Hospital No. 444

Chapter 308 Abyss Invasion

At that time, someone said something.

That sentence caught Dai Lin's attention.

This is a sentence that sounds very natural at first, and there is nothing wrong with it, but if you think about it carefully, it is very problematic.

That statement, said anywhere else, would be normal.

Only...appearing in Nanmen Village seems wrong!

At that time, Dai Lin heard what the man said was...

How long have you been spreading dog food? Have you figured out the situation?


That’s it!

Spreading dog food is a very common Internet term nowadays, which evolved from the word single dog.

But here’s the thing!

The expression spreading dog food...

Did it exist ten years ago?

Dai Lin vaguely remembers that before 2012, there was no such thing as spreading dog food. At that time, dog food was really dog ​​food, and dog abuse also really meant dog abuse.

In this case, in the village that was sealed off by the heavy fog at the beginning of 2012...why would someone say spreading dog food when seeing a couple showing off their affection?

Finally, when the candle went out for the first time, Dai Lin was finally sure.

At that time, the person David grabbed his arm was...

Li Yanping! ! !

Dai Lin has no way to enter this house now!

what to do?

One less person...can solve it...One less person...

Suddenly, Dai Lin thought of a strange thing.

One person missing?

It stands to reason...

Lin Tai is dead, doesn't that mean one person is missing?

Why... still...

At this moment, Dai Lin suddenly understood!


at this time!

The door was slammed open!

Li Dongshan raised his hand and rushed forward at this moment!

David clearly saw that standing at the door was none other than... Li Yanping!

The moment Li Dongshan pounced on Li Yanping, white mist poured out crazily from the wall behind David and others!

Before Su Wenqing had time to react, he was completely swallowed up by the white mist!


When David heard the scream, he immediately turned around and watched the heavy fog rushing towards him!

No! No! Don't!

At the same time, Dai Lin rushed into Ge Niancheng's house and came to Li Ruping.

His eyes penetrated Li Ruping's womb.

As long as the child is aborted, one person can be reduced! Everything will end!

He wasn't sure if the left eye could abort the child without hurting Li Ruping, but he had to give it a try.


The left eye...starts to attack!

Carman Weir walked into the operating room.

Putting on the special cursed gloves, he looked at the patient on the operating table.

The patient's abdomen bulged high, and something seemed to be pouring out.

Dr. Will. Another female doctor said to Carman: The operation is ready.


Picking up the scalpel and looking at the bulging abdomen of the patient in front of him, Kaman said, I heard that Dr. Li was rescued?

Yes, it took us almost ten years to finally get the coordinates of Nanming Village. At present, Dr. Li's condition is fine.

It's really difficult for him. He has been trapped in his hometown for so many years. His current physical condition is relatively stable.

Fortunately, he also provided us with enough specimens for the cursed object experiment. It was through the cursed object porcelain dolls in our hospital that we have been able to successfully support it until now.

Nanmei Village is a tricky place.


The scalpel cut into the abdomen, but not a drop of blood came out.

Under the shadowless lamp, a pale hand quickly stretched out from the cut abdomen.

But soon, after the scalpel pierced the hand hard, the hand immediately dropped.

The vice-president said that Dr. Li's current condition should be carefully examined to see if his soul has been deeply contaminated.


“What are the top few rules of our hospital?”

The name of our hospital is Hospital 666, not Hospital 444. There is no Hospital 444 in this world. Our hospital does not have any signboards other than English, and any of our doctors has a black inverted cross on their forehead.

What if we find signage in a language other than English, what if we see a doctor who doesn't have a black inverted cross on his forehead?

You must put on the red mask immediately. If the English-speaking logo and the black cross on the forehead disappear within ten minutes of putting on the mask, you can take off the mask. Otherwise, you must wear the mask all the time... Could it be that Dr. Li he?

I have heard some rumors about Dr. Li. For example, about his father.

His father?

His father abandoned him back then.

I seem to have heard of it...

His father's name is very special, called Li An. An means Darkness in Chinese.

What a strange name.

It is said that his father later changed it himself. More specifically, only the vice-dean knows.

I don't quite understand...what does this have to do with the code we mentioned?

What other rules does our hospital have?

Well... Hospital No. 666 does not have a laboratory department. We must advise patients that if a doctor asks you to go to the laboratory department and ask you to take your blood samples or skin samples, you must refuse. Don't let...

An incident happened on the same day that we obtained the coordinates of the Mercy Village. A certain patient once asked a nurse about the location of the laboratory department. The vice president told us insiders to keep silent about this matter, and we were not allowed to tell the public until today. Start this matter.


It's a pity that the nurse was Mexican and could only speak Spanish. Her English was not very good, so she didn't understand what she meant immediately. Later, she told other doctors the patient's English pronunciation.

What's that patient's name?

Amelia Harland. Her father Edward Harland and brother Lehman Harland are both famous magicians.

Amelia Harlan... The female doctor in front of her seemed to have thought of something: After her...

Missing. A certain 'doctor' told her that she had to go to the laboratory to collect blood, and something happened on her way to find the laboratory. Not every doctor will advise them.

And, most importantly, after the deputy director learned about the incident, he immediately asked the nurse to wear a red mask. And the nurse... also disappeared after that.

Both doctors fell silent.

It just happened that that day...

Yes, it happened to be that day.

This is no coincidence.

It's certainly not a coincidence.

The nurse wearing the red mask...just disappeared...

Red masks must not be worn lightly in hospitals and are only allowed under special circumstances.

Be prepared, Carrie. Things are going to change in Hospital 666.

This... the female doctor named Carrie sighed.

After the operation, the two walked outside.

The operation did not go well. Kaman looked at the dark hospital corridor in front of him and said, It should be difficult for him to survive this year.

He is already a patient who has been attacked by the third abyss. Carrie's expression was much more relaxed: We tried our best.

Kaman looked at the corridor in front of him. In the darkness, a person whose body and flesh had been stripped off was walking tremblingly in the corridor.

Carrie, have you been to the underground morgue?

God willing, I don't want to go.

The man whose skin was peeled off was less than five meters away from the two doctors.

Not many people can survive the invasion of the abyss. We pretend at every moment that we are not descending into madness.

The skinned man walked up to the two doctors, and suddenly his body turned into dust and completely dissipated.

The two came to the elevator and pressed the elevator button.

The door opened.

Then... the two of them saw more than a dozen doctors standing inside the elevator door.

Kaman quickly counted the number of doctors in the elevator.

Exactly twelve people.

Forget it, let's sit down for the next class.

It can only be this way.

The elevator doors close again.

The elevator in Hospital No. 666 can carry 13 people.

However, according to hospital regulations, a 13th passenger cannot be present in the elevator at any time. If...the doctor discovers a 13th passenger in the elevator at any time, he must immediately stop at the nearest floor and escape, otherwise he will never get out again.

After the two waited for a long time, the elevator door opened again.

But this time, they saw a mobile hospital bed in the elevator.

Lying on the hospital bed was a young boy.

The two walked in, and Carman asked the nurse pushing the bed: Agatha, who is this young patient? I feel... he has a curse implanted in his body?

Yes. The nurse named Agatha said, Yes. His name is David. Like Dr. Li, he is a villager in Nanmei Village. Now he has been selected as the hospital's first quarter of this year by Dr. Li as a guarantee. An intern.

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