Hospital No. 444

Chapter 295 The dying vice president

Lisheng? Lisheng?

In the wind and snow, Ge Niancheng even wondered if he had heard wrongly. He walked step by step towards the fog in front of him, even though he knew that the fog was very dangerous.

He lifted the bamboo pole and tried to extend it into the fog.

Regardless of whether the fog is human or non-human, this is always a safer measure.

Lisheng, is that you?

But at this moment, a heavy fog came in crazily and pounced on everyone who was patrolling!

Dai Lin immediately launched an attack with his left eye at this moment!

Dai Lan was holding a candle and looking through a yellowed book.

In this village without TV or smartphones, reading is Dai Lan's only entertainment.

And she can only know what the world outside the white mist is like through books.

Nanmei Village is an extremely poor village that cannot be found even on the county map. But the world outside is extremely vast.

Dai Lan suddenly looked at the window aside.

Just now, she seemed to vaguely hear the window glass shaking.

Is it an illusion?

She walked to the window and looked at the snow and wind outside.

The snow is really getting heavier and heavier.

However, there was no sign of anyone else outside the window.

You heard it wrong.

So, Dai Lan returned to his seat, picked up the book on the table, opened it again and started reading.

Being enclosed in this village that was completely isolated from the outside world, Dai Lan could only know what was happening in the world outside the fog by reading these books with yellowed pages.

Although she has read most of these books, she still can't put them down.

She is reading one of the very few novels at home. This book was bought by Uncle Li as a gift to her brother when he went to work in the city.

This is a horror novel. The author's pen name is Black Willow and the book is called Cinema of the Dead.

She liked this book very much, and while she was reading it, suddenly, a similar sound came from the window.

Dai Lan looked over warily.

what happened?

Once was a coincidence...

What about twice? What about three times?

What on earth is going on?

The Dai family's house is relatively close to Baiwu.

This made Dailan start to feel uneasy.

She walked outside the door and asked, Dad? Mom?

But there was silence outside.

Dai Lan's face gradually became a little ugly.

Then she heard a strange sound.

Under the stairs...

There is a vague feeling...

A sound like something tearing apart!

Han Ming had now vaguely guessed where Dai Lin might be.

The reason why he chose this coffee shop was to be able to experience Dai Lin as much as possible in this place where he had been.

Under normal circumstances, as long as Han Ming picks up a cigarette butt on the ground, no matter how far away the person who smoked the cigarette is from him, he can instantly invade the other person's body, clearly sense his position, and even control him. people around me.

In other words, he could even manipulate the President of the United States into pressing the nuclear button if he wanted to. But, he won't do that.

But here, he never noticed Dai Lin's position.

Then, there is only one possibility.

At this time, Lu Yuqing came to Han Ming respectfully.

Han, Han, Dean Han...

Lu Yuqing didn't even dare to raise his head in front of this giant.

Will Director Fang be back later?

He won't be back for a while. Han Ming looked at Lu Yuqing and said, Chen Xuan told me that the department wants to focus on training you.

It's all Director Chen's fault!

There's no need for this senseless modesty.

When Han Ming said this, he looked at Lu Yuqing.

If you meet Dai Lin...or can predict that Dai Lin will appear next to you, let me know as soon as possible. This is my mobile phone number.

Okay...ok! I'll save it...

But...other than that, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to use this number to contact me. In other cases, you must report it to Chen Falcon and then inform me.

I understand... I understand... Lu Yuqing became more and more frightened, Other than that, I will never disturb you!

Han Ming nodded, and then said: I'm leaving.

Good go!

When Han Ming walked out of the coffee shop, he vaguely felt that maybe he would never see Dai Lin again.

The people from the Demon Division attacked him.

This is the most likely guess that Han Ming currently thinks.

Lewin Kerry...

Han Ming realized an even more terrifying fact...perhaps he wouldn't live until the end of this year.

He has already made arrangements...

And when he dies, he can go see his father.

Even now, Han Ming will never forget the way his father looked at him before he died.

until death...

His father refused to forgive him.

Even though he was dying of liver cancer, he still refused to forgive him on his deathbed. His last words before dying were that even if Han Ming died, he could not be buried in the same cemetery as him.

All family members, including grandparents, believed that Han Ming was angry with him because his father's cancer recurred and eventually entered the terminal stage. Especially my aunt.

What would their attitude be towards themselves if... they knew that he might be dying?

Han Ming was walking on the streets of W City, but the spirit... came to his hometown.

He can sense the current status of his relatives at any time.

After the uncle passed away, the aunt managed to make ends meet by running a canteen alone.

He is going to die.

Before he died, he wanted to see his aunt again.

Go and meet her in person for once.

My aunt is over sixty years old, but she looks much younger than ordinary people. Because Han Ming used spiritual healing points on her.

Han Ming could kill most of the doctors in Hospital No. 444, but he could never raise his head when facing his aunt.

Because of my uncle's death...

It was caused by him.

At this time, two girls with mobile phones passed by him.

You read the news... is it true? Li Mingjun died just after he was arrested for taking drugs?

It seems that the police haven't issued an official report yet.

what happened?

Could it be a drug overdose?

You deserve it. Why do you take drugs when you are so good! Look at the comment section, which is full of erroneous comments. There are a lot of people who are so star-chasing that they don't even have a sense of right and wrong!

That's right!

The two girls passed by Han Ming, completely unaware that this ordinary middle-aged uncle was the cause of the death of this drug-addicted star!

Han Ming was walking, and suddenly, a white mist appeared in his mind!

This...what exactly is this?

Han Ming felt as if everything around him no longer existed, leaving only the white mist in front of him.

He became wary.

Is this the situation Dai Lin is facing now?

I was off work for more days and felt extremely guilty.

I finally understand George R.R. Martin’s feeling of procrastinating writing the sixth volume of A Song of Ice and Fire for more than ten years... It’s really common for me to get stuck on a certain paragraph and then not be able to figure out how to write it for several days. Will meet.

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