HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 1920: Bizarre crossing

According to Bi also lowered his voice: "No. Although she opened the doors of each room, except for the small bottle and the bed sheet in my room, nothing else had been moved. However, even so, I still have some signs of movement. Doubt her motives. Therefore, you should not trust her too completely in the future. For some important things, it is better to avoid something."

It turned out that it was yesterday, after Kun Peng and others followed Shibi to Shibi Zong, Jiang Wan'er had a strange behavior in the evening.

After nightfall, the top ten forces sent out killers to make trouble in Zongbi Zong.

According to Bi Zong, it is also the sect of the top ten powers of the Demon Capital, and a large protection enchantment was built in the place of the sect.

The troublemaker is not weak, blasting through the outermost barrier.

In order to prevent them from breaking through the last protective barrier, Bibi arranged the five Kunpeng people into the special guest reception courtyard next to his residence, and gave this small courtyard to Kunpeng and others for long-term residence.

The basement of the small courtyard is connected to other major facilities. When a major incident occurs, Kunpeng and the others can enter the basement to transfer.

But after Kunpeng and others entered the basement, they discovered that Jiang Wan'er was not with them and couldn't find it. The situation was urgent at the time. According to Bibi, he had to dispatch a master to deal with the killer outside, so there was not much time to find Jiang Wan'er, so she had to make arrangements. A few cronies will do it.

But the result of the search is that she is nowhere to be seen.

After Jiang Wan'er followed Kunpeng, she only practiced the vomiting technique granted by Kunpeng. This is one of the simplest cultivation techniques and it is very basic. Therefore, her strength has not grown much.

His soul was damaged before, and his original strength was almost lost. Now that his body and soul are combined, he is no different from an ordinary person.

The atmosphere of fighting outside, if a little shock is passed, she may be shaken to death.

Kunpeng had to extend her consciousness to search, only to find that she was actually in the small courtyard next door, and lying motionless in his room.

Detecting the breath, it is basically stable.

According to Bi sent her back to Kunpeng: "Why did she enter my room? She was with her eldest brother before."

He was actually very worried that Kunpeng would misunderstand him.

Huang Rong said: "Jiang Wan'er left her brother when she hid in our small courtyard when the killer came and the barrier was bombarded."

Kunpeng said: "So, she might have walked to your side at that time. Didn't you mean that the underground passage is also connected to your small courtyard?"

"It is indeed connected, but it is blocked by an enchantment. She is an ordinary person's cultivation base, can pass through the enchantment, I don't know yet?"

When asked about Jiang Wan'er, she just shook her head, and she was at a loss: "I originally entered our small yard. It was not safe to see the yard, so I entered the hall, but later found the basement and walked in without knowing how to get there. Sovereign’s room. At the time I thought I was entering the room in our own small courtyard."

"It's okay, it's likely that you have lost your way in the tunnel." According to Bi.

"But I don't seem to have passed through any tunnels."

Everyone also found it strange, but couldn't figure out why, so they had no choice but to ignore the matter. After all, the outside assassins were still at war with the master according to Bi Zong.

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