Hospital No. 444

Chapter 350 The Taboo of Tears

At noon, Lin Sunzhu took a rest.

When she woke up, she finally felt somewhat refreshed.

At this moment, she slowly walked to the door, wanting to go out for a walk.

When she walked downstairs, she saw Xiaoju.

Teacher Lin, Xiao Ju quickly walked over and said, Where are you going?

I want to take a walk outside in the courtyard.

Oh, okay. But, teacher, please don't go too far, and don't get close to other villas.

Yes, I understand. By the way, when I looked at the window just now, a servant seemed to have passed out. Is he okay now?

Hearing this, Xiaoju was stunned and said, Is this happening? I'm not sure. But Teacher Lin, don't worry, we have very good doctors here, so I think nothing will happen.

That's good.

Lin Sunzhu didn't think much, then left the villa and walked outside to the courtyard of the manor.

Looking at the lawn and the large number of flowers in front of him, Lin Sunzhu fell in love with this courtyard more and more. It was obvious that a professional gardener must have been hired to take care of it.

At this time, she had gradually moved to the place where the servant fell just now.

At this moment, she suddenly saw a young man lying under a tree in the distance, holding a book and reading.

That child is...

Qin Bosheng.

In the previous class, Qin Bosheng could be said to be a child with extremely no sense of existence. He hardly spoke, and she always felt that the child was anemic.

Lin Sunzhu was very close to Qin Boxheng at this time, so she walked up.

Although Butler Qin said that he could not have private contact with the students, they were so close. It seemed not very polite to just walk over as if he didn't see them.

Walking next to Qin Bosheng, Lin Sunzhu could clearly see the cover of the book, but she couldn't understand it at all. It seemed to be a foreign language book.

Well, Qin Boxheng, dear, um, what kind of book is this?

At this time, she could clearly see the densely packed foreign language text on the pages. She had excellent eyesight, so she could tell quickly - this was definitely not English.

Cien aos de soledad. Qin Bosheng said a string of words that Lin Sunzhu couldn't understand at all. If translated into Chinese, it would be One Hundred Years of Solitude.

It's One Hundred Years of Solitude! Lin Sunzhu suddenly became interested, You are so amazing, you can completely understand the original book like this!

She immediately thought that, yes, the author García Márquez was Colombian, and Spanish was indeed spoken in many countries in South America.

This is one of the assignments assigned by the teacher. Qin Bosheng turned another page. It seemed that the communication with Lin Sunzhu did not affect his reading at all. It is the minimum to finish reading Spanish works.

When Lin Sunzhu was in college, he loved the books of García Márquez, especially One Hundred Years of Solitude. This book is quite obscure for ordinary readers, and the name is difficult to remember. It involves a family of seven generations.

I have read this book once, and now I am reading it the second time.

I finished reading this book when I was a sophomore in college. I cried when I finished reading the ending. Lin Sunzhu crouched down. She originally just wanted to say hello to Qin Bosheng, but she liked One Hundred Years of Solitude too much. This book, so she couldn't help but talk to Qin Boxheng a few more words.

I'm not crying. It's impossible for me to cry. Qin Boxheng continued to move his extremely pale lips, This book is just my homework. Teacher Lin, you can go.


Obviously, Qin Boxheng did not communicate with himself his thoughts after reading this book.

She had no choice but to leave first.

Okay, I'll leave first.

Lin Sunzhu found that the personalities of these children were very different from those of their peers, and they did not have that lively and cheerful feeling at all. Even reading is all about completing homework. And with such a full schedule, they probably don't have time for entertainment at all.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered Qin Bosheng's words.

I'm not crying. There's no way I'm going to cry.

This sentence itself is actually quite normal, especially when it comes from a boy. However, this reminded her of what Butler Qin had mentioned on the list: If any of the seven students were found crying, then notify him immediately.

She originally thought that this was because she was concerned about the students' psychological condition. But now it seems... could it be that they were being supervised and not allowed to cry? Is Qin Bosheng's phrase It's impossible for me to cry the education given to them by their parents?

Isn't this a bit much? As the saying goes, too much is not enough. This kind of cramming and high-pressure education is probably not good for children's physical and mental health.

Lin Sunzhu studied at a normal university, and she had always decided to become a teacher in the future. And she decided a long time ago that she must be a teacher that students can still remember fondly many years after graduation.

At this moment, she walked into a garden in the courtyard. The grass here is as tall as a person, so she shuttles here.

Suddenly, she heard a voice coming from the other side.

Grass obscured her view, but from the sounds, they seemed to be two servants.

Anan doesn't seem to have woken up yet?

Well, yes. I heard it was when Master Qing Ji passed by him...

Don't say such nonsense!

But, but, this is already the third person...

Shh! I told you, don't say such things again!

Oh, okay...okay...I'm just talking casually...

You are the one who can't control your mouth! Remember, when doing things here, ask less questions and do more things!

The third...person?

Has something similar happened before?

Lin Sunzhu immediately held his breath, not daring to make a sound, and continued to listen to the conversation between the two servants on the other side.

Listen up, just pretend that nothing happened. Master Qing Ji will walk the dog in the courtyard along a fixed route and at a fixed time every day. As long as you don't come close, it will be fine. Just do your thing!

From what they said, it seemed that... the servant's coma was related to Qin Qingji?

what's the situation? Does that child have some kind of acute infectious disease?

This immediately made Lin Sunzhu anxious.

But then I thought about it and it seemed wrong. The other children were in contact with Qin Qingji and there were so many other tutors, so they seemed to be fine.

Of course, if she asked now, the two servants would probably tell her nothing, and the same would probably be true of Butler Qin.

Just when she thought she wouldn't be able to hear any more valuable information, another message came from the other side.

Don't worry, even if you have close contact with Master Qing Ji, there is a high probability that nothing will happen. Remember one thing, as long as you don't see him crying, then... there won't be any serious problems.

I didn't see him cry...

There won't be any problem?

What's the meaning?

Lin Sunzhu was stunned now, and then the two servants opposite him left.

And now her mind was filled with chaos.

She couldn't understand what they said just now.

what's the situation? Could it be that crying is a serious symptom of this infectious disease? Although she has never studied medicine, but...there shouldn't be such a strange disease, right?

Is this the reason why they can't go out to study and have to hire tutors at home?

Lin Sunzhu was no longer in the mood to visit the courtyard and could only go back to the villa.

Along the way, many guesses ran through her mind, but none of them could solve her current doubts.

What the hell does this happen? ? ?

Well, she admitted that she couldn't suppress her curiosity now!

Just when she reached the door of her room, she suddenly saw Butler Qin.

Teacher Lin, I heard that Miss Lanying was not feeling well in history class, right?

Yes, she...

Did you get close to her and pay attention to her face?

Her face does not look very good...

I mainly want to ask... Butler Qin approached Lin Sunzhu and asked, Are you sure that she... didn't shed tears at that time? Even if there were tears in her eyes, were there any?

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