Hospital No. 444

Chapter 181 Liang Zhigao, Li An, and the bloody instructions

What Dai Lin can be sure of is...

The two major factions in the hospital have different cursed powers hidden behind them.

Looking at it now, the Yin Wuque faction, or the position of administrative vice president, is loyal to the president.

As for Han Ming, the executive vice-dean's faction, to a certain extent, they are hostile to the dean. However, the dean is not that omniscient and omnipotent. Due to certain restrictions, he cannot kill Han Ming, nor can he remove the position of executive vice dean.

Therefore, Dai Lin had a guess.

No one is allowed to enter the thirteenth floor of the outpatient building where the dean is located. Likewise, the dean will not go anywhere other than the thirteenth floor.


Is it because the dean wants to remain mysterious?


In fact, the dean has no way to leave the thirteenth floor of the outpatient building?

This is a very bold assumption. In this hospital, everyone regards the director as a demon and fears him like a tiger. However, I am afraid that the dean is not that powerful. He can indeed easily control the life and death of every doctor, but he is not without enemies.

If he was really that powerful, why would he implant spells into people's bodies and force them to sign contracts to become supernatural doctors? The doctors at Hospital No. 444 are generally at a disadvantage when facing evil spirits!

Although Fang Zhou was in the Evil Spirit Surgery Department, he was not part of Han Ming's faction. Dai Lin was still wary of him.

Dai Lin has actually been thinking about a problem.

Dean, or his enemy, which side should I help?

It can be judged from various signs that the dean who robbed mankind's future as a spiritual healing site is an evil existence, but this does not mean that those who are enemies of him are the righteous side.

Just like the evil ghost Jin Yunran and the Black Blood Mother Ancestor, both are evil spirits that destroy humanity.

Dai Lin believed that these two different curse powers were equally and absolutely evil.

But for some reason, the two cursed forces formed a check and balance, and thus each gave birth to its own faction among the vice deans.

Dai Lin is just a little person. He wanders between the two and must find a glimmer of hope. For him, as long as he can cure his brother and permanently break away from the forced contract between Hospital 444 and himself, then he doesn't mind temporarily cooperating with one of them.

However, before that, he must become stronger than he is now.

Then, he looked at Luo Ren.

Based on previous interactions with Lu Yanran and various signs, Zhang Bei did not have symptoms of precognitive dreams. Although there is no medical record of Zhang Bei, there is no such information in Liang Zhigao's remaining memory. The most important thing is that if Zhang Bei really had a precognitive dream, he would not end up like that.

But Ark's words were correct...the time of entering Hospital No. 444 and having the precognitive dream happened to be exactly one after the other!

Dai Lin continued typing: Doctor Fang, or is the patient cursed by other evil spirits in the hospital?

This phenomenon is rare, Fangzhou sent a reply after a while: It is almost impossible for cross curses to occur in the hospital, and there have been no cases of precognitive dreams in the hospital recently. Such cases are rare, and precognitive dreams can provide doctors with To provide future treatment plans, if they really exist, different departments will communicate with each other.”

Dai Lin thought for a while and continued typing: Do you know Dr. Liang Zhigao?

Fang Zhou was obviously a little stunned by Dai Lin's question.

Of course I know him. He was the junior brother of our old director in the Li Gui Department.

Dai Linlue recalled that the old director he was talking about should be Lu Shengran, Chen Shun's previous department director. Dai Lin once heard Gao Heyan mention it.

Dr. Fang, maybe you think my question is a bit abrupt, but I want to know, what kind of person is Dr. Liang?

If Luo Ren had called Dr. Liang, would he have done anything to Luo Ren? Are there any doctors like Liang Zhigao in Hospital No. 444?

After thinking for a while, Fang Zhou started typing.

The dead are the most important. It's not convenient for me to comment on a deceased person, let alone a former colleague of mine. Sorry, Doctor Dai.

The dead are the greatest?

Isn’t the underlying meaning of this sentence: He didn’t want to speak ill of the deceased?

When Dai Lin mentioned this, Fang Zhou couldn't help but fall into memories.

When he heard that Liang Zhigao had passed away, Fang Zhou felt a little sad in his heart.

To this day, he still clearly remembers that when he first entered the hospital, Li Gui's surgery room was full of talented people. At that time, Vice President Lu was still alive, and the directors of almost all departments were either his students or his fellow students. Director of the Ligui Surgery Department, Lu Shengran, is one of Vice President Lu’s students.

Chen Falcon, Mei Quzhen, Fang Zhou, Zhao She, Liang Zhigao... To this day, many people believe that if Mei Quzhen had not left the Ligui Department to open the Evil Ghost Department independently, she would most likely be the one to succeed Director Lu, not the Evil Ghost Department. Chen Falcon. Even Fang Zhou knew very well that he was more suitable to be the director of the Ligui Surgery Department than Chen Shuan. The reason why Chen Shuan came to power was because he was loyal enough to Han Ming.

Director Lu has always been in Vice President Lu Yuan's faction. After Vice President Lu's death, he supported Yin Wuque, who succeeded him, which seemed to support the old minister. But later, after Director Lu died and Chen Falcon came to power, Li Guike completely changed its tune and became the Han Ming faction that everyone knows today.

In fact, many people suspect that Han Ming killed Director Lu, but there is no evidence at all, it is purely mental testimony.

Although Fang Zhou did not support any faction, he still felt that there might be something fishy about Director Lu's death, but compared to Han Ming, he was still a minor figure. Moreover, he is not like Song Min, who is popular and capable, and directly transferred from the Ghost Surgery Department to the Department of Ghost Spirits as the director, so he still stays in the Ghost Department, only thinking about treating patients, and not intending to get involved. Director Lu and he were just ordinary superiors and subordinates, and he didn't want to offend the new department director.

Why did you suddenly mention him?

Dai Lin replied: I once entered the building where one of the patients he treated during his lifetime was located, and I almost didn't come back alive.

Fangzhou had heard a little bit about this, but he was not very clear about the details. After all, he was already a doctor at the Evil Spirit Surgery Department.

However, the fundamental reason why he replied the dead are the most important is...

Regarding Dr. Liang Zhigao, many of his memories began to blur. He couldn't remember what he looked like, how old he was, whether he was tall or short, fat or thin!

Even how to write the name, he wouldn't have been able to remember it if Dai Linfa hadn't texted him on WeChat.

This is weird.

After all, we have worked together for so long...

Why can't I remember it at all?

The memory of a supernatural doctor cannot be that bad!

The only thing he vaguely remembered was... Dr. Liang Zhigao had a good relationship with the late director of the Demon Department, Li An.

And Li An...

He was the culprit responsible for the death of Ark's first wife!

At this moment...

K city.

Ying Ziye clutched his chest and panted as he looked at the instructions written in blood on the wall in front of him.

This is?

The last line of the bloody instructions surprised her.

Any resident who successfully recovers the body of Li An, director of the Demon Department of Hospital No. 444, can return to the apartment. No one from Hospital No. 444 can be allowed to take him into the morgue of that hospital!

Dai Lin felt that the atmosphere was about to change, so he winked at Lu Yuqing.

The highlight of the meal begins.

Lu Yuqing put down his chopsticks and said to Luo Ren's mother: Well... Auntie, that's it. I think Luo Ren and I want to go to the Rayman Magic Show on Christmas with you.

As soon as this sentence came out...

Luo Ren's mother's expression changed instantly.

Her chopsticks instantly fell to the ground!

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