drove the head intubated man out, Han Cheng felt disgusted when he looked at this thing, what did it mean to shake a tube on his head.

I didn't see how good it was, but I saw that it was very brainless.

It is indeed a brain disability.

"Okay, Blue Eyes, now this store is mine, I'm your boss, I think..."

Han Cheng began to put on a score, but before he could start speaking, Blue Eyes interrupted.

"Boss, can you give me three minutes, I have to get out for a while.

Blue eyes pointed to the outside of the store, and instantly Han Cheng understood.

Just take a look at the strength of this beautiful clerk.

"Okay, then hurry up, my time is precious.

"Okay, just three minutes, promise to be back right away." Blue

eyes rushed out of the convenience store like a chicken blood, and disappeared into the darkness outside.

Then came the wail of a man with a head intubated in the darkness.

In less than a minute and a half, the blue eyes straightened the bangs in front of his forehead, came back with a spring breeze on his face, and when he entered the store, he threw the iron pipe in his hand out of the door.

"Dare to owe me money, look for death!" is

very domineering, very powerful, I didn't expect that this blue-eyed man's combat power is actually stronger than that of a man with a head intubation.

Han Cheng suddenly had a sense of surprise, such an employee was exactly what he needed.

"You're coming back in three months?" Han Cheng asked with a smile.

"Well, six hundred in total, all of them were returned.

The blue eyes snorted proudly, and happily stuffed six hundred-dollar coins into his pocket.

"Alright, boss, what do you have now?"

"Let's tidy up the store first, that... Human body equipment, we will not sell it in the future.

Han Cheng commanded, although he was not kind, he was not a devil with a twisted mentality, and he couldn't make money with the body of the same kind, and he couldn't do such a thing.

Besides, it's not profitable to sell these, and the supply is unstable.

"Okay, then I'll sort it out now.

Blue-eyed agreed, and then began to organize the shelves.

She has a new boss and is very rich, which makes her very motivated, after all, she doesn't have to worry about her salary in the future.

Otherwise, she will also play soy sauce, obviously she has a stronger strength than the owner, and she will not make a move in the face of customers who don't pay.

The young woman on the side saw that she was going to tally again, she was very smart, and she also stepped forward to help, taking this opportunity to win favor and want to stay.

But what kind of person Han Cheng is, he naturally understands this woman's thoughts.

To be honest, this woman is very suitable for the weird end times, but it's not a good thing to be too venomous.

The reason is very simple, if you can pit others, why can't you pit you?

To control this kind of person, you must have overwhelming strength, or deeply bound interests, otherwise you will be pricked with it.

And it's the kind of type that can be used and not trusted.

Han Cheng doesn't like this kind of person, and he is more wary of humans.

In the previous life, it was not the weird that killed humans the most, but the humans themselves.

Strange killings become less and less in the later stage, because they need rules to kill people, and knowing the rules can avoid danger.

But human nature is the most difficult to figure out, for the sake of interests, let alone brothers, that is, father and son have enemies.

In the late stage of the weird apocalypse, for an A-level trick, relatives killed each other and attacked each other.

For a special artifact, the brothers who have worked together for many years stabbed them in the back.

Han Cheng saw this kind of thing and heard too much.

So the fewer of your kind who know that they have a large sum of money, the better.

"You don't need help, you can go back.

Han Cheng said to the young woman.

The young woman turned her head to look at Han Cheng and smiled.

"I, I don't have anyone at home, it's just me, I, I'm scared, if I encounter something like this again..."


she spoke, the young woman tugged at her neckline, and the towering abyss was faintly visible.

With his head down, his face was flushed, and his bewitching but reserved appearance was particularly lethal.

If it is an ordinary man, he must be upset when he sees this scene, and most of them will leave this woman behind.

However, Han Cheng is very special, he has experienced countless lives and deaths in the weird end times, and he has also had women.

Especially in the last days, everyone is very open, being together is fate, and you can break up casually after that.

They are all people who have today and no tomorrow, and they are happy in time, and no one suffers.

Therefore, Han Cheng was indifferent to women, he pointed out the door and said unceremoniously.

"Go out, don't talk to me uselessly, or I'll do it. The

young woman was stunned, she was very confident in her appearance and methods, but it didn't have any effect at all.

Does this man not like women?

"I, I can do a lot for you. The

young woman still wanted to hold on, and intentionally or unintentionally touched her thighs, which were exquisitely curvy.

But Han Cheng didn't want her to beep anymore and shouted.

"Blue Eyes, help me get her out. "

Got it, boss.

Blue Eyes was moving her thigh, and the blood was bleeding her face, when she came over with a human leg on her shoulder.

The young woman's face was gray, she was angry and annoyed, she was actually looked down upon.

"No, I'll go by myself. With

that, the young woman turned and left, and the darkness outside flickered, and the dead silence returned.

Watching the young woman leave, Han Cheng said to the blue eyes.

"Alright, you can continue to tally. "

Well, I'll move these things to the back warehouse.

Blue eyes said.

"You can deal with it as you please. Han Cheng didn't care about this, he paused and asked, "What's your real name?" "

Xin Ming, my name before I died." "

Oh, good name, but I'll call you Blue Eyes. "

Well, I like the name Blue Eyes, too.

"Your previous boss gave you two hundred a month, right?"

"Well, the salary is a bit low.

"Then I'll give you a 500 a month, and you can have a bonus." "

Really, thank you so much, boss, sure enough, I see that you are a different person, very atmospheric.

"You're trying to say I'm rich. Han Cheng smiled and said: "I am indeed very rich, you follow me to work hard, I will hand over this convenience store to you, and you will be the store manager in the future."

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Blue

eyes shook their pink fist.

Han Cheng looked at it and smiled.

"Your strength is not weak, to be honest, I didn't see it at first, can you tell me your tricks?" If the

blue-eyed trickery is strong, Han Cheng doesn't mind contracting her.

"My trickery is Mad Eye. The

blue eyes lifted the eyes that were covered by bangs, and the left eye was shriveled with flesh and blood, like a dried corpse.

In the middle is a deep red eye that trembles incessantly, and looking at it makes people's blood spurt and restless.

"I can go berserk for three minutes, and after three minutes I'll be exhausted.

"And my mad eye can only be used once a day, and if you use it too much, you will lose your mind and use it out of madness.

Blue Eyes introduced.

Han Cheng nodded, he had heard of the Crazy Eye trick, which could make the user instantly burst out with wild brute force, and his combat power was extremely strong.

But the mind will be affected and will not be able to use it much.

However, if it is used with the Vajra Buddha beads, it is a combination.

The combination of not being disturbed by any mental disturbance and possessing terrifying powers is very exciting.

And Mad Eye can also be used on other people, and it doesn't require a contract, it's just a little less effective, but it's enough.

I didn't expect to accept this convenience store and get such a small thug who can fight.

Yes, not a loss at all.

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