Hospital No. 444

Chapter 329 Faust

Evil spirit???

Dai Lin could hardly believe his ears: You said the doctors in the Department of Demonology are basically ghosts?

Milan in front of him nodded.

In fact, we psychic doctors are infinitely close to ghosts.

Dai Lin recalled that he personally killed Zhong Siming. If he said this, the woman in front of him would probably be shocked.

At present, Dai Lin has determined that this area is the outer suburbs of W City.

Could it be said that Feng Xiao sent him back?

Dai Lin was wary of Milan, but now that he had to fight against the Demon Division, this mysterious ally might be able to use him.

So, while walking along the road, Dai Lin asked: Since we are allies for the time being, right? In that case, then it's better to be more open and honest, right?

You are right about this. However, since you are from Hospital No. 444, it is better not to know too much. Otherwise, a black cross will appear on your forehead.

Milan spoke Chinese so well that it was hard for Dai Lin to believe that she was actually a white Westerner.

Then just don't talk too much...

Suddenly, Milan's expression condensed, and then she looked behind her.

Can you tell me information about the demon doctor?

Currently, I only know that the current director of the Demon Department is named Lewin Kerry, and there is a doctor named Nilu Xiao.

Zhong Siming is already dead anyway, so there is no need to mention it.

Lewin Cree...Neelu much do you know about the curses on them?

I'm not sure about this. But Nilu Xiao once transformed into a doll in front of me.

Doll... Hearing this, Milan nodded and said, What about Lewin Kerry?

I only know this name. Most doctors in the hospital have never met this director.

Since he was an enemy of the Demon Division, Dai Lin would not feel any psychological burden for leaking their information to the mysterious woman in front of him.

Milan observed Dai Lin's expression, as if he was observing whether what he said was true or false.

You told me that Nielu Xiao turned into a doll in front of you, right? Demon doctors rarely reveal their spells in front of ordinary doctors. Can you tell me the details?

It's a long story.

Well to make a long story short. We're being targeted.


There are doctors from the Department of Demonology following us. Milan rubbed his fingers and said, You can't go back to the hospital now. There must be someone over there waiting to kill you.

Dai Lin knew that he was able to kill Zhong Siming because of his luck. Zhong Siming joined the Devil's Department temporarily during the process. He was completely different from the doctors who were officially assigned to the Devil's Department by the dean. His strength was also at the bottom of the Devil's Department. It is definitely unrealistic to use Zhong Siming to measure Nilu Xiao and other doctors in the Department of Demonology.

What's more, since Zhong Siming was killed by him, the Demon Department will definitely send stronger doctors according to the situation. It is not impossible that the director of the Demon Department will even personally take action. This is not an online novel. The BOSS will send younger brothers to the protagonist one by one. Level up!

Then what if the two of us join forces?

There is no hope. Milan shook his head: We can't win if we work together.


It's okay. But Milan's expression was calm: Although he can't win, he can't kill us easily.

Then, she looked back and said: He won't do it easily. Because he can't kill me the first time, but he will let me know the opponent's spell information. So if you want to kill me or you, you must choose a more suitable one. timing.

Dai Lin thought for a while, so he told her his experience with Luo Ren in the shortest possible words.

Nie Xiuzhu... Upon hearing this name, Milan's expression immediately changed: It's actually her...

Dai Lin's reaction to Milan was not surprising at all: So is she really a doctor at Hospital No. 666?

You don't know the specifics so clearly.

Milan bit his lip subconsciously at this time.

She was the doctor who disappeared from the hospital long before I was born.

Along the road, there are more and more houses in villages and towns on both sides.

But it's obviously a long way to go before you can find a place where you can take transportation.

Knowing that there was a demon doctor following behind him, Dai Lin always remained vigilant.

However, he couldn't feel it at all, and there was a demon doctor following him.

Speaking of which, it would not be easy for the demon doctor to attack him. It's not that easy to kill a supernatural doctor and completely hide your identity. There are so many supernatural doctors, and so many means of tracing. Zhong Siming dared to attack himself, obviously because it is easier to destroy the body and eliminate traces on the Blue Island. No. It's easy to find out that they did it.

Do you know... about the director? I mean the director of Hospital No. 444.

This is the information Dai Lin wants to know most.

The director is the biggest mystery of Hospital No. 444.

No one can set foot on the dean's floor, and no one has seen the dean. The only way any doctor can contact the dean is through a computer.

After a while, Milan said: He gave up tracking us.

Dai Lin felt relieved when he heard this.

After all, he really had to compete with a demon doctor, which was really stressful for him.

In this way, the solemn atmosphere dissipated a lot.

What you can know now is that I will not hurt you. I know that you have strong doubts about my words, but I will let you believe it. Milan said this and added: Or do you believe me?

I trust you.

Although Dai Lin said this, what he was thinking in his heart was: I believe you are a ghost!

From beginning to end, he kept a distance from Milan, making sure that she was within his sight at all times.

Although the devil's eyes had no effect on this woman, he didn't know why.

I believe you. So, can you tell me about you and the Dairen family? Who else is there in your family? Can they come to support you?

there is none left.


I am the only one in our family now. Everyone is dead except me.

When saying these words, Milan looked very calm.

Dai Lin was stunned for a moment.

Most people can be so calm when it comes to the death of their family members, either because they have a cold temperament, or because they are more sad than they are about to die.

When Milan said this, his footsteps paused slightly.

Originally, the one who survived should be my second brother. I am actually the most useless one in the third generation of the family. I am just a supernatural doctor who relied on family blood to become the director of the department.

From what she means, does Hospital No. 666 belong to a hereditary system of family management? This is hard to imagine. After all, in Hospital No. 444, except for the special circumstances of the Gao sisters, almost no doctors would arrange for their family members to join the hospital.

Are you the head of the department?

It's not as good as the kind of department director you imagine. My second brother is the real department director worthy of the name.

Dai Lin could feel the sadness and desolation in Milan's tone when he mentioned second brother. It's not like it's staged.

The head of our family, my grandfather's vice-dean at the beginning of the new century, failed to be re-elected. But just a year ago, the second brother's plan to regain the vice-dean's throne failed.

Can't... compete for the dean's throne?

No doctor can become a dean. A dean will never change, so the vice dean is the highest level a doctor can achieve.

Like Hospital No. 444, the vice president can always be changed, but the president will always be the same.

We were just a little bit close to successfully removing Mephis Faust from the position of vice president. After the failure of this coup, our family will naturally face a comprehensive purge.

Then, she looked at Dai Lin.

Hospital No. 444 exists. Now, I accept this and come here alive. Therefore, the Faust family can only kill me through doctors from the Department of Demonology!

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