HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 1958: Partnership!

Kunpeng couldn't help but glanced at Yang Congxing, who had fallen to the ground in the arena and had not woken up.

Is there any way for Longsha to keep Yang Cong fortunately intact?

Although He Ling said before that he could not kill Yang Congxing, and Ding Xiang also said that Yang Congxing may have practiced a secret method passed down from the family, which would save him from death.

But at this time, he was indeed killed by He Ling Yijian, but he didn't know how long it would take him to survive.

He wanted to go over and investigate, to see if Yang Congxing's secret method of immortality could be dealt with. If he can't kill Yang Erlang in the future against Yang Erlang, then he will have a strong opponent.

Moreover, Yang Erlang is only the head of the special training department.

A branch minister is so powerful, what about the other demons, and some hidden ones, who are not in the world of demons and face life and death, how to deal with them? Doesn't the great **** of the world of demons cultivate the secret technique of immortality, right?

He once again paid attention to Yang Erlang with consciousness and remembered his breath characteristics. When you have the opportunity in the future to learn about his demon level, you can use this as a basis to infer the levels of other demon.

Long Sha, who agreed to Yang Erlang, turned around and said respectfully to the Needle Flower: "Shall we go back together?"

Needle Flower was noncommittal, but she looked at Yang Erlang and was probably judging whether he would destroy the illusion when they left to spoil Yang Congxing.

Lon Sha didn't dare to ask too much, so he flew to the high wall alone, and after the needle flower, he flew over.

When approaching the high wall, Longsha slowed down, let the stinging flower a little bit ahead, and asked softly: "Great God, if Yang Erlang really attacked the guard just now, would you be able to stop him? Or would you protect the guard? destroyed?"

At this time, he no longer called her Miss Needle Flower, but the Great God. Kunpeng knew that Needle Flower might have conquered Tianwu, or at least conquered Longsha.

Needle Hua's face was expressionless, as always, he answered quietly and simply: "No."

"Okay, Asha knows. I have to ask him to put a little pressure on him, otherwise, he is really crazy and breaks our guard, it will take you hard."

Hearing this, Kun Peng finally affirmed that the illusion of A Liuhui was indeed the work of Needle Flower. And her words showed that her strength would not be stronger than Yang Erlang, at least not much stronger. Otherwise, he would not be able to destroy her illusion when she was guarded by him.

But in Long Sha's mouth, who would be the "he" who could put pressure on Yang Erlang? Could it be that the "he" was the real backstage of the Sixth Association?

Needle Flower didn't say a word, let alone express her position, she would repair the broken illusion.

Naturally, Lonza did not dare to say anything.

From this, Kunpeng inferred that Sting Needle Flower and A Liuhui are a limited cooperative relationship.

The two were speechless all the way, but after entering the illusion, at the gate of Secheng, Sting Needlehua entered Secheng, and Longsha had no choice but to walk towards Doucheng alone.

Kunpeng noticed Yang Erlang above the illusion. He was really honest and did not make any attacks on the illusion. At the same time, he also paid attention to Longsha, wanting to see how he was assassinated by the sword so that he was fainted for a while. Yang Congxing remained intact.

When Longsha walked to Yang Congxing's arena, a large enchantment suddenly emerged in the arena, completely isolating Longsha from Yang Congxing, and Kunpeng could only forcibly invade.

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