Hospital No. 444

Chapter 438 Marie Faust

Chapter 438 Marie Faust

Hospital No. 444, a place that does not exist but is emphasized by the hospital code.

However, this is quite an anomaly.

Just like the sentence on the business card, Anyone who asks us for help is guilty of our sins, it is full of mystery.

And back then... there was a person who also wanted to explore the mystery of Hospital No. 444.

That person was the woman who caused the bloody civil unrest in the hospital, Rhaenys Daeron.

In a sense, she is quite similar to Damon Deren.

Does Aluka Faust know about this?

Mei Ge knew very well that the most important reason why Yalujia handed the devil's curse to her was because she believed that they had the same enemy, so there was a basis for cooperation.

She married into the Daeron family, and her late husband Lumian Daeron was Damon Daeron's right-hand man. If he inherited Rhaenys Daeron's research...

Mei Ge has already entered into an agreement with Yalujia, so regardless of her own wishes, she has been tied to the Anti-Faust Alliance.

But... you can also think about it the other way around. If she can use me, she will definitely ensure my survival.

When she thought of this, Mei Ge actually smiled.

In this morgue where countless doctors feared her, Mo Meige...actually smiled!

If anyone sees this scene, they will definitely be shocked to the point of disbelief!

Then she came to another body.

Jason Teddy, from San Francisco, California, USA... from San Francisco...

This made Mei Ge feel a little sad for a moment.

The days when her uncle Kafka took her from Seattle to San Francisco were the happiest days in Mei Ge's childhood.

When she was in Seattle, she was always bullied by children of the same age and experienced authentic American bullying. But even as a girl, she will fight back with all her strength.

They insulted Mei Ge as a motherless child, took off her clothes to take pictures of her, and called her the most obscene words.

I remember that when her uncle first took her to San Francisco, Mei Ge said this to her uncle Kafka: Uncle, I want to learn to shoot.

Mel, you?

Even if I'm not an adult, uncle, can you teach me how to use a gun? In the United States, only when you go out with a gun can you rest assured that you won't be bullied casually.

After Mei Ge became a supernatural doctor, she still wanted to buy her own pistol.

When she bought a gun for the first time, she was surprised by the gun shop owner's choice of gun, because they were all guns with relatively large recoil and were rarely chosen by women.

Then she returned to Seattle.

Point the gun at the person who bullied her.

Then the trigger was pulled.

As a supernatural doctor, as long as you remove enough dark soul points, you don't have to worry about being discovered when you kill someone. Whoever dares to hurt her, she will kill that person. As for whether sin does not lead to death?

Sorry, she is not a judge.

She herself had forgotten how many people she had killed.

Who would have thought that a supernatural doctor would kill someone with a gun? However, she did not hide anything from her uncle. The uncle was shocked. He naturally didn't care about the death of those scum, he was just worried about whether Mei Ge's body and mind would be affected.

Uncle, by the way, they won't turn into ghosts and come to me. You can rest assured about this.

She is still very satisfied with her masterpiece at that time. Even now when I think about the process of killing myself, I feel comfortable both physically and mentally. In the future, she will definitely find a way to send Klein Faust to hell.


For the sake of my fellow countrymen, let me pray for you.

Then, Mei Ge made the sign of the cross on her chest using the gesture that her uncle had used in her memory.

I wish you... well, you won't be able to see God after you die.

Then, Mei Ge raised her hand and pulled away the white cloth.

The face of Jason Teddy's body was distorted by intense fear. Looking at his dead eyes, Mei Ge began to check the photos of his body.

Well, let me take a look first...

She checked the photo with Jason himself and looked at the cause of his death.

When you died, you were definitely possessed by the devil...but there were no signs of invasion from the abyss. I don't know if you are lucky, but your soul will not continue to suffer as a cursed object.

She continued to look at the body's surgically sutured wounds. The person who performed the surgery on him was Dr. Dred Wood. According to the operation report, the devil was completely removed from the body after the operation.

But Jason passed away while in hospital for observation after the operation. Death without an abyssal invasion can only be attributed to failed surgery.

The prognosis for a demon removal surgery without any signs of demons is generally good. You are really...

She glanced at the picture of the excised devil.


She looked closer at the photo.

Can't see clearly at all...

Suddenly, she noticed that blood was oozing out from the surgical suture site!

Bleeding from surgical suture wounds?

She immediately noted it in her duty log.

Is there going to be a corpse transformation?

She looked closer with a flashlight, and blood must have continued to ooze from the surgically sutured wounds.

We have to observe the time of blood seepage... Speaking of which, it would be great if the blood could be collected for testing.

There is no laboratory department in Hospital No. 666. Therefore, such a thing as a blood test naturally does not exist.

Originally this was normal, after all, this was not an ordinary hospital.

But... the medical code also contains very similar statements to Hospital No. 444 regarding the laboratory department.

It seems...the laboratory exists.

Because doctors need to specifically explain to patients that there is no laboratory department in the hospital, so if a doctor tells the patient to go to the laboratory for a blood test or skin tissue test, then absolutely do not believe it and do not go for a test.

This statement is so strange no matter how you hear it.


It’s really like a blood test!

Looking at the blood that was constantly seeping out, there seemed to be something abnormal inside the sutured surgical wound!

It seems like I need to observe it.

Mei Ge is a surgeon herself, so naturally... she will carry a scalpel.

She took out her scalpel.

This is an A+ grade scalpel. Well, let's see what's inside.

Dred Wood's surgery report clearly stated that the devil had been completely removed. But now it seems that it is not.

She picked up the scalpel and cut it open little by little along the surgical sutures.

Let's see what's inside...

At this moment, she suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind!

Mei Ge's expression was quite calm.

After all, it's not unusual to hear footsteps here.

She picked up the flashlight and shined it behind her.


Then, she saw...

It was a woman in a white coat and a red mask, looking at her five meters behind her!

She is...Marie Faust!

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