Hospital No. 444

Chapter 193 Lehman Hallender

Lehmann Hallender, 39 years old, was born in Berlin, Germany. His mother is from Vienna, Austria.

Unlike his father Edward, his magic tends to be traditional close-up magic and is highly interactive with the audience. Also because the distance is closer, the audience can more easily check the magician's various props, and the magic is more difficult.

Lehman's magic often allows the audience to come on-site and interact closely with it at any time, with few exceptions. And his magic is quite unbelievable. Even if the trolls on the Internet ask him to meet the standards of a magician, they can't find any flaws in his magic. Many of the analyzes appear to be contradictory.

Therefore, Dai Lin couldn't help but start thinking about a question.

Is he a magician, or...does he really have magic-like special abilities?

Apart from anything else, any psychic doctor can easily perform magic on stage.

Now, the name of the female assistant who disappeared back then has finally been found out. Her name is Alice Chen. Back then, she entered the cabinet and disappeared during Edward's magic show in W City, never coming out again.

Afterwards, the theater where the performance was performed was searched from top to bottom by the police, but Alice Chen was not found. She really disappeared in front of countless viewers!

It is obviously impossible for a living person to disappear.

This isn't magic, it's something truly supernatural. What is certain is that this was done intentionally by Edward Hallend.

Luo Ren's mother no longer remembers what she said, but she definitely said something like 'You can't let her come out' at that time.

Dai Lin held a notebook, which recorded a lot of clues that he could think of so far.

However, we couldn't find any clues related to Luo Ren's mother and Edward Hallend. In her memory, she never went to the magic show that year.

From this point of view...this is completely different from precognitive dreams.

Fang Zhou put forward his opinion: I have been clinically exposed to curses that can affect and tamper with memory. From this point of view, her memory reference value is not high.

Dai Lin, who had been to Black Marsh Village, naturally felt the same way.

Let me ask you a question, Doctor Fang.


Goats are indeed white, furry, horned, herbivorous, crawling mammals, right?

Fang Zhou looked at Dai Lin in confusion and said, Is this some new trend on the Internet? I don't pay much attention to these, I'm sorry.

Hmm...yes, it's a new meme.

Recently, Dai Lin is still worried about whether his consciousness and thoughts are still affected by the Black Blood Ancestor.

At least from the perspective of precognitive dreams, the curse suffered by Luo Ren is quite similar to that of the Black Blood Ancestor.

So, Doctor Fang. Dai Lin took the notebook in his hand, quickly drew a cat on it, and said, Look, what is this?

This is……

Without waiting for Ark's reply, Dai Lin activated the newly acquired ability of Demon Eye.

It's a goat, right?

Fang Zhou was stunned, looked at Dai Lin incomprehensibly, and asked, Dr. Dai, please stop playing tricks at this time, right?

I'm serious. Dai Lin continued to try to see if his ability could have an impact on the Ark: This is indeed a goat.

But no matter how you draw it, it looks more like a cat?

Sure enough... it's not that easy.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the hotel room.

Dai Lin walked over and opened the door. Jiang Lan was outside.

Doctor Dai, let's go.


Then, Dai Lin suddenly showed the notebook to Jiang Lan.

Ms. Jiang, in your eyes, is this animal a cat or... a goat? It's a goat, right?

He continues to activate the Demon Eye ability.

Doctor this some kind of brain teaser?

Dai Lin could only close the notebook, sighed, and said, Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything.

It seems that there is no way to influence other people's perceptions overnight. You can only change some perceptions that are not so common sense.

I'll try it again when I get a chance in the future. However, if this ability can work, communication with Lehman Harend will be much more convenient. Looking at it now, the Devil's Eye cannot fully obtain the curse ability similar to that of the Black Blood Ancestor.

After arriving at the hotel, everyone got in the car, and then went directly to Linde Theater.

In fact, it's only one kilometer away and you can walk there, but Miss Jiang is obviously more used to riding in a Ferrari.

The car drove to an intersection and stopped.

Miss Jiang, Dai Lin reminded again and again: You must never come to the magic show. After all, you don't know what will happen.

I understand. But isn't it dangerous for you to watch a magic show?

Jiang Lan's care for Dai Lin was beyond words. Although she added we, Fang Zhou knew very well that Dai Lin was the only one she cared about.

At this moment, Jiang Lan suddenly saw a cat passing by on the road.

She looked at the cat, and for a moment, she felt a little inconsistent.

Why mountains...

She was going to say, why is a goat walking on the road?

But the next second, she reacted immediately.

Isn't that a cat? How could she see him as a goat?

very strange?

After walking into the Linde Theater, it can be said that there is a sea of ​​people here. There are even scalpers selling tickets in the hall. Even though it is so close to the opening, the scalpers dare to offer three times the price. Just... there are still people willing to buy tickets!

As expected of a well-known magician, Dai Lin couldn't help but marvel. This was Lehman's first tour in China. In the past, most Chinese people could only see his various magic performances on TV.

Doctor Dai, Fang Zhou reminded him again: No matter what you think... no matter how eager you are, don't act rashly. We don't know where this magician comes from. If anything goes wrong, I will take care of it. superior.

Fang Zhou indeed had the confidence to say such a thing.

If he really has some kind of supernatural power, then...

I will evaluate it. Fang Zhou looked at Lehman's photo on the magic show promotional poster in his hand: Please trust my clinical experience.

On the poster, Lehman looks a bit aged, with blond hair, dark blue eyes like lake water, and a beard on his chin. He looks a bit like a thinner version of Sean. Bin.

Then...I'll wait for you outside first. Jiang Lan expressed her cheers to the two doctors and left the theater.

Dai Lin and Fang Zhou began to enter the arena.

After entering, Dai Lin had already begun to scan the surroundings with his devil's eyes, while Fang Zhou clenched his hands, and the fingernails of his ten fingers turned into pure red.

Then, the nail of his right index finger began to grow longer, and then pressed against the back of his left hand...

Then...he stared at Lehman on the poster and slashed his nails!

However, there were no wounds on the back of his left hand.

Dai Lin looked at Fang Zhou in confusion and asked, What are you doing? Doctor Fang?

I cast a blood curse, just in case. Ark's fingernails began to change back to their original shape: If there is a chance, I don't want to use my curse.

The curse in the Ark...

From a real evil spirit!

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