? It's not within the range they expected.

As he spoke, Daqiang's face turned even darker, "Are you going home? If your goods are not robbed, you can take them home and eat them yourself. Five or six hundred yuan of supplies is enough for your family to have a good year, but this Weren't you robbed? What are you going to do back home? Where will you find a job after this?"

"Originally high-paying jobs with a monthly salary of 2,000 or more have been voluntarily given up. If you look for them again, you may not be able to find one with a monthly salary of 50, which can be paid on time."

"Are you willing?"

Of course I am unwilling to give in. No one will find someone with a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan after experiencing a monthly salary of 2,000. Just like no matter who it is in the future, good luck will happen occasionally. After experiencing a monthly salary of 50,000 or 60,000, you will drop back to 20,000 or 30,000. Thousand yuan? No one can stand the excitement of this gap.

"We've come to this point, let's fight. At worst, we'll have to wait for the documents to be sorted out. After the documents come out, as long as we can go there once, we can't do business in broad daylight and under the protection of the police. We can't still be so exciting, right??"

Although he still talks tough, he still wants to continue his career as a salesman, but Daqiang actually has regrets in his heart...

Forget it, let's wait and see. The only good thing is that the supplies they exchanged for a few hundred yuan were also brought back during the transaction. Even if they ended up throwing it away, it was still an option to take it home and spend a good year with the whole family.

At the end of his mind, he said, "Wait, wait a few more days, if you still can't wait for the documents and can't find a reliable buyer, then we can find the real big brother to take us to the transaction. At worst, we can pay a few percent of the profit." .”

Submission? ?

The remaining eight people were a little speechless and felt that they were so upset. If they were to submit confessions, they might as well have followed Zhao's transportation in the first place.


On the morning of the 12th, in the villa in Dakeng Village, Ah Hong went through a period of restlessness and hard work before she excitedly pulled Director Zhao to watch (Prank Kiss) together.

Before even finishing one episode, Director Zhao became distracted by this kind of idol drama... The (prank) project, which started filming in late November, has been completed and produced in less than 2 months.

It can only be said that the combination of Mei Xiaoqing and Chen Musheng is too experienced in filming such a big idol drama, and the entire series only has 30 episodes.

The acting skills required for idol dramas are also on the low side, and the routine-style filming is really quick!

In this big crew, the male protagonist Liu Yijun was a little more advanced in the early stage. He had only been in ATV for half a year, and his foundation was not very solid. Fortunately, Xiao Liu was also talented and was not bad at learning.

Before the official start of the cast, he got the script and prepared for the male lead role for nearly a month. He often asked the Asian Opera teacher to help him improve. When he joined the crew, he also loved to learn. He loved to ask all the experienced actors for advice and learn from each other. Under the guidance of Chen Musheng and others, I got through it.

At this stage, Li Youbin, who is known as "the most talented youngster in ten things," is actually quite good at acting, and he also helped Liu Yijun a lot in the crew.

This kind of (Mischievous Kiss) is still a high-quality idol drama, but Zhao Donghuai is not the audience for this type of drama and has different preferences.

However, Ah Hong has paid so much and dedicated so much Apple work. Zhao Donghuai is not the audience, and he is too embarrassed to directly avoid him.

"By the way, can the production scale of factories in the mainland keep up?"

After trying it for many days, different testers have tried it one by one. I can only say that the quality of the Oriental lipstick series produced by the Gan Province General Factory is quite good.

Just the factory...

Chen Hongcan smiled, "The main factory site in my hometown is still under construction. The large factory has only been built for a few months and cannot be completed. It currently has a full set of production lines, plus trained workers, and borrows space from other factories for production."

"After the TV series becomes popular, it should not be difficult to supply the goods to Haowan in the initial stage. The branch factory in Pengcheng is still under construction."

Building a large factory, even if it is a headquarters building with only five or six floors at the top, and one or two floors of production workshops, it cannot be completed in two or three months. You can only borrow space for production. This does not matter. In the early days, Jianlibao, The strong beer area is also very low and backward.

But as long as you grasp the brand power and promote the brand, it can directly compete with international brands such as Givenchy, Gucci, and Armani. A lipstick can sell for more than 200 to 300 Hong Kong dollars.

This is a very stable cash river business.

In the current field of high-end luxury goods in the Mainland, a piece of clothing in Han Tianxia costs a few hundred yuan, and a pair of shoes costs a few hundred yuan. In fact, the sales are not bad. At least powerful people like Wang Shitou buy this for themselves or as gifts for their girlfriends. , no pressure.

Of course, in the field of luxury clothing, shoes and hats in the Mainland, Han Tianxia has the same sales volume as big European and American brands, and there are still many people who really like to wear European and American brands. There is nothing you can do about it, there are banana people everywhere.

Chen Hong's Oriental series is like this, Li Jiaxin's (Five Thousand Years) series is also like this, and even Zhao Donghuai's own wallet has been replaced by a (Five Thousand Years) model.

He has pocket space, and it is much more convenient to use money every day than carrying a physical wallet, but no one outside knows this.

After thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "We'll wait for a while to avoid the limelight of the big movies (Memories of Murder) and launch a TV series."

For major movie projects such as Memories of Murder, the first weekend and the following week have passed. Calculated by time, it was only the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month in 1987. During that time period, 30 episodes of "Prank Kiss" were released, which was quite good. They were all competing for TV during the winter vacation.

After joking for a while and then watching it for a while, Director Zhao stood up decisively and said, "Wait a minute, I'm giving you the entire book, the novel and the TV series together."

Let’s do another one (Destined to Love You). This is also an unavoidable project in the idol drama series of Ben Province. It is also the creator and long-term holder of the highest ratings of idol dramas in Ben Province.

There are 20 episodes of scripts, and if you ask him to copy the plot, he will feel more comfortable and relaxed than watching a live-action idol drama. After all, copying is one thing, but watching it through personal experience is another.

The preference classification between men and women is sometimes not obvious, but sometimes the difference is very obvious.

From "My Love from the Star" to "Mischievous Kiss" to "Destined to Love You" three times, Ah Hong, the godmother of idol dramas, has been able to sit very firmly and feel more at ease.

But what Zhao Donghuai didn't expect was that after hearing that he was going to "create" directly, Ah Hong stopped watching TV and went to experience the high-quality live reading experience that was fulfilling but not empty.


January 14th arrived as scheduled.

At around seven o'clock in the morning on Hong Kong Island, when groups of figures gathered in the lobby on the fourth floor of a theater in Kowloon Tong, many people were curious, excited and expecting, planning to watch "Memories of Murder" together. of.

Of course, there are also many people who came here for "Ip Man 2" and "Wealth and Power". The latter two movies are not low in popularity, but for the time being, they have been suppressed and relatively inconspicuous.

Who makes the real-life linkage effect in South Korea too strong? The three girls Cai Shaofen, Zhu Yin, and Hong Xin got together. After Ah Fen, who was wearing a hat, sunglasses and mask, called Big Brother twice more, but failed to get through, she regretted that , "I guess Sister Xin has something important to do, and I haven't been able to get in touch with her."

"Forget it, let's watch it first. If it's too scary, ask her to watch it together next time. Then it will be her turn to be the most frightened."

Zhu Yin was also wearing a hat and a mask. After glancing around, she still suggested, "How about we watch Ip Man 2? I'd give it ten to Master Ip, it's still very good. I always feel that we three little girls I came here to watch a crime thriller, and I felt a little... unsure of myself."

We are all little girls aged sixteen or seventeen. Isn’t it a bit too exciting to watch such a thriller crime movie? But Ah Fen insisted on watching (Memories of Murder) first.

Hong Xin also nodded hurriedly, "Why don't you watch "Wealth and Power", Ah Fen, you are also one of the starring roles."

Cai Shaofen shook his head, "No, look at (Memories of Murder), my God, the trial hasn't started yet in South Korea, it's too slow!"

On January 5th, Chief Prosecutor Park Jin-wook announced that he had arrested the devil Lee Chun-jae. However, when the other party carried out the eighth kidnapping and murder case, both people and stolen goods were seized at the scene.

Logically speaking, it’s easy to handle? Is it readily available?

No, that can only be regarded as catching a person and taking the stolen goods once. The previous seven cases, the trial of the seven victims, the summary of evidence, etc., need to be tried slowly and the evidence collected slowly.

If you kill one person, is it killing? Is it the same as killing eight people in a row? ?

Even if no more evidence can be found from the scene of the previous crimes, as long as Li Chunzai can break through his psychological defenses and prove his confession, it will be more reliable in the trial.

So the interrogation lasted for nine days. So far, Li Chunzai has only confirmed that he is the serial murderer in a case where his DNA remains at the scene.

There are still six victim cases where little breakthrough has been made, and the other side refuses to acknowledge them.

Even if Li Chunzai cannot produce evidence such as alibi, an alibi still cannot prove everything.

The interrogation period was a bit long, which made the outside world's attention to the case... more intense and powerful. The family members of the seven recent victims, except Miura Takashi, who also committed murder in South Korea, have never been to the prosecutor's office.

The other six victims were all from a large family, with many blood relatives within three servers. They formed a group around the prosecutor's office every day and sat in silence, saying that they would wait until the final result before leaving, and that they would wait to pay tribute to their deceased relatives. , to seek justice.

Many members of the media often stay on guard.

There are also a large number of ordinary citizens who often come and watch in the area around the Grand Prosecutor's Office.

As for the South Korean media, most of them are discussing whether Li Chunzai should be sentenced to life imprisonment or the death penalty!

South Korea now has the death penalty. The original trajectory was not until December 1997, when 23 criminals were executed at one time, and the death penalty was basically abolished. Well, it is the kind of law that still retains the death penalty, but more than 20 people after 1997 There has been no actual execution in years.

Change the death penalty to suspended death, indefinite period, etc...

Cai Shaofen was also very curious about this aspect, "Do you think Li Chunzai was sentenced to life or to death?"

"In such a big case, it is obviously best to impose the death penalty. Why does Miura Takashi from that island country keep appealing in the media, hoping that he will be sentenced to life without parole?"

Miura Takashi has not been to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office to wait for the results, but he has been calling, hoping to give Li Chunzai an indefinite sentence... Well, everyone knows the reason. A Yamaguchi-gumi leader is a gangster, and in order to avenge his daughter, he also caused a storm in South Korea. .

Once Li Chunzai is sentenced to life in prison? ? It is estimated that Miura Takashi has been waiting for someone to deal with him. Even if Li Chunzai is serving his sentence in a South Korean prison, Miura can't pay prison bullies or guards to torture him?

Zhu Yin and Hong Xin looked at each other and discussed for a while. When eight o'clock was approaching, the three women grabbed their movie tickets and entered the relevant screening room.

After grabbing Jianlibao and popcorn and sitting down, the theater fell into darkness and the big screen lit up. Cai Shaofen and Zhu Yincai took off their masks, ate popcorn and started watching.

When the title and subtitles flashed, the screen lit up.

The subtitles show that in 2019, it is dawn in Busan Prison. It is similar to the opening of Hong Kong's prison situation. It is the arrival of a new day. The prisoners start a new day, get up, wash, eat breakfast, and then go to work in each factory.

The camera is from the perspective of Simon Yam, who appears to be very kind, honest and honest, and shows a prisoner named Li Chunzai with a few numbers. He has been in prison here for more than 20 years. He has always been an honest and transparent person in prison. Model prisoner.

During the daily broadcast in the prison, Cai Shaofen was excited, "The character's name is also Li Chunzai? Oh my god, could the crew have predicted it?"

Zhu Yin couldn't help but roll her eyes at her, "You're crazy about clues. The case was solved on the 5th. The real murderer's name is Li Chunzai. The whole world knows the news. This time is enough for the crew to start over in post-production."

Cai Shaofen was stunned, "Yes..."

In fact, Ah Fen was not the only one who had the same doubts and curiosity at this moment. There were many viewers who were shocked by the name of the protagonist and were quickly educated by some smart people.

The next moment, Afen asked curiously, "No, the serial killer played by Brother Hua is too honest and honest. He is obviously the most common good old man. How could he be that kind of serial killer?"

"He looks more introverted than Ah Fa in Prison Storm?"

Zhu Yin glared at her again and said nothing. "Afa, is that what you can call me?"


90 minutes later.

Cai Shaofen walked out of the cinema crying, frightened into tears by Simon Yam's various lunacy, nerves, cruelty and other villainous killer qualities.

In the earliest opening chapter, Ah Hua behaved so honestly and harmlessly. When he tortured his victims again and again, the contrast between the peak cruelty and inhumanity was so strong. Really, the three girls felt that they could finish reading it. This movie is so courageous.

In a movie, there are not just a few people who are so scared that they cry and run away after watching half of the movie. In a screening hall, there are more than a dozen people who are scared away.

Even if every time he violently kills and tortures women on the big screen, he will always give a profile, and will not show real crime scenes, and will not miss any points, but when the atmosphere is right, combined with the terrifying and suspenseful soundtrack, it is frightening. Really unusual.

Crime movies also show how Simon Yam selects and hunts targets. Whenever he has the urge to commit a crime, he will spend at least half a month selecting targets in the surrounding areas or other areas, specifically selecting those he usually likes. A victim who walks alone and has a limited social circle.

For example, the third time he committed a crime, he originally spent more than ten days selecting a target and was about to do something. Unexpectedly, the victim suddenly received several friends from other places, and he was accompanied by someone every day for three consecutive days, so he decided to stop.

He waited for the target to play with his friends for a week and the friends left before committing the crime.

Another example is that he is proficient in tracking and investigation skills. In the heavy rain with a temperature of several degrees below zero, he stayed in the heavy rain for more than an hour just to wait for the victim to be alone...

There are also various ways to clean up the scene, remove traces and clues, and battle wits with the police and the troops chasing him.

Just from the perspective of a crime thriller movie, Simon Yam brought this criminal protagonist to life, scaring so many girls and women into tears that the audience left the show midway.

This is proof of his actor-level strength!

When Ah Fen came out crying holding Zhu Yin's arm, and was still considering whether to buy a few tickets for a comedy movie (no matter how rich or powerful) to relieve her mood, she heard the sound of taking pictures and flash lights caught her eyes.

After clicking a few photos, a reporter quickly came over and said, "Wow, Fen, you are crying so hard and still so scared. Are you scared to cry by (Memories of Murder)? Is it that scary?"

Cai Shaofen and the other girls suddenly realized that they had forgotten to wear masks and hats.

Before more surrounding spectators noticed these two big stars, six male and female bodyguards quickly appeared from the left and right and began to help Afen and the girls.

The reporter raised his hand and explained, "I am a reporter from Kowloon Daily. I work in the news. Ah Fen, can I interview you? This is my press card."

It wasn't until they announced that they were members of their own family that the bodyguards relaxed. Cai Shaofen thought about it and nodded.

Although she wanted to watch it (rich and powerful) and use comedy to dilute some of the fear, she also knew that after the news that she was watching a movie here spread, this theater would no longer be suitable for her to stay.


A new day, January 15th.

When the first-day box office results of various Lunar New Year films hit the eyes of Hong Kong residents, the beautiful photos of Ah Fen, whose eyes were red from crying and still looked good, but with a frightened and nervous expression on her face, became popular with the release of the Kowloon Daily News Woke up.

"Highly recommended. One of the smartest and cutest little bosses in the world. He was scared to tears by (Memories of Murder) more than once. Simon Yam, Brother Hua, is about to become a nightmare for Asian women!"

Oriental Daily said, "Reality and the film (Memories of Murder) are linked together. It is worth watching. Simon Yam's acting skills are amazing and he looks like an actor. I strongly recommend that South Korea sentence the serial murderer to death!"

Sing Tao Daily, "Although it is still unknown how the South Korean Hwaseong serial murders were committed and what the punishment will be, but the author predicts that at least half of the movie (Memories of Murder) will be realistically explained to the audience, and There is a huge degree of overlap among the many tragedies in South Korea."

"I strongly recommend that all female citizens in Hong Kong watch this movie. From the movie, female compatriots can learn a lot of skills on how to protect themselves from being targeted by scum and demons outside."

Ren Dahua was making breakfast at home when there was a knock on the door.

When he walked over to open the door, he found Miao Qiaowei holding a few newspapers and laughing exaggeratedly, "Brother Hua, you are so popular. You are so popular. You are going to be nominated for Best Actor."

"Look, it's not just our Hong Kong newspapers that praise your acting skills, there are also many media in South Korea and island countries that praise you. I specially selected you."

Ren Dahua was speechless, "Young Master, although my character can be regarded as one of his masterpieces, this character..."

I guess he won't be able to make much money. Li Chunzai's image is too scumbag and a devil, and he probably doesn't earn much from bringing goods. On the contrary, when he played the role of Brother Le in the underworld, he actually sold well with goods.

After all, in the New World, Zhou Runfa and Wan Ziliang played club bosses like Li Zicheng and Ding Qing respectively. They were also popular in the bad boy world and made millions by selling beer and goods.

After letting Amiao enter the room, he smiled and said, "Would you like to grab some? I heard that after Xingyou became a hit, your villain character actually sold well when selling goods?"

Ah Miao was not polite, "Eat, of course I won't be polite. It's strange for me to say that Professor Wang, the big villain who framed Gu Zai for killing people and the heir to the plutocrats... actually earns a good amount from selling goods and is popular."

"It seems that if you are good-looking, you will be forgiven easily even if you do bad things."

While talking, he also struck a few cute poses.

Brother Da Hua gave him a look and didn't bother to talk to him. After eating breakfast and exchanging greetings, Da Hua smiled and said, "You just go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. What on earth is going on? Why don't you tell me?"

Miao Qiaowei sneered, "I heard that Director Yuan Heping wants to make a new action movie. I made an appointment for you? Take me to see it?"

Of course he didn't come here just to hang out. According to the original track, Yuan Heping was making action movies in the early to mid-1980s. He suffered repeated defeats and fell silent for many years.

In this dimension, Director Yuan worked as a martial artist several times for Zhao's early new action films, and he joined the Yuan family together. After a few years of hard work, he came up with a new project called Money Laundering.

Ren Dahua laughed and said, "You are quite well-informed. Anyway, it is still in the preparation stage for filming. I will take you to see it after dinner."

New action movies, they are all in Hurricane Rescue 2, the Flying Tiger team trained together with Andy Lau, they are also experienced in filming that one.

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