"Maybe you can go to the Library and have a look. I remember that I read a book there more than ten years ago, which recorded things about this kind of insect.

At that time, I thought this kind of thing was too cruel, so I didn't continue reading it. If there were no accidents, the book should still be in the dragon clan's library."

After hearing this, Shen Long's eyes lit up. This means that there is still some leeway. He is not afraid of trouble, but is afraid that there is no way to deal with this matter.

After he thanked the doctor, he went immediately Inside the library of the Dragon Clan, he called Yazui to come and go with him.

He told Yazui all the things he had discovered just now. After hearing this, Yaizui opened his eyes in surprise. He did not expect that such a thing could be found. will appear.

Although the best way is to get rid of those dragons suffering from this disease, he can't bear to do that.

After all, they are all dragons who grew up with him, and he doesn't know who did this. Will people appear again and secretly spread this kind of poison to them again?

So instead of killing all those dragons, it is better to study slowly. After developing a method to control this kind of bug, there is no need to Being restrained by others.

Being passively restrained by others is not something that the Dragon Clan would do.

"I decided that I must study this thing carefully. Tomorrow I will gather all the doctors from the Dragon Clan and let them study it together.

I don't believe it, so many people can't figure out how to deal with this bug."

Shen Long nodded after hearing this. At the same time, he had another idea. These people here are working hard, and he naturally wants to help.

He wants to find out the person behind the scenes. Only by bringing the person behind the scenes to Only by finding them out can they prevent them from continuing to release bugs in the future.

"In this case, let's split up, but I also want to remind you that those dragons may die at any time.

You have to be prepared. If you really can't research it in the end, those dragons will die at the hands of the person behind the scenes without us taking action.

I will catch him out, and then no one will continue to release that kind of bugs."

After hearing this, Yaizhen closed his eyes slightly, nodded, and sighed.

Now that the Dragon King of the East China Sea is in poor health, and the insects are too dangerous recently, he did not let the Dragon King of the East China Sea come out. Recently, the Dragon King of the East China

Sea The Dragon King was recuperating and didn't know much about this matter. All he knew was what Yazui told him.

And Yaizhen didn't want to talk too much about the matter, lest the Dragon King of the East China Sea worry about it. So he only told it roughly. Recently, Many people are sick, so the Dragon King of the East China Sea should not come out to avoid being infected by them.

"By the way, who has been guarding the Dragon Palace in recent days?"

After Shen Long asked this question, he naturally had his own reasons. After hearing this, Yaizhen looked a little unhappy and explained to Shen Long

"Because everyone was too scared, they basically hid at home, with few people watching over them."

At that time, he felt that the East China Sea was like this, and it was estimated that no other people would come in. They were all afraid of being contaminated, so they didn't let anyone guard them, and everything was left to chance.

But this situation would also make the person who released the bugs more serious. It was convenient, and now it only regrets how it could have been so careless.

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