HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 1941: General data!

"Let's introduce it as a whole first." Kun Peng didn't know what to ask, so he had to make a general request.

Of course, he was a little embarrassed to ask too much detail, besides, he just wanted to find out about it on the ground. After all, the Sixth Association will become his property.

The little woman nodded and introduced as she walked.

It is true that Red City is mainly engaged in the business of mutual affection, and it also has various interesting products.

Every girl in the Red City can provide these accessories. Of course, the price is uniform in Red City, and the girls only have a commission.

Like the casino, any transactions in it can only be credited to the casino account, even the income of the girls, such as the salary of this little girl, can only be credited to her casino account. Different from the guest's casino account, their jade card is a special jade card, which can only be read and redeemed in the six clubs.

Of course, if a guest brought in cash and paid directly to the girl, or tipped in cash, and avoided surveillance, the Sixth Club would not record it.

There is no record in the casino account, and the girls' income does not need to be turned in.

The rake of these girls, when redeeming the casino account to their own account, no matter what money you get, the rake is 50%. Even if she is like this little girl, Kunpeng does not need her to provide special other services. She only asks her to make some introductions and take him around in the Red City. Within an hour, she gets two hundred jade stones. In fact, her income There is only one hundred, and the other hundred will naturally be handed over to the Red City, which is the A Liuhui.

The entire Red City, excluding the basement, has a total of 100 floors. Below the tenth floor is relatively low-end. Each floor has thirty rooms and ten private rooms. On average, each girl can earn about two hundred per day. In other words, the Red City can also get about two hundred from them. Therefore, excluding private rooms, these ten floors can bring about 60,000 yuan to the Red City every day.

Above the tenth floor, there are all high-end rooms. The girls inside are relatively high-end, but the number of rooms remains unchanged. And the higher the floor, the more popular the girl and the higher the natural income. There is also an auction room at the top. Some particularly sought-after girls can only be obtained through auctions.

The little girl could not know the income of these people. But she occasionally heard something from some sisters, so she could only provide Kunpeng with a rough data.

For the 90-story building, each floor is still counted as 30 people, and the average daily income per person is 1,000. The Red City can also earn about 1.35 million a day.

When Kunpeng heard the end, he shook his head: "Is the income data you mentioned reliable?"

The little girl was taken aback, and laughed: "How dare I say that it is reliable. And the flow of people is different every day, sometimes more, sometimes less, some people give more money, and some people only pay basic expenses. So, in fact, these incomes are hard to calculate. Even the manager of the Red City cannot give accurate data within a rough range."

"In that case, don't talk about the income."

The little girl was taken aback again.

In fact, how could Kun Peng not know her mind. She said how much others earn, just to hope that Kunpeng can tip her more.

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