He Yuxin felt relieved after seeing Chang Xiaohua's useless look.

As long as she is still interested in money, the matter can still be discussed.

This is a track that He Yuxin is familiar with, and even her guilt towards Chang Xiaohua has disappeared.

she asked Chang Xiaohua.

Will having a baby hurt you?

Chang Xiaohua accepted the check with a cold face, then nodded after thinking about it.

It will consume the vitality of this body.

Just like giving birth to a child normally, giving birth to a child would bring damage and burden to her physical body, and the ghost power would be exhausted to the max.

He Yuxin nodded, and then wrote a check for five million to Chang Xiaohua.

Don't treat yourself badly. Eat and drink when you should, and take good supplements.

These words are empty and useless, but money is useful.

Chang Xiaohua took the check unceremoniously, and the coldness on her eyebrows disappeared.

It can be seen that Chang Xiaohua was comforted by He Yuxin quite well.

But the movement on their side still alerted others.

After all, Chang Xiaohua was not hiding her voice by being so loud, and it was normal for her to be heard.

Now that Chang Xiaohua has shut up, some whispers can be heard.

What pregnancy? Is there an illegitimate child?

Who? Whose child is she carrying? Who is that new woman? Whose child is she carrying? Why are you looking for her?

Haha, it can't be her father's.

The whispers were not loud, but they were a bit annoying to hear.

He Yuxin subconsciously wanted to take another sip of the wine in the glass, but when the wine reached her lips, she paused, then frowned slightly and slowly put it down.

At this time, He Yuxin realized that she actually drank the contents of the copy!

She knew exactly what this meant, that she was too lax.

She actually relaxed in a dangerous dungeon. This is so inappropriate!

While He Yuxin was thinking, the pair of beautiful ladies walked over together.

Apparently the movement just now alarmed them, and He Yuxin noticed that when she came over, Miss Qin, who was wearing high-definition clothes, took a glass of red wine from the waiter's tray and held it in her hand.

He Yuxin could tell at a glance that Miss Qin didn't want to be nice anymore.

In such an occasion, the most humiliating thing for women to do is to throw alcohol at someone, and this behavior is like a sign. The unspoken rule is that if the person who does this behavior is the leader of a certain group, then the person who is spilled will be People who drink alcohol will be isolated from this community of interests.

Of course, this is just an unspoken rule under the water. If there is a conflict between two equally matched beings, there will be no such rule.

But now her identity is obviously not as good as Miss Qin.

He Yuxin didn't want to have drinks thrown at her and then leave the show in embarrassment.

So He Yuxin thought about it and picked up a pair of black pearl earrings that she liked very much in the system space.

When the earrings are put on, He Yuxin's whole body temperament immediately changes.

These black pearl earrings were made for the little mermaid when they were polishing Mermaid Tears. They used the best black pearls from the seabed. They are not big but have a nourishing effect. After they were completed, they polished them with Mermaid Tears powder.

Not only does it look more dazzling, it also has some hallucinogenic effects.

To put it simply, this pair of black pearl earrings has the effect of adding charm.

Her behavior seemed a little strange, and Miss Qin was also a little suspicious, so when she came over, the glass of wine was not poured on her immediately.

As she got closer, the expression on Miss Qin's face became half-smiling.

Miss He, what are you doing? It's indecent to change jewelry in public. This was an attempt to belittle her background.

It's nothing indecent, it's just a piece of jewelry. As she said this, she waved to the waiter beside her, and then threw the replaced earrings onto the waiter's tray.

The diamond earrings and the metal tray made a crisp sound when they collided, attracting more people's attention.

If you don't get rid of the old, you won't get the new. I used to think that this diamond was very good, sparkling and dazzling. It seemed to make even the person look more radiant when wearing it. He Yuxin smiled as she gently stroked the black pearl beside her ear with her delicate white fingers. kind.

But now that I think about it, diamonds have a serious premium. They are not very valuable and can easily cause trouble. It is not as practical as these pearl earrings, which are beautiful and flattering. If you lose the diamonds, you will lose them.

This statement is clearly talking about jewelry, but it actually has a metaphorical meaning.

Mr. Zhao glanced at the diamond earrings on the waiter's tray, and then looked at He Yuxin with a meaningful look.

Miss Qin saw it, and her already relaxed expression was mixed with a little displeasure.

Miss He is really sharp-tongued. This means that the hostility has not subsided.

He Yu was so happy that he didn't care about Miss Qin's bad tone, and said it again in a different tone.

Ms. Qin, the dress you are wearing has a very good design. It should be a work by a famous artist. It makes you even more graceful and charming. These diamonds are the finishing touch. Sure enough, some things depend on the person. The success of this The diamonds are indeed beautiful, but if you look at the diamonds on Ms. Qin’s body, you would be forgiven for thinking that the premium is so high.”

This is a subtle but obvious compliment.

At the same time, he said that the two people in front of him were a perfect match.

Miss Qin glanced at her fiancé beside her with a half-smile, and then spoke again.

Really? Miss He is very good at talking.

He Yuxin's red lips curled up slightly, indicating that she recognized this.

It's not that He Yuxin can't say more clever compliments, but this is just right now.

When one person wants to make things difficult for another person, it is nothing more than venting anger and wanting to make the other person look embarrassed.

He Yuxin didn't want to get drunk in public, so she had to make concessions elsewhere to make Miss Qin feel that her goal had been achieved.

Mr. Zhao, who had not said a word until now, met his fiancée's gaze and spoke with a smile.

You are indeed very charming today.

The meaningless compliment made the smile on Miss Qin's face become more real.

Miss Qin gave him an angry look, and then toasted to He Yuxin.

Miss He, have fun today.

He Yuxin smiled and then watched the unmarried couple leave.

No one mentioned Chang Xiaohua's pregnancy anymore, and more and more people were paying attention to He Yuxin, both covertly and covertly.

He Yuxin asked the waiter to exchange a glass of champagne, and then took Chang Xiaohua to the corner of the banquet hall, where there was a large floor-to-ceiling window. She looked through the floor-to-ceiling window and saw the starry sky and the dark but dark sky. The sparkling sea.

Judging by the distance she saw on the sea, she should be on a luxury cruise ship now.

On the sea.

He Yuxin was very moved by the wealth of the mermaids. Even though she was a little repelled by the sea recently, she still wanted to continue doing business with the mermaids.

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