Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 326 1990 version of the long night is hard to see

On May 25, when Cheng Long and Xu Ke wanted to collaborate on a new movie, Zou Wenhuai's animated movie (Havoc in Heaven) was already being announced in full swing, almost filling the world.

Although Zou Sheng only sent the final film to ATV on the 20th, in fact, its promotion plan has already started on the 15th. It is not surprising. It is a rush period. The 26th and 27th are weekends, and the 28th is the Dragon Boat Festival. , and then Children’s Day plus the weekend...

These days are a good schedule.

Before the 20th, Zou Sheng must have been keeping an eye on the progress of the animated film and could guess the approximate completion date.

They are spending a lot of money. For example, as usual, Zou Sheng from Europe and the United States spent 10 million US dollars on publicity and distribution expenses like he did with Police Story 1, and filled Marvel Comics retail stores, AMC theaters, subway stations, etc. with posters.

We also spent money on Murdoch to launch several waves of advertisements on television.

All over East and Southeast Asia, including the Mainland, he spent 50 million Hong Kong dollars in real money, a total of 130 million in publicity expenses, which lasted until the 25th. Audiences who should know and those who should not know, all know Zou Sheng The animated movie will be released at 8 a.m. on the 26th.

Zhao Donghuai was quite emotional about this.

You must know that the person who initially invested in the production of "Havoc in Heaven" spent more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars. This does not mean that when Zhao Donghuai gave 50 million to Shangmei Film Studio, Shangmei could easily make it in a year or two. Panda) (The Lion King) and other movies are as simple as that.

Instead, Zou Wenhuai made a big move into this industry, poaching talents from major performing arts universities in Beijing, and it didn't cost much to poach people from Wanwan.

But he poached animation film talents from Hollywood, including poaching talents from Jobs' Pixar Animation Studio, buying computers, other computer animation software, designers, etc.

This is a series.

At the beginning, he just poached people from Hollywood, and he spent 70 to 80 million Hong Kong dollars, which was close to 10 million U.S. dollars.

So many people were hired to set up an animation studio, and these costs were also included in (Havoc in Heaven), which made the total cost inflate so much.

It is really only used for the production cost of animation projects, but it is not that expensive, that is, it costs tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

The morning sun rises on a new day.

In the ATV office, Qiu Shuzhen came over with a cup of coffee and said in surprise, "Boss, Zou Sheng's animated movie has cost almost 300 million, right?"

"Even if the Hong Kong dollar is not as valuable as the U.S. dollar, converted into U.S. dollars, Zou Sheng would have spent about 40 million U.S. dollars. But if the film does not perform well? He will vomit blood because of the loss, right?"

"An old man in his sixties still has such courage. I cannot accept it."

Zhang Mindu came together and said, "Will this movie lose money? I know our animated series makes a lot of money, but with different teams, it's really hard to say whether it will work or not. Zhen, you still missed Zou Shengjiao. That advertising money is 100 million a year in signing fees.”

“Even if we only count this year’s shampoo advertising signing fee, it would be HK$400 million.”

Ah Zhen nodded quickly, "Yes, I heard that Hong Xin has already signed and received the money, the full amount, but the strange thing is, why did Ah Xin also go to shoot commercials for free? The dress is exactly the same as that Ah Xin, and the style of dress is simply Like twins..."

Zhao Donghuai laughed dumbly, "There is a probability of losing money, but the probability of making a small profit is also very high."

Zou Sheng's courage is indeed not small.

In the original trajectory, Hong Kong movies were full of black money. Any big brother could use a gun to hire celebrities to film, and any few gangsters could dare to kidnap celebrities. In this era, Zou Wenhuai could still spend 100 million to film Ninja Turtles.

In this dimension, he spent 400 million Hong Kong dollars one after another? ? deficit? The chance of losing money is really low, the project of making trouble in heaven, Brother Monkey’s animated movie! Only one mainland market can give Zou Wenhuai crazy blood.

He has also seen the finished film, and it is indeed not up to the level of Kung Fu Panda and The Lion King. It is even less beautiful than the one produced by an American studio in 1979 (Nezha Nao Hai).

But if the full score is 100 points, it is also a good work with a score of 70 or above.

How to put it this way, Shangmei Factory mainly produces animation series with a stronger oriental style such as animation painting, paper cutting, ink painting, etc., and this one (Havoc in Heaven) is more integrated with the Hollywood style.

Computer animation technology is more advanced.

Different styles give people different movie-watching experiences, but the story of Brother Monkey’s Havoc in Heaven is completely told, adapted into the TV series version of Journey to the West...

Now that the story has been told, Zhao Donghuai can’t say whether it’s a repetition, money fraud, etc. After all, after so many rounds of the TV series version of Liu Xiao Ling Tong’s Journey to the West, Your Havoc in Heaven is still copied. There are indeed hundreds of millions of repetitions. Already? ?

But the story is complete and the animation is good. Especially in terms of fighting and special effects, the cartoon surpasses the TV series version by a lot. do it.

The various immortals and gods who appeared in the Heavenly Court to suppress the Monkey King were also much less numerous.

What was not made in the TV series version, the animated version was made. In terms of fighting, it is really much more exciting.

In the original work, there are thirty-three heavenly palaces and seventy-two treasure palaces in the heaven. The Monkey King overthrows the Beidou Palace, shakes open the Antarctic Palace, smashes the Bullfighting Palace, etc., and fights with all kinds of immortals.

Compared with the TV series version of "Havoc in Heaven", you can go directly to the Lingxiao Palace in a flash, which is many times more fulfilling.

The probability of losing money is really low.

Azhen then sighed, "It's 7:43 now, and it will be released soon. I feel like the results should be available within three days, after the Dragon Boat Festival."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "No matter so much, I'm also curious, why did Axin go to shoot an advertisement? It's a bit big to cross the line."

Yes, Li Jiaxin suddenly went to shoot a shampoo commercial for free and for free, and she was still with Hong Xin? With her current status, no one would say that she was put down by the commercials or anything like that. They would only praise her for her good relationship with Hong Xin's sisters.

It just feels a little weird.

Shaking his head, Zhao Donghuai didn't think so much anymore, and decisively went to the Qianshuiwan villa area. It was almost the end of May, and Monica Bellucci was due to give birth. She was also living in the villa area, and the baby might be born at any time. Life is born.

Zhao Donghuai doesn't have many work arrangements these days.


The days flew by.

In the Repulse Bay villa area, Zhao Donghuai walked around the villa several times with his newly born little Zhao Ting, looking dumbfounded, "This is really a good day. She was born on June 1st. The whole world has come together to celebrate her birthday."

The little girl is the eldest princess of the third generation of the Zhao family, and her name is quite simple. Just like the eldest son Zhao An, it is simply the word "ting" with a beautiful meaning.

It is estimated that there are not one thousand but eight hundred people with the same name and surname in China. China is too big, and there are so many Chinese people around the world. No matter what name you choose, there will always be repetitions. It is better to keep it simple.

What really surprised Director Zhao was that he initially thought the birth would be around the Dragon Boat Festival, but he didn't know that the birth was delayed until 11 a.m. on Children's Day.

It was still a natural birth, mother and daughter were safe.

At this stage, the baby's skin is still wrinkled and he doesn't have much charm, but I think with Monica Bellucci's good looks and Zhao Donghuai's own good looks, he will definitely be good in the future.

It should be much better looking than the ones from Samsung Lee or Haojiang Lao He...

When he thought of this, Zhao Donghuai actually felt a little depressed.

When he saw little Zhao An, who was holding Monica on the edge of the bed and standing looking around with a curious look on his face, he actually felt that this child was a little better.

At this stage, Zhao An is more than eight months old and can't walk yet, but he can already sit up on his own and hold on to things to stand up. His arms and legs are slightly fat, and his head and skin are very strong at home.

He also came with Guan Jiahui.

Until now, Zhao An only knows how to call mom and dad, and the rest is ah ah ah. Occasionally, he can pronounce the words "grandpa" and "grandma", but the frequency is very rare.

Crying and laughing from time to time is the theme.

Silently watching Jia Hui and Monica chatting, Xiao Zhao An laughed a few more times, then sat down and crawled towards Zhao Donghuai, quite fast.

After crawling to his feet, Zhao Donghuai just picked him up, and the little guy wearing crotchless pants peed directly, directed at little Zhao Ting...

Director Zhao was so speechless that he used his hands to avoid harming little Zhao Ting.

This is such a good big brother!

He is worthy of the naughty kid who ran away from home three times at the age of six as shown in the simulator.


June 4th.

Zhao Donghuai sat in the office again and saw Azhen walking over in surprise, "Boss, Jiahe's (New Half a Category) has also begun to be announced. Although Zou Sheng does not expect to be a hit in Europe and the United States, there is a lot of publicity in East and Southeast Asia. "

It's already the 4th, and the performance of the animated movie "Havoc in Heaven" has been released. It has a series of good schedules including Dragon Boat Festival, Children's Day, and weekends. It has been released for nine days, with a box office of more than 13 million U.S. dollars in North America and more than 13 million U.S. dollars in Europe.

The first weekend plus the second weekend grossed just over 10 million dollars, less than 15 million U.S. dollars. It can only be said that it is in Europe and the United States, and the total box office of 50 million U.S. dollars in the end is the limit.

Compare that to spending $10 million on publicity?

Not a loss...a small profit.

After Zhao Donghuai took away the protection fee of Hong Xin's 100 million Hong Kong dollars a year in advertising signing fees, based on the final calculation of 50 million U.S. dollars, only 20 million U.S. dollars could be transferred to Jiahe's account.

This is already very good, at least the publicity fee, plus the cost of recruiting people from Pierce Studio, are all paid back.

Hong Kong Island has 11 million Hong Kong dollars, Wanwan has 9 million Hong Kong dollars, and South Korea has 23 million Hong Kong dollars, doubling in two weeks of release? That’s 80 to 90 million Hong Kong dollars.

What went back into Jiahe's pocket was about HK$40 million.

Real animation production costs are back!

150 million yuan in the mainland, the reputation is polarized. Some people criticized Golden Harvest for copying the TV series version of Liu Xiaolingtong, which is not as good as the TV series version. Some people feel that the filming is good, okay, in terms of animation form, it is very good.

Beautifully shot, great special effects.

If it is released for another two or three weeks, the total box office in the Mainland will be over 300 million? Not to mention the cost of poaching people from universities in Beijing has come back... That's a huge profit, right? ? Zou Wenhuai is poaching people from Beijing. If he poachs ten people from one university, how much money does that cost? Just a few million Hong Kong dollars.

The 100 million Hong Kong dollars given to Hong Xin was earned back, which is very strong. It is just a division of the box office, plus the island country and Star-Malaysia selling ports, Zou Wenhuai's final net profit can be tens of millions.

What's left is other profit chains, such as the animated version of the Monkey King doll launched by Zou Wenhuai...

For example, the revenue from the videotape market.

This version of the cartoon is indeed a success. Its biggest drawback is that after there is a free live-action TV series version of the show, if you follow the plot and watch Havoc in Heaven again, you can still watch it in a movie theater for a fee.

As for (New Half Category), it is Hong Xin's only outstanding film masterpiece in her original career.

You mean TV series? There is absolutely no one in this world to film the adaptation of Ni Jia’s science fiction series.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Old Zou can be considered a big profit. In fact, his (Havoc in Heaven) is mainly used to run the team. Even if there is no mainland market, he will definitely not lose money. Those Monkey King dolls can bring back a wave of blood." Did not say."

"The videotape market is also a huge profit chain."

"If we don't talk about other things, if we can accumulate sales of about 50 million dollars in Europe and the United States for seven or eight years, it will all be money."

While he was still sighing, he saw Xiaoxian running over and saying, "Boss, Zou Sheng is here to visit."

Zhao Donghuai decisively asked the outside to open the door.

When Zou Wenhuai came in, he clasped his fists and bowed before laughing, "Sheng Zhao, thank you for your support, thank you for your support, my Jiahe is really going to fly against the wind this time, (Havoc in Heaven) will make a lot of money, I will animate The studio is now planning to launch the project (Shituoling).”

"I can also see it. The Journey to the West collaboration between You and Yang Ma is so classic that it cannot be changed. But for my animated film, I only need to catch one."

"If you make the magical powers, magic, and fighting scenes that are not shown in the live-action TV series more substantial and exciting, it will be very popular."

The TV series version of "Yangma" is an undisputed masterpiece, but it does miss a lot of things. The first is the special effects fighting, which saves countless exciting scenes and details.

Secondly, many of the very scary things shown in the original work cannot be shown in the TV series. They are too disharmonious. Jiahe will not create too many scary scenes, but as long as you grasp the great special effects, fight wonderfully, and study the magic and magical powers.

This route is very stable.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "It's indeed good. If you grasp the route well, you won't run into trouble."

Since the mid-to-late 1990s, Golden Harvest has been basically inconspicuous. This is because the overall film industry has declined, and Hong Kong Island filmmakers have fled to Hollywood. If they can't survive, they are in South Korea and island countries...

Finally, he fled to the mainland.

Zou Wenhuai persisted until 2007 before he couldn't hold on any longer and quit the industry completely.

Have you grasped the theme of animated movies now? That can last for ten or twenty years.

Zou Wenhuai said again, "Sheng Zhao, in addition to saying thank you, I am also thinking of donating all the box office profits of this time (Havoc in Heaven) in the Mainland, in exchange for continuing to recruit animation talents from the three major universities? I don't know. Is this matter difficult?"

Zhao Donghuai was stunned, then nodded, "It's not too difficult, it can be done."

Now the total box office of animated movies in the mainland has the potential to exceed 300 million yuan. Zou Wenhuai’s original profit was more than 100 million yuan, but he donated all of it? ?

Although the mainland is also short of animation talents and needs a lot of animation talents to earn foreign exchange, (Havoc in Heaven) has explained that Jiahe's animation focuses more on computer production and technological special effects, while Shangmei Film Studio focuses on paper-cut animation, ink animation, etc. wait.

Zou Wenhuai recruited a wave of students who had completed their sophomore year last year, and this year they will recruit students who have completed their junior year.

Those students who enter Shangfang Art Factory are still outstanding in styles such as paper cutting and ink painting.

Those who were sent to Golden Harvest on Hong Kong Island to take the computer production route can be regarded as walking with their feet parallel and walking on two legs, which is indeed a good thing for the mainland.

From 1987 to now, the three major universities have been expanding enrollment for three consecutive years. I heard that the animation departments recruited last year basically had more than 300 people in each university, and the three major universities combined had more than 1,000 people.

Compared to the performance department, which usually has about 20 people per session? ? They are no longer one-dimensional.

Some time later, as soon as Zhao Donghuai saw off Zou Daheng in the corridor, he saw Shao Yifu and Fang Yihua walking out of the waiting area. Shao Daheng smiled and said to Zou Wenhuai, "Ah Huai, good job, animation." Realm, you can be considered a way out."

"Even without Cheng Long and Xu Guanwen, your Jiahe can still stand firm."

Zou Wenhuai, "..."

He nodded to Shao Yifu with a dark face, and then he ducked out of the way.

Will Jiahe not even be able to keep Xu Guanwen? It’s true that although (New Half Category) is produced by Jiahe and the copyright is also owned by Jiahe, Lao Xu himself doesn’t want to struggle anymore and wants to withdraw from the industry.

It is not yet confirmed that he will completely withdraw from the industry and go behind the scenes, but Xu Guanwen has also discussed related issues with Zou Wenhuai, so it is not surprising that Shao Daheng heard about it.

Despite his dark face, Zou Wenhuai's mood was not affected too much. As Shao Yifu said, the animation field has a way out. With or without Cheng Long and Xu Guanwen, he, Jiahe, is still one of the flag bearers.

The field of animation is all about behind-the-scenes technology and has nothing to do with real-life stars.

Besides, in the next year or two, Xu Guanwen can still make a few movies to stay in the limelight.


After a while, he sat back in the office reception area.

Zhao Donghuai made a cup of Kung Fu tea for Shao Yifu, then smiled and said, "Shao Sheng, you are over 80 years old, and Zou Sheng is over 60 years old, so what?"

Shao Daheng laughed loudly, "As for, as for, the older you get, the younger you are, the old naughty boy. I am quite happy to see him deflated, but that guy has really made his way out. Seeing you acting in animated movies, we have succeeded. Everyone wants to imitate.”

"But not everyone can spend 400 million to test the waters. I'm still waiting for Shangmei Factory to finish my project and place an order."

"But his animation production team has already proven its strength with the help of "Havoc in Heaven."

After sighing for a while, Shao Yifu smiled and said, "Sheng Zhao, I came here to film (Long Night). It's already 1990. It would be a pity not to film this TV series as soon as possible."

"I just don't have enough high-quality actors from TVB. I want to find someone from ATV. After the filming is completed, TVB will broadcast one round first and sell the second round screening rights to your ATV??"

Zhao Donghuai glanced at Shao Yifu in surprise and nodded, "Okay."

He sold the script to Shao Yifu in 1983, but it turned out that it had been 7 years before Shao thought about filming this project? ? No, he had the guts to film it!

Now that I’m filming this project, I’m not afraid that it won’t be broadcast after the filming is over.

Before this, Zhao Donghuai had not thought about whether to buy the script rights back for filming, but he just felt it was unnecessary...

Back then, he made his first fortune through crowdfunding. He only had funds and shooting capabilities. Without Shao Yifu to support the theatrical release, how would there be a follow-up? ?

Of course, Shao Yifu doesn't support it, and it only blocks his path for a while, causing him a little more trouble. With the simulator in hand, he has no shortage of other opportunities and development.

But if I helped, I helped. There is no need to regret it now.


June 5th.

Shao Yifu's TVB is about to start filming (Long Night). After the news spread, mainly after the scripts were sent out to the audition actors, it quickly shocked the current film and television industry.

Yaxi dormitory area.

Liu Yijun and Hu Jun, two well-known stars, received the script, but they were interviewed for different roles. Liu Yijun accepted the role of the male protagonist Jiang Yang, and Hu Jun accepted the role of the male protagonist Yan Liang.

When the two big stars read the script, one was more silent than the other, one was more moved than the other, and they smoked a cigarette. Liu Yijun exclaimed, "What a great book. It's such a challenge to my acting skills... I'm not even sure I can do it." good."

"It's a lot of pressure."

Hu Jun was delighted, "Why did you give me the role of police officer Yan Liang? I think even though I'm not as handsome as you, I can still try to challenge the role of Jiang Yang."

"Come on the street, why do you define Jiang Yang as the template for a handsome guy? Also auditioning with you are Li Ming, Zheng Yijian, Aaron Kwok, and Jiao Enjun?"

"Is this not giving us ordinary male stars a fair chance?"

Jiang Yang in The Long Night is definitely a good role that requires acting skills rather than good looks. At least for an actor, if you accept such a role and perform it well, it will definitely be an outstanding masterpiece in your acting career.

Too much acting!

Especially Jiang Yang in the end, who committed suicide at the end of a terminal illness. His self-narration at the time of suicide made many people burst into tears. The acting skills required were too demanding.

Hu Jun thinks he can act. Why did he receive Yan Liang's script? ?

Yan Liang is also the protagonist, and he plays a very important role, but after reading the overall script, you will know that Yan Liang's performance and performance space are not on the same level as those of Jiang Yang.

So, just because he is not handsome and overbearing, he is... distinguished?

Liu Yijun couldn't help but touch his face, feeling a little happy and a little helpless, "It's easy to understand that this character is so tragic, sad and even sad. The more handsome the actor, the easier it is for the audience to arouse greater sympathy."

"I'm just confused, can I be compared with those handsome guys like Li Ming, Zheng Yijian, Aaron Kwok, and Jiao Enjun? Does Shao Daheng think too highly of me?"

The more beautiful things are, when they are destroyed by reality, the stronger the sense of contrast or a special desire will be.

He also debuted as a big idol in an idol drama, but Ah Jun still felt that he was looked down upon by Shao Sheng.

While the two were chatting and chatting, there was a knock on the door. When Ajun went to open the door, he was stunned at the first glance, "Brother Fa? Brother Jiahui?"

Good guys, these are Zhou Runfa and Liang Jiahui.

Afa walked in with a smile, carrying a dozen beers in his hand, and said as he walked, "You have received an appointment to audition for a role in the play Long Night Is Hard to Ming? Who challenges Jiang Yang?"

Liu Yijun smiled and said, "It's me."

Ah Fa walked to the living room and sat down, opening a beer with a sigh on his face, "I'm so excited. I wanted to play Jiang Yang back then, but seven years later, my face is full of flesh and blood. I'm old and can't play that kind of sunny youth." The handsome little boy.”

"It's a pity. This is a good script that Shao Sheng gave the green light to Zhao Sheng's (New World) with this script."

"It's just that I didn't dare to shoot back then, and even if I did, I couldn't broadcast it. It's different now. I dare to shoot and show it. Even if the ratings are not good, this kind of experience is the best challenge and one of the best surprises for our actors."

"Ajun, would you like some drinks? Let Jiahui and I see if you have the kind of dramatic explosiveness later. If you don't perform well, I'll give you some pointers on the spot."

For Zhou Runfa, it is difficult to watch this TV series all night long, which is also a sentiment.

Liang Jiahui took a bottle of beer and raised a glass, "Sit down, have a drink first, and I will also read the book. I just heard Brother Fa tell the general plot before. Unfortunately, I can't film it. Now I can film it. I will go to the crew to make a cameo and play a role." How about the black policeman who sucks up to the ghost guy?"

Hu Jun, "Fuck!"

Liu Yijun, "Fuck!"

Liang Jiahui, "..."

Afa, "..."

Liu Yijun hurriedly explained, "No, this TV series was also an assistant at the beginning of Zhao Sheng's rise? I've never heard of it before."

This is really news I have never heard before.

Hu Jun couldn't help but pick up the script and read the screenwriter column again, Zhao Donghuai? ? "Hey, I ignored it, I really ignored it. I was only looking at the plot before, and I forgot about Zhao Sheng's name in the screenwriter column."

Zhou Runfa laughed and said, "You don't know it's normal."

Zhao Donghuai's (New World) movie back then started as a large-scale production with a total investment of 5 million, and he also established a behind-the-scenes team. The filming and release process received full support from Shaw Brothers Pictures.

There are different opinions from the outside world, and there are various rumors about Zhao Sheng's background.

But only those within the industry, such as Afa, understand that their rise is based on talent.

At most, Ah Fa and others don't understand why Zhao Donghuai, who is so talented, has Zhao acting teachers like Little Overlord, Red Scorpion, Snake Ming, etc.

The script that has been written down for seven years has started filming, and Zhao Donghuai's name has been written down in the screenwriter column. This is a big event for the entire entertainment industry!

For the role of Jiang Yang, people such as Li Ming, A Jian, A Cheng, Jiao Enjun, Liu Yijun, etc. must come to audition. If they win based on their overall strength, there will only be more others.

For example, the previous generation's "Jiang Yang" and the tragic character "Hou Guiping" also had to be played by handsome men.

Big villains and so on have to be gangsters, whether they are the second brother in the police force, big bosses from other departments, or consortiums, they have to be big shots.


ATV Office.

Zhao Donghuai was looking at Hong Xin in surprise, "You also received an audition? Are you the only one auditioning for the role of Ren Yueting?"

Hong Xin nodded happily, "Yes, boss, I didn't play the role of a policewoman in (The Beginning). My performance was pretty good. This time we need a policewoman who can fight and has a heroic look. TVB will give it to me." I made an offer and there was no other competition.”

"It's because of your great charm, boss, that I have this opportunity. Do you want to say thank you?"

Zhao Donghuai coughed twice and looked speechless, "Stop being so messy. If I hadn't accidentally hit you on the charter flight last time..."

While he was still quibbling, he saw Li Jiaxin walking out of the small suite wearing a very nice police uniform, "Boss, although I don't act, I also want to try out in private."

"I feel that although I haven't seriously studied acting in the past few years, acting skills are also needed in commercial activities. It has helped me a lot."

The next moment, she curled her lips and said, "Axin, why haven't you left yet? You've said thank you and you still want to stay and eat?"


On June 10th, the popularity of (New Dragon Inn) and (Havoc in Heaven) gradually waned, and the publicity campaign of (New Half Catty Eight Liang) entered all parts of East Asia and Southeast Asia, and the sinking was extremely in place. Beautiful photos are plastered all over the streets.

People are watching everywhere.

As for the project "Long Night", after going through rounds of auditions and duels, the lineup was quickly selected.

The male lead, Jiang Yang, is named Li, Wu Zhenyu's Yan Liang, Liu Yijun's Hou Guiping, Hou Guiping's girlfriend and Jiang Yang's classmate Li Jing, played by Zhou Haimei, Hong Xin's Ren Yueting, Jiang Yang's girlfriend Wu Aike, Cai Shaofen.

Ding Chunmei is played by Li Zi and Guan Lijie as Huang Mao.

Sun Chuanfu, a big capitalist who emerged in the New Territories, is Qin Pei, and the second brother of the police force who is linked to him is Gai. Gai plays the second brother of the Hong Kong Island police force. It is not difficult. Ellison also plays another white high-ranking official. Qin Pei’s second protective umbrella.

Below are the gangsters under the cover and Qin Pei's top horse, Hu Yilang, who are Jim Carrey and Liang Jiahui. Jim Carrey was an accident. Zhao Donghuai was surprised to see this guy in Hong Kong Drifter. He was still looking for resources, so he clicked on him.

Forensic doctor Chen Mingzhang is Zhang Zhijian, police "New Territories White Snow" Zhu Wei is Zhang Xueyou, and Zhang Chao is Wan Ziliang.

The main victims, Weng Meixiang, Ge Li, and Li Xue are played by Zhongshan Ren, Yuan Yongyi, and Chen Derong.

It's really not Shao Daheng's fault that this crew can put together such a lineup. It was the three words "Zhao Donghuai" written in the screenwriter column that made various celebrities and Hua Dan take the initiative to grab the opportunity.

How many years? ? How long has Zhao Donghuai stopped watching TV series? Suddenly a book like this came out, it's a real screenwriter.

Have you not seen that after Guan Lijie starred in F4 and other major idol dramas as the male lead, and after starring in (Xin Qiji·Po Zhenzi), he came back to play the image of Huang Maozi in (New World) (The Lonely Flying Tiger)? ?

Serious (The Silent Truth) originally had only 12 episode scripts, but when Shao Yifu took it out for filming this time, it already had 20 episode scripts.

The extra script was processed by TVB screenwriters, but the name of the supporting screenwriter was not included.

The extra episodes are not malicious spewing, but a lot of scenes of disasters, dark scenes, or scenes outside the law that could not be filmed (the online drama The Silent Truth) have been expanded.

During this period of time in 1990, the Hong Kong film and television industry was very free in production, with a depth of realism.

In this version of the show, not only the main villain but also the second brother of the police force or other high-ranking officials were involved. The finale also changed a lot, such as the direct death penalty instead of the death penalty.

The team of Li Jing, Zhang Chao, and Chen Mingzhang who broke the law were no longer sentenced to jail. Instead, they were all released legally and even received bonuses.

This is another unacceptable thing about the original version. A group of justice fighters have been fighting evil forces for several years, and finally they have sunshine. After seeing the sun, they still need to go to jail...

The ending is indeed too disappointing.

However, in this era of Hong Kong Island, you can change the situation to allow everyone to be released legally, not be held accountable, and even receive bonuses, which is more in line with the reality of Hong Kong Island at this stage.

The original trajectory of Zhang Ziqiang's robbery of a cash transport truck here in Hong Kong Island can be overturned with almost conclusive evidence. Can he sue the police and get millions in compensation? Why? Because with the return, the ghost guys are causing trouble and want to cause chaos in the judicial system of Hong Kong Island.

There are many judicial troublemakers.

In this context, it is more reasonable that the finale of the script is different from the original web drama.

However, even if it is expanded to 20 episodes, The Dark Night can only be regarded as an average number of episodes, not long at all.

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