Hospital No. 444

Chapter 432 Lewin Kree

Chapter 432 Lewin Kerry

Liu Ying disliked the female doctor named Nilu Xiao very much.

For some reason, Liu Ying had a strange feeling after meeting that female doctor.

This woman didn't feel like a living person at all.

And why did she want another room?

In the past 24 hours, wouldn't the doctors from Hospital No. 444 come and take Lin Qian's body back?

Looking at her son's body lying on the bed, Liu Ying became increasingly sad.

More than ten hours have passed since his death, and now his son's pupils have begun to dilate, his eyes have begun to turn white, and his originally soft skin has obviously begun to stiffen.

Liu Ying couldn't bear to continue watching the changes in the body, so she walked up and covered her son with a quilt.

She checked online and found that it takes about 24 hours for a person to emit a body odor after death, so at this stage, the smell would not attract the attention of other people in the hotel.

Immediately afterwards, she sat in front of her son's bed and began to think about what to do next.

Even if you can escape the pursuit of the doctors at Hospital No. 444, how can you bring your son's body back to your hometown? How to explain his death? If you go to get a death certificate and cancel your account, you can't say that he was killed by a ghost, right?

Thinking about it this way, the only person she could turn to for help was the doctor named Nilu Xiao.

at this time……

Nilu was in the next room, sitting on a chair, looking at the wall in front of her.

It's been an hour, and there are no changes yet, Nilu began to talk to herself, I will continue to record.

When she said these words, Nilu showed no emotion at all.

At this moment, Nilu suddenly looked towards the hotel room, then stretched out a finger and pointed it at the door of the room.


Then, the hotel room door opened automatically, and a man wearing a peaked cap fell outside the hotel room door.

Then, he seemed to be pulled into the room by an invisible force!

The door to the hotel room quickly closed!

I, I'm just here to match some advertising cards, I'm not a suspicious person... The man in the peaked hat said in horror: Please...

Then, Nilu saw the man holding two cards in his hand.

There are a lot of unsightly and indescribable pictures on the card, and the text reads Appointment with X in the same city, Contact number: XXXXXXXX...

Please, please...

Nilu continued to say in a cold and mechanical voice: It doesn't look like it was manipulated by a doctor. But, just in case, let's kill him.

Then, she looked outside and saw that the surveillance inside the hotel had been completely modified.

When the man in the peaked hat heard what Nilu said, his face turned pale with fright.

Then, his neck began to twist at a weird angle, and then... it was broken directly!

A body just fell to the ground.

Then, Nilu turned her head and observed the changes in the soul of the man's corpse.

There is no ghost. The soul directly enters the world of the dead. It seems that he is really an ordinary person.

After killing an ordinary person, Nilu, as a doctor, was extremely calm at this time, without showing any emotion.

It seemed that instead of killing a person, she crushed a fly.

Now, the record continues.

About an hour later, there was a knock on the door outside the hotel room.

Nilu looked over, immediately stood up, walked to the door of the hotel, and opened the door.


Nilu bowed deeply to the person standing at the door.

At the door was a middle-aged man with a somewhat pale face.

The man walked into the hotel room and saw the body of the man in the peaked hat.

Why is there a dead person? Facing a corpse, the man's expression was blank, What happened?

A man who came to hand out small advertising cards. I killed him just in case.

The man squatted down, observed his body, and said, You are too careless, Nilu. If he has been implanted with some kind of curse, what you are doing now is equivalent to exposing our position.

Director... please punish me.

You're lucky, the man said after carefully observing the body. He is indeed an ordinary person. It won't be an exception next time.

Yes, Director.

There is only one person in the entire No. 444 Hospital who can be called the director by Nilu Xiao.

That's Lewin Kerry!

Is the record still going?

Keep going.

Okay. Lewin Kerry continued: Ensure that the information can be transmitted there in time.


Later, Levin looked at the corpse and said, Since there is a ready-made corpse, it would be a waste if we don't use it.

After he finished saying this, the corpse's hands suddenly started to move!

At this moment, Levine Kerry's eyes began to change.

The pupils faded little by little until they disappeared completely.

Countless blood poured out of his face.

Soon, his body began to make distorted sounds...

Doctors from the Department of Demonology are no longer human beings, right? And Zhong Siming hasn't completed his transformation yet.

According to the first-hand information my brother has investigated, this is indeed the case. They can no longer be regarded as living people. Theoretically, each of them is equivalent to a supernatural doctor after the curse has been completely unsealed.

When the curse is completely unsealed, it is equivalent to turning into a ghost.

Only a handful of psychic doctors can enter this state within a short period of time and then return to normal.

However, if this state is maintained for a long time, it will inevitably turn into a real evil spirit.

There is no doubt about this.

But Zhong Siming is obviously not.

But the current four doctors in the Demon Department must all be in this situation.

So, in theory, it is very difficult to kill a demon doctor. As Zhong Siming is the weak point of the demon department, the demon department has already prepared a substitute intern. After his death, the substitute intern He also stepped in immediately to fill the vacancy.”

When someone in the demon doctor dies, the doctors in this department will be cursed with a level six abyss invasion. They cannot bear this kind of curse. Therefore, after Ouyang Rui is attacked by this curse, he will inevitably die.

Yes. Once this curse appears, Ouyang Rui will definitely die.

Is Yin Wuque's purpose from the beginning just to obtain the sixth-level abyss invasion curse? What good will it do to him if he does this?

I haven't thought of this yet. I can only say that based on the results of my investigation on my brother, I have some general guesses.

Any guesses?

Level 6 Abyss Invasion is the highest level that Abyss Invasion can theoretically reach. Even a doctor from the Department of Demonology would find it difficult to cure this curse. Perhaps it is equivalent to what you call a curse spirit.

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