The audience gave her all the spoilers, from what will happen after entering here to how to break the situation to who and so will die and how, who and so will turn into ghosts after death, and even the chase after destroying the sacrificial circle. The audience made it clear to the audience where it would be safer to hide.

What was supposed to be a thrilling dungeon was almost over before it even started, and she wasn't even the one in the live broadcast position.

Now the system has also been bribed by He Yuxin. At this point, He Yuxin could have left, but the system unexpectedly extended her stay.

While waiting for the big mermaid to come back, He Yuxin reluctantly watched the live broadcast for most of the day and ate two plates of fruit and a large plate of magic fruit. Even later, she felt a little bored.

Until it was dark, the plot in the live broadcast room also reached the stage where the sacrificial circle was destroyed and seven ghosts were released. Then 'He Yuxin' pretended to have died in vain and stood on tiptoes to become a ghost.

The anchor turned into a ghost. This situation has never happened before. The audience watched in horror, seeing 'He Yuxin' leading seven ghosts to chase those people in reverse, and the special effects of gifts flew up.

It has to be said that Xianggui knows how to stimulate audience consumption in the live broadcast room.

The screen was bloody. He Yuxin's expression became more and more calm as she watched, and she almost wanted to close the live broadcast room.

Just then, she heard a knock on the window.

Looking over subconsciously, I saw a mermaid clinging to the floor-to-ceiling bed. It looked a bit scary at night.

The big mermaid saw He Yuxin saw him, and a sunny smile bloomed on her face.

He Yuxin went to open the window and let the big mermaid in. The big mermaid jumped directly on He Yuxin's body, relying on her delicate chirping to make her sticky.

He Yuxin reached out and touched the smooth and bright golden hair of the big mermaid, and the impatience of the day seemed to be smoothed away.

The big mermaid rested on He Yuxin for a while before getting up, and then gave her a small box. This should be the gift the system called.

This box looked familiar to He Yuxin, it was the one the big mermaid gave to her before.

This is a space equipment. He Yuxin opened it and found a dazzling array of things inside.

The stuff was a bit complicated, and before He Yuxin could finish reading it, the system reminded him again.

【Do you want to say goodbye to him? This may very well be the last time you see each other. 】

He Yuxin blinked and looked at the big mermaid again. What caught her eye was the focused and affectionate eyes of the big mermaid.

When he saw He Yuxin raise her eyes, he couldn't help lowering his head and kissed her reluctantly. Obviously he should know something.

He Yuxin let him kiss her, but her half-closed eyes were full of indifference.

After the kiss, the big mermaid hugged He Yuxin into her arms. He opened his mouth again, and his beautiful singing voice was full of reluctance and sadness.

The system gave the big mermaid a song to say goodbye. When the song ended, He Yuxin also disappeared into the arms of the big mermaid.


After He Yuxin left, the world stood still and only the mermaid clan could move normally.

Wearing clothes they would only wear during grand ceremonies, they gathered outside the temple in the underwater city, waiting for something with concentration.

The golden mermaid passed through these tribesmen and copies, and finally arrived at the main city of the mermaid tribe. Passing over the heads of the tribesmen gathered here, she arrived at the largest temple of the mermaid tribe.

At this time, the great mermaid wore a metal chain armor, held a long bone spear in her hand, and had a feather crown on her head that symbolized the captain of the guard.

He was once the captain of the guard guarding the temple, and his devout faith made him a 'little mermaid'. Now that he has returned, he is still a representative of divine authority and a person who can stand beside the Mermaid King.

His return was like the beginning of some kind of ritual, and a voice sounded in the ears of all the mermaids.

Small worlds 53312, 53313, 53314, 53315... 54322 are being liquidated... After the liquidation, a total of 1010 small worlds have been purified and reached the purification standards. The breath of the fallen angel disappeared, and the world created by the fallen god Dabili was separated...

Congratulations on achieving your goal.

Thank you to player He Yuxin for your contribution. I wish you a happy game.

As the system tone fell, the world began to flow again.

Without the barriers between copies, the vast sea became one again.

The mermaid's tears fell drop by drop on the bottom of the sea, and finally slowly rolled into a piece.

They are crying for the complete departure of the gods, and they are also crying for their new life again.

The mermaid clan is a race that should have followed their god to rest, but they had a benevolent god who left a way out for them at the beginning of their fall.

The powerful gods raised waves and flooded the entire land, sacrificing all the creatures on the land as a cost to get in touch with some kind of existence in the dark world, in order to protect the mermaid family.

Now, the entire world has been purified, and the aura of the gods has completely disappeared from this world.

Land emerged again and the sea became calm.

Without the demonic corpses, the mutated sea creatures and mermaids, the world is out of the game and they are free...


In a blink of an eye, He Yuxin took the box and returned to the dream world. Xiu Gou, whose entire copy had disappeared, appeared at He Yuxin's feet. Its nose twitched, and then the dog's eyes lit up and its tail waggled like a hot wheel. He started to rub against He Yuxin, causing her to stagger.

He Yuxin frowned, and Xiu Gou immediately did not dare to continue to show off his enthusiasm. He even took two steps back and sat upright, but his tail was still wagging rapidly.

He Yuxin didn't want to pay attention to it, and glanced at the rubbed trouser leg, with an indescribable disgust in her eyes.

But what He Yuxin didn't expect was that before she could finish Xiu Gou, a hand with clear joints and a sense of strength stretched out.

He probably wanted to take the box in He Yuxin's hand, but as soon as his fingers rested on the box, he came back to his senses.

He Yuxin was a little surprised and looked at Sang Mingyang who was approaching.

Sang Mingyang didn't explain it, but said it calmly.

There's something here that attracts me.

thing? what?

He Yuxin is not the kind of stingy person, at least she is generous to those around her.

Since Sang Mingyang said something attracted him, she generously poured out everything inside.

The first thing that was poured out was the magical fruit that had changed its color.

The big mermaid gave her a lot of these fruits that time before, and now this box is also full.

He Yuxin just thought it was a fruit to add to his head and didn't pay much attention.

Little did they know that this was the thanks of the mermaid clan, who had spent great efforts to bring it into being. Even the sacred tree had suffered some damage, and its production would have to be reduced for at least a hundred years.

Now these magical fruits rolled to the ground. Xiu Gou started to eat them with big mouthfuls. Sang Mingyang couldn't hold back. He grabbed several and stuffed them into his mouth. He looked at them with a pair of big bright eyes. He Yuxin.

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