After being silent for a while, Karen let out a heavy breath, dragged Otto back to the table by the collar, and then took his seat again.

"Didn't you say before that you have done a lot of wrong things over the years? Now, tell me all."

Karen calmed herself down.

Impulsive anger doesn't solve any problem.

No matter how hard she beat Otto, the innocent children who died because of her would never come back.

"Five hundred years ago, since you died, I..."

Otto tidied up his messy clothes, and then, one by one, told everything he had done over the years.

This narration lasted for three hours.

From when he took the position of Bishop of Destiny in the struggle with Sister Lisa, to when he took Karen's body to Shenzhou, and the first Herrscher, the Second Herrscher, and now the question and answer space...

He told Karen completely what he had done and the current situation in the world, and not a single one of them was a lie.

And Karen's expression, from shock, anger, disbelief at the beginning, to the end, there is only numbness left.

Although she thought that Otto might have done a lot of wrong things, she never thought that he could actually do it to such an extent!

This has completely exceeded her imagination!

And what made her feel the most heart-wrenching was what happened when she was the second Herrscher.

Just to ask a question to the God of Honkai, Otto let go of the Second Herrscher who should have died in the hands of the First Herrscher, and in the end, caused the death of tens of millions of people.

Millions of people...

This terrifying number clearly appeared in Karen's brain, making her even a little afraid to accept this cruel truth.

Her ideals have always been to protect the people and save the world.

However, because Otto wanted to resurrect her, countless tragedies were staged.

If there is no question and answer space in the end, I am afraid that Otto will continue to walk on the road that cannot be turned back until... the world is overturned.

So is this Karen's fault?

of course not.

There is nothing wrong with her.

No one can ask a dead man to say no to a man in a trance.

No one is a born prophet. When Karen was still alive, she would never have imagined that Otto would become like this after she died.

It's also ridiculous.

Among the people she has saved in her life, I am afraid that more than one percent of the people who have not died because of her.

This result made Karen completely lost for a while.

Otto's actions made her feel like her ideal was a joke.

She didn't know what to do in the future to repay this bottomless sin.

Apologize with death?

That's not the way to face it all, it's just a way for the coward to escape.

Moreover, since Otto can do everything he can to resurrect her, he will naturally resurrect her a second time, a third time...

Unless she kills Otto.

But this is obviously impossible.

Because, even if Otto is sorry for all the people in this world, he is the only one who is worthy of her.

In the same way, anyone in this world can kill Otto, the sinful man, but she can't.

"Lord Karen, Lord Bishop, he has indeed done a lot of unacceptable evil deeds, but at the same time, the Destiny Church he leads has also guarded this world for more than 500 years."

Amber bowed slightly to Karen and said softly.

"I don't say this to excuse the bishop. I just want to say that the bishop may not be a good person, but he is the best leader."


The confused Karen slowly raised her head. She stared at the girl in front of her who was very similar to her. Through the orange blindfold, she also saw a pair of pure eyes.

"Amber, you... don't you hate Otto?"

"He created you at will, then killed your sisters and treated you like a tool... What do you think of him?"

Karen couldn't help but ask.

"...As you said, the bishop did see me as a tool at the beginning, is because of the bishop that I was born in this world. I am very grateful to the bishop for giving me life."

Amber said sincerely.

"I do not know…"

Karen covered her head in pain, her mind was in a mess. In this short period of time, the blow to her was too great.

"Karen, you don't need to understand, you just need to know that I, Otto, are the biggest villain in the world. Everything I do, whether it's responsibility or sin, has nothing to do with you."

Otto said calmly,

"Those who died because of me, if you want to avenge them, you can do whatever you want to me. After I die, Amber will assist you and make you the new Archbishop of Heaven."

"I believe that under your leadership, the world will be a better place."

"Hundan... Do you think that by saying this, I can pass all the responsibilities to you with peace of mind, and then go to meet the bright future myself? Stop joking!!!"

Karen slapped the table hard, widened her eyes and glared at Otto.

"Otto, I can't do it, you know?"

"As soon as I close my eyes now, I can't help thinking about those who died because of you and me."

"They all have their own families and their own lives. They should have lived happily ever after, but because of you and me, they finally disappeared..."

"I...have no face like this, calling myself the shield of the people..."

Karen showed a bitter smile, with sparkling tears in her eyes, her tone was full of despair and helplessness, like a child who could not find a home.

"Karen, you are not at fault..."

Otto wanted to say something, but was stopped by Karen.

She put her hands on her forehead, covered her face, and sighed silently.

"...Otto, can you leave me alone for a while?"

She needs to be alone to calm down and sort out her thoughts.

Otherwise, she would never calm down as long as she saw Otto's face.


Otto had nothing to say and could only stand up silently.

"Karen, sorry."

After leaving such a sentence, Otto turned and left.

Amber glanced at Karen, sighed silently, and then left with Otto after bowing.

As the door of the laboratory was closed, Karen's tears finally rolled down from her eyes again.

Drop by drop, along the cheek, fell on the table and the floor.

"...Otto...why did you become like this..."

Karen thought she was strong enough to accept her failures and face her own death.

But she was wrong.

She is not strong enough.

The friend who used to be the most trusted has now become the biggest devil in the world, and everything he does is for himself.

This huge blow almost made Karen collapse on the spot!

Back then, in order to save himself in the field, Otto did not hesitate to release the Honkai beasts in the church and attacked the entire town. Even if this act would cause countless civilians to die under the attack of the Honkai beasts, he didn't care.

Now, in order to resurrect himself, Otto has also done something similar, but on a much larger scale.

Karen slowly came to understand.

Perhaps, Otto has never changed.

He has always been so.

It's just that he was there before, so he could restrain him.

But when he was gone, no one could restrain him.

"So, sure enough, all these sins are all because of me..."

In the empty laboratory, Karen's tired sighs kept echoing.

Chapter 513 Karen's answer and going to St. Freya! 4K

Time passed by minute by minute.

No one knew what Karen was thinking in the laboratory.

Otto didn't use the monitor to see, he was willing to give Karen a space of his own.

When Karen came out, no matter how she treated him, he would accept it calmly.

Then, Karen stayed in the lab all day and night.

Amber went to deliver her food, but after a night, the food was still well placed at the door.

It was not until the next night that Karen opened the door of the laboratory and walked out.

"Lord Karen, you..."

Looking at Karen who came out of the laboratory with a calm face, Amber couldn't hold back what she meant. Just as she was about to ask about the situation, she was interrupted by Karen.

"Amber, could you please bring me something to eat? I'm starving to death."

Karen scratched her head and said a little embarrassedly.

"Ah? Oh...Okay, okay, I'll prepare it for you right away."

Amber was a little surprised, but she quickly went to prepare food for Karen.

And Otto also naturally appeared in front of Karen.

The two looked at each other at a distance from each other.

Otto's eyes were calm and calm, while Karen's eyes were complicated.

After being silent for a while, Karen finally spoke first.

"Otto, I really can't make a fair decision about what you've done over the years."

"Maybe, killing you and then killing myself is the easiest and easiest way to pay for all these sins, but I won't do it."

"Because doing this is just an evasive behavior, and the result will not change anything, just like the choice I made five hundred years ago."

"At that time, I could obviously escape, or I could use another way to save the world and save the people, but I backed off and gave up. On the surface, I said that I wanted to use my own death to wake up the people's resistance, but In the end, I'm just a coward..."

Karen smiled self-deprecatingly, then looked at Otto,

"Otto, you have indeed done a lot of wrong things, even if you have indeed guarded this world for five hundred years and protected more people from being harmed by the collapse, the crimes you have committed will still not disappear. "

"The merits and demerits are not worth it."

"Otto, we are always just human beings, not gods. We can't stand above everyone else, treat them as pawns, trample on them at will and even consume them."

"Sacrifice is a noble and noble act, but if we become accustomed to sacrifice, or even let others "sacrifice", is there still a need to protect such a world?"

"Karen, I know what you said."

Otto said calmly,

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