Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 301: Observed

At this moment, the bus stopped.

The four people turned their heads and looked out of the car window. The hemispherical building that appeared on the screen just now was located not far away. An antenna extended from the top and connected to the power grid in the distance.

"Okay, get off the car, hurry up, don't waste time!" The voice of the person in charge of the assembly kept repeating.

All the people on the bus stood up, most of them looked wilted, as if very pessimistic about what was about to happen.

After getting off the bus, everyone lined up and stood in two rows.

All four of them are in the left column and at the very end.

At this time, the person in charge of the assembly began to shout loudly, "Quiet, quiet!" Her voice is very penetrating, and every word can be heard very clearly, "Next, we will enter the Aineng Power Station. Everyone must abide by the rules, stand in line, and don't rush."

"If you don’t obey the instructions, you will not only have to take full responsibility for what happens when the time comes, you will even have to compensate for the damage. I will tell you the rest. I will issue the number plates now. Everyone will Take it, it will be useful then."

The person in charge of the assembly raised the number plate in his hand.

The red round number plates are stacked on top of each other, making them particularly eye-catching in the sun.

The number plate received by the money warehouse is No. 59.

The other three are in front of him. Xiaoming, Liangfeng and Qianjiangyue are No. 56, 57, and No. 58 respectively.

"Okay, ready to go!" The person in charge of the assembly beckoned.

The group walked towards the Aineng Power Plant.

There are four security guards with guns and live ammunition at the entrance. These security guards are strong and round. Each of them is a big man with a big waist. They are alert and quick to move. They look like professionally trained personnel.

Qiancang thought for a while. With his current strength, first approaching these security guards is a big problem. Unless skills are used, once the skills are used, the confrontation after approaching becomes another problem.

Soon, he dismissed his thoughts.

"I have a bad feeling." Liang Feng looked up at the azure blue sky.

"Isn't this normal?" Qian Jiangyue asked back.

"Waiting to use love to generate electricity one by one, according to the order, I am the first one, really bad luck!" Xiaoming said, "I really envy Cangyi, such a good luck." He looked back. Glancing at Qiancangyi.

"If you have to change it, it's okay to change it. There are 55 people in front, it's enough." Qiancangyi stretched out the number plate in his hand.

"No, I'll just talk about it casually." Xiao Ming didn't expect Qiancangyi to be so refreshing.

At this time, the first person in the right column has already reached the entrance.

Soon, the four of them entered the Aineng Power Plant. After entering it, Qiancang found that the Aineng Power Plant was quite different from the power plant in his mind.

The inside of the Aineng Power Plant is not like an ordinary factory with various machines stacked, but like a building with high-tech devices. It is very modern, and the aisles and corridors are extremely clean and tidy.

Moving along the curved corridor, the four people came to a room called the testing room.

People who enter it need to put their metal products in a tray before they can move on, except for the ID that they carry with them.

After passing through a long corridor, the group finally arrived at the power generation center.

The overall structure of the power generation center is hemispherical. In the center, there is a round platform, exactly the same as the round platform in the propaganda poster, and above the center of the round platform, there is a funnel-shaped object, which can just fit a person's head. . There is a transparent protective cover on the periphery of the round table, as if an accident has happened.

There is a long white table next to the round table. At the long table sits a woman, two men, and three people. The woman sitting in the center exudes a strong woman's breath.

Behind these three people are some strange-shaped lights.

Closer to the bottom are the white square lamps. There are twenty of these lamps in a row. Above the twenty square lamps, there are seven round bulbs of different colors, red, orange, and yellow. Green, blue and purple.

"Okay, let me introduce to you first, the generator raters, that is, the three people sitting behind the long white table. They will rate your power generation capacity. This is related to your future life, so don't Offend them." The person in charge of the assembly began to explain.

"The lights behind them are a quantified expression of power generation capacity. Each of these twenty white square lights, each lighted on, means that your power generation capacity is stronger. The average person's power generation capacity will not exceed 20. If the white lights exceed, the colored lights on this will light up. The difference between these colored light bulbs is an order of magnitude difference. If the purple light can be turned on at the end, congratulations, you will be summoned by the president!"

[Task requirements: Light up at least fifteen white lights through the Aidian converter. At the end of the movie, extra pay will be given through the excess power generation of the actors. 】

At this time, the four people's mind sounded the system prompt.

"Now, those who hold the No. 1 license plate, please enter the Aidian conversion machine." One of the generator raters said.

"You, go in, the entrance is over there." The person in charge of the assembly pointed.

The person holding the number one card is a girl about sixteen years old, with a ponytail ~www.ltnovel.com~ looks very cute, but now this cute face is full of sadness.

Coming to the side of the protective cover, an automatic door opened, and the girl walked in.

"Please stand in the center." Inside the Aidian converter, the mechanical sound played.

The girl stood obediently in the center of the round platform. At this time, the upper funnel began to adjust her posture, covering the larger one on the girl's head.

At this moment, there were tears in the eyes of the girl.

"It's about to start soon." Cool breeze said.

The four stared at the girl in the center of the round table.

"The Aidian conversion machine has started, and the generator, please start generating electricity." The mechanical sound sounded again.

At this time, the blue current visible to the naked eye is flowing on the protective cover, which seems to be protecting the generator.

After hearing the mechanical sound, the girl folded her hands and closed her eyes.

The buzzing sound reached everyone's ears.

At this time, some changes occurred on the top of the round table. A phantom composed of blue electric current appeared on the round table. This phantom formed the appearance of a girl, standing beside the girl.

"This is called the love energy release effect. It is a phenomenon that occurs when the love electricity is converted, and it can show the scene in the mind of the generator. You don't need to panic." The person in charge of the assembly explained in a timely manner.

She just finished speaking.

The center of the round table has changed.

The blue phantom that looked like a girl started to move. She bowed to the outside of the round table first, and then, the blue phantom stood on tiptoe and opened her hands like a nightingale.

At the same time, the blue phantom began to shrink, and under the feet of the blue phantom, a beautiful and gorgeous stage was being constructed.

"This...is it that the stage is as big as the heart is. It seems that she also bought the book "Power Generation Strategy Guide"." The man with glasses standing not far in front of the four said in a low voice.

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