HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 1833: Dash desperately!

Kumamoto and the elders desperately broke through, but they were still surrounded by layers of Shadow Guard members.

"That won't work, you can stop me for a while." Kumamoto said, quickly retreating to the middle of the elders.

He wants to send a secret letter for help to Kunpeng, otherwise the secret sect will be wiped out. Even if he was looked down upon by Kun Peng afterwards, punished, and even ousted his position as the sovereign, he must call for help.

But he didn't say it in front of Shadow.

He felt that even if he asked for help, he couldn't let the shadow know, otherwise they would definitely separate personnel to check or enclose them, and then the disciples who evacuated from the mountain would definitely be found.

I took out the secret letter, and it hasn't been sent out yet, but I saw an unchecked secret letter.

It was from Kunpeng, telling him to be calm and don't worry about the disciples on the mountain.

Kumamoto's eyes burst into tears for an instant.

Master, I'm afraid I'm watching him at any time, but unfortunately, he failed Master's high hopes, but at this time his confidence doubled.

There was a master guarding him, and he believed that the master would not let the secret elders die. Master will definitely take action at the most critical moment and rescue them.

But the master hasn't made a move now, there must be a reason not to make a move. On the one hand, he wants to temper them, and on the other hand, I am afraid that he cannot let the spirit race know that there are super strong behind the secret sect.

After all, the current Secret Sect is too weak compared to the Spirit Race to fully contend with the Spirit Race.

The super power behind the secret sect is the trump card of the secret sect, let alone exposed at will.

"Senior brothers, kill his mother!"

Kumamoto's excited shout made the secret elders feel strange. But now he is so trapped, what else is he to be excited about, and looking at his expression, he is totally different from what he was just now.

In Kumamoto now, there is no trace of trapped tension and anxiety, but a desire to fight.

The Shadow Guards also feel strange, but they can besieged whether you are excited or sad.

However, under the leadership of Kumamoto, the esoteric elders have soared their combat effectiveness. In the past, only three or five strokes were used to destroy a shadow. Now every elder makes a maximum of two or three strokes to destroy a shadow, and the elders who take turns rest also follow. Able to shoot in time to kill the escaped soul.

In an instant, everyone in the Shadow Guard felt a chill.

It was as if the emotions that had been outside the East Gate were once again played out. They faced their opponents without even being able to defend themselves.

But what is different from before is that the opponent who killed them before didn't even know who it was, and now it can be found that the opponents are all spiritual monks.

Every time Kumamoto and others performed a mission, they transformed themselves into spiritual monks.

Suddenly, the short-term psychological impact on the Shadow Guards caused the Secret Sect elders to take the opportunity to rush into the hollow, and they were about to highlight the shadow circle.

The shadow leaders who were watching the battle from the periphery were shocked at this time.

"Why are these spirit traitors so strong? Two dozen people were besieged and killed by thousands of us. None of them died, but we died one or two hundred."

"It's okay if someone is dead, but they are about to rush out!"

"Also nonsense, hurry up and let the surrounding shadows rush to the high altitude to be surrounded, you guys, also go up to Lao Tzu!" A violent shout suddenly came.

The leaders turned black and cursed in their hearts, but they immediately led the team to besieged.

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