Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 412 You ride in a Mazda, no wonder you are stuck in traffic

A few hours later, Xiao Gao was still looking at the design drawings with Bingbing and Chen Hao, making various plans and ideas.

Just then I heard a knock on the door outside the big office on the 33rd floor. Ten seconds after the knock, a female assistant opened the door and reported, "Mr. Gao, it's Mr. Xing, Luo Huijuan, and Liu Xiaoli who are here. They are still there." In the underground parking lot of the building, I would like to treat you to dinner."

Gao Yuanyuan suddenly realized, "I understand, we will go later."

It has been 20 days since July 18th. These celebrities have been sleeping and resting on the plane and in the nanny's car every day while running road shows.

It's not the Asia-wide "everyone who talks about Westward Journey owes Ah Xing two movie tickets" operation, nor would it allow the film sound engineer to have such a terrible box office performance.

Isn’t it just for (Grade C Baicao Health Pills)? Give what you have to give.

The female assistant nodded to express her understanding, but was still hesitant to speak.

Xiao Gao said in astonishment, "Is there anything else?"

The female assistant then spoke, "While you and Sister Bingbing were visiting the building and discussing the design, many rich people from Hong Kong, including some from South Korea, called to inquire whether they could directly purchase the advanced version of Baicao Health. pill."

"A large bottle with 365 pills. Some people have paid as little as 10 million Hong Kong dollars to buy a bottle, and the highest price has been as high as 36.5 million Hong Kong dollars."

"You were busy before, so I didn't report it for the time being."

Xiao Gao was stunned, "Such a high price? I understand."

The female assistant then turned around and went out.

After Xiao Gao thought for dozens of seconds and planned to call Zhao Donghuai to ask about the situation, Bing Bing said, "Health pills are really expensive."

Chen Hao was very calm on the contrary, "Although I don't have the need, I have learned about some situations. Many people, including rich celebrities, fly to Europe to get some sheep placenta, which is not cheap."

"But Master Xing over there knows that you have goods in a hundred years. It's normal. How come the rich people in South Korea also know about it? The news must have spread too fast."

Fan Bingbing didn't take it seriously, "As long as more than three people know a piece of news, it's no longer a secret. At this stage, more than three people know it? Just look at the mute girl in (Kung Fu), the thirteenth in the third part of (Once Upon a Time) The role of aunt was all given to me."

"Everyone who needs to know in the industry knows it, including Liu Jialing and his wife? The Xu family over there, Lin Jianyue from the Lin family, etc. can easily connect with the established wealthy families. The wealthy families here know it. It is normal for Dao Han and Xing Ma Tai to continue to spread."

Speaking of this, she looked at Gao Yuanyuan with envy, "This is really something that even the outside world cannot buy with money. Bottles and bottles are all about connections."

"The mixer is a blast. That star brother has made a huge contribution. It's right to give his girlfriend one or two bottles. But Sister Yuanyuan, you have to let them know that there are many rich people outside who can't afford it even if they spend a lot of money." The treasure in your hand!”

Gao Yuanyuan smiled broadly, "I understand, I understand, my boss has given me advice."

One sentence once again made Bingbing and Chen Hao feel like they had been stabbed in both sides.


On August 8, after an extensive publicity campaign, King Kong 1996 was released with great success. The shock came, and the global audience was once again immersed in the power of the blockbuster.

Audiences in East and Southeast Asia were once again fooled by the Republic of China version of the couple played by Zhao Donghuai and Chen Hong. Even after watching (King Kong 1996), many viewers would look for the movie (Architecture) that is still being shown in a small number of screening halls. Introduction).

After all, in (Introduction to Architecture), the first love of Zhao Donghuai and Ah Hong missed each other due to practical reasons. If they missed it, it would be gone... This is the real world of adults.

It was a sad ending in the previous movie, but it turned out to be a happy ending in (King Kong)? King Kong, this version of King Kong fights various dinosaurs on Skull Island, one against three against three Tyrannosaurus rex, which is the most exciting for the audience, and the scalp of the audience is numb.

It is when the human protagonist group first encounters a group of Diplodocus foraging leisurely, and then the Diplodocus group is hunted by the Velociraptor group, causing a stampede on Skull Island, and the human protagonist group is also involved in the escape.

A famous scene stimulated the adrenaline of a large number of viewers.

And at the end, King Kong was captured by the down-and-out director Carl, played by the seemingly officially recognized richest man on earth, Gai Ge, and brought back to Shanghai for public exhibitions and performances, and then became the Republic of China version of the monster causing havoc on the beach in Shanghai.

And in the end, King Kong stood on the top floor of the Peace Hotel and was hunted by the planes of the great powers...

A monster movie with special effects and visual effects that are stronger than the Jurassic trilogy and no weaker than (Independence Day). As soon as it was released, it had a strong impact on movie fans around the world.



At this moment, Zhao Donghuai is walking on the street wearing a hat, sunglasses and a mask. The same goes for Jane and Winona beside him. Winona is still the white version of the heroine of King Kong 1996.

There were more than twenty Pan-Asian bodyguards forming a protective line near them to follow them.

After walking out for a while, Azhen complained, "Tokyo just feels like this. It's not as prosperous and fun as our Hong Kong Island. It's just a novelty when traveling."

The last time she came to Tokyo was in the autumn and winter of 1984, when she followed director Zhao to shoot (Super Body). It seemed that Tokyo had changed a bit over the past ten years, but it didn't seem to have changed much, and pedestrians on the streets generally felt less stable. Vibrant and spirited.

A very sad atmosphere enveloped the metropolis, and she felt that the atmosphere in Tokyo was very suitable for filming the (Resident Evil) series.

That is to say, seeing that the Wan family is divided into rudders, the energy of those wearing Wan family uniforms has improved a lot. At the end of 1991, Wanjia entered the island market at pace, and rented more than 500 buildings in the three major metropolitan areas.

After Zhao Donghuai arrived, he first asked Yamada, the former CEO of the island country, to contact the owners one by one who wanted to buy land and real estate.

Yamada's motivation is still good. Zhao Donghuai arrived on the 7th and reported today that he had secured dozens of owners. The deal was negotiated quickly, not expensive, and he was not cheated.

This is the era after the island nation's economy completely collapsed.

Those who own buildings... may still be burdened with a lot of debt, and even many Wanjia buildings may be held in the hands of banks, waiting for the funds to be withdrawn. The original owners have already jumped off the buildings and jumped into the sea.

As for the Wanjia employee system under Yamada, it was initially organized by more than 300 suicide squads who were preparing to commit suicide. Later, during the large-scale recruitment expansion, many people were recruited who were ready to die, but only by relying on Wanjia charity merchants and supermarkets did they have the courage to survive. Trade Union.

With tens of thousands of death squads as the backbone, this team's working model is still very good.

He is brave in everything he does.

Of course, you said that with Wanjia’s charity operation, they don’t have to die? Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted? He failed to commit suicide once, but became more afraid of death and would never do stupid things again?

Don't make trouble... As long as you don't do your job properly, you will be fired.

After losing this career, they are still faced with huge debts, cordial greetings from banks and other debt collection groups. How can it be so easy to repay decades of mortgage loans? The three or four years of mortgage loans you paid before may still be just Repaying the interest on the loan.

That’s really like losing this job and losing your life!

The earliest group of employees could only regard Wanjia as the final ark of salvation.

In the Wanjia system, the higher you climb, the better the benefits. The nine-level salary and benefit system allows everyone to regard climbing as the core motivation. The higher the level, even if the monthly salary is paid directly to the bank, Robbed.

However, the welfare and gifts given during the holidays cannot be collected by banks or other debt collectors. These can make several families live a comfortable and superior life.

Zhao Donghuai did not skimp on cuts in this regard... He needed to use Wanjia's welfare benefits to be a street light in the capital world.

What if the most enviable job for the island country's top talents and college graduates in the future is as easy as being a salesperson at Wanjia Supermarket? ? That picture is so beautiful.

Therefore, if Yamada does not actively buy houses and work after receiving the order, it is estimated that Wanjia executives in various positions under Yamada will take the initiative to report Yamada for wanting to be promoted.

Under such circumstances, Hong Xin's Qinling Internet cafe chain is building stores and decorating the first floor of the Wanjia comprehensive shopping mall in more than 500 buildings!

Huashan ICQ chat software has already sharpened its plans to dominate the island country market.

After walking around for a while, I waited for Zhao Donghuai to return to the Huazhi five-star hotel in Shinjuku. The hotel was also just bought. It was a building built by another hotel group and it was less than two years old. Huazhi’s outdoor sign The LOGO and so on are still being produced and there is no time to change them.

I saw an old man, accompanied by a group of bodyguards, walking out of the lobby seating area on the first floor, "Zhao Sheng, you are willing to come to Shinjuku. It really makes us feel happy."

"By the way, I brought a small gift to you as a meeting gift."

Zhao Donghuai looked at the other party and said in surprise, "So polite?"

Isn't this the Mitarai who died suddenly in 1995 in the original trajectory? Because he died suddenly at the age of 56, another Mitarai rose up and began to rule the Canon Kingdom.

That Mitarai is the cousin of the Mitarai in front of me... Canon, one of the important components of the Fuji Zaibatsu, one of the six major corporations.

Mitarashi walked over quickly and bowed slightly, "Since Baicaodang started to industrially produce the ordinary version of Baicao Health Pills in 1991, I have been taking them for more than four years. Zhao Sheng, this product you promoted is really great. ”

"It feels like it is going to rewrite the landscape of anti-aging and beauty fields around the world."

"People like you should naturally be written on monuments for people to worship. I accidentally learned that there are some people who can't see the times clearly, and they want to do you harm, so I sent people to arrest them and send them to Zhao I'll deal with it at your expense."

Since the birth of Canon, several generations of presidents have been firmly controlled by the Mitarai family. He is 57 years old, and anti-aging care has long been on the agenda.

Samsung Li's daughter is right. When the advanced version of the health pill goes to the world, there will be the best example like Isabel Adjani... There will really be no shortage of big shots at the level of old men, eager to become Zhao Donghuai's friends.

Power is really a good thing. Once it is firmly controlled, it will make countless people obsessed with it and reluctant to give it up. Otherwise, China would not have left so many stories about the transfer of power since ancient times.

As for why this Mitarai didn't suddenly die of pneumonia last year like in the original track, leaving the huge Canon Kingdom to his old cousin.

It can only be said that those who know you best are often your opponents and enemies.

Zhao Donghuai frequently took away all kinds of supercomputers from Hitachi, which made Hitachi people panic. The senior management felt that everyone was like a ghost in the Zhao family... Hitachi and Canon are good brothers, and they are both the top members of the Fuji Zaibatsu. Important pilasters.

When it comes to Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., Sapporo Beer, banking and financial fields, etc., there are many encounters with Zhao Donghuai.

The hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars he made from the island countries every time during the big wave included a lot of money from the Fuji Zaibatsu.

With the opposition like this, the Fuji Zaibatsu is of course very concerned about Zhao Sheng. Under the attention of old men like them, Zhao Donghuai's incredible physical fitness, his age that dazzles others, the beauty of his wives, etc.

It has long fallen into the minds of the old men, who are probing, testing, and studying something.

So when the regular version of Baicao Health Pills was promoted in Tai Po, old men in various consortiums were the first to buy it, and organized medical institutions to study it and let people try it to see the effects.

Stop for a few months or half a year to make sure that eating this thing is only good for your body.

Then just eat. The older you are, the more serious and attentive you are to eating.

He has been taking it for more than four years. It is indeed good for the body. In the original trajectory, a pneumonia killed him. With the help of the health pills, it was not a big deal to survive the pneumonia.

The Canon Kingdom not only produces cameras, this kingdom also covers a huge range of medical equipment, semiconductor production equipment, printers, fax machines, scanners and other huge industrial products.

Before getting the advanced version of Baicao Health Pills, or even getting its formula and technology, Mitarai and other old men wanted Zhao Donghuai to live healthily the most.

How can the major chaebols in their own territories let little ants, little mantises, etc., disturb Zhao Donghuai's leisurely tourism? That's the joke.

Even though this is a world where the real estate economy of the island country has collapsed, their control over the island country has still increased. Cyberpunk.

They don't play much worse than South Korea.

Mitarai's appearance represents a tentative contact between a group of people.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "So I still want to thank you."

Mitarai smiled brightly, "No need, no need. I have many friends in Tokyo and even the entire island country. Zhao Sheng wants to get all the real estate rights of Wanjia Supermarkets and Baijia Chain. I can help. It can be done in three days." Done."

"The Huazhi hotel chain is coming to the island country to develop, and we can also help."

"I just hope that I can buy some high-end Baicao health pills from Zhao Sheng at the price of 36.5 million Hong Kong dollars for a bottle of 365 pills."

"Traditional Chinese medicine is so great. This must be the most essential treasure condensed from thousands of years of Chinese medical history. It should really go to the world and declare the greatness of Chinese medicine to the world, instead of until now, Chinese medicine has only been recognized in North America. For complementary medicine.”

"In terms of anti-aging and beauty, sheep placenta and the like are the biggest joke."

Not only did Mitarai speak nicely, he also had a certain degree of confidence in his heart. He felt that the deal could be realized smoothly, and it was not because of his soaring self-confidence that he was arrogant...

Rather, when Zhao Donghuai distributes high-end health pills in batches, he uses the power of consortia to buy them from Guan Shan, Zhou Huimin's mother and others, or steals guns and abducts high-end health pills. They cannot do it easily. They are super afraid. Zhao Donghuai's counterattack.

Who made the man named Zhao so proficient in business warfare?

However, the high-end version of the health pills has been in the hands of middle-aged and elderly actresses such as Liu Xiaoli, Lin Qingxia, Zhao Yazhi and so on for so long, and it is clear that the pills are effective.

Then it will continue to flow into the hands of Zhou Xingxing, Liang Jiahui and others. With the power of their consortium, they have the opportunity to purchase at high prices, but they can't buy it? It would be much easier to steal, rob, and deceive those people.

You said they are all cash cows in the hands of Zhao Donghuai, and if they touch them, they will encounter Zhao's counterattack?

They only stole health pills, and they would not attack the personal safety of Zhou Xingxing, Liang Jiahui and others... Even if someone is angry afterwards, wouldn't it be enough to send a scapegoat to set the stage?

As long as the health-preserving pills flow into the hands of people outside the Zhao family's core circle on a large scale, the difficulty for outside consortiums to obtain genuine copies will plummet exponentially.

For example, if a group of thieves were sent to steal a few pills from Zhou Xingxing's house and a few pills from Liang Jiahui's house, it would be difficult for them to discover the loss of several pills at the first time.

This is just a random example, another example is package swap...

That thing is Baiguo Essence. It tastes good, but it’s just like that. It can’t be said to be delicious. With the strength of the island country’s scientific research community, it has already conducted countless studies on ordinary health pills that have entered the market, and analyzed each of them. Source of various kinds of fruits.

It's just that I can't analyze the detailed proportions of the formula.

But with their scientific research capabilities, they stole a few high-end versions. After studying the formula, they made something with the same appearance, color and taste as the original version. They put it in a bottle and looked for opportunities to swap it... I guess Liu Xiaoli and Zhao Yazhi wouldn't be able to eat those. difference.

This is Mitarai's confidence.

With the situation here, he felt that this deal could be done.

Under the words, Zhao Donghuai couldn't help laughing, "Your price is okay, and you are so sincere, okay, I will sell you a few bottles later."

Just agreed? As early as when he handed it over to Liu Xiaoli and others, he knew that if the outside world wanted to cause trouble, they would be able to steal the finished product from Liu Xiaoli, Zhao Yazhi, Lin Qingxia and others.

This is bound to get lost, and he himself is not afraid of this thing spreading.

He even doesn't mind that the scientific research community in Europe, America, Island, and South Korea has started vigorously researching health pills... If the other party can come up with Dongtian version of health pills with the same effect in reality without relying on Dongtian's enhanced power.

This is also a good thing for him and the entire Zhao family.

Ordinary scientific research in the outside world can achieve the effects of Dongtian's products, and Dongtian will only be stronger. Then he does not need to consider retiring to Dongtian at the age of seventy or eighty, and maybe he can survive until he is more than a hundred years old.

Furthermore, the simulator simulation before coming to the island country... had already predicted the scene before him. It was just a prediction that the person who came to him for cooperation was not Mitarai, a member of the Fuji Zaibatsu, the six major zaibatsu, but another old man from another of the six zaibatsu.

After the other party bought several bottles of high-end health pills, the end result was not pleasant.

Mitarai was ecstatic, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao. I wonder how many bottles I can buy?"

Zhao Donghuai walked towards the hotel, "I'll give you three bottles first. It's easy to talk about, but I also kindly advise you that this stuff is a bit prickly."

He has fought countless business wars between the East and the West around the world, so if the health pills are in his hands, even if they are delivered to a group of family members, and everyone is on Hong Kong Island, they will rarely cause business wars.

It's just that my good friend Isabelle Adjani went to Europe and the United States to film in Japan, which caused another stir.

But this thing flowed in... He remembered a certain deduction in the simulator. Another old man from the Sixth Major came to buy a few bottles. After eating and studying it for less than five months, he was poisoned by the traitor in the family?

It concerns several major financial groups in the island country, rights and other matters. The old man does not want to grow old, the middle-aged rebellious son wants to be in power, and a somewhat pleasant situation occurs. How normal is it?

In addition, after the old man was poisoned by the traitor, the traitor did not take the position, but was seized by the collateral. Just like the Mitarai in front of him, his biological father was the first president of Canon, and he was also the confirmed heir. dispute.

Yuan Ji passed away from pneumonia last year, and the Canon Kingdom became his cousin's vegetable garden. The chaebol version was left to its own devices, as has always been the case in the East and the West.

The bottles of health pills sold in the simulation were not left in the hands of that family, but were snatched away by an old white man from North America who took advantage of the family's civil strife.


Some time later, in the presidential suite of Huazhi's flagship store, he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window and watched the Mitarai fleet leaving on the road downstairs.

Zhao Donghuai opened the simulator again and gave it a try.

[On August 9, 1996, you sold 3 bottles of C-grade Baicao health pills to Mitarai, who happily helped your Wanjia chain, Baijia surname chain, Lucky Lai hotpot chain and other industries spread to the three major metropolitan areas , the trade road is smooth. 】


[In October, various forces in the island country formed a research institute and recruited a large number of top talents to develop and deduce the formula of health pills. In order to understand and master this life-extending technology, they are even ready to exchange photolithography machines and semiconductor technology with you. 】

[Replace the Baicao Health Pill system with the world's most advanced photolithography machine industrial system. 】


[In March 1997, Zhao's enterprise spread all over the island country. Mitarai, who worked tirelessly, was suddenly hit by a dump truck. Another Mitarai cousin who had returned from North America took over the Canon Kingdom. 】

[All the Mitarashi children were stripped and expelled from the canon by their North American cousin. 】


[In August 2006, under your control, Baicao Health Pills replaced the photolithography machine technology and was perfectly realized. However, what you traded was just the regular version of Baicao Health Pills formula. After ten years of hard work and hard work, the Island Health Pill Research Institute finally stepped out. A small step forward in life extension technology. 】

[These ten years have been a decade in which the island nation’s lithography machines, semiconductors, communications, and digital technologies have gradually been completely left behind by Hong Kong, South Korea, Europe, and the United States. 】

"Simulation over."

After watching a ten-year simulation, Zhao Donghuai called out, "Good guy, if there is no major accident, will Mitarai, who just left in the convoy, encounter a violent dump truck next year?" ?

No longer killed by pneumonia, but still inseparable from the North American cousin’s next step? ? People are hard to break.

He was still watching the simulation when he saw Hong Xin, who was eating a big cucumber in front of him, trembling and laughing, "Boss, there are a lot of Chinese in Shinjuku. I asked someone to count them. There are almost 100,000. It's better to get the certificate." For example, a work visa.”

“There will only be more illegal households and illegal workers without statistics.”

"Should my Qinling Internet Cafe hire more Chinese network administrators?"

Wang Zuxian also joined in and said, "Yes, if you are lucky enough to expand the chain, you can also recruit more Chinese workers. The total population of Shinjuku is less than 300,000, and there are 100,000 Chinese. This is great. Those killers from the Tiger Gang He really knows how to grab territory.”

Cheng Longyuan's "Shinjuku Incident" is about the survival events of Chinese people who smuggled to the island country in the 1990s. It realistically marks some features of this era.

Compared with the original trajectory, the strong rise of the Tiger Gang, the rise of Hydra such as Murakami Gen, Miura Takashi, etc., split the Shin Yamaguchi-gumi into the most dynamic group in the island country's top society, and the Shin-Yamaguchi-gumi is the biggest ally of the Tiger Gang.

The development of overseas Chinese in Tokyo is also changing with each passing day.

Those with certificates can earn 100,000 yuan, while those without certificates... may soon occupy the entire Shinjuku.

Zhao Donghuai nodded with a smile, "It's a good thing. Now there are island nation consortiums that are trying to curry favor with us. Let's have good luck, Wanjia, Hundred Family Surnames, Qinling, etc., recruit more people from the illegal industry, and let Canon's Mitarashi help them clear their name. .”

The old man will start driving a dump truck in March next year. Before then, he can still use his spare time and energy.


In August, the vigorous summer season came to a perfect end.

Zhao Donghuai flew around the island country and Xingma Tai several times, promoting the expansion of major companies and groups under his name. During this expansion, he had to recruit a large number of talents from the mainland to work in various places.

Recruiting only from Hong Kong Haowan will hollow out the original team.

When it was September and the autumn wind was picking up, Liu Dehua knocked on the door of Zhou Xingxing's office. When he saw Fei Jing inside, Hua Zai walked over with a bottle of Grade C health pills and said, "That's outrageous. This is the advanced version of the health pill given to us by Director Xiao Gao."

"Someone has already offered me HK$50 million to buy a bottle."

"It feels like it's not about money now, it's about how to repay the favor... I have one bottle, and it's settled this year. What should I do tomorrow? What if I go to the senior director to ask for it again? Doesn't it seem that we are too shameless?"

"I don't even know how to speak next time."

This August is the time when Zhou Xingxing, Liu Xiaoli, Gong Li, Lin Qingxia and others have done promotional work for (sound engineer), boosted the popularity and box office of the movie, and are similar to exchanging their hard work for health pills.

What everyone got was not for men. Hua Zai gave it to his girlfriend, Wang Jing gave it to his wife, and Ah Xing gave it to Juanmei.

At the dinner party, Gao Yuanyuan was very happy, just like Bingbing acting as a commentator, saying that the traditional rich and wealthy people in Hong Kong, Island, Korea and even Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand were willing to spend a lot of money to buy this health pill because of limited production capacity and high prices. The guide does not sell it to others, but gives it to them.

Everyone was very happy and touched at the time.

As time goes by...one by one, the old rich and old men and women from wealthy families directly bid for them, and each one bids higher than the last.

At this stage, Hua Zai and Zhou Xingxing are not short of money, and this has a huge impact on their mentality.

Following Hua Zai's complaint, Fei Jing winked and said, "I heard that your A-Qian's Datuk uncle has come to your house? Your A-Qian is only 30 years old, so she doesn't seem to be in urgent need of health pills."

Hua Zai felt a headache coming on, "Don't say it, A Qian's brother and sister-in-law also want it. One bottle is not enough, so I took it out today..."

Everyone knows that Hua Zai's girlfriend is fair and rich. Not only does her family have a good environment, but her uncle is also a big entrepreneur in Malaysia, Dato. This Dato in Malaysia is similar to the Justice of the Peace in Hong Kong Island.

Gao Yuanyuan just sent a bottle, and it was even because Hua Zai insisted on going to the (mixer) celebration banquet and shamelessly asked for it. He didn't appear in (the mixer), he was just singing as a guest during the road show. , calling on fans to watch the mixer.

I thought it was a good thing, but before A Qian had even eaten a few pills, a group of relatives came running over. It was a very real and realistic group of relatives and friends.

Zhou Xingxing said happily, "I have stopped my computer to wait for Fan Bingbing's schedule and plan a new movie. Why don't you, Brother Hua, come and support me a few more times?"

Hua Zai thought for a moment and shook his head with a wry smile, "The appeal of my movies is far inferior to yours. I am more famous than you in the music world and have a better image in the action and fighting field. By the way, I remembered it, Mai Yanxiong sent me a film appointment, saying that he wanted to make a movie called (Black Gold)."

"Not only did he make an appointment with me, but he also made a film appointment with Brother Jiahui."

"I'll wait and ask him for a detailed script to see if there are any opportunities for praise."

Wang Jing asked curiously, "Black gold? Money laundering?"

Hua Zai explained with a smile, "When we first talked on the phone, we said it was related to black money, but it's not a simple matter of laundering money with the big brother. It's much more complicated than that. It involves the big brother laundering money and wanting to go ashore for development."

"It reflects a lot of things over there, such as the video game king and the trend of Brother Zhushe wanting to be elected."

Wang Jing's eyes lit up, "It sounds good."


On September 5th, the new school year swept across East and Southeast Asia.

Zhao Donghuai was sitting behind his desk. He had just used strong words to comfort Gao Yuanyuan, who regretted not being able to travel to Xingma and Taizhou, when Ah Xin came over and said, "Boss, Mai Xunxiong is here and said that he has a new movie project. I would like to hear your suggestions and find out whether it can be released in theaters around the world."

Xiao Gao Tiantian called Sister Xin and asked curiously, "Director Mai is worried that his new movie cannot be released in theaters everywhere? What kind of blockbuster is so outrageous?"

Ah Xin rolled his eyes at her and said, "Stop being a good boy. I'll take you to try out the latest five thousand year old clothes later. With your supermodel figure, it would be a pity not to change your clothes more often."

The ingredients produced in Dongtian include meat, eggs, and milk, which make Xiao Gao's ambition look like a big grapefruit, and I almost envy her to death.

With such long legs, it would be a pity not to wear stockings.

A moment later, when Mai Xunxiong walked in with the script, Ah Xin had already taken Xiao Gao to try on new clothes. Zhao Donghuai grabbed the (black gold) script and fell into deep thought.

Black gold.

Mak Hung-hsiung remains the most famous in the Asian film industry, and the most epic film about the leader of a socially dynamic group. Half of it is extremely hot and exciting, and the other half is too crotch-inducing.

It was at this time that Black Gold in the original track came up with an idea. He originally invested HK$60 million in his comeback film after a few years of retirement, but the box office was a mess. Hong Kong Island only had a box office of 11 million, and it was not released in many places. No sales port.

The famous scene of Tony Leung Ka-fai's Zhou Chaoxian slapping Director Lam in the face has almost become a nightmare for Mazda. No one can destroy a brand car in one paragraph.

After reading the script, Zhao Donghuai thought about it and said, "The script is good, but the second male lead represents a decent character. The character needs to be changed. You hired Hua Zai? Then let Hua Zai play the role of Lonely Flying Tiger, Ji Ji A series of quick pursuit action and fighting moves.”

"In the final decisive battle, it is too fragmented to show one person's lone hero. It is best to define Hua Zai's entire team as top masters like Super Flying Tiger."

"Even if you change the finale to show Zhou Chao first successfully escaping from the province, it would be more meaningful than the second male lead flying a helicopter to destroy the villain team."

"You're worried that Zhou Chao Xian's Escape won't be available in theaters in some places. At worst, it will be distributed on DVD instead."

The script brought by Lao Mai is similar to the original trajectory. The final ending is really a forced plot kill, which makes people very unhappy.

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