Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 295 Daddy An Kou, something is wrong?

A new day, Kaiping.

When Jiang Wen, Ge You and others gathered the Bullet Flying creators after breakfast, Liu Yijun asked curiously, "Hey, where is Fa Ge? Did you get up late?"

Jiang Wen looked at him with a smile, "I didn't get up late. Brother Fa asked for leave. He is recruiting workers in the factory today. Although the core management team was formed by Zhao Sheng poaching people from other companies, Ah Fa actually invested in a company." Ten million Hong Kong dollars.”

"As a big boss, he still needs to take a look."

Zhang Zhijian suddenly clapped his hands, "Brother Fa has successfully set up an umbrella factory, so if we wait a little longer, we can set up a factory."

A month ago, on the set of Let the Bullets Fly, Jiang Wen suggested that a group of people brainstorm and bring out the trend of stars returning to their hometowns in the mainland to set up factories, half doing good things and half making money.

In the end, Zhou Runfa chose to open an umbrella factory here in Kaiping. Whether it is straight umbrellas, automatic folding umbrellas, parasols, etc., there is no shortage of consumers around the world.

When we started, we didn't think so big. We just needed to attack the major cities in Hong Kong, Haowan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.

The management and operation team hired 10 or 20 people. The factory is still under construction, but after deciding what kind of factory to build, the folks in Kaiping are still very helpful and provide strong support. Some government-owned enterprises with poor profitability have all given way to the factory. , in conjunction with the production line purchased by Afa, we began to prepare for production.

Some leaders also came forward and invited some old masters from other umbrella factories in the mainland to come over and prepare to be coaches to guide the new recruits to the factory.

Xiao Yingying asked curiously, "How many employees are Fa Ge going to recruit for the first time when he opens the factory?"

Jiang Wen explained with a smile, "I heard that 500 people will be recruited initially. They will work eight hours a day, take one day off a week, and have holidays on holidays. They will have a rotating vacation system. They will not have accommodation but food will be included. The monthly salary will be 180 yuan. I heard that those who sign up will be able to earn 180 yuan. Too much……"

Xiao Yingying blinked, a little? Monthly salary 180 yuan?

Well, she can be considered one of the people who has gradually lost touch with the normal citizens in society. She actually doesn't quite understand this concept.

Not to mention being out of touch with the mainland citizens, even the ordinary citizens on Hong Kong Island and Hong Kong, and the celebrities who have become popular for a long time are also gradually losing touch.

There is a big gap between what they think about the living environment of citizens, wages, remuneration, etc., and the real situation.

Ge You smiled and said, "When I was in the capital before, the average salary of the people in the capital was only about 200 yuan, right?"

"Good guy, Brother Fa is getting a high salary this time. No wonder so many people signed up."

There is a saying that in 1987, when Wanjia opened its doors all over the mainland, in big cities like Jingshangyang, the average salary of employees of large enterprises with official establishments and official establishments was only one hundred yuan. At that time, Wanjia in Jingshangyang was The monthly salary is 200 yuan.

That year, the filming of "The Female Medical Saint" was shot in Bianliang. Wanjia opened in Bianliang. Wanjia's monthly salary of 120 yuan was already twice the monthly salary of about 60 yuan for employees in Bianliang's government-owned enterprises at that time.

There is another very important thing. The average salary of all citizens in the city and the average salary of government-owned enterprises are also two different concepts...

Even if prices have broken through in the past two years, there are still issues such as salary increases. At this stage in Beijing, the average monthly salary for people in the city is 200 yuan per person in 360 industries.

Zhou Runfa opened this umbrella factory with a monthly salary of 180 yuan. Is he catching up with the capital? At this stage, Kaiping is just a county.

It is conceivable that even if there is only one day off per week, eight hours of work includes meals. Such benefits are enough to encourage countless young men and women of working age to work in factories.

Hu Huizhong smiled and said, "The umbrella factory also has great prospects. I didn't know about it before, but when I really planned to enter the industry, Afa also learned about it. There is an umbrella brand in North America called Totes. It is an old brand in North America and only sells Umbrella basically has a turnover of about 4 billion Hong Kong dollars a year, and a net profit of more than 2.5 billion."

"He is targeting markets in Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. He only sells umbrellas. As long as the brand has a certain reputation, he does not expect to earn 2 billion a year. That is too exaggerated. It is unrealistic if several people are not killed or injured in the business war."

"But by setting a small goal of earning HK$20 million a year, and giving 20%+ of the profits belonging to his big boss to his employees, he can maintain the situation."

"It's easy to promote the brand. When we are filming movies and movies, we are all friends. If there is a rainy scene, just use Fa Ge's brand."

Hu Huizhong also knew that it was Qiu Shuzhen who copied Zhou Runfa's rules for the factory... That sister Zhen opened a cushion factory in her hometown.

It is a car seat cushion or a sofa chair cushion at home. There is a market for it. Azhen and Zhang Min's New World Passenger Transport has 10,000 taxis and 10,000 license plates on Hong Kong Island. It has developed to 5,000 cars and 5,000 license plates. .

In spring, summer, autumn and winter, the demand for taxi car seat cushions is a profit point. Azhen's brothers and sisters still open a decoration company with four-digit employees... During the decoration process, just push the sofa cushions, etc., isn't it the market?

It can also be radiated to the car owners in Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.

A big sister like Sister Zhen, even if she moves casually, has the potential to hit the first-class cushion brands in East and Southeast Asia. Zhao Donghuai can rely on him in business wars.

Once this market is established, it may not be worse than New World Passenger Transport. What is the demand for seat cushions? The market scope is so broad that you can still buy new products every year.

That's why Qiu Shuzhen opened a cushion factory in her hometown, and entered all fields of leather, artificial leather, artificial wool, polyester wool, etc. at once.

Her cushion factory started with an investment of 50 million Hong Kong dollars and hired 3,000 employees in Kaiping, her ancestral home. She went for a first-class brand. Azhen also set a monthly salary of 180 yuan. She has an eight-hour working day and the benefits are definitely not as good as Wanjia's. Supermarket, Wanjia is a comprehensive supermarket. The supermarket has a full range of people's livelihood department stores.

Therefore, the holiday gifts given to employees during the holidays are all carried by carts. This one cushion factory is not as good as one-tenth of Wanjia...

However, the frequency of vacations taken by cushion factories during holidays can still be traced.

The frequency of vacations is two days a week, seven days off during the Spring Festival, three days off during the Mid-Autumn Festival, three days off on National Day, two days off on May Day, and one day off on the remaining holidays such as Double Ninth Festival and Tomb Sweeping Day.

Generally speaking, there are not as many holidays as Wanjia Group, but the annual rotation of holidays is more than 120 days, which is equal to the frequency of working two days and taking one day off a year.

Azhen didn't expect to make money from this, so she opened the factory as a semi-charitable operation. She gave more than 95% of the profits and wealth that originally belonged to the big boss and gave 45%+ to the management and employees.

She is rich and willful, and only needs 50%. Zhou Runfa and she have the same ancestral place, so she has been tricked to this point. The salary in the umbrella factory can be compared, and she really dare not copy it during her vacation.

He is taking 95%+ of the profits of an enterprise group that originally belonged to the big boss and giving more than 20% to the management and employees.

This is the case with some things, such as umbrellas, cushions, stainless steel cutlery and plates, etc., they may look inconspicuous, but if you make them big, they will be hugely profitable.

Talking about umbrellas, the annual net profit of North American Totes is more than 2.5 billion Hong Kong dollars. In fact, there will also be a Paradise Umbrella Factory in the mainland in the future, which will also make a net profit of about 2 billion Hong Kong dollars a year, but those will be the cards and profits in 20 to 30 years.

Opening a factory like this will offend many, many people, but as Guan Jiahui complained when this trend first started, there are many people who will complain and even hate Zhao Donghuai in private, but similar rumors are of no use.

Hu Huizhong said again, "Those who rushed to Fa Ge Umbrella Factory today were basically those who applied for jobs at Sister Zhen's cushion factory and were eliminated..."

They are all looking for jobs in the county, whether they are county residents or rural young men and women, don't you know? Entering the factory and teaching from scratch, as long as you are smart and willing to learn, but such high wages and holidays are second only to Wanjia Supermarket.

It is also a good job for villagers in towns and villages to wait and grab a head start.

Not to mention, how many upstream companies and markets will this drive? Whether it is raw materials for cushions of various materials and materials, or raw materials for making umbrellas and parasols, how many people will be involved? ? How many companies?

How big is the food, clothing, housing and transportation for 3,500 factory workers? Also, if Qiu Shuzhen's cushion factory becomes a first-class brand in East and Southeast Asia and is supported by countless consumers, the factory with 3,000 people will definitely expand its employment.

Even Ah Fa's umbrella factory, if it can reach the annual profit level of 20 million Hong Kong dollars, may not be enough with 500 people.

Five hundred people with a monthly salary of RMB 180, for 12 months a year, only need to be paid RMB 1.08 million in salary a year. Of course, if you operate a 12-hour system and compress during holidays, you can continue to grow and develop without expanding your staff and opening branch factories.

Just like the Paradise Umbrella Factory in the future, when the annual profit is 2 billion, it only has more than 5,000 employees. Calculated directly on a proportional basis, if the annual profit is 200 million, more than 500 employees will be enough. In the future, 996 and 007 will have too many big bosses.伱 is shown clearly.

But the core...the focus...the foundation? ?

When stars come back to open factories and start businesses, they do not rely on this to become traditional capitalists, but drive the development of their hometowns and earn foreign exchange, establish a new public image of big stars, and run businesses in a semi-philanthropic manner.

This kind of enterprises are blooming all over China. After Yuan Jieying wins the lottery prize again and donates 200 million to her hometown, it will no longer be inconvenient for celebrities to respond when they are kidnapped by morality.

Xiao Yingying said happily, "That's true. With Sister Zhen here, Brother Fa may have no hope of becoming the richest man in Kaiping in the 1990s."

"Hey, I heard that when Sister Zhen's factory opened, the leaders here allocated two pieces of land in the core business district, which was almost like giving it away for free. I want to ask Sister Zhen for help and invite Wanjia Group to come in. Wanjia won't come. You can also consider letting good luck come to you and open a few more.”

"It would be even better if Huazhi Chain could also open a branch. It would be a great thing to come in."

What is the current commercial land at the county level in the Mainland? In fact, there is basically no price. Too many people would rather give it to you at a cabbage price and just want your business group to come in.

Regardless of Wanjia Supermarket, Baijia Xing Chain, Huazhi Chain, or Good Luck Lai Chain, only those who have experienced it know that in many cases the service attitude is N times better than that of many government-owned enterprises, the environment is good, and the salary is high …

They are all the best examples of hello, me, and everyone.

Even under these words, Jiang Wen, Ge You, Liu Yijun, Hu Jun, etc. also had longing and expectations on their faces, and they were all obviously envious.

This is really not a matter of money. It is not about making millions or 10 million. The feeling of elation it can give you can be compared with others. Leaders who could only look up to you in the past are chasing after you. They will give you land and invite you to take over. of a market.

Is this what actors in the past dared to think and dream? ?

The next moment, Liu Yijun smoked a cigarette and said with a smile, "We have to work harder and finish filming as soon as possible to let the bullets fly. It has been three and a half months and it is almost time to wrap up. After finishing filming, I am still waiting to return to my hometown in glory."

Since 1987, he has been working as the male protagonist of a movie (Prank Kiss) and the second male lead of (Destined to Love You). He has been saving for two years now and has made tens of millions in sales revenue.

There is also the white version of "The Beginning" starring Winona Ryder, which is popular in Hong Kong, South Korea, and Star-Matai this summer. He is the male protagonist. He is also the male protagonist. His image as a TV star has become popular in Europe and the United States. .

This wave made tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

Now, even if you go out and shoot a non-exclusive endorsement advertisement for a certain product, you will have to start at least 500,000 Hong Kong dollars.

There are also some factories and companies in the Mainland that are willing to spend 700,000 to 800,000 yuan or 1 million yuan to hire him to shoot advertisements. For such companies, his hometown is the most popular.

He couldn't wait for a long time and wanted to go back to his hometown in fine clothes. But in the past, it was big stars who went back and enjoyed a bit of glory. Now, like Fa Ge, he returned to his hometown as the "Pride of Kaiping".

His factory and business have been decided for a long time, including fishing rods and fishing gear. From ancient times to the future, there will be a steady stream of fishermen, one generation after another. He does not pursue too high or too far. Like Fa Ge, he is known as his hometown. A good person who is spread word of mouth by a large number of citizens will do the trick.

Well, set a small goal to become one of the top ten entrepreneurs in Chang'an in the 1990s? ? Or become the richest man in the first district?

Anyway, he is selling fishing rods and various other fishing gear to Hong Kong, South Korea, and Xingma Tai to earn foreign exchange. The leaders in his hometown must support him strongly.

He felt that this was also the goal of being able to honor his ancestors!

When some people are no longer obsessed with pursuing more money and wealth, fame becomes another pursuit and desire.

Jiang Wen laughed and said, "Xiao Liu, do you think my filming is too slow? Let's talk about it. I have a complete script to copy, so I don't have to think hard about how to do various scenes... It should be done in more than a month."

"Our crew is not short of good actors, but Zhao Sheng suddenly pushed me into this position. I was also afraid of screwing up the shot, so I could only take more shots frequently and keep several different versions of the film, and select carefully in the end."

"Anyway, if you can't make it in time for the summer season and plan to prepare for the Lunar New Year season, don't worry."

Liu Yijun hurriedly raised his hand, "No, no, I didn't mean that. I just envy Fa Ge's reputation and reputation in his hometown..."

Although there is a certain gap in treatment between Zhou Runfa's umbrella factory and Qiu Shuzhen's cushion factory, his reputation in his hometown is also top-notch.

Everyone knows that once the New World Passenger Transport owned by Qiu Shuzhen is listed, it can easily have a market value of 20 to 30 billion Hong Kong dollars, and Azhen will be one of the absolute major shareholders...

As for Ah Fa, he is just an ordinary billionaire, and there is a big class gap between him and the tens of billionaires.

They are just ordinary celebrities. Many of them have the qualifications of primary school graduates or middle school dropouts. How can they dare to chase the reputation of Wanjia Supermarket, Huazhi Chain and Lucky Chain? Everyone is not on the same level.


ATV Office.

When Qiu Shuzhen walked on the catwalk to deliver coffee, Zhang Min laughed and joked, "Azhen, you are so crazy, you still walk on the catwalk to bring tea?"

Azhen put the coffee in front of Zhao Donghuai, and then helped Director Zhao start rubbing his shoulders, "That's not true, I am now the biggest entrepreneur in Kaiping, and (The Queen of 5,000 Years), the mainland also has a box office of more than 300 million, It’s extremely popular.”

“This is a spiritual satisfaction that countless people cannot pursue.”

The next moment, Azhen put her conscience on Zhao Donghuai's shoulder and looked at Amin curiously, "Amin, you are a little strange. Why did you go back to the bag factory? This is not compatible with our New World Passenger Transport."

Amin also followed Qiu Shuzhen's model and returned to his hometown to open a travel bag and travel suitcase factory in Shanghai. It was a large enterprise with 3,000 employees. The monthly salary of employees was 300 yuan, which was much higher than that in Kaiping.

But Kaiping and Shanghai are... fundamentally different.

But when it comes to benefits, she also has two days off a week, an eight-hour work system, food and accommodation included, and is starting to operate towards a first-class brand in East Asia and Southeast Asia. She will give away 45% of the profit scale that belongs to her as a big boss, 95% of it. management and workforce.

Zhang Min also rolled his eyes at the words, "Why don't we just take it? The passenger transport group, regardless of road transportation or sea transportation, there are so many tourists, travel bags and trolley cases, etc., isn't it just recommended?"

"Besides, the number of tourists visiting Hong Kong Island is increasing. This year there is a chance that the number of tourists will exceed 20 to 30 million. With the return, the number will only increase. Is this a good business?"

Azhen complained, "I always feel like you are getting further and further away from me. I can make cushions, but you can make carpets, curtains, etc. That's how good sisters work together."

Zhang Min didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and ignored her. He walked over and looked at Zhao Donghuai, "Boss, the crew of (Wanted 2) is in trouble. In order to make the racing scene more exciting and exciting, there were some big scenes over there during the design. …”

"I really started shooting, but I found that I couldn't play it."

Zhao Donghuai said in astonishment, "Show me."

When Zhang Min handed over some storyboards, I discovered that when Yuan Biao was chasing the villain, the telepathic superman, he was chasing him in a sports car, and then the villain, the telepathic superman, controlled other vehicles on the road to roll and hit Yuan Biao, and Yuan Biao hid. .

The telepathic person is controlling the bus to roll and hit Yuan Biao's sports car. Yuan Biao continues to hide in a thrilling way. Well, just look at the sub-shots. It's exciting, exciting, very exciting!

It is also consistent with the combat power and abilities of a telekinetic superman, but it is just too difficult to shoot.

"Let them redesign it, or consider splitting the shooting, such as Abiao driving and chasing on a road without real objects, and shoot it again."

"Then we filmed scenes of a car overturning and a bus overturning on the same road. Finally, we used computer special effects rendering to merge the two movies into one."

In the second part of Wanted, Zhao Donghuai didn't put much effort into it. The outline was finalized, and it was linked with the super-body to create a telekinetic superman boss. Yuan Biao, Xu Jinjiang and others developed the traditional route of fighting the boss.

All the details are done there. For this kind of "ordinary" drag racing scene, it doesn't mean much if you ask the car god A Wei to take part. In the real shot of a rollover and impact, the car god A Wei can control his car, but He couldn't predict the route of other prop cars that would overturn and crash in front of him.

Other cars on the road suddenly roll over and hit you, and there are also bus-like impacts? This is a simulator live simulation, and it is difficult to grasp the route.

In Wanted 1, the bus overturned and slid on the road. The Ferrari sports car flew up and used one side of the overturned bus as a road to continue driving. In those scenes, he drove the vest car god A Wei, who had to cooperate with the bus driver several times before he succeeded. .

That kind of coordination is easy.

First of all, the bus driver is driving awry. You originally planned to control the steering wheel to fly to the route of the taxiing bus. You can turn the steering wheel to fly to another location and another direction.

What about here? On the road traveling in the same direction, it is not too wide. It is too wide and there is no sense of tension and excitement. On a three-lane road, the bus speeding in front suddenly flies up, rolls and hits you behind? ?

If the cooperation is not good, the car god Ah Wei will also have to kneel down.

The fourth and fifth installments of the Fast and Furious series all have similar drag racing scenes. The opening scene of Fast and Furious 5 is a scene where a few small sports cars rob a prisoner van, knocking over the bus with the help of the cars, causing the bus to roll around.

The special effects are very good, but they are based on computer effects, not real shots!

He also didn't know whether the special effects at the current stage could be rendered into a set of shots. This kind of shot could definitely be done if it were used on a TV screen. good.

The big movie screen is still different.

Time has entered mid-August, and the TV series (The Legend of the Gods) have become popular and have generated strong ratings. Tan Yonglin's (The Legend of God) has also entered thousands of households, but (Wanted Order 2) is really not in a hurry, so it will start filming. More than 20 days.


Two days later.

At the helm of Novartis Asia Pacific, the CEO, pharmacists, and pharmacists once again purchased a Chinese decoction from United Medical Center.

This time, they were not blackmailed by the second-tier drug dealer. Although the other party still said that they would sell it out if they didn't pay 50,000 yuan, the people who were watching on the front line were no longer fooled.

In the end, these dozens of milliliters of medicine were paid for 5,000 Hong Kong dollars.

The white pharmacist who knew more about Chinese medicine carefully analyzed and studied it, then slapped his thigh and said, "Boss, the ingredients of this medicine and the first decoction we got are basically the same."

The CEO of Novartis was stunned, "Is it exactly the same as the first one sent by a reporter from Mingpao?"

The pharmacist nodded, "That's roughly it, but we need to conduct further tests to confirm."

This was already the fifth batch of finished decoctions that Novartis had obtained from the United Medical Center. The first four batches were different, and they were 100% sure that they had been deceived.

But even if you are cheated, you must continue to make drugs. Have you not seen what happened to Mr. Bill at Pfizer headquarters? Bill has done that, do they still dare to use crooked tactics to fight a business war? Bill's dedication was truly tremendous.

He used his blood and tears to prove to medical giants such as Novartis and Bayer that business wars must be legal and legal and cannot be messed up.

So by charging high prices, using second-rate dealers to produce finished drugs, and conducting serious laboratory research to speculate on the formula of decoctions to treat high blood pressure, there are only a few ways to do it. They have only been defrauded of hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars. What does this mean to Novartis?

What does the hypertension market account for, with sales of hundreds of billions of dollars a year?

Did the CEO of Novartis not expect that the fifth dose of medicine obtained today would be exactly the same as the first dose? So, he wrongly blamed that Ming Pao reporter?

That Ming Pao reporter got the real medicine for the first time. Were Novartis and Bayer actually misled by subsequent fake medicines?

He rubbed his hands excitedly and was thinking about it when a little secretary rushed from outside and said quickly, "Boss, something happened. Watch the special news report broadcast by ATV."

The CEO of Novartis was stunned and ran out of the laboratory.

When I returned to the office, I saw a young man in his 20s on ATV's live news. He was holding a banner in a square near the United Medical Center in Tsim Sha Tsui and shouted, "Novartis is shameless. I promised that I can get medical treatment from the United Medical Center." After bringing out the finished product for treating high blood pressure, I was not only reimbursed for my previous expenses, but also rewarded 10,000 yuan."

"Not only was the expense not reimbursed, but I was only given 5,000 yuan. Their people also beat me. Am I wronged..."

Although this guy didn't have a bruised nose or face, his hair was messy, stained with a lot of dust, and his clothes were quite dirty.

Novartis CEO directly sprayed, "Wang Defake?"

They arrange to contact the second-hand dealer again and again, saying that you pay in advance, and then they will reimburse you for the money you spent, and receive an additional reward of 10,000 Hong Kong dollars.

This means trying to get some leftovers from other patients in the medical clinic, or sneaking in as a patient yourself. You ask your parents, elders, and relatives to go to the doctor, and you go with them, secretly bringing out a few dozen milliliters.

With such a promise of profit, there will be so many people who become second-rate drug dealers.

Now someone brought the medicine, but the promised reimbursement was not reimbursed, and the ten thousand yuan was reduced to five thousand yuan, and he was beaten? ?

Then when will we arrange for a new second-hand dealer to pour the medicine? ? If you just pull passers-by and pull ordinary citizens to do things, are they still willing to believe it? ?

What should I do if I don’t believe you? ? Give a deposit first? What should I do if a passerby, a second-hand dealer, takes the deposit and runs away? You can't call the police, call the police... After all, it is not illegal to obtain second-hand drugs in this way.

But he also made it clear that he was immoral and was playing a legal role on the sidelines.

It's useless if you call the police!

The next moment, the Novartis CEO's big brother rang loudly. When he got through, he found out that it was the Bayer CEO calling, "Shoete, what's going on over there?"

"Are you trying to make the matter big all of a sudden? The publicity that this medical center can cure high blood pressure is not very big. Only after a gossipy news was published in Guanshan, more and more people gradually became aware of this matter."

"Since the Chinese side has not made any big announcements, and we are also doing things in a low-key manner with a tacit understanding, how can you let him be in the news??"

"When the news becomes hot and the public pays attention to it, the citizens of Haowan, Hong Kong will immediately know that high blood pressure can be cured here. Who will spend thousands of Hong Kong dollars every year to buy our medicine in the future??"

The Novartis Asia Pacific CEO scratched his hair irritably, "It happened suddenly. It was an accident. Fuck, I'll make arrangements with PR right away."

The medical giants are in a state of uproar due to the serial tricks played by the big brothers from Hong Kong.


Deep Water Bay.

Li Chaoren, Wang Dehui and others gathered together. Ah Ju complained and complained, "Daddy, Wang Ankou, something is wrong..."

"After I finished filming (The Case of Stewardess' Dissolution), I thought I had finally entered the industry. Many big stars flocked to the mainland to open factories... I asked, and Zhao Sheng didn't stop me from going back to open factories. He agreed. Understand."

"What I mean is that no matter which field I enter, I will make money just like normal consumer goods retail channels such as Ten Wanjia and Baijia Xing."

"But now, when the factories of big stars are opened, they give so much profit to the management team and employees? Although it cannot be compared to the 90% profit increase of Wanjia supermarkets."

"But Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min gave away 45%, and guys like Zhou Runfa and Liang Jiahui also gave away more than 20% of their profits? Do we follow that rule? This is too cheating. The profits have been given away. What are we doing in vain? "

As soon as a certain trend started last month, Li Zhiren asked Ah Ju to ask if he could follow the example of Zhou Runfa, Liang Jiahui and others to go home and set up a factory?

Ah Ju asked, and the answer he got was yes.

Zhao Donghuai didn't refuse in this regard, and it wouldn't make much sense if he refused. Let's just say it's a normal operation. In order to attract wealthy people to invest and attract investment, all places in the mainland are really giving land to well-known wealthy businessmen like Li Chaoren at cabbage prices. You develop and build.

I want to take advantage of the development trend you brought to drive local development.

Then I signed the contract, and I picked up the land... I kept it in my hands and waited for him for ten or twenty years. As the city's economy developed and the land became valuable, I resold it.

Even if Zhao Donghuai rejects Ah Ju and doesn't allow him to follow the trend of celebrities and open a factory, as long as Ah Ju has money and Li Chao people are willing to support him, he can go to the mainland to open a factory at any time, but he will not be able to get into Wanjia and Baijia chains.

But as long as the Li family is willing to get Yihe's Wellcome chain in places such as Star, Matai and other places, they can continue to sell money, which is also to help the mainland earn foreign exchange.

This refusal didn't mean much, so Zhao Donghuai didn't refuse.

But when Ah Ju was happily recruiting people and had decided on which field to enter to make a fortune... he was suddenly confused by the factory opening model of celebrities such as Qiu Shuzhen, Zhang Min, Zhou Runfa, Hu Huizhong, Liang Jiahui and even Zhang Guorong.

How can you do this kind of business? Directly giving more than 20% or more than 40% of profits to management and employees? Then how can they make a fortune?

It’s not that the Li family really won’t make a penny if they just copy it and give it away.

Rather, in this wave of all-stars returning to the mainland to build factories, the dream of the salty fish factions such as Ah Fa, Zhang Zhijian, Liu Yijun, including Hu Huizhong, Lin Qingxia, is to take advantage of the trend and win, and become the leader of a county and a district in the mainland in the 1990s. The richest man.

Ah Ju copied it? Damn, that’s only a few dollars. Even if the Li family is in dire straits, they still won’t look down on it! Is his dignified Mr. Li going back to be the richest man in the county? Just kidding.

Ambitious senior brothers such as Cheng Long and Hong Yinbao who want to become industry hegemons will have to fight a business war! As long as it is a business war, if Aju wants to rise, should he provide 30 to 40% of the profits to the British capital behind him?

In a war with competitors, do you need to keep using various tricks? Business wars also consume a lot of manpower and material resources, and then the profits are given to management and employees?

Even if he dominates a certain department store and people's livelihood industry, how many of them will be left in your hands after a series of offers and profits? ?

This is the reason for Ah Ju's collapse. He went to fight for the leading industry of a certain people's livelihood department store. Even if he won, what he got in the end was not enough to pass on to the management and employees. He had to provide extra money to the British capital. Well.

How about being a salted fish in a county? Why should I wade through this muddy water?

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