Hospital No. 444

Chapter 486 Li Zhixiao (9)

Li Zhixiao quickly turned around.

However, there was no one behind him.

Li Zhixiao, who was already frightened out of his mind, rushed towards the door without hesitation, opened the door and fled outside.

When he ran downstairs to Lin Lu's apartment, he was already covered in sweat.

During this process, he repeatedly looked behind him to make sure no one was following him.

Then, he picked up his cell phone and called Lin Lu.

What did you say?

Simply put, I need the charm! Can you give me the charm? Right now?

After a long silence, the other person said, Come upstairs.

Just like that, Li Zhixiao arrived upstairs.

Lin Lu's family lives on the fifth floor.

She rented a house of about 50 square meters in the city center by herself. Although the place was small, the relative rent was much less, and it was not far from her unit.

At this time, Li Zhixiao could be said to be completely frightened. He looked back all the time to see if there was anyone following him.

Lin Lu had already opened the door and let Li Zhixiao in.

Lin Lu, I...

You sit down first and I'll pour you some water.

Lin Lu closed the door, then pointed to the table on one side: The cursed object is right there.

There was a dagger placed on the table at this time.

A dagger covered in blood.

This is Hospital No. 666, the curse prescribed to the two of them. And this spell is effective as long as it does not leave the body more than two meters.

Therefore, when Li Zhixiao saw the cursed dagger, he immediately relaxed a lot.

There's a ghost, there's a ghost following me!

Is she the woman who calls herself Mange?

I'm not sure. At that time, I only saw a slight reflection through the water in the mineral water bottle. However, it was very unclear.

When Lin Lu heard this, she picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip of water, then looked at the dagger.

You can stay here tonight.

From the moment Li Zhixiao entered here, he had guessed that this would be the result.

Living in the same house with your deceased wife's best friend is naturally very inappropriate in normal times. But the problem is, at this time, where can Li Zhixiao think about what is appropriate and inappropriate? Life is the first priority.

Well, then...

Tell me your experience in detail.

Li Zhixiao then informed Lin Lu in detail about what happened to him in the hotel.

After Lin Lu listened to Li Zhixiao's experience in full, her expression became a little ugly. To be honest, Li Zhixiao's experience is simply a complete ghost story.

Let me make it clear first that my words may sound ridiculous, but they are all true. There is absolutely no lie at all.

Li Zhixiao spoke very solemnly and solemnly, and deliberately emphasized his tone, just because he was afraid that Lin Lu would not believe him.

Lin Lu replied: I, how should I put it... I actually believe you.

When she said this, she glanced at the bloody dagger on the table and said, The two of us have experienced too many things that seemed impossible.

The room suddenly became dead silent again.

Li Zhixiao and Lin Lu looked at each other, staring at each other. For a moment, they didn't know what to say.

After all, the two of them had no idea whether this curse could protect them.

Finally, Li Zhixiao finally said a word.

What the hell is she?

He took a sip of water from the table, moistened his throat, and then said, If, if the real Mange died and came back to me as a ghost, I would actually understand.

Yes. I don't understand either. What on earth is that female ghost? Why do you have to say that you are Mange, and how do you make everyone, including Mange's parents, say that she is Mange.

Li Zhixiao glanced at the blood-stained dagger again.

However, the doctor had no way to answer us. However, she just reminded us that no matter what, we must firmly believe that Mange is already dead. She also emphasized that we cannot doubt this.

Mange is my best friend. You should know this very well, right?

Of course. Even when she was with me, she often mentioned you. The first time you talked was in the bathroom, and she saw the tattoo on your back, right?

That was when I was very young...

Speaking of this, Lin Lu suddenly looked thoughtful.

When I was young……

She said this, turned around, and then pulled her clothes down a little.

Can you see this tattoo? I drew it when I was a child, and then asked the tattoo master to tattoo it on my body based on this drawing. In fact, I don't understand it either...

This tattoo?

It was also the first time for Li Zhixiao to see this tattoo, and he suddenly looked quite shocked.

But since you're a man, I can't reveal everything to you. When I was a child, I would have hallucinations. This symptom lasted for a long time... The content of the hallucinations was so real that I couldn't tell them apart at all.

How could it be like this...

Many people are prejudiced against me. Women who have tattoos seem to be associated with many derogatory terms, such as smoking, drinking, nightclubs... as if this is the sign of a bad girl. No one understands why I have tattoos on my body. Such a large-scale tattoo with such a weird image. Later, there were all kinds of rumors in the school... all kinds of unpleasant things.

Li Zhixiao said: I heard Mange say that she actually wanted to get a tattoo when she was a child, but her family was too strict and she didn't allow it. That's why...

Speaking of this, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Wait a minute, when you were a child? When you were a child, were you so good at drawing? Or was it the tattoo master's own free rein?

It's completely based on my painting.

Were you able to draw so well when you were a child?

Hearing this, Lin Lu said: I understand, this is indeed strange. If I were asked to draw now, I would never be able to draw that well. But at that time, I successfully drew what I fantasized about. .”

if that is the case……

At this moment, he suddenly saw that the blood on the dagger began to increase! Blood even started to flow onto the table!

The prescription written by the hospital is quite clear.

If the dagger starts to bleed, pick up the dagger immediately and point it forward!

The two of them grabbed the handle of the dagger almost at the same time!

Then, pick it up together?

All right!

The two of them raised their daggers together! Then, aim forward!

As a result, more blood shot out from the void in front and sprinkled on the faces of Li Zhixiao and Lin Lu!

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