Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 334 Professionally build the Great White Wall, I choose Crest

July 6, rain.

When film and television programs such as "Jurassic Park 2", "The Royal Family" and "Friends" swept the summer season, various breaking news also shook people in Hong Kong, Mainland China and South Korea.

In the ATV office, Zhou Huimin walked in with a dazed look on his face, his expression was a bit strange, "Brother Huai, didn't I want to cut off my beard and use Zhonghua Toothpaste the day before yesterday?"

"I asked someone to talk to the Shanghai White Cat Group... They asked if they wanted to do a joint venture with the White Cat brand as well??"

"Even if you even get the white cat, it won't cost much. Isn't this too enthusiastic?"

Zhao Donghuai poured Amin a cup of tea and said with a smile, "How should I put it? It is a big wave at this stage. Since the 1990s, many mainland companies have been undergoing restructuring. Not to mention the ordinary ones, the truly top brands still want to be reformed. After that, walk out.”

"Zhonghua toothpaste, Panda, White Cat washing powder, detergents, including Shanghai Jahwa's Maxam, Liushen toilet water, etc., are all top-notch in the mainland market and dominate the industry."

"Their main purpose is to go out and let their products go to Asia and the world, and go from a national brand to the world."

"We urgently need a group of partners who can lead them out, friends!"

It is also because of these, from Tianfu Cola to Arctic Soda, Huafeng Sanxian Yi Noodles, Xiangxuehai Refrigerator, Totole Chicken Essence, Nanfu Battery...

Too many!

Understanding that the top brands in the mainland market at this stage have the confidence and morale to go global, Zhou Huimin just asked White Cat Group to ask if they wanted to jointly jointly develop Zhonghua Toothpaste, a sub-brand of White Cat?

Are you planning to join a joint venture with White Cat? ?

This is so easy to understand!

There are pandas in the north and white cats in the south. When Hong Xin was discussing the US-Canada net joint venture with Shanghai Jiahua, he also borrowed several hundred million from Li Jiaxin and went to buy 51% of the shares of Panda in the north.

The contract is basically done. We are just waiting to sign the contract and pay for it. Then we will provide technical or production equipment support for the product upgrades of Panda and Maxam, and then bring Panda laundry detergent and Maxam shampoo to Hong Kong, Haowan, South Korea, Xingmatai and other places for sale. .

There are such examples before.

For the current stage of the Mainland, those companies and brands that want to step out are trying their best to find friends and reliable and friendly partners. Amin jumped out? She represents the most reliable, powerful, and friendly friend.

Who doesn’t know what’s going on with Zhou Huimin’s Huazhi? The only female chairwoman of a large company in Hong Kong with a listed market value of more than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the absolute largest shareholder.

As for Zhao Donghuai itself, since 1984, it has successively come out with strong beer, Jianlibao, iced black tea and green tea, Wanjia instant noodles, mineral water, etc.!

So far, in this series of series, Zhao Donghuai only holds 49% of the shares, which is still the shareholding ratio in the early stage of opening up.

It was from the beginning of the Han Dynasty that Zhao Donghuai went to the mainland to work as a sole proprietor.

After his explanation, Zhou Huimin suddenly realized, "No wonder it went so smoothly, because we have set too many examples before. If it weren't for Brother Huai, you would rarely lead the joint venture development of mainland brands. It is estimated that as early as a few years ago, they would have taken the initiative." Come learn how Power Beer and Jianlibao do things.”

A series of brands from Han Tianxia to Dongfang, Wuqianan and other brands are all wholly owned, and Huazhi is also... well, Huazhi is a listed group. As long as you have money, you can buy equity in the mainland and become one of the major shareholders.

But when it comes to projects that are vigorously developed, they are basically sole proprietorships in the later stage.

Baimao, Shanghu Jahwa, Sanxian Yi Noodles, Totole Chicken Essence, Xiangxuehai Refrigerator, etc. all did not want to sell their own industries, but wanted to become bigger and stronger in the international market. Therefore, starting from the 1990s, the original trajectory There are only so many brands that are trapped by one routine.

"Then I can make a joint venture with White Cat washing powder and detergent?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Of course there is no problem. When you engage in these joint ventures now, you are just picking up money. They have already occupied the top positions in the mainland market. Even if you do nothing after getting the equity and let them develop freely, you are still picking up money." Money.”

Amin nodded, and then asked curiously, "What is Taitole Chicken Essence?"

Director Zhao blinked, "It's just chicken essence, seasoning."

Totole is also a very large brand. Before foreign investment came in, it had already entered the Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan markets, including the North American market. It was not until 1999 that Nestlé Group took away 80% of the equity...

Amin thought for a moment and shook his head, "Forget it, I'll just get the two famous products of White Cat by myself first. Totole, I'll ask Ah Hong later if he's interested."

No matter how much A Hong shows up as the godmother of idol dramas or the godmother of luxury goods at this stage, she is indeed the girl who carries bags like A Min.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and did not comment on this.

There is nothing to say. What he and the people around him are following is a business path of investment, upgrading and guidance, and truly relying on industrial production and advertising and media platforms to fight brand business wars, step by step.

It's not too much for one person to take over two new brand companies.

After all, this is industrial development, not an overseas Chinese businessman who goes back to buy dozens or hundreds of companies in one market, buys 51% of them all, and then uses 51% of these dozens or hundreds of companies to establish new companies. This is a loophole. Listed in Europe and the United States with different laws and regulations, raising hundreds of millions of dollars to make money.

At this moment, Wang Zuxian came over and said expectantly, "Hey, Sister Min, what do you think of the poisonous toothpaste marketing plan I suggested last time? Do you want to try it?"

"I think it's feasible. Anyway, just open your mouth to spread rumors and refute them. As for the other party also using this trick to fight back? It depends on whether the customs listens to them. Besides, as long as we celebrities tell the outside world that we have been using Chinese toothpaste. .”

"Citizens will also believe in big celebrity groups."

Zhou Huimin looked at Xiaoxian with a melancholy look on her face, "When did you become so coquettish?"

Wang Zuxian rolled his eyes, "This is called striking first, or you can ask He Jiaju and Huang Guangliang to shoot Crest commercials, and use the method of making movies, whether it is misplacement or other means, to film them using Crest, not only poisoning but also damaging their teeth. Tooth loss..."

"A mouth full of big yellow teeth and rotten teeth."

"The effect is no worse than Bruce Willis and Dillon's shampoo commercial. After all, not everyone can see the real situation of those people in reality, and the toothpaste commercial made by the four villains is very gimmick in itself."

Whether in movies or TV series, some martial arts action scenes were filmed. In order to show their power, the supporting characters or villains had several teeth knocked out by the protagonist, leaving their mouths with missing teeth and a leaky look.

Of course, it's impossible to actually extract your teeth. It's just stickers and props, lighting, and some small post-production special effects. At a quick glance, you can easily achieve the visual effect of opening your mouth with several missing teeth.

Let’s take Zhao Benshan and Song Xuanjue’s skit (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow). The two put on makeup and pretended to be old ladies. They opened their mouths while talking. One was missing his front teeth, and the other was missing other teeth. They were all made up and lit with visual effects.

Zhou Huimin suddenly felt a little shuddered. She looked at Xiao Xian seriously and said, "Just be a human being. I'm afraid that P\u0026G will also pay to hire assassins to assassinate me..."


ATV TV City, a certain studio area.

When Ren Xianqi, Tai Zhengxiao, Sakai Quanshui, Yang Gangli, and Chen Huiling arrived, they saw a commercial filming set in front of them.

Xiao Qi first exchanged polite words with the other girls, then pulled Tai Zhengxiao and whispered, "Did you also receive the song? Zhao Sheng wrote it himself, and asked you to sing it by name?"

Ah Tai was trembling with excitement, "Yes, although we haven't reached the finals yet, no, the mentor team's internal championship has not even started yet, and I received the song. It seems that our previous performance was very good, and we actually let Zhao Sheng writes the songs himself, tsk~"

"It is estimated that after this season of The Voice is finished, we will all become famous. What did you get?"

Ren Xianqi's smile was as bright as sunshine, "I'm still trying to learn how to record a song (Heart Is Too Soft), but Brother Rong has listened to it several times and said that this song has the potential to make me a big hit." Maybe it can be sold for a few hundred gold."

"The songs given by Zhao Sheng are definitely not bad, but our lineup is also a bit interesting. We are two from the province, and there are three beautiful girls in one Hong Kong Island, one in the mainland, and one island country... It is really a good example of Asia's good voices. .”

"Two members of the Wansheng team got songs. Could it be that Sister Xian gave us a hand?"

The task they received today was to shoot an advertisement.

In addition to filming ads for Maxam shampoo, they also film ads for Chinese toothpaste, White Cat laundry detergent, Panda laundry detergent, etc. They are all daily detergents.

The advertising remuneration is... 10,000 Hong Kong dollars per person, which is really cheap, but the contract is a long-term sharing contract where every time a bottle or bag of personal shampoo, toothpaste, or washing powder is sold, you can get one yuan or one or two cents of Hong Kong dollars.

This is also one of the most important ways to make money so far, even for superstars such as Zhang Guorong, Andy Lau, and Yuan Biao.

So the salary of 10,000 yuan for an advertisement really doesn’t matter.

While the two of them were whispering, a few more figures walked up not far away. They greeted Chen Huifu from a distance, "Ahu, what a coincidence, you are also here to shoot an advertisement?"

Ren Xianqi looked over and suddenly became excited, "Master Xing?! It's Master Xing!"

Tai Zhengxiao is similar.

Chen Huilong, who was greeted by Zhou Xingxing, ran over quickly and said hello excitedly and restrainedly. On July 2, Zhou Xingxing, Liang Jiahui and other (God of Cookery) crew were still filming at the Shaolin Temple in Henan Province.

However, today is the 6th, and the filming of the Shaolin Temple scene in the Mainland has been completed, and the crew of (God of Cookery) has returned to Hong Kong Island to continue filming.

After Mak met with Leung Ka-fai on the 2nd, they discussed the new project at dinner that night. Starting from the 3rd, Mak went to the mainland to ask water conservancy experts for research and investigation, while Ka-fai continued to return to Hong Kong to film God of Cookery.

Now it is Liang Jiahui and Zhou Xingxing who come together to shoot advertisements for the Zhao family...no, for the daily chemical brand that Zhou Huimin, Hong Xin and others have invested in.

Ren Xianqi, Chen Huilong and other students who are still running for the first batch of (The Voice of Asia) are paid 10,000 Hong Kong dollars to shoot an advertisement, while Xing Zai and Jiahui are paid 1.5 million Hong Kong dollars to shoot an advertisement, but they understand everything and get a share of the goods. It's the big head.

It is impossible for this kind of commercial to feature all the stars together and shoot them all in turn. In the coming July and August, the variety show The Voice will definitely be the most grand and grand, attracting the most attention.

After the film and television industry left (Jurassic Park 2) behind, in all kinds of blockbusters, Xing Zai's (God of Cookery) is definitely the next best, with the most sweeping power.

Let them take the first wave.

If nothing else goes wrong, P\u0026G's various products are about to collapse. Now we don't have the energy or time to quickly launch a high-quality movie-level advertising film. So we can use the hottest newcomers and superstars at this stage to shoot advertising. This is the normal logic of entering the market.

Already filming in the studio are Bao Fuyin, Gongsun Ce, and Zhan Zhaozhan's guards.

It's now July. A total of 15 units have been filmed before and after the 1990 version (Bao Qingtian), with a total of 79 episodes. After filming these 79 episodes, the crew of (Bao Qingtian) has paused and plans to take a vacation.

The remaining 100 or so episodes will be discussed later. Zhao Donghuai is also afraid that if he shoots more than 200 episodes and releases them all in one go, the audience will be tired.

These commercials also have their own styles and are very easy to shoot, whether it's like Xu Zheng riding a bicycle with his hair flying, or Huang Bo standing on the street as an entertainer showing off Baleno, or Bruce Willis driving a sports car to show off his driving skills. Then push Rejoice.

This form of advertising can be used casually with lines and placed on many ATV channels. It can be inserted in the middle or before and after a large number of different programs, and it can have a good advertising effect.

After a brief exchange of words, Zhou Xingxing, Liang Jiahui and Chen Huilong came back together, and even took the initiative to greet Sakai Izumi, Ren Xianqi and others, "You are all shooting commercials, like us? My God of Cookery crew still lacks some supporting actors. , everyone who is interested can come and try it.”

(God of Cookery) Are you still lacking a supporting role? Actors like extras can be replaced by an all-star cast at any time. After all, Zhou Xingxing, Tao Dayu, and Guan Lijie were all the opening boys for Zhou Runfa in the New World.

Just take the ATV reporter played by Chen Huilong, the beautiful reporter who interviews the master of wet dreams, Liang Jiahui, isn't there a group of other types of reporters around her during the interview?

It is useful to use unfamiliar faces, and it is also useful to use the high-profile students in this group of (The Voice of Asia). At this stage, Xingzai also knows that the five in front of him are not only the top four winners in the student team of Zhang Guorong and Liu Dehua, but also the top four winners in the student team of Zhang Guorong and Liu Dehua. Did you all get the songs sent by Zhao Sheng?

What a group of backup singers!

Ren Xianqi and others were overjoyed, "Is it okay? Thank you Mr. Xing, we will definitely cherish the opportunity."

Xiao Qi is a bit hard to describe in ancient costumes. His handsomeness is not obvious, but he is quite handsome in fashionable suits and the like.

A group of people chatted and laughed, walked into the studio, looked for director Chen Musheng, and each wanted their own advertising script.

When shooting commercials, just like Qiu Guan, Long Ge and Bruce did before, they shot one group after another, very quickly and easily.

After all, a bunch of good-looking men and women filmed ordinary versions of advertisements showing beautiful hair, white teeth, and laundry detergent’s ability to wash clothes and remove stains.

too easy!

The photo was almost taken in one go. Zhou Xingxing planned to invite a group of people, including the Three Musketeers of Kaifeng Mansion, to dinner. Huang Guangliang, Cheng Kui'an, He Jiaju and Li Zhaoji came.

Liang Jiahui took the initiative to greet with a smile, "Brother Liang, Brother Ju, are you also coming to shoot an advertisement?"

The others are not familiar with these people, but Liang Jiahui still has a good relationship with them. After all, we all had a good time working together during the filming of "Prison Story".

Given Liang Jiahui's current status as a celebrity, he took the initiative to greet him warmly. Of course, the four villains were also very polite and respectful. They came to say a few simple words. When it became clear, they were also here to shoot a toothpaste advertisement? ?

Xingzi, Ren Xianqi, Chen Huiling and others all looked at each other a little bit.

Although the previous Chinese toothpaste advertisements did not allow everyone to shoot them, for example, Xing Zai’s white cat washing powder, Liang Jiahui’s panda washing powder, Ren Xianqi’s Maxam shampoo, Yang Gangli and Chen Huilong were the two Different Chinese toothpastes.

Sakai Izumi always wears sunscreen, while Tai Zhengxiao wears styling mousse.

They looked at Yang Gangli, Chen Huilong, and then at Huang Guangliang... I always felt that there was some misunderstanding about this matter? ?

No one was in a hurry to leave. They watched the four villains take over their scripts, put on makeup, and rehearse. They really waited for Huang Guangliang to first perform the actions of brushing his teeth and washing his hands. After the set of actions was completed, he showed off his missing two upper front teeth in the mirror. , one upper right canine and one left incisor.

The many remaining teeth are also yellow and black...

Showing off his good teeth, Huang Guangliang pushed a bottle of Crest toothpaste and smiled brightly at the camera, "Professional in building the Great White Wall, I choose Crest!"


"I did not do it on purpose……"

"Axing, do you know how business is done now? It's amazing! Why do I feel like this doesn't feel like a business war anymore?"


When someone couldn't help but laugh, Zhou Xingxing looked at the set with bright eyes. It was just a preview before the filming officially started.

Looking at the layout of the scene on the set, and then at the filming crew and Huang Guangliang and others on the left and right, he suddenly ran to Chen Musheng and said, "Sheng Chen, this advertisement is a bit crude. When I shoot this at home, it doesn't stand out a bit."

Chen Musheng asked curiously, "What do you mean, Master Xing?"

Ah Xing said excitedly, "It's like the slow-motion show-off scene where the Gambling Saint appears in My Gambling Saint, with a slung back, a black and white suit with a windbreaker, and background music. There's also the lame Ma Ge in (The True Colors of a Hero) who is cleaning the car. Cheng is also wearing a trench coat, leading a group of boys in suits to walk like a tiger."

"The yellow light is turned in that direction, the background is set, the music is played, the steps are like disowning relatives, the camera is created with a sense of high-end, and the mouth is opened to reveal this look, and a big cigar is lit and puffed up."

“It’s more explosive when it’s paired with lines!”

Following Zhao Sheng, more and more people understand how business wars are fought. Even if you are filming an advertisement for Crest and volunteering to help silently and contribute, you don’t need to actually brush your teeth. If you have laid the groundwork in the early stage, the critical moment will flash. Just a squirt of Crest toothpaste and some lines.

Chen Musheng looked at Huang Guangliang in front, as well as Cheng Kui'an and others in the alternate area, and patted Xing Zai on the shoulder with a meaningful expression, "Master Xing, you are right."

When it comes to famous scenes of pretending to be fake in movie scenes, Zhou Xingxing is definitely a master at this, and not just the various high-light shots of The Gambler? Does Bensheng Linglingqi not have a highlight lens?

Is there no such thing as a truant Veyron?


July 9th.

(Jurassic Park 2) was released globally for eight days, which is the first opening weekend with only one day. The following week was seven days. In eight days, the total box office of Hong Kong Haowan was HK$53 million.

South Korea has accumulated 4 million moviegoers, which is equivalent to a box office of HK$120 million.

The eight-day performance of the mainland summer season is also a full 460 million yuan, and the daily box office is stable at more than 50 million yuan.

Compared with these results, North America's 35 million U.S. dollars in eight days and Europa's 31 million U.S. dollars in eight days are not only not weak but stronger. Europe, Canada and the United States only had 514 million Hong Kong dollars in eight days.

Just the sum of these places is equivalent to a box office of more than 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars in eight days!

1.2 billion in eight days!

Hong Kong Haowan and even the whole mainland are crazy about the terrifying performance of Jurassic 2. The countless fans stimulated by the good news are like spiritual shareholders of the Jurassic series. They can’t wait to recommend it to all their friends, classmates and colleagues around them. these messages.

At the same time, there is a Ponzi scheme in the island nation of Tokyo. The legal news that Sam, the president of Procter \u0026 Gamble Asia Pacific, hired a murderer to assassinate Zou Wenhuai... has impacted the world on the same level as a big movie.

The news has been fermented until July 9th!

At Procter \u0026 Gamble's Asia Pacific headquarters, a senior P\u0026G executive who came from Ohio put down a report, or business investigation document, with a look of disdain or even disgust, lit a cigar and said to Sam, "Sam, what the president means, you can go back. "

"The headquarters will not forget your achievements in opening up new territories, but after you go back, you can rest in peace and take care of yourself. From today on, I will be in charge of our P\u0026G Asia Pacific market."

Sam looked sad and angry, "Howard, I have made contributions to the group, and I have shed blood for the group... The Overlord's sneak attack is less than a month away!"

Howard looked disdainful, "Is this about a business war with the Overlord? This is because you actually spent 10 million U.S. dollars in public funds, wasted nothing, and was easily deceived by a Chicago gangster. It was a shame for the group." Big.”

Sam gritted his teeth and explained, "That's William Jensen..."

Howard waved his hand to interrupt, "William is a loser. He only makes money and squanders it based on the glory of his father's generation. The fact that you trust him so much only shows that you are stupider than him."

"Okay, I don't want to hear too much nonsense, you can pack your things and leave."

Sam was shocked and angry, and wanted to vomit blood. At this moment, his special assistant Jack quickly opened the door, "Boss, look at ATV, they are attacking Crest toothpaste!"

Sam was stunned. Even Howard, who originally wanted to reprimand Jack for being rude, quickly turned on the large color TV after being stunned for a second.

ATV English Channel, a rebroadcast program with English dubbing and subtitles (The Voice), advertisements...

With the classic soundtrack of God of Gamblers appearing, Huang Guangliang, who had a slicked back hair and a calm face, was dressed in brand-name clothes, accompanied by a few elite boys, and walked out of a commercial office building with great momentum. The slow motion of walking down the steps was so eye-catching. Outstanding.

The person who parked the car for Huang Guangliang was a beautiful girl with no makeup, Dita Vantees with wavy black stockings. When Dita Vantees opened the car door, she looked at Huang Guangliang with admiration.

Only then did Lao Huang grin, revealing his mouth where several teeth were missing and the remaining teeth were very yellow and black. He Jiaju respectfully handed over the cigar and Dita Vantees lit it.

Huang Guangliang took a satisfied sip.

The Crest logo, which was originally shrunk in the upper right corner of the advertising shot, suddenly occupies the entire center screen.

Huang Guangliang held a big cigar in one hand and a bottle of Crest toothpaste in the other. His voice full of magic also floated out, "Professional in building the Great White Wall, I choose Crest!"

Sam suddenly covered his heart and spat out a lot of saliva.

Even Howard, who was smoking a cigar, stared blankly at the big screen with a confused and confused look on his face!

It wasn't until the English-language host narrating the script (The Voice of Asia) started to play again that Howard stood up and spoke with an aching look on his face, "I've seen the last few versions of the shampoo commercial."

"You didn't urge the Hong Kong courts to do something? They are all breaking the law and committing crimes! Why hasn't the court started yet? And now it's here again??"

Sam opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly slapped his forehead again, "Oh, I forgot that I'm going back to the headquarters to retire. These things have nothing to do with me anymore."

Howard stared at Sam angrily. Seeing that his gaze had no effect, he looked at Jack fiercely. Jack hurriedly explained, "Find a legal team to sue Bawang and Zou Wenhuai. We are negotiating over there, and the court is advising us Court settlement……"

"This matter is still being debated. It may take several months to get to the point. We have tried to spend money to restore the truth in the media. We have not invited Dillon or Bruce Willis to shoot commercials. These are all competitions. The rival overlord slandered us.”

"But no matter whether it is ATV, TVB, Kowloon Daily, Tiantian Daily, Oriental Daily, Ming Pao, etc., they all refuse to accept these promotional plans."

"We spent money to contact Zheng Shaoqiu, Di Long, Bruce Willis and others, asking them to come out and explain something. Every time we opened our mouths to explain our identities, we got hung up on the phone."

"We held a media conference to explain the commercial. We are the victims. The media that came, including Murdoch's News Corporation, turned a blind eye to this and only followed the murder case that the boss hired to assassinate Zou Wenhuai. .”

"To put it simply, in places like Haowan, Hong Kong, we have been blocked by major media groups!"

Howard was furious, "Idiot, if those newspapers and magazines don't publish our voices, you won't buy the media, print it yourself, and distribute millions of newspapers to every household for free??"

He dared to come and take over the position of Asia Pacific CEO, so he naturally knew how to deal with the endorsement attacks from bald celebrities... throwing money at him and drowning him in the bombardment of public opinion.

The sooner the better!

Existing media platforms have blocked them. Even Rupert Murdoch and the thieves in Australia dare to turn a blind eye to their injustice and humiliation? Are you only pursuing interviews on hired murder cases?

Spend money to buy your own newspaper and print millions of copies for free to prove your innocence!

Jack smiled wryly and shrugged, "Under the command of Mr. Sam, we have also done this. We bought three Hong Kong tabloids with a daily sales of 10,000 copies, or Wanwan's daily sales of less than 50,000 copies. We recruited a large number of workers and poached people to find new jobs to expand the team. …”

"The first time was to clarify that the commercials featuring Dillon and Bruce Willis were not shot by P\u0026G, but were spent by the Overlord to maliciously slander our reputation... When the manuscript was sent out, the staff team did not do anything at all."

"I poached a lot of white reporters and printing workers, and there was a fire in the factory on the night of printing..."

"Boss, there is no need to doubt that our voices cannot be heard in Haowan, Hong Kong. Only by speaking out in Europe and the United States and reprinting it through some channels can we have a chance to clear our name. The sooner the better, and it is less than a month away. .”

"If it takes several months to speak out, it's probably of no use."

Howard was stunned, "We can print it ourselves and distribute it for free??"

Jack looked at Sam again. Sam had a dazed look on his face, "Don't look at me. I have resigned and want to go home to retire. I am no longer the CEO of Asia Pacific. From today on, you just need to be responsible for Howard."

Howard became angry again, "I want to see the Governor of Hong Kong, I want to see the First Brother from the Government Administration and the Secretary for Industry and Commerce! I want to see the First Brother from the BA!"

Jack still smiled bitterly, "At the end of June, Mr. Sam already sent out an invitation, but he hasn't received a reply yet."

The expression on Howard's face gradually became funny, "Is there still a king's law? Is there a law?"

Jack's tone was much calmer this time, and he said calmly, "Well, strictly speaking, this is just a simple, ordinary business dispute case. Bawang Group pretended to be our P\u0026G and secretly used our products to shoot advertisements..."

"This level of illegality is far less serious than Mr. Sam's hiring a murderer. Even if we do file a lawsuit immediately and pronounce a fair verdict in accordance with the law, we will have Zou Wenhuai, Di Long and others publicly apologize to us and pay hundreds of dollars in compensation. Thousands of Hong Kong dollars..."

"This is really far less serious than hiring a murderer."

"Although many people have not seen us, we have made it clear on the phone that it is good for us not to see us, otherwise Mr. Sam will go to jail."

"The most that Zou Wenhuai paid was an apology, throwing away millions of Hong Kong dollars."

Howard, "..."

Sam chuckled lightly and lit a cigarette, "Man, you just came here, and your tone and attitude before made me dissatisfied, but now after seeing the Crest advertisement, I suddenly feel a little lucky that someone has taken over this mess for me. "

"These troubles are no longer something I need to think about. Goodbye."

"The white ones are like this, the black ones... I hope you don't follow my footsteps and spend 10 million US dollars to go out. The result is that you are subcontracted to a street kid on the fifth or sixth floor. You only have 50,000 Hong Kong dollars to assassinate. You still think it's too much." It’s not worth it, so you took the initiative to report me.”

When Sam dropped these words and walked out relaxedly, Howard suddenly became a fool. This position seemed poisonous, a big pit!

Rather than what he thought before he came, his ex Sam was too stupid to even spend money on public relations... P\u0026G is so rich, and the public relations expenses you can mobilize are so huge, how could it not be able to handle some weird advertisements and small scandals?

Now? ?


Kowloon Tong Garden Garden Phase 5.

Wan Ziliang is re-reading the original (Pig Clan) and now (King of Liar) scripts with a richer and more complete plot, reciting the script silently, including memorizing lines.

I saw my girlfriend Tianniu coming out of the bathroom and said with a troubled face, "Brother Liang, help me buy some toothpaste. Xiaofeng and I will never use Crest again. Although I know it is an advertisement, this is too brainwashing."

"Huang Guangliang's advertisements are poisonous, even more cruel than Bruce Willis and Di Long!"

Wan Ziliang raised his head and looked at her, "Huh? Okay, just wait for me. It'll be quick."

Tianniu complained a few words again, but without receiving a response from Wan Ziliang, she went back to wash her hands again.

A few minutes later, when Tianniu came out again, she saw Wan Ziliang still reading the script in the living room. She was speechless for a while... She was too lazy to say anything. She changed her clothes and went out to buy supplies.

Ten minutes later, while Wan Ziliang was still immersed in the script, the doorbell rang. When he woke up and opened the door, he unexpectedly found that five-year-old Afeng had returned with a schoolbag.

Afeng happily called uncle and went home. After running around for a while, he unexpectedly said, "Uncle Liang, where is my mother? Isn't she at home?"

Wan Ziliang was confused, "Huh? She's not at home? She should be there?"

Filmed in 1988 (Big Head Boy), Wan Ziliang and Tian Niu met and fell in love. He also knew that the other party was divorced and raising a daughter and raising a family, but he didn't care and still took this relationship seriously and wanted to get married and live a good life. of.

Where is his girlfriend?

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