Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 398 Another version of technology and hard work

On the 25th, when Zhao Donghuai’s motorcade arrived at Bianlianghe University Campus, a reception group headed by the principal and the backbone group of Oriental Laptop Research Institute had been waiting at the school gate for a long time.

The motorcade stopped, Zhao Donghuai got off the car and walked forward, shaking his head with a chuckle, "I told you not to greet you so formally..."

The principal quickly stepped forward, bent down and stretched out his hands, sighing, "Sheng Zhao, if it weren't for your attention and support, our Heda University wouldn't have dared to expect the honors we have now in fifty years. Now that you are here in person, it is your duty to be as grand as possible." ."

The principal had to lament that in May 1987, Zhao Donghuai invested 100 million yuan to establish Zhao's laptop brand R\u0026D laboratory seven years ago... 100 million yuan in 1987? Now if you spend 3.5 billion, you won't be able to buy many good things at that time.

At that time, households with ten thousand yuan were still rare. Now that the Lantern Festival in 1994 has passed, there are many millionaires in the society.

It's not uncommon to be worth tens of millions in a big city.

Since the summer vacation of that year, experts, professors and even academicians from all over the mainland have frequently visited Heda. In that year, external enrollment, computer and other related faculties experienced an explosive increase in teaching staff.

At this stage, Heda University’s computer-related teaching field is of course impossible to be ranked first in the country, but it is at least in the first echelon.

Not as good as Qingbei, and only weak.

If this isn't a beef pie falling from the sky to Heda, what is it? This is about breeding cattle and a complete set of related training techniques.

After shaking hands and greeting Zhao Donghuai, several leading research and development experts in the research institute also came to greet Zhao Donghuai one by one, and explained the research and development progress of Oriental Notebook... After all, Zhao Donghuai, the big financier, steadily spends 100 million every year and even occasionally three or five. billion to support their research and development.

A certain expert said with a smile, "Sheng Zhao, Oriental notebook motherboard design, mold design, heat dissipation research, fans, air duct arrangement, etc. have all been taken shape, and there are no problems in casing manufacturing."

"The biggest surprise now is that you took Samsung's display technology in 1991 and spent hundreds of millions to develop our Oriental Display."

"If necessary, as long as the key core equipment such as CPU processor, graphics card and operating system are properly controlled, Oriental Notebook can assemble the complete machine and sell it to the public by the end of this year."

Why is it that Zhao Donghuai occasionally spends hundreds of millions more when he originally said 100 million per year?

This is an example in 1991. When he was competing with Samsung in a simulator, he accidentally received a full set of Samsung's most advanced display technology at the time.

That laptop screen?

At this stage, Samsung, Philips, HP, etc. are the largest brands of notebooks and desktop monitors globally.

After seven years of research and development, it’s time to make Zhao’s voice heard.

This computer brand is designated as Dongfang...it is the Dongfang of Chen Hong's Dongfang Group. Why? Tied together, it shows that it is a big name and high-end brand in the notebook field.

At this stage in Asia, who doesn’t know that the East is high-end luxury goods? Even in Korea, the concept that Oriental is a high-end brand in Asia is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

It was originally the brand influence that Zhao Donghuai promoted himself, but this is not called porcelain.

The next moment, Zhao Donghuai smiled and waved his hands, "Don't worry, I was just about to say, I got a dozen photolithography machines from a few friends, and I will spend another 500 million this year. Let's try to research the Oriental CPU? "

What is the most important thing about a notebook? It’s nothing more than CPU, graphics card, memory, hard drive, driver, motherboard, monitor, etc. The various brands of notebooks in later generations are basically Intel’s CPU, Nvidia’s graphics card, Microsoft’s operating system, etc.

It seems like each brand is put together like an assembly machine...

In fact, it is not an assembly machine. It is different from desktop computers that can be assembled at will. A big manufacturer can design its own motherboard, plug this and that on the motherboard, and do its own hard drive, heat dissipation, etc. wait.

This is also very technical.

When it comes to CPUs, it's not just the R\u0026D power of a notebook brand, it's a war between Intel, Qualcomm, and Samsung.

Looking at the various brands of notebooks around the world, they basically use CPUs purchased from those brands. It has to be said that in order to support South Korea, Amei defeated the island country's leading technological advantage in semiconductors and promoted the scientific research and development of Samsung and others. , but also using up the strength of feeding.

Under the words, several R\u0026D bosses were confused again.

“Another photolithography machine sent by a friend??”

The principal was still well-informed and smiled loudly, "Yes, Zhao Sheng, as the richest man in China, has many friends. Having many friends is a good thing."

Isn't this the scene seven years ago when he was walking in school and suddenly a gold mine fell from the sky and hit him in front of him?


Even manufacturers and overlords in the central processing unit industry such as Intel, Qualcomm, and Samsung need to seek support from more upstream lithography machine manufacturers and buy lithography machines.

Zhao Donghuai sent more than a dozen units at a time? Although everyone was not mentally prepared, they also knew that this was another big blow.

Zhao Donghuai pointed at the large convoy and said, "A dozen photolithography machines are on the car. Let's find a place to unload them later. They are all machines with a minimum resolution of 220 nanometers and are contact/proximity equipment."

Globally, in the early to mid-1980s, the technology for manufacturing photolithography machines in the Mainland was not far behind the international level, and was only a few years behind the top level in North America.

Starting from the late 1980s, when various industries in the Mainland took off, the technology of self-manufactured lithography machines lagged behind, and the investment in manufacturing costs was too huge. The cost of manufacturing one by one was much higher than directly purchasing international equipment.

Only then did a situation arise where it was better to buy than to make.

Then starting in the 1990s, it was suddenly abandoned by the international community.

Just like supercomputing, the original trajectory was that in the early 1990s, the mainland could only produce supercomputers that could perform 100 million calculations per second. But starting in 1994, the world's top supercomputers reached a level of more than 200 billion calculations per second.

How huge is the gap between 100 million and more than 200 billion times? ?

The same goes for lithography machines. In the early to mid-1980s, the minimum resolution of the world's top technology was 230 nanometers. In the early 1990s, the minimum resolution of the world's top technology was 220 nanometers.

Until the late 1990s, lithography machines were upgraded from contact/proximity type to scanning projection type, and the minimum resolution suddenly entered 80 nanometers, which is 193 nanometer dry lithography technology.

The minimum resolution is 230 nanometers and 80 nanometers, which is an improvement in the past 20 years.

By the end of the 2010s, the minimum resolution of lithography machines has been increased to 10 nanometers, which is immersive.

The earliest emergence of immersive technology was after the millennium.

In the late 1990s, the island nation was the strongest in the field of lithography machines. Scanning projection and stepper lithography machines almost dominated the global market.

The island country is the strongest... It represents Zhao Donghuai's casual simulation of the business war with the island country. Photolithography machines can also enter the mainland in batches like five-axis linkage CNC machine tools.

It was nothing more than the five-axis linkage CNC machine tools that he had no use for and donated them all. The most advanced photolithography machines have irreplaceable industrial power for the research and development and production of Dongfang CPUs.

The mainland has no shortage of professional talents in the use of lithography machines. In the early to mid-1980s, it produced its own lithography machines, and the gap between it and the most advanced in the world is not big.

Oriental Notebook, if you are in a hurry, can produce the finished product on the assembly line by the end of 1994 and launch it to the world, but Zhao Donghuai is not in a hurry.

CPU, graphics card, memory, hard drive, driver, motherboard, monitor, etc., by promoting Oriental's CPUs and monitors, the technology is so solid that Oriental can supply a large number of other laptops, including desktop brand computers, in Asia.

When the large motorcade drove into the campus and headed towards the research institute, a group of scientific research experts, some of whom were laughing so hard, made phone calls, shaking people's minds.

It’s true that re-opening the battlefield in the CPU field in the East requires more professional people to work together.

Oriental Notebook Research Institute...is getting stronger.

And the industrial chain driven by the production and manufacturing of a notebook? Electronic structure molds, electronic stamping parts, heat dissipation modules, heat pipes, alloy die-casting, computer casings, color spraying, laser engraving, etc., drive too many and huge industrial clusters.

In the future, every large brand notebook group will basically lock in dozens of parts suppliers.

After completing the new round of investment in R\u0026D, Zhao Donghuai and the R\u0026D backbones had a meal and arranged a wave of material rewards, such as houses and cars.

He just left Bianliang and started to go on a self-driving tour with He Qing, Amin, and Guan Jiahui. The self-driving tour was to Shancheng, Jinhai and other (lurking) TV drama-related cities to see how the construction of the filming locations there was going.

The original film (Latent) was filmed in Hengdian, but Zhao Donghuai was not short of money. The main theme of the story took place in Jinhai. Just last November, he invested money to build a film and television area in Jinhai.

More than three months have passed, and even if there is an annual leave in between, I have almost completed my cultivation.

There are three female characters who have a romantic relationship with Yu Zecheng in the hidden scene. The eldest heroine fakes a marriage with him in order to cooperate with Yu Zecheng's hidden mission, and eventually falls in love with Yu Zecheng's character, played by Zhou Huimin.

In the beginning, Yu Zecheng's true lover, Zuo Lan, an iconic female soldier of our party, who was beautiful, brave and culturally pursuing, was played by Guan Jiahui. Zuo Lan's death was also the most tear-jerking scene in the script.

The last Mu Wanqiu was the niece of a traitor, but was persuaded by Yu Zecheng to defect to the faith. When Yu Zecheng was ordered to lurk in Wan, he was also sent to Wan to pretend to be an island woman and marry Yu Zecheng, and continued to lurk. That's why.

Other relevant important actors? This has also been interviewed and inspected, and the list has been finalized. Zhang Zhijian will play Li Ya, Chen Daoming will play Wu Jingzhong, Li Youbin will play Lu Qiaoshan, Miao Qiaowei will play Ma Kui, and Liang Jiahui will play Xie Ruolin.

Zhao Donghuai stars in this big TV series, and the screenwriter and director grabbed it. The lineup is truly unrivaled in Asia.

For example, Mrs. Wu from Wu Jingzhong's family and Mrs. Ma from Ma Kui's family are both played by Zhao Yazhi and Chen Xiaoxu. Yu Zecheng's superiors or liaison officers, Shopkeeper Qiu and Shopkeeper Luo, are Li Xuejian and Chen Baoguo.

After the project was finalized and filming had not yet started, the actors involved in the roles basically began to immerse themselves in the script, and even learned Jinhai or Shancheng dialects.

The original version was released in 2008. The screenwriter and director gathered the crew and finished filming in two months. But before that, it took a full 10 months to transform an original novel of 20,000 words into a script.

Ten months to write the script, two months to complete...


In the summer of 1994, before the new summer season came, the most important thing in the film and television industry was nothing more than the Hong Kong Island Film Awards. Zhao Donghuai was nominated and won the Best Director and Best Picture trophies with the help of (two antique guns). Li Jiaxin won the Academy Award for Best Actress.

Prior to this, the Hollywood Oscar awarded the best actress to Julia Roberts, and Guy won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.

The Hong Kong Best Actor Award is the double yolk egg of Jim Carrey and Liu Yijun. (New York Buyers Club) made these two reputations and awards take off together.

The new summer blockbusters are also coming in a big way. Starring Li Zhi, Cameron Diaz and Christine Yang (Spider-Man version of Charlie's Angels), it's cheap to take advantage of the Spider-Man series, but the big special effects and production are of sufficient quality. A beautiful girl fights a villain on the big screen, showing off the Hong Kong version of fighting moves?

After the announcement, this new movie really attracted countless people's attention. After all, the Spider-Man tights similar to the Black Widow series are so attractive...

Almost a year before and after, Wu Yusen’s (Li Mei! Li Mei!) is also targeting this summer release, as well as Zhou Xingxing’s (The Deer and the Cauldron) Part 1, and (Wind and Cloud Dominate the World).

But all in all, you still have to watch (Harry Potter 2)!

Harry Potter 1 was released in late June last year and grossed more than 900 million U.S. dollars at the global box office. It was the first film in the world to break 900 million U.S. dollars!

Even in Europe and the United States, no one would dare to despise this version of the sequel.

Five blockbusters are enough to...

Somewhere in the province, Zhao Donghuai shouted "Ka" and announced that the filming of more than three months (latent) was completed, and the crew instantly became excited.

Although he did not participate in the performance in the crew, Wang Zuxian, who was watching the filming and dawdling around delivering water, quickly announced, "Good luck tonight. Everyone can eat and drink as much as they want. It doesn't matter if they stay up until tomorrow."

A group of voices thanking Mrs. Zhao rang again.

It made Xiaoxian smile so happy and satisfied. It took more than three months of excellent production, from early March to mid-June, and the summer season is about to open.

The next moment, Xiaoxian walked up to Zhao Donghuai and said, "Hey, Lid is going to hold a Windows 94 press conference in the summer. This summer, can Lid really achieve a leap in wealth?"

"If he becomes the seemingly richest man in the world, the group of guys who listened to you and bought Microsoft together will also become rich."

It was originally in the fall of 1995 that Gaid promoted Microsoft's great development. The total market value of that year was US$50 billion, and Gaid became the richest man with a personal worth of US$20 billion.

It was only released in the summer of 1994? the same.

It's just that before this version of Windows came out, Microsoft broke out in advance due to various competitions and promotions by Zhao Donghuai and Wall Street, and was robbed in advance, resulting in a higher market value.

After all, from Windows 95 to 98, Microsoft's total market value has surged to US$660 billion in one breath, and its total market value is still very recognized.


As night fell, when Xiaoxian and Axin fell into a deep sleep, Zhao Donghuai walked into the bathroom, locked the door, and entered the portable cave.

The original Xiaodongtian has expanded a lot again. (Two Antique/Big Smoking Barrels) has been released globally for one month, and its reputation value has increased from eight figures to ten figures. Finally, it has been painted all over the world, which also provided billions. The reputation is worth it.

After spending billions on it, it is already as big as a thousand acres of land, which is similar to 100 football fields combined. The earliest three-story villas with 200 square meters each have become real single-family manors, larger than Dakeng Village. The villa is also luxurious.

On the huge land, there are everything from rice, wheat, corn and potatoes to fruit trees such as apples, bananas and coconuts, as well as various vegetables.

Chickens, ducks and geese.

Now Zhao Donghuai is equivalent to carrying the family business of a North American farmer with him, and after various quality improvements, the animal and plant products he has here...

Well, the billions of reputation points provided by (the two antique guns) have been used up again. If it weren't for the fact that VCD DVDs are still steadily providing him with new reputation points every month, his reputation would probably have dropped below six figures. .

Walking in the undulating farmland and looking at the river passing through the fields, he sighed, "It would be best to realize hydropower generation in Dongtian and build a hydropower plant."

The modern electricity in Dongtian is mainly a combination of gasoline generators and solar generators, allowing modern life to be realized there.

Zhao Donghuai is not short of money for gasoline. However, as the cave expands step by step in the future, if a river is sorted out, as long as the designed water power is sufficient and the water flow is strong enough, hydropower generation can be completely realized.

People move to higher places, and water flows to lower places.

After he changed the slope with his mind during the expansion of the cave, the river water was left until it finally came into contact with the thick white wall of smoke. It was directly absorbed by the power of the cave itself and turned into groundwater or turned into water vapor and mist and floated into the air.

The water vapor and clouds gathered at the most downstream can be easily moved to the upper reaches at the expense of reputation...or to any direction in the thousand acres of land.

With a complete ecological cycle, the role of this large base is getting better and better.


On June 21st, the summer solstice, (Spider-Man) was successfully released around the world, attracting countless fans to watch it at the very beginning, in the first phase of Hua Yuan in Tsim Sha Tsui.

After Chen Derong came back from jogging outside, she was sweating profusely and headed to the bathroom to wash herself off. Before she could reach the door, she saw 18-year-old Liang Yongqi walking out and smiling at her, "Sister Rong is back? Are you hungry? Am I?" Can I make you some breakfast?"

Ah Rong walked to the bathroom with a sullen face, "I don't want to talk to you, just ignore me today."

Although Liang Yongqi was admitted to Asia Drama last year in 1993 and just completed her freshman year this year, she had participated in the second season of (The Voice of Asia) as early as 1991 and was Hua Zai's second apprentice. Not exactly unknown.

Regardless of fame or talent, they are both very good.

Moreover, in the second half of her freshman year after the Spring Festival, she didn't go to school much. She was taught independently in private.

After Ah Rong went in to wash herself, a bedroom door opened, and Zeng Li walked out of it. She asked curiously, "Did I hear Sister Rong's voice?"

Liang Yongqi pointed to the bathroom with a smile on her face, "Oh, I am no longer at the airport. Sister Rong must have been stimulated by me. She has also eaten papaya, black sesame, peanuts, etc. for several months. Special grade ingredients provided by Sister Xian.”

"I actually got B, I'm so happy. Come on, I'll take you out for a big dinner to celebrate, and then watch a movie after dinner."

As we all know, Chen Derong has almost always been popular as a beautiful girl since she started filming, and she has never shown her figure in film and television works. However, she is actually not small, and her strength is B or above, not as good as Xiao Yingying.

After the New Year, Wang Zuxian, who only provided cucumbers and tomatoes, began to provide them with papaya, peanuts, black sesame and other ingredients that stimulate the growth of estrogen.

Plus supplementing various proteins...

After a few months, Liang Yongqi was the happiest. Her figure was considered one of the tallest girls, and her beautiful legs were quite capable, but well, she was even better than Xiaoxian!

She turned 18 after the Spring Festival, and she no longer had any hope. Suddenly she was called to Tsim Sha Tsui Hua Yuan Phase 1 to do some food tasting experiments? She didn't care at first, but after a few months she was no longer Princess Taiping? ?

Now Xiaoliang laughs whenever he sees anyone and can't stop at all.

No matter how often Chen Derong has a dark face and is unhappy... because she, Liang Yongqi and Zeng Li have been eating together for several months without any reaction or change at all. She is 20 years old.

While joking and pulling Zeng Li back to the house to change clothes, Liang Yongqi said happily, "Hey, when do you think the big boss will come back to check the results?"

"If the big boss comes, I'll just let him inspect it as he pleases."

Zeng Li was shocked, "Don't you like Zheng Yi Jian in F4?"

Liang Yongqi smiled and shook his head, "If you like me, you like me. If you can be favored by the big boss, that will be another kind of fortune."

The next moment, Xiao Liang looked at Zeng Li greedily and said, "You have improved in the past few months, and you are on the level of Li Zhi. Although when facing the camera, your face is a bit long and difficult to photograph. In reality, it looks like But she’s a great actress…”

"I can walk around in a youthful and pure style, but with your conditions, you can try out for big beauties like Connery and Monica, the boss lady."

"I asked the boss to check and probably still can't catch his eyes. You are different. You have the chance to become Sister Li at any time. Then don't forget the friendship we have lived together for half a year. Why don't you wait until your 18th birthday? Is the big boss coming to help you?"

The more Zeng Li listened, the more she blushed, and she directly attacked Liang Yongqi.

However, the past few months of experience, she also felt very magical. It was slowly realizing that she was catching up to Li Zhi's power. If she continued to use special-grade papaya, black sesame, peanuts, etc. like this, would there be any more? Is it possible to make Ye Zimei by chance? ?

Of course, it doesn’t mean that you only need to eat more special-grade papaya, black sesame seeds and peanuts. You also need to have supporting protein supplements, such as meat, egg and milk supplements, and do more exercise. Eating more means that you need high-intensity training.

In addition to dietary supplements such as papaya, there are also related arrangements for whitening and moisturizing.

Let's put it this way, when it comes to skin that is supple, hydrated and fair, Zeng Li at this stage can beat Li Xiaoran and Da Tiantian at their peak.

Press La Beibi from buck teeth to 80 million, which is a symbol of technology and ruthless work. Now she also has another kind of ruthless work. After all, she is a product of Dongtian Farm with billions of reputation points.

Fortunately, everyone is 18 years old and can handle the military training at the beginning of college. How can we talk about scientific sports?

Under the care of the elite female personnel of the Pan Asia Group, the most professional nutritionists and military training experts were hired to make plans for them. They could only eat randomly outside occasionally and have a few days off to play casually.

Life in the past few months has been much harder than studying and training in Asia Opera to learn the basics, but both Zeng Li and Liang Yongqi feel it is so worth it.

After a while, Liang Yongqi took Zeng Li out in cool clothes and whispered, "I heard that a new model over there, Kurosawa Shirei, underwent surgery to use technology to transform her body. She may need to repair it from time to time in the future."

"It's only natural that we can make up for it with royal special-grade super fine products."

Zeng Li was anxious, "You still discuss it after we go out?"

The dressing styles of the two are completely opposite. The super Taiping Princess Xiaoliang, who has never had confidence, now likes to show off her figure most, wearing shorts and tight tops, which is very showy.

Zeng Li is a wide sports series from shoulder bags to toes, even deliberately flattened.

She feels that she is too wealthy at this stage. Should she apply to Sister Xiaoxian to terminate the trial? If you continue to develop like Ye Zimei, it will be a bit too burdensome to move forward.


On June 23, when Zhao Donghuai was sitting in the ATV office, (lurking) in post-editing and other tasks, he decided on the general direction and handed it over to professional editors, and he finally had some free time.

When Azhen ran over to deliver water, Wang Zuxian walked out of the small suite with a dark face. He was in a bad mood and even complained a little to Zhao Donghuai, "Boss, I was only 17 years old when I first met you. If you had done it earlier, , maybe I’ll become rich too.”

"That Zeng Li is really... Do you want to stop? It's too exaggerated for her to become Ye Zimei."

Zhao Donghuai groaned and said speechlessly, "Aren't these trivial matters? At this stage, Xiaoxian, you are the most distinctive."

Azhen burst into laughter, and she was right. Even Zhao Donghuai himself was more prominent and solid than Xiaoxian because he had the most perfect muscle shape. "Xiaoxian, you must be proud of being the most distinctive one in our family."

Xiaoxian gave Azhen a few blows with a dark face before looking at Director Zhao, "Are you going to stop?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Then stop. As for Liang Yongqi, it depends on her own wishes."

Xiaoxian asked curiously, "Why don't you check the results?"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "There's no need to go out and check it out. Just check it out when you have the opportunity."

He had an impression of Zeng Li, and her beauty marketing, such as being the number one beauty in Chinese dramas that could only be seen in a hundred years, was a bit outrageous in her future trajectory.

But she does have a long face, which is not easy to photograph when standing in front of the camera. She is more stunning in real life than on the camera. This characteristic shortcoming is similar to Jiang Xin. She has a bigger frame and is slightly fatter, but in the camera she shows a strong back and a strong waist. ,very scary.

Qiu Shuzhen then asked curiously, "Boss, the filming (lurking) is over, what are you planning to film and act next?"

Zhao Donghuai smiled and took out the new script. He planned to film the two-part film "Dajiang Dahe". Although it is only 1994, the first two parts of "Da Jiang Dahe" were only from 1978 to 1993...

Many things have already happened in reality.

He financed the continuous filming and starred in "Latent" and "Dajiang Dahe", which is really a return to the tribute drama. Even if Latent and Dajiang Dahe cannot be sold outside the Greater China region and have no ratings, as long as more than one billion Chinese people contribute reputation points to them, they will be able to make enough money.

TV series can be played in multiple rounds and replayed many times, and are stable and free for many viewers.

Only now did Azhen and Xiaoxian seem to steal the script. After all, it was time for them to grab some opportunities on the small screen.


In late June 1994, mainland China, Hong Kong, Haowan, Star, Matai Island, South Korea and other places were bombed by (Spider-Man) and entered the real summer vacation.

The story of a female Spider-Man showing off her figure, transforming into a superhero, and fighting villains was made just like the first and second Spider-Man films, with powerful special effects. It earned 300 million in the mainland and 190 million Hong Kong dollars in other regions in the first weekend.

Li Zhi is really popular. It is an explosion. For the European and American markets, the main focus is Cameron Diaz, but with Christine Yang as a supporting role, the intuitive comparison between the small tablet and the weight-bearing movement makes many people excited and want to cry.

On the other hand, in the field of TV dramas, ATV has started rebroadcasting (Meteor Garden)!

This version (Meteor Garden) is still somewhat different from the earliest version. For example, there are additional songs from the original version by Yu Chengqing (The Love Is Unavoidable), as well as (Meteor Shower) sung by Li Ming, Zheng Yijian, Aaron Kwok, and Guan Lijie...

This is paving the way for the F4 version of the big movie (The Hero of the Storm), with special effects production at the same level as the 1998 version, and its box office performance is really promising.

Recreating songs and theme songs is a box office draw.

Countless people also began to shout words such as "My youth is back" and rewatched Meteor Garden. The first premiere was in 1984, and now it is 1994.

And those who have just grown up from children to teenagers in the past ten years have never seen it before? Old TV series from ten years ago are exciting for children to watch.

It was under such circumstances that in July, Gaidi officially launched the Windows 94 version to the market after various announcements. In one July, Microsoft's market value increased from more than 40 billion U.S. dollars to more than 50 billion U.S. dollars. By August, Microsoft's market value was even It has exceeded 60 billion US dollars.

This ended the global competition in operating systems. From a group of heroes competing for supremacy to Microsoft becoming the dominant one, and then to the emergence of other Apple operating systems, it was many years later.

Based on his apparent 41% stake in Microsoft, Gai officially ranks as the world's richest man with a personal wealth of US$24.6 billion.

In fact, Zhao Donghuai's 19%, Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min's 1% each are still in the hands of their family of three, which is nothing more than telling those magazines that calculate wealth values ​​that the company holds 41%.

According to superficial data, Microsoft's shares alone are worth HK$191.8 billion, which is higher than the market value of Chinese Real Estate Group.

The vigorous myth of the richest man has once again been overwhelmingly publicized by various media groups in North America, making it the best symbol of the North American dream.

Then it was released last year, and (two antique/smoking guns) that steadily provided wealth and prestige value in the video tape and disc market, sales suddenly skyrocketed.

Gai... Gai privately called Zhao Donghuai to complain that several major Hollywood groups offered him a salary of US$20 million to star in a new movie! ! This is too disrespectful to him, a technological upstart!

Johnny Depp, Jim Carrey, Nicholas and other stars are still firmly entrenched in the US$10 million and US$15 million clubs. The lid suddenly exploded. Hollywood also recognized him as an action star and movie king. Degree, fire line increased.

The richest man in the world really has a super dazzling halo!


On August 4th, Jin Xishan, who was also a student of the 1993 Asian Opera class, returned to his dormitory from watching a movie. He was shocked when he saw that his classmate Zeng Li, who had been vacant in the quadruple dormitory for half a year, came back.

When she greeted her again, she became more and more shocked, "What's going on? Zeng, you...have undergone major surgery?"

Taller than her, much more career-minded than her, fairer and smoother than her, Jin Xishan suddenly found herself standing in front of her roommate, being made into an ugly duckling.

It seriously affected her self-confidence.

This is as impactful as Tong Shiya's sudden transformation from a black girl to a beauty in the world, with a peak career ambition that holds a big secret.

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