Hospital No. 444

Chapter 310 Become our clan

Li Dongshan put on his long-lost doctor's white coat.

Ten years later...I'm finally back in the hospital.

When he returned to the hospital, he discovered something terrible.

Director Dave disappeared.

For Li Dongshan, Director Dave can be said to be a great blessing to him. Dave is one of the few doctors in the hospital who understands Chinese, which allows him to communicate with Li Dongshan conveniently. At the same time, he helps himself tutor in English as quickly as possible, so that he can speak English proficiently with others early on, and also teaches him Taught him a lot.

The temple in Nanmei Village was built by Dave with the help of Li Dongshan. In fact, it was Dave who really predicted the coming fog.

Dave is one of the top ten doctors in the entire No. 666 Hospital. No one in Haunter's department dissatisfied with him.

But now, Dave and William, another doctor in the department, have both disappeared. And when they disappeared, everyone in the hospital no longer remembered their existence.

Only a small number of people still have vague memories of these two people.

In Li Dongshan's memory, Dave has always taken radical measures in treatment methods, and at the same time, he is also very mysterious.

Ten years ago, when he secretly assisted Li Dongshan in building the temple in Nanmin Village, he erected the stone tablet.

Li Dongshan still doesn't know why that stone tablet says that.

Even Dave himself couldn't answer it.

Every paranormal doctor in the Haunter Department can be said to be a psychic master. Each of them can easily allow a ghost to possess them and then borrow the ghost's abilities. Even without spells, they are powerful enough.

When Dave carved that stone tablet, he was in a state of possession.

It was as if something possessed him and carved that stone tablet.

After hiding the temple through some kind of space spell, Li Dongshan released the temple after the arrival of heavy fog.

To this day, he still doesn't know how Director Dave built the temple and where those porcelain dolls came from.

Today, Li Dongshan dare not mention Dave to anyone in the hospital. He knew that once someone strongly believed in Dave's existence, they might be the next to disappear.

As for Li Dongshan himself, since returning to the hospital, he has discovered that as long as he does not deliberately think about Dave or mention Dave, his appearance and past experiences with him will disappear little by little. .

If Li Dongshan wants to find out the culprit who made Dave disappear, he must stay alive.

His first consideration right now is: investigating the Harland family.

At this moment, he saw a short-haired man appearing in front of the corridor light.

The eyes of the short-haired man were full of ferocity, like a ferocious wolf.

Li Dongshan turned around and saw a man with exactly the same appearance standing behind him.

The Mellor twins...

These twins are the most feared doctors in the entire No. 666 Hospital.

As long as they cannot be killed at the same time, if either brother dies, as long as the other brother is still alive, the dead one can come back to life indefinitely.

They can completely share brain memories, knowledge, and feelings, and communicate spiritually at any time.

However, this is not the scariest thing about the Mellor twins.

They share the same curse that originated from the abyss, and can be completely transformed into a curse that is completely released and enters the fourth phase of the abyss invasion.

According to Easterners, it is equivalent to a curse spirit!

Either party can become a complete curse spirit! And while the other twin is still alive, he can control the evil spirit that invaded the fourth phase of the abyss!

The two of them are always inseparable and will never be more than a hundred meters apart from each other.

The two of them are the right-hand men of the vice-dean and jointly serve as directors of the Abyss Department.

Two directors, what do you want from me? Li Dongshan spoke in English that he had not spoken for ten years. After speaking these days, he was still a little bit jerky.

The short-haired man in front of him spoke: According to the order of the vice-chancellor, we will completely take over the treatment affairs of your village.

The short-haired man in the back said: Yes, we will take over completely.

Which one is George Mellor?

Which one is Mike Mellor?

Hardly anyone at the hospital could tell the twins apart.

Ten years later, their appearance has not changed.

It's all up to you to take over? For Li Dongshan, this is the worst possible situation.

Yes. That village, from now on...

Another one immediately followed: It will bring new blessings to 'our family'.

In the hospital, all the doctors... all call themselves our family.

Li Dongshan always thought that this was because the supernatural doctor was already an alien between human and ghost. But as time went by, he gradually discovered that it didn't seem to be the case.

This is not the first time that a special recruitment doctor like David has appeared.

What they have in common is that they do not appear through the normal recruitment process, and... most of them are yellow people, and then the dean will arrange for a certain doctor to act as their guarantor. Li Dongshan, like David, also belongs to this kind of specially recruited doctor.

Then, as specially recruited doctors, they will be taken to meet the deputy director in person. The first question asked by the deputy dean must be...

In your opinion, does Hospital No. 444 exist in this world?

David sat on a chair with a dark desk in front of him.

In this office, there was almost no light behind the desk, and he could barely see a person behind it.

That person is the vice president of Hospital No. 666.

Uncle Li repeatedly mentioned to him that the vice president is the most powerful person in the hospital after the president, and he is the only vice president in the hospital.

What surprised David was that he had been learning English from Uncle Li these days, but the vice-dean spoke fluent Chinese.

Just as David was about to tell him the standard answer Uncle Li told him, the vice-dean added: Think carefully before you answer, and don't copy the answer anyone gave you. What I want is your sincere answer.

Although he couldn't see the vice president's face clearly, David felt an aura of calmness and authority.

It was a tone that left no room for doubt, as if one could see through whether he was lying at any time!

I...I have never heard of Hospital No. 444... David could only reply.

So, have you ever doubted your life experience since childhood?


Have you ever doubted whether your family is your family, are you convinced that you grew up in the village of Mercy?


Answer seriously. Your answer depends on whether you become one of our clan or become part of the curse in the hospital.

I... David thought of Shen Lisheng, and he really couldn't be sure whether his memory was real.

However, he then thought that there was no way he could have jumped out from a crack in the rocks! Besides, his parents must be human, otherwise they would not be killed by Li Yanping!

I'm sure I grew up in Nanmei Village, and my parents are my parents too!

Good. Last question. Tell me, what is the name of this hospital?

Hospital No. 666. David replied decisively: This hospital is called Hospital No. 666!

Suddenly, David felt a pain in his forehead!

The cross on your forehead will appear little by little. Remember what you just said. If you firmly believe what you just said, the cross will appear on your forehead little by little during your future internship as a doctor, and will ensure that you have complete control over your body. Unless you are willing, the curse cannot be unsealed and come back to bite you. But if you doubt yourself, believe will let you know that death is the best ending.

David felt cold sweat all over his body.

After the black inverted cross is fully formed, your internship period will end. From that time on, you will become our kindred. From now on, you will be blessed by 'him'...

People who have watched Big Sword must have something to say, right? Go ahead and say it. I just borrowed it from Twins of the Abyss.

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