Hospital No. 444

Chapter 472 Li Zhixiao (2)

Li Zhixiao almost thought there was something wrong with his ears.

Comrade police, are you kidding me?

He looked at the pale woman next to him and said to the policeman in front of him: Police, comrade police, is there something wrong with your household registration system? Her ID card is forged...

The policeman looked at Li Zhixiao coldly and said, Is there a problem? Okay, if you insist on finding out clearly, then you two follow me to the station and let this lady register her fingerprints, so that you can immediately determine whether she is you. Madam.

My wife passed away a long time ago. I went to issue the death certificate in person...

I'm sorry. The police comrade's face became even colder: Your wife's household registration still exists in our file system and has not been canceled at all!

At this time, Li Zhixiao was completely stunned.

Both of you, please come to our bureau.

Obviously, in the minds of the police, they already regarded Li Zhixiao as a bipolar scumbag who reported false police reports.

But for Li Zhixiao, the current situation caused his whole brain to freeze.

The wife’s household registration has not been cancelled? ? ?

This completely strange woman next to her, how on earth did she do it?

Super hacker? Hack into the police station's network system and modify household registration files?

How can it be!

Besides, if there really were such hackers, would it be necessary to break into your own home?

Immediately afterwards, he took out his mobile phone and said: Comrade police, listen to me, she is not my wife, my wife... looks like this...

Then, Li Zhixiao's face became extremely ugly.

After the death of his wife Lu Mange, Li Zhixiao has always kept photos of her.

Not a single one has been deleted.

However, now these photos have all turned into... photos of the woman in front of me!

How is this is this possible!


However, Li Zhixiao himself is very good at retouching. He looked carefully at this photo and couldn't see any trace of retouching. If this is all P, it will definitely be at the level of a great master!

The policemen looked at each other.

Ma'am. The policewoman raised her finger and pointed to her head and said, Your husband, he, it may not be polite for me to ask, does he have a family history of mental illness?

He, he wasn't like this before... The woman even started crying, I don't understand how he became like this...

I'm sorry. The male police officer sighed and said, Whether your husband has a mental problem or deliberately reported a false police report, this can only be investigated within the bureau. Reporting a false police report is illegal and requires detention.

No, no, no, I, I didn't file a false police report...

Li Zhixiao almost went crazy.

Suddenly, a woman appeared in his home, saying that she was his wife, and then all the photos of his wife on his phone were changed to look like her!

Li Zhixiao began to search his circle of friends and various social accounts, including his wife's own WeChat account and the WeChat account of his wife's best friend Lin Lu, but his parents-in-law had long blocked him.

Later, he discovered that Lin Lu's circle of friends had long blocked him. But all the photos found in my wife’s historical circle of friends are still exactly the same as the woman in front of me!

This person, Fenglin Suiying... He raised his phone and said to the woman, Do you know her?

Maple Grove is Lin Lu’s WeChat nickname.

The woman was already choked with sobs: Husband, what's wrong with you? This is Lin Lu, of course I know?

Then why did her WeChat Moments block me?

She, she doesn't like you very much, so she keeps blocking you in her circle of friends?

Li Zhixiao actually didn't know when Lin Lu blocked him on Moments. After all, after his wife passed away, he rarely visited Moments, let alone posted on Moments.

You said you are Lu Mange, then make a video call to your parents! Li Zhizhi shouted: Don't tell me that you don't have their WeChat account and can't make a video call?

What's wrong with you, husband!

“Do you dare to video call them?”

Li Zhixiao didn't believe it. If there was a powerful criminal organization behind this, could it still have the ability to bribe Mange's parents?

The woman wiped her tears, then picked up the phone screen and showed it to Li Zhixiao.

Li Zhixiao was horrified to see that there actually were WeChat messages from his parents-in-law!

At least the nickname and avatar are exactly the same!

Immediately afterwards, she sent a WeChat video call request to her mother-in-law.

After a while, he saw his mother-in-law appear on the screen of his mobile phone!

Mom... Li Zhixiao said this word subconsciously.

At this time, he began to have a bad premonition in his heart.

Zhixiao, what's wrong?

As soon as the mother-in-law said these words, the woman held the phone screen in front of her and said, Mom!

Mange, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying? Isn't today your wedding anniversary?

When Li Zhixiao heard his mother-in-law say these words, his whole brain felt like several thunders were roaring.

What exactly is going on? ? ?

after an hour.

Inside the police station.

My parents-in-law came unexpectedly.

Sitting in the police station, the moment Li Zhixiao saw his parents-in-law come in, the woman rushed up and hugged them, and started crying.

Mr. Li. The policeman said to him coldly: Can we discuss your motive for reporting a false police report? If you really have mental problems, please also show the doctor's diagnosis certificate from a tertiary hospital. If you are a If you are completely criminally responsible, then I must tell you that reporting a false police report is illegal. Don’t you know this?”

Later, Lu Mange's parents-in-law came over with him. The mother-in-law first asked, What's going on? Isn't today your wedding anniversary?

His father-in-law stared at him coldly and said, What are you going to do, kid? You don't admit that my daughter is your wife, and you curse her to death. Are you planning to divorce? You have a woman outside, right?

The policeman quickly persuaded: Boy, I understand your feelings, but this is the police station...

Li Zhixiao felt cold all over.

At the beginning, his father-in-law scolded him for the death of his daughter, and he remembered clearly how his mother-in-law cried heartbrokenly.

Why do they have another daughter now? Mange is their only daughter!

The woman in front of her, her facial features, have no resemblance to her deceased wife Lu Mange!

Comrade police. The woman said to the police with a haggard heart: Can you... not pursue him? I just checked online. His case is relatively minor and a fine can be used instead of administrative detention. We, we Just a fine, okay?”

The policeman looked at the woman, then at Li Zhixiao, and said, Mr. Li, what do you say now?

Li Zhixiao now only feels cold all over.

He now has no way of understanding the cause and effect of all this.

Do you really have a mental illness?

I, I probably really need to go to the neurology department?

The woman hurriedly said: Well, let's do this. I'll take my husband to the neurology department of the city hospital to register and do a brain MRI. He, he is really nice to me, but he is not like this... …”

After being criticized, educated and fined by the police, and severely reprimanded by his father-in-law, Li Zhixiao walked out of the police station tremblingly.

The woman tried hard to persuade her parents-in-law to leave first, but he only heard his father-in-law keep saying, I'll find a lawyer for you right away. You can't live with this man. What a phoenix man!

Li Zhixiao felt cold all over.

After a long time, the woman walked up to Li Zhixiao.

who are you?

Li Zhixiao looked at the woman and asked, There is no one around now. You don't need to act anymore, right?

The woman said: Husband, I know you have some mental problems now. Let's go to the city hospital and see the neurology department first.

At this time, Li Zhixiao suddenly saw a taxi coming, and suddenly rushed over and stopped the taxi.

Driver, let's go!

After Li Zhixiao got in the car, he asked the driver to drive immediately.

He had to leave this woman immediately.

He wants to prove that he is not crazy!

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