Hospital No. 444

Chapter 343 Return to the Hospital

The situation developed very differently from Dai Lin's expectation.

Originally, it was already extremely difficult to kill the demon doctor who could track them. But now I never expected that doctors from other departments of the hospital would also get involved.

Can Dai Lin and Milan combined alone be able to fight against so many doctors?

Fortunately, Director Song didn't come... Dai Lin looked at this scene and said to Milan, Are they coming for you?


What should we do?

If the chief physician takes action, Dai Lin has absolutely no chance of winning.

There is nothing we can do. Milan said to Dai Lin: Take me into your right eye, and then you go back to the hospital directly.

Shall I go back to the hospital directly? But then wouldn't you just fall into a trap?

Is there a better way?


There is no better way.

Many doctors began to pour into this apartment. Facing Chen Xuan, Xie Chengjun, and Dai Lin, they were bound to lose. As for the current situation, the symbiotic relationship between Dai Lin and Milan also made it impossible for him to leave her alone. Even if he won't die after she dies, he will probably lose half of his life. After all, he can read all of Milan's psychological activities, so now he can trust this woman without reservation.

Dai Lin grabbed Milan's hand, and with a thought, she disappeared in front of him and entered the space of his right eye.

Afterwards, Dai Lin no longer hesitated and teleported back to Hospital No. 444!

Milan, who entered the right eye space, sat alone in this dark space.

She squatted down, not knowing what kind of fate she would face next.

Memories began to return to the past little by little...

It was a bright afternoon.

For Milan, the eldest daughter of the Dai Lun family, the title of department director is just a false title. There are many people who can help her complete it.

At the beginning of the new century, due to the failure of his grandfather to be re-elected as deputy dean, the status of the Dailan family once plummeted. However, with the rapid rise of the second brother, the Dairen family gradually began to gain the strength to compete with the Faust family in the hospital.

The position of deputy dean can be appointed or removed by the dean or by other department heads. Of course, fighting for something is a nice way of saying it, and a bad way of saying it is rebellion.

Now, everyone in Hospital No. 666 has to admit that the second brother, Damon Dellon, is a powerful threat to the vice president.

Because of this, within the hospital, the struggle between the two families' respective factions is extremely fierce. Many departments have begun to take sides. Many people firmly believe that Damon Dellen will be the new vice president.

Therefore, Milan is very concerned about traveling in the United States.

On this day, while traveling in Florida, USA, she received a call.

The caller was the second brother Damon.

Milan was quite surprised. Why did the second brother call him? At this time, he should be working in the hospital. He is not like himself.

Milan, who was happily shopping in the mall, took back the bank card he was about to insert into the POS machine and connected his mobile phone first.

Hello, second brother?

Milan. Are you in Florida now?

Milan's trip to the United States this time is to visit the entire east coast of the United States. She also tweeted a photo she took at Disneyland in Orlando yesterday.

Yes, second brother.

Well, do me a favor. I have a patient who happens to be in Miami right now.


I will send you the specific information later. I want to write a paper based on this patient's case.


A case that can make the second brother think about writing a paper is obviously no small matter.

Second brother, you have to think carefully. Is this not dangerous to me?

You are from the Darren family, so you won't be in danger that easily.

I see……

Milan looks like a playboy on the surface, but she grew up receiving formal medical education from No. 666 Hospital. While most people were still learning mathematics, she began to learn to exorcise ghosts.

She came to the parking lot of the shopping mall, threw the clothes she bought into the car, opened the door, and turned on the navigation on her mobile phone.


She read the specific information about this case sent by her second brother.

The second brother asked her to get in touch with this patient, probably to train her. Now that the family has acquiesced that he will take over as the future head of the family, there is no doubt that at this time, he will also cultivate a new generation of talents for the family.

As she drove to Miami, she thought about what to do next.

To be honest, she is a patient of the Demon Department after all. Although she has studied the medical education of the Demon Department, she is not experienced in it and has not been exposed to too many cases, so she is not sure whether she can help her second brother.

Among the brothers and sisters, the eldest sister Natalie is the most crazy, selfish and vicious woman, the third brother is gentle but a bit stubborn, and the second brother is a combination of these two.

As for Milan herself, she and the third brother are relatively close in age, but she doesn't like the third brother's somewhat rigid Madonna character. She prefers the second brother, and basically only hates the selfish eldest sister.

After entering the suburbs of Miami, Milan drove to the address his second brother told him.

It was a single-family house.

She came to the house and rang the doorbell.

Not long after, the door opened.

The person who opened the door was a very haggard looking woman. .

Hello, Milan asked, looking at the woman, Are you... Al? I was sent by Dr. Darren.

Okay, come in.

After entering the house, the woman said, Shall I make you some tea or coffee?


But just when the woman went to make tea, the phone rang again.

It was my second brother calling again.

Milan answered the phone and said: Second brother, listen to me...

Milan, you don't have to go to Miami. You go back to Oakland!


You're not here yet, are you? Listen, go back quickly! Now, right now!

Second, second brother, don't scare me...

Suddenly, Milan felt that the light in the room had become much darker.

Over in the kitchen, the sound of making tea suddenly stopped.

Ai...Miss Al?

At that time, she no longer hesitated and teleported back to the hospital...

Looking back now, at that time, the paper written by the second brother was probably not a complete version.

His paper made no mention of red balloons at all.

Or...there really isn't?

Milan has no way of knowing the answer to this question.

No one could give her an answer.

At this moment, Gao Peipei, who knew nothing, was sitting in the room, waiting for Leyin to return.

She also had no idea what fate would be waiting for her ten days later...

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