Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 466 Many people’s coffin boards can no longer hold them

Time passes leisurely, in the summer of 2009.

With the opening of Hong Kong Island Fashion Week, it is another grand event of the year when a large number of models from all over the world, including the mainland, arrive on Hong Kong Island to catwalk.

On the second floor of a double-decker bus from the New Territories to Kowloon in Hong Kong, a young man was using proficient Mandarin to complain to his friends, occasionally mixing in a few English words. His complaining voice was quite loud...

While talking, he frequently glanced at a beautiful woman in front of him.

"I studied abroad in North America before, and I heard about an incident. A sparrow got entangled in an exposed high-voltage wire on the roadside. It screamed and attracted the attention of passers-by. The passers-by called 999, and the police notified Kuromiya."

"In the end, the commander-in-chief decided to blackout the entire country for half an hour to save the sparrow."

"This is the freedom and greatness of North America!"

"Looking back at us in China, how much seafood, cattle and sheep are eaten on the table every year? This is the greatest disrespect for life. Isn't this worthy of our reflection?"

This is a double-decker bus. There are about seven or eight people on the second deck of the open-air bus. The seats are relatively scattered. Accompanied by the sound of a certain young man complaining, not to mention the beautiful woman in front of him, looking back at him in surprise.

Several passengers in other directions looked frequently. Some wanted to refute something, but they didn't know what to say for a while.

A certain young man caught the eye of a beautiful girl and his conversation became more lively, "Also, when will we Chinese people get rid of the bad habit of using chopsticks? How many trees are destroyed every year, let alone the normal chopsticks, disposable wooden chopsticks are more It destroyed a lot of forests."

“Look at how many people use steel cutlery and cutlery outside. That’s the standard choice for returning farmland to forest and protecting the earth’s environment.”

"Unless there is a perennial wilderness fire, the chopsticks we waste in a year will only cost so many acres of forest!"

There were more people scanning the young man, and he felt even more proud because of it.

A man in sunglasses and a mask who was sitting in the last row of the bus got up and walked over, stretched out his hand and slapped him twice, which stunned the young man!

There was also an exclamation on the bus.

The young man was stunned for more than ten seconds. After the burning pain on his face woke him up, he stood up in shock and anger, "You..."


Young man, "Fuck..."



Tens of seconds later, he sat on his seat holding his head, crying with aggrieved face, "Who are you? Why did you hit me? If you hit me again, will I call the police?"

Zhao Donghuai then said calmly, "There are so many people on the bus, why do I only hit you? Not others? Isn't this worthy of your reflection?"


"Well done, well said, come on, handsome!"

"I heard how he was slandering the Yoneda Communist Party before, and I've long wanted to hit someone, but I just don't want to cause trouble!"


Under Zhao Donghuai's words, several people on the second floor clapped and cheered. The reflective man collapsed and continued to cover his head. He even murmured a few vague curses amidst everyone's discussion and ran to the next floor.

Zhao Donghuai then calmly waved his hands to the left and right, and continued to return to the last row.

As for why Zhao Sheng, the richest Chinese man in the world, took the bus here, it was just a simple daily exercise, running all the way from Kowloon to the New Territories... After running around, he lazily took the car and didn't want to cause any trouble to the driver, so he took the bus along the way.

This is the same as in the 1980s and 1990s, when he occasionally exercised outdoors and breathed in the natural air. He has continued to do so in these years.

It's just that he didn't expect to encounter such a disgusting reflective man.

I don’t know if he is a person with cerebral palsy who was brainwashed by the European and American media, or if he is paid to do things?

When he sat down and looked at the scenery on both sides of the river again, the beautiful woman who had reflected on the man in front of him came over with great interest and sat on the seat beside him. There was an empty space between them and said, "Uncle, you hit someone like that, it's really bad." Aren't you afraid that he will call the police? Or do you know that even if the police come, you will be disgusted by that person? Will you help him or not? "

This pretty girl speaks Mandarin very well, but she is tall...

Zhao Donghuai stared at the pretty girl for a few seconds and said in surprise, "Are you studying here? Or did you become a drifter in Hong Kong at a young age?"

The pretty girl Can explained with a smile, "I am a model who came to participate in the Hong Kong Fashion Week catwalk. Five Thousand Years Magazine also invited me to shoot a special advertisement. Maybe there is hope that I can become a cover girl."

"If everything goes well, I might be admitted to Asia Opera after the summer vacation. Now I'm waiting for the results of the cultural courses of the college entrance examination. I passed the art test at the beginning of the year. Once I pass the cultural courses, I will be a student of Asia Opera."

Zhao Donghuai's expression was a bit complicated, but his expression was hidden under his sunglasses and mask, so it was not easy to detect, "You are quite beautiful. It's not difficult to get into an Asian drama just based on your appearance and figure, but I feel like you don't have any acting talent... "

This is 17-year-old Nazha.

Does she have acting skills? talented? The original trajectory is mixed around, what happened? He has been in the industry for more than ten years relying on his good looks, and is surrounded by all kinds of scandals and scandals?

Under the words, Nazha was annoyed, but after glaring at Zhao Donghuai, she also asked curiously, "It's such a hot day these days, wearing a mask and sunglasses, you are not a serious person, are you a big star in the industry, or some other celebrity ?”

"Or a wanted criminal?"

The sea breeze is blowing in Hong Kong Island in mid-June. Even if it is not extremely hot outdoors, it is definitely not cold. Nazha will come over to say hello. I really suspect that she is a senior in the industry...

Not just that I was surprised that Director Zhao beat someone.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "If I were a wanted criminal and you came up to me like this, wouldn't it be the end of me?"

Nazha smiled brightly, "Is it possible to stage a live version of the bus encounter with Uncle Rong and Sister Ying in (Secret Battle)??"

"Speaking of it, it's the 20th anniversary of the release of (Dark War). I wasn't even born when it was released, but the international thief played by Uncle Rong and Sister Ying's bus are black and long and have a straight white moonlight. Looking back on it now, they are very romantic."

Now in mid-June 2009, it is indeed 20 years and three months since "Dark War" starring Zhang Zhijian, Zhang Guorong, Lam Jieying and others was released.

Ah Rong, who did not suffer from depression and then committed suicide, is indeed a 53-year-old uncle... but his style is still the same. Not only is he no worse than Fei Xiang, who was in his 60s or 70s in the original trajectory, he is only stronger.

On the contrary, Lan Jieying's condition is average, because Lan Jieying has experienced the death of her parents, her boyfriend has been on and off, and she is still single. She doesn't have as much money as Zhang Guorong, and her maintenance is average.

During the joke, the bus arrived at a certain stop and passengers were getting on and off. After hearing something, Nazha looked down to the curb and exclaimed, "Uncle, did the guy you beat up really call the police? The police are coming up?!"

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

This is a trivial matter. He is a little depressed. It's already 2009 and he has been working in this field for 26 years. There are still those kind of fools and idiots. Emotionally, he is more willing to believe that a certain introspective man is collecting money. The person doing the work doesn’t want the other person to really be deceived.

Taking money to do things at least shows that they are Chinese people with normal IQs, not mentally handicapped people with cerebral palsy!

After a while, there were not only a few new passengers on the second floor, but also two uniformed police officers walking in front of the reflective man and walking towards the back of the car. Nazha was still very excited, "Uncle, do you have earplugs? You really want a live version. Are you acting out the (secret battle) plot? Do you have a gun?"

"But if you hold me hostage and threaten the police, you can't take advantage of me. You have to be a gentleman!"

Nazha, who is only 17 years old, is obviously just watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously. Based on Zhao Donghuai's calm reaction, she most likely thinks that Zhao Donghuai is a star or celebrity, so he always wears a mask and sunglasses in such weather.

It’s not that she thinks stars or celebrities must have privileges, and it’s not illegal to hit someone, but it’s just that a certain reflective man who worshiped foreigners and mocked her own people was so disgusting.

The two uniformed police officers also walked and inspected. Zhao Donghuai was wearing slim-fitting short-sleeves, large pants and sneakers. There was no equipment hidden on his body. He was wearing sunglasses and a mask? ?

The leader in military uniform stopped two steps away, "Sir, we received a notice from the command center that there was an incident of beating and violence here. Can you show me your ID card?"

Zhao Donghuai calmly took out his ID card.

As soon as the uniformed police officer picked up the answer, he glanced at it and went numb... He not only knew the words but also the photos. The person on the ID card was Director Zhao. His whole body seemed to be under general anesthesia. Only his eyes could still move. He scanned the ID card. Look at Director Zhao's face again.

After all, Zhao Donghuai has also starred in various blockbusters as the protagonist!

He was under general anesthesia, and the colleague on the side glanced at his ID and saw that he was also under general anesthesia...

The two policemen were numb and motionless for dozens of seconds, as if they were immobilized. Nazha stood up curiously and took a sideways glance.

Zhao Donghuai stood up and took back his ID, "Check this guy who always preaches hatred for the country and the people, and paints North America as a paradise. Is he a lackey who is paid to do things, or is he really mentally retarded."

"If he is mentally retarded, forget it. If he is a bribed lackey, give him a good education. I will remember your number. Go back."

The two policemen saluted in the most standard manner, and then turned around, their facial muscles trembling with excitement. Damn it, they met Zhao Sheng himself? ? This is no longer a fight. Once it is done, they will be successful and their family will be prosperous.

When he sat back in his seat, Nazha was also numb all over, with an awkward smile on her face, "Is it fake? You will come out and take the bus in person??"

She never dared to dream. Even if she suspected that the man in the mask and sunglasses was a star or celebrity, meeting Zhao Donghuai directly? ? The richest Chinese in the world? The well-deserved king of the Chinese entertainment industry?

Isn't she lucky?

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "I am also a human being. I have to eat and exercise every day. Can I let others help me?"

"It's fate that we met. If you want to get into Asia Opera, you don't have to wait to see your score. If you don't have enough scores, you will be recruited specially. Come in after the summer vacation. It depends on your face and figure. You have the foundation and qualifications to be a big star, but if your acting skills are not good in the future, At best, it’s just a flash in the pan, and it will blind your beautiful face in vain.”

Nazha was flattered, "Ah, you also think I'm pretty? Really?"

She has long been used to being praised for her beauty since she was a child, and she doesn't comment on it. But when people of different levels compliment her casually, it's a completely new feeling.

Zhao Donghuai glanced at her and said nothing.

Nazha took out her mobile phone, "Boss, I use Oriental 3G mobile phone. In order to support Sister Feng, I also bought a rice mobile phone as a backup. They are all the latest models. I am definitely your most loyal supporter. I can follow your WeChat." Blog? Don’t you have a Weibo account?"

"It would be even more beautiful if you could add an email address or a Huashan Giant Panda account."

While talking and operating her cell phone, she deliberately moved closer. Even if she suspected that Zhao Donghuai was a star or celebrity, she would sit in an empty seat with Director Zhao.

It’s already June 2009.

Two Chinese brands, Dongfang Mobile and Rice Mobile, which have been under construction since 2007, have been officially launched across East and Southeast Asia since New Year's Day this year.

In Europe and the United States, Dongfang's high-end phones cannot compete with Apple's 3GS and Samsung's high-end phones. However, in China, the two brands have swept the Chinese market since their launch.

Xing Matai and Dao Han are also fighting against Samsung.

The Samsung bombers are already preparing, waiting for the opportunity.

Starring Da Tiantian (Returning to the Ming Dynasty to Become a Prince), it started airing on the TV station in February. It had huge ratings in the first round. Hui Ming is a standard male channel cool article, and all the beauties are beautiful. It’s Da Tiantian, Azhi, Xiao Tong who are the most beautiful girl group with the best looks and figures. The beauty lineup is not inferior to (the deluxe version of Datang).

The male protagonist grew up from a young scholar to a king with a different surname in the Ming Empire...

Not to mention that the first round of broadcast was a complete hit, on the Internet video platform, it is also a masterpiece that carries the banner, attracting a large number of members to recharge.

I also logged in to Huashan Weibo after New Year’s Day.

As for Zhalang's meager...it has not been officially launched yet. Once it is put into operation, we will not talk about acquiring shares.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "I don't have a personal Weibo. Generally, the official ATV Weibo and Zhao Films official Weibo can represent the latest news. They are all handled by the working group."

"Add pandas."

After adding the giant panda, the two of them were speechless. Zhao Donghuai himself had no intention of chatting, and Nazha didn't dare to talk nonsense.

The bus arrived at the ATV headquarters station all the way. Director Zhao got off the bus and Nazha hurriedly followed him until he entered the gate of ATV TV City. Seeing that Nazha was still following him, he complained speechlessly, "I came back to work, what are you going to do with me? Why don't you go?" Fashion show?”

Nazha nodded with a silly smile, "Yes, yes, I'll change trains right now."

But she did not leave in a hurry, but bravely said, "Boss, I have seen many of your images on the big screen. I never expected to be so lucky today. Can I see what you look like under the mask?" ?”

Director Zhao ignored her, turned around and went back to ATV.

Although Nazha is indeed pretty enough, from his perspective...beautiful girls emerge in an endless stream from generation to generation. He doesn't recognize the ones like Xiao Tong and Dong Ao who can make one plus one more than two. Tang Yixin, Zhang Yan, Zhang Jiao, etc. all have their own merits and styles, just like him. No interest at all.

Zeng Li spent 14 years by his side before she became sixteen...

And when it comes to Jessica Alba, Eva Green, Elizabeth Olsen, Megan Fox, etc., he doesn't want them either.

This is just the new generation that has been rejected. No matter how early Chen Hao or Chen Derong were in their prime, how could they be worse? There are more names that I can’t remember right now!

Nazha is one of those people, just by chance.

He would add the opponent's panda account just because he hoped that this gangster in the original track could gain some popularity in this dimension, and he would be able to show off his vase-level acting skills in the 1980s and 1990s.


In the summer of 2009, the summer season had already started very hotly, not to mention Ning Hao’s (Crazy Racing), (Transformers 3), (October Siege), (Terminator 2018) and so on.

The most solemn announcements are (Law-Abiding Citizen 2) and (Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Ancient City)!

Needless to say about the former, after last year's Olympics and Lunar New Year festival, Zhao Donghuai accompanied An Feng to Tokyo for Killing, which was also a blockbuster directed by Yuanyuan.

The style is exactly the same as (Abiding by the Law 1). It still shows An Feng's various action superstar super fighting scenes. The logic of the script is very simple. An Feng kills through South Korea, but when he looks at the world, he is alone and has no friends.

After smuggling her sister's urn to Tokyo and changing her name, she fell in love with going to an orphanage and taking care of the children as a volunteer, in order to bury the blood on her hands in Seoul, South Korea and recall the sisterly love that grew up with her sister and teacher. .

Liu Shishi continued to star in the second part. It was all about recalling scenes, and An Feng bought her a cemetery in the island country.

In the plot of volunteering at an orphanage and going to her sister's cemetery to send flowers and condolences, the real estate group wants to develop the land of the orphanage...

The dean would not sell the land under serious circumstances, and the real estate group would certainly not use only serious means. For example, a fire in the orphanage also burned down some nearby properties, and the dean and several volunteers died tragically.

A group of orphans managed to escape, but ended up being homeless.

The real estate group sent people to take over the land at a low price.

Then law-abiding citizens exploded again! !

After a wave of explosions, the real estate group directly dug up Liu Shishi's grave and scattered his ashes into the sea. That was An Feng's counterattack as he continued to bomb Tokyo.

The logic is simple, as is usually the case in action movies.

Just like the original track (a big shot) that hit the box office in the mainland, it was nothing more than the police arresting thieves, demolition and demolition, killing people, and then showing off kung fu moves all the way. This did not prevent it from being a box office hit and its reputation was okay.

For Zhao Films, with the success of An Feng Shu Law's 1, which grossed US$500 million at the global box office, this movie will continue to grow steadily, but the most important and heavyweight blockbuster in the summer is about to open the global IMAX-3D audio-visual Feast (the ancient city where ghosts blow out lanterns).

This movie will start the 3D trend half a year ahead of (Avatar). After all, tens of thousands of theaters have been renovated and renovated for more than a year, and at least one 3D large-screen multiplex theater is guaranteed in every prefecture-level city.

When I first chose it, it was because the special effects production of Ghost Blowing Lantern would be more trouble-free than Avatar and produce results faster. This summer...

Ghost Blowing Lantern breaks various box office records and is definitely worth looking forward to.


A few days later, Hong Kong Fashion Week came to an end, and models from all over the world were also making a comeback. When Zhao Donghuai was exercising outdoors again, he only ran a few dozen meters when he saw Nazha running over from the roadside.

He couldn't help but laugh and said, "You are so surprised these days, and you still want to block me during exercise?"

This is of course not the first one. In the 1980s, the first people who wanted to run with Zhao Donghuai to build friendship were Fan Liu, the second son of the Li family, and others. They are all bankrupt at this stage.

The first person in the celebrity circle to block him was Hong Xin...

In the next twenty years, there was no shortage of people who blocked roads or accompanied runners. There were many names that could be written on many sheets of A4 paper. Of course, Zhao Donghuai's fitness has always been casual. Sometimes he can go outdoors every day, whether running, swimming or climbing. .

Sometimes I only come out once every two or three months.

Nazha smiled as she ran, "Boss, I'm very curious. I never thought I could meet you by chance before. This time, I feel so fateful. Even a rich white man like Gai Gai, who has been the richest man in the world for more than ten times, is... It’s because of his family background that he rises up.”

"Boss, how did you work hard from scratch to where you are now?"

"It feels like listening to a fairy tale, so bizarre and shocking."

Before, she had never thought about how she could interact with Zhao Donghuai, the richest man in China. Even if she became a hired model for Five Thousand Years Fashion Magazine and had the opportunity to appear on the cover, her biggest hope was to be admitted to Asia Drama this year.

While a rising star was making a lot of money, her father was not in good health.

Contact Zhao Donghuai directly? Dreaming! How can she be so confident? Through various film and television projects, she has seen the glamorous actresses on the big and small screens, and the iron-clad richest man in China is unwavering.

A romantic acquaintance just like the chance encounter between the big-screen CPs played by Zhang Guorong and Lan Jieying in "Dark War"... Now that Zhao Donghuai asked her to get into Asia Drama without worrying about her college entrance examination scores.

It would not be a bad idea to stay in Hong Kong Island after the fashion week and wait for school to start after the summer vacation.

Fashion week shows include Five Thousand Years Magazine looking for her to be a model for photo shoots and advertisements. The money she was given was not much, but it was easy to rent a house on Hong Kong Island. She had previously lived in a satellite village community in the New Territories. Express Inn.

It's already 2009, and there is a lot of simple information on Zhao Donghuai Encyclopedia on the Internet...but the information is too simple and beautiful, and many people don't believe it.

A graduate of Hong Kong Island's New Territories Secondary School, his family background is an ordinary boy from a walled village. In 1983, he traveled to North America with his childhood friends and made his first fortune by transporting waste paper at the price difference. Now he got the support of Shao Yifu to make his first movie?

Following the conglomeration of theater tycoons, one after another blockbuster movies carrying the banner of Hong Kong Island's film industry are reaching the outside world.

Whether it was the business war inside and outside Hong Kong's Haowan film industry in the 1980s, or the film expansion to Europe and the United States, the inside story of the business war is not available in the encyclopedia.

What kind of brilliant results have only one masterpiece achieved, and how many other companies have invested in the development? ?

Some forums on the Internet broke the news about Zhao Donghuai. Ordinary information does not matter, and big information will basically be erased. After all, this is from the 1980s and 1990s when catching a thief, beating the police for half an hour and then calling the police, and fighting back is an era of fighting.

Zhao Donghuai has very little information on the Internet in China and East Asia and Southeast Asia.

On the other hand, there is a lot of information related to him on the Internet in Europe and the United States... For example, he is ruthless. He first unified the Hong Kong community, often sent people to fill the sea with cement buckets in business wars, and drove piles in reinforced concrete to rise.

San Miguel, Coca-Cola, and Pepsi-Cola had many white backbones killed.

He is also an arms tycoon, drug king, casino overlord in East and Southeast Asia, and controls the largest color industry in East and Southeast Asia...

Anyway, in Europe and the United States, there is a lot of nonsense.

Occasionally, some European and American miscellaneous materials are introduced into the mainland Internet. If they are reprinted, netizens will be surprised for a while, and then they will disappear over time, leaving no trace.

No matter how many people are following Zhao Donghuai for dinner and surfing the Internet at this stage, not many dare to edit him in private.

All the popular rebirth urban novels dare not mention his and his family's names.

True or false... No matter what is true or false, the (New World) trilogy of Zhao Donghuai's rise has become a benchmark for societies and dynamic social groups around the world to learn from within a certain period of time.

Hurricane rescue, rapid pursuit, lone flying tiger, etc., demonstrate his level in sports, unrestricted mixed martial arts, gun shooting, etc.? Those were all done in the early days of the rise.

Those movies go along with various negative images of him on the Internet in Europe and the United States.

It’s really scary to think about it!

This is more likely to scare people than the rise of Li Qi with the help of his parents' background connections. However, you must know that so far, the Pan-Asia Group, founded in 1984, is still the most powerful private security organization in the world.

This is also very scary!

A few days ago, Nazha recognized Director Zhao's identity. In addition to applying for a mutual account, she didn't dare to ask random questions. Now she dares to block people? Of course, it takes a few days to constantly encourage myself and build up the courage.

And the source of this courage?

No matter how European and American networks describe him, the loudest voice on the Chinese Internet is that Zhao Donghuai is a good person and has a good temper. He is the richest man in China and the first philanthropist. He has been certified by many celebrities and celebrities. In private, Zhao Donghuai is very approachable, never puts on airs and is friendly to others.

He is also not stingy about vigorously supporting the younger generations who like him.

These are all publicly certified by Cai Shaofen, Cameron Diaz, Chen Derong, Li Ruotong, Xiao Tong, Megan Fox, Da Tiantian, etc., generation after generation of Hua Dan.

They were pushed by Zhao Donghuai without hesitation of resources to become famous and rich, and then became a wealthy family, but they were never asked to pay any price.

If she had the courage to come here to inquire about gossip to satisfy her curiosity, would she offend a film emperor like Zhao Sheng? So many seniors have certified and offended Zhao Sheng. Should he bear the thorn and apologize? Can he survive being a scumbag?

Even being scumbag is her great luck.

For example, Li Lizhen, Chen Yalun and others also occasionally decrypted the Internet. They offended Zhao Sheng and were banned for a year... After paying for it, it did not prevent them from continuing to make money.

There weren't so many celebrity seniors promoting Director Zhao's reputation online, so she really didn't have the guts to block people.

Director Zhao glanced at Nazha speechlessly, "You are only 17 years old, can you not be so interested in me, a 45-year-old man?"

Nazha explained with a sweet smile, "Boss, you said last time that I have a pretty face. If you like it, can you tell me some gossip to satisfy me?"

"If you find me annoying, give me a good beating to make me go away in a smooth manner. I agree. You have a pretty good physique. Hitting me ten times should be a small thing, right?"

Zhao Donghuai couldn't laugh or cry, "You squatted near ATV for five days just to inquire about some gossip? Including most of the night? You really have confidence in the security of Hong Kong Island!"

Yes, this is not the first time Nazha has squatted nearby, and she often squats in the middle of the night.

Nazha smiled awkwardly as she ran, "I went back to search for your online information after our last encounter. The more I searched, the more curious I became. I felt that many things or gossips are not something that normal people can do and realize..."

When you are curious about another person, and you have all kinds of puzzling ideas, and the more you study, the more outrageous it becomes, curiosity can really kill the cat.

The more you understand the background of the times, the more you will understand that Hong Kong included the later Chinese entertainment industry. If you can write books such as "Jurassic Park" and "The End of the World", it's just words.

But Hong Kong's film industry was able to industrialize earlier than Hollywood and use big special effects earlier.

This is unreasonable and illogical no matter how you think about it!

China's supercomputing research has just started. A film company, a private enterprise, often uses the world's most advanced supercomputer to do film and television special effects? Is this reasonable?

Many people’s coffin boards have an overwhelming smell!

Even if Zhao Donghuai is a super villain who dominates arms, drugs, gambling and sex in East and Southeast Asia, as the European and American blackmails say, it shouldn't be said that he can get the top supercomputer. It is so unscientific.

In the past, I briefly searched Zhao Donghuai's encyclopedia information and briefly learned about his life. I didn't think about that much. I was just curious for a while, and it passed.

This time I met a real person by chance, and my curiosity exploded. The more I researched, the more unscientific I felt. I was full of curiosity and desire to explore.

Now Nazha is in the curiosity stage.

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while, "You should go back and forth from wherever you are. If my eldest daughter and my second daughter know this, and there are girls younger than them who come to my fitness schedule every day, will they come over if there is a misunderstanding?" Put a sack on you and beat you?"

"As for my family, An Feng and the others, if there is a misunderstanding and you want to recruit eighteen arhats for my Zhao family, won't I have to beat you up?"

Nazha almost spat out her rice, then panted, "Ah, no, no..."

"Have the courage to ask about the inside gossip. I'll be full after eating a little melon. The eldest princess and the second princess must not get excited. Sister Feng and the others don't get excited either. I'm not that ambitious for the time being."

Zhao Donghuai's cell phone rang. When he pulled it out, Ellison, who saw it was Oracle, also chose to answer it. It was okay to let Nazha eat a little melon.

Ellison's proficient Mandarin greetings quickly rang out from the other side of the phone. Of course, this was not open to the public, and Nazha definitely couldn't hear it.

After a moment of exchange, Zhao Donghuai said in surprise, "What did you say? You Judas are interested in some land in Hawaii and want to buy it, but the local natives won't sell it..."

"Gan, you're not going to control wildfires to exterminate an ethnic group, are you? Are you still so wasteful in the Internet age? Think about it again, you can't wipe out an ethnic group by wildfires. The fires only burn the houses and property of the poor, not the rich, right? Are natural disasters like wildfires so smart? "

"And what about insurance? Amending the insurance bill to not compensate for assets damaged by natural disasters? Isn't this a bit too big a move? What about the fire alarm system? It's not big or small in Hawaii, but the whole system can't fail, right?"

"Ellison, how many billions of dollars are you worth? Are you so rough in your work? Just follow the example of the South Korean consortium and be shameless? Let's talk more about the demolition. There is no need to be so careless about appearance."

When Ellison and other rich people in Judah wanted to make a fortune like this, why did Lao Ai take the initiative to call Zhao Donghuai to tell him? That's because in the late 1990s, Zhao Donghuai established a United Insurance Company. This company is currently in East Asia and Southeast Asia. It is a very large project and is selling well at least in the Mainland, Hong Kong Haowan, and Xingma Tai.

Including Hawaii and Australia, they are also selling well. The insurance group has not distributed them to anyone. After all, his girlfriends have their own industries. The United Insurance Group is positioned to target the joint industry of the entire Zhao family, including Huazhi. Zhou Huimin wants to go to United Insurance and arrange for her to go in. That's fine.

Others such as Ah Xin and Ah Hong can also do it.

Any daughter who wants to become an entrepreneur in the future can also give it a try. United Insurance covers life insurance, health insurance, car insurance, house property, etc.

It belongs to a very large comprehensive enterprise and knows everything about insurance.

Therefore, part of the Native Hawaiians that Ellison and his fellows wanted to buy were insured at the Zhao Family United Insurance Group, involving life, life, car insurance, and housing. They want to do something, but they haven't decided yet whether they want to do it that way. This requires collective blindness from top to bottom to achieve something. Now that they have an idea and really push it with all their strength, it will take at least ten years.

According to their routine, it really takes a collective blindness to play.

After talking about Ellison's topic and talking about another topic, Zhao Donghuai frowned and asked, "You want to make Bitcoin? An Internet currency that is not under the official jurisdiction of various countries and is specifically used for evil transactions and money laundering?"

"Okay, you can speculate as you like, and I'll collect some as pocket money when the time comes, so I won't block your way."

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Nazha calmly, "Do you understand what I said?"

Nazha was numb, she smiled awkwardly, and her breathing became louder. From running here to work out together, she has now been running for a few minutes. She could barely keep up with Zhao Donghuai at the speed of a thousand-meter sprint in school. rhythm.

"I'm a little confused and don't really understand, but it feels quite scary."

Simply listen, the house in Hawaii, the acquisition did not go smoothly and the people were set on fire? This is 2010 soon? ? She couldn't believe it!

In this year, it is not uncommon for the Mainland to make big news due to various demolition projects that make the second generation rich and the best households to live and die without demolition. But setting fires and genocide? ? ?

North America’s Pacific Treasure, one of the world’s most famous tourist destinations? ?

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Have you thought about the risk of being silenced when you ask about this kind of melon?"

Nazha was so excited that goosebumps arose all over her body, "Aren't you the underground godfather of East Asia and Southeast Asia? Are you going to punish me personally? If you educate me, I will definitely be obedient."

"I won't silence you, I won't silence you, I will educate you, I will listen to whatever you say..."

She has gained a lot of courage recently, and has the courage to go to the front line to inquire about gossip. In addition to the fact that there are too many seniors on the Internet who believe that Director Zhao is a good person, does not put on airs, does not get angry easily, and is willing to support juniors who like him.

And Zhao Donghuai said in front of her that she was pretty...

But she really hasn't thought about whether to go back and become Seventeen. This issue is too profound and complicated. The education she received since she was a child, as well as real moral issues, and the real phenomena in the world she has seen and heard, have a certain degree. Degree of fragmentation.

Zhao Donghuai stopped, took out two small bottles of mineral water from his pocket, handed one to Nazha, looked at her with joyful and thankful eyes and said, "I take back what I said last time. If you don't meet the standards in this cultural class, , no special recruitment into Yaxi."

"If you don't get enough points, you have to go back and repeat the studies. Next year, you can get into Asia Opera with a total score of 500 points in cultural courses. If you don't get enough points in 2010, you can continue to repeat the studies in 2011!"

Nazha, "..."

She was completely stupid. This... this was many times more painful than directly slandering her, right?

On the verge of crying, Nazha said weakly, "Boss, the standard for recruiting cultural courses in Asian opera is not 750 points in total, but just over 300 points?"

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