It was a business marriage, and the wife had an older brother and a younger brother. Three years after the marriage, the older brother had a car accident, and the younger brother took over the company. As a brother-in-law, he tutored her. Not long after, the younger brother started racing and was killed.

The company was taken over by his wife. Another seven years later, his wife gave birth to three children in succession. The third child was prematurely born due to an accident. She was already unconscious when she was found. She was sent to the hospital but could not be rescued. In the end, one of her children died.

A year after the death of his wife, he married a new wife. The wife could not tolerate the three children from his first marriage. Within two years of the marriage, the three children of his ex-wife died in various accidents. After the children died, he discovered his step-wife’s behavior and called the police. The step-wife was afraid Then he committed suicide by taking sleeping pills.

To sum up, He Yuxin can conclude that this person has a life on his hands.

Even if he didn't kill these people himself, he must have been involved.

Because he is the ultimate vested interest.

What about the other people who were thrown directly?

The language barrier prevented her from asking directly, so after these five people were thrown away, she collected five more.

The same method and the same questioning, even if the group of people hid some information when answering, she still caught a person who was almost likely to be killed.

Then it’s time to see how the big mermaid handles it.

Five people, four of them were strangled to death and thrown off the deck. The one who seemed to be alive was thrown directly.

He Yuxin nodded, confirming what she was thinking.

The big mermaid was making some choices with purpose, which made He Yuxin think of 'good' and 'evil'.

Are all those attracted to the big mermaid ‘evil’ people?

She thought about it and thought it should be.

After all, it's impossible for everyone on the ship to be a bad person, but the people she picked had some problems of one sort or another.

If you are dragged out and sentenced, it will basically start at twenty years.

This is considered a serious crime outside.

But why does the big mermaid single out such people and throw them off the ship?

Is the big mermaid still a 'scavenger' who doesn't want to see bad guys?

This must not be the case. After all, He Yuxin was also attracted by the big mermaid's singing, but he did not break her neck at that time. Instead, he smiled and rubbed her for a while.

Knowing that the conditions were insufficient, He Yuxin continued to look.

When there was light on the horizon, the big mermaid opened her mouth again and chirped silently for a while. This time no one recognized her, so she closed her mouth and came over with a smile to give He Yuxin a hug.

Is this the end of the matter?

With the bright light and the protection of the big mermaid, He Yuxin stood on the railing and looked down.

Different from the picture that He Yuxin imagined of being full of demonic corpses, there was nothing underneath the cruise ship. The sea level was calm and there were no demonic corpses.

Demonic zombies are afraid of light?

No, the demon corpse is not afraid of light.

Therefore, the demon corpse should have left on its own.

Why did you leave on your own? Is it because a certain ritual is over and they are no longer needed?

He Yuxin doesn't understand very much now, but it doesn't matter if she doesn't understand. The big mermaid whispered, as if asking.

Seeing that He Yuxin didn't respond, the big mermaid thought for a moment and let her go, then jumped into the sea.

Looking at the splashing water on the calm sea level, He Yuxin paused for a while and then murmured this sentence.

Where did the dog go?

One night after entering the dungeon, He Yuxin finally remembered Xiu Gou.

But it’s useless to think about it, because Xiu Gou really can’t come out now.

Who would have thought that after the god who was supposed to be the cornerstone of the dungeon completely disappeared, such a big accident would occur in the character card association book, trapping Xiu Gou who came in with the player in the place of sacrifice!

Forced to be stuffed into the stone statue, it felt like the whole thing was pressing on him. Xiu Gou felt suffocated and dared not move.

This book is too brittle and cannot accommodate players to enter. It should break directly when He Yuxin touches it, just like other related books.

But at that time, Xiu Gou came in with He Yuxin. Xiu Gou's existence was like adding a battery to a game console that had lost its battery. This notebook could move again!

This is really fucked.

Xiu Gou felt aggrieved, but he didn't dare to really damage the copy.

The collapse of the dungeon is no joke. It has a special situation, and it can escape smoothly even if the dungeon collapses.

But He Yuxin is not sure.

Now it can only hope that He Yuxin can clear the level quickly or find it early, so that even if the copy collapses, it can take He Yuxin away.

Squeezed inside the stone statue, Xiu Gou couldn't help but bared his teeth and decided that if he saw a mermaid again in the future, no matter who it was, he would bite him to death and then eat him!

Xiu Gou was cursing in an unknown distance, and Chang Xiaohua was not much better.

When He Yuxin took Miss Qin away, she did not follow him.

Chang Xiaohua's current state is not suitable for fighting, nor is it suitable for vigorous running.

Although the way the fetus in her belly formed was a bit bizarre and not a normal baby, the way she was conceived was normal and scientific.

To put it simply, Chang Xiaohua is a pregnant woman, fragile and pitiful, and (the fetus) is prone to death.

So no matter what is going to happen outside, it is best for her to stay in a safer environment, avoid strenuous activities, and keep her baby safe.

He Yuxin and Chang Xiaohua had such a tacit understanding, so they didn't even say hello when they separated, and Chang Xiaohua just stayed.

Chang Xiaohua lived quite comfortably at first.

It wasn't until Miss Qin came back with someone to kill that Chang Xiaohua was controlled by the gang and began to be questioned.

Chang Xiaohua's identity is questionable. She is not a guest who boarded the ship through normal procedures, and no one else knows her.

Chang Xiaohua herself couldn't explain these unusual things. Coupled with the demon corpse that appeared before, Chang Xiaohua was directly regarded as a prisoner.

After being tied up, Chang Xiaohua couldn't help but cursed.

Chang Xiaohua felt that she was really miserable. Who could be as miserable as her?

She was pregnant with a child for no reason. The child is not her own. The life and death of the child will still be involved in other people's lives. Now she is tied up again. Who has she provoked?

If possible, Chang Xiaohua really wanted to go back to the past and blacklist He Yuxin and Gou from the very beginning, so that they would never see each other again in this life!

The big mermaid jumped into the sea, and He Yuxin did not continue to wait, but turned back.

The sea breeze blew outside all night, and even if she added some clothes to herself later, it was still a bit cold at this time.

She wanted to go back and blow the air conditioner, and also see how things were going, such as whether all the demonic corpses had gone back to the sea.

The cruise ship stopped and floated motionless on the sea. He Yuxin suspected that there was something wrong with the cockpit of the cruise ship. She wanted to take a look at it after she calmed down.

She was thinking about what to do next, but He Yuxin didn't expect that she was almost knocked over as soon as she entered the door!

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