Hospital No. 444

Chapter 526 Soul and Matter

Chapter 33 Soul and Matter

Dai Lin looked at the female doctor in front of him warily.

He really can't read the other party's memory now. After all, the demon doctor is also a mysterious and terrifying existence among supernatural doctors.

Demonology, this place is really scary. Especially after I became an official demonologist, I can understand this even more.

The female doctor continued: I can already feel that I no longer belong to human beings.

Dai Lin asked coldly: Why should I believe you?

He almost hates the Demon Division now!

What he regrets most now is that he let his brother enter the Demon Department for treatment! Now, my brother is trapped in a situation where life and death are unknown, and may even be more terrifying than death!

When he thought of this, Dai Lin instinctively hated every demonic doctor in front of him!

I understand your feelings, Doctor Dai. However, I have no choice. I could only contact my daughter as a demonology intern. The same goes for you. You have no choice now. After all, there is no internal help. You can't escape. You don't understand the concept of the director of the Department of Demonology! Even though you are now equivalent to the attending physician, and may even be comparable to doctors with senior professional titles, you are still no match for the director of the Department of Demonology. !”

Because Director Kerry's spell is very powerful?


The female doctor shook her head and said, This has nothing to do with the curse he holds. The demon doctor and the director of the demon department are completely different.

So powerful, didn't Director Li An still die in the Oronne Hotel without even recovering his body?

Dai Lin is not to be frightened. Strategically, he must pay attention to the enemy, and tactically, he must despise the enemy. Of course, when he said this, he mainly wanted to make it sound like a lie.

Dai Lin knew that at least one thing was true: the other party had not completely transformed into a doctor who had lost his humanity like a demon doctor. This was indeed a fact. In this case, you can use this to obtain more critical information from the female doctor.

You don't know the Hotel Oronne, Doctor Day.

Having said this, the female doctor took out a photo from her pocket.

Doctor Dai. Let me tell you some information about the other world. For example, what can you see in this photo?

Dai Lin looked at the photo.

It seems to be the lobby area of ​​a building.

This is……

A very ordinary photo.

I saw it... Dai Lin suddenly realized something and said, What does this mean?

Having said this, he started to activate the devil's eyes and check the photos.

Dr. Dai, have you ever considered a question? Does matter really exist objectively? If there are no living species in this universe, and there is no life that can observe and perceive everything in this universe, then does the universe still exist?

What a strange concept. Dai Lin said inexplicably: Of course matter cannot be transferred by human will. Human beings, no, before the earliest life on earth was born...

How do you know? If matter really exists objectively, it exists whether humans feel it or not. Then, can you answer my two questions. First, where is the end of the huge space of the universe? Second, When is the earliest starting point of time?”

Dai Lin was stunned.

He is a doctor, not a physicist, so naturally he cannot answer this question.


When does time begin? If there is an earliest starting point for time, such as the Big Bang, what about before that? What about the time before that?

The universe, by default, is infinite. However, it is difficult for people to really imagine what an endless, endless space would look like?

Scientists believe that before the explosion of the universe, there was neither time nor space. However, with human senses and cognition, how can we understand and observe a world without space and time?

Dai Lin couldn't help but feel confused.


Moreover, even now, there are huge flaws in human observation and cognition of things. For example, color is just an illusion brought to the eyes by the refraction of light. Without the biological concept of vision, color is meaningless. Life and The same goes for death. People cannot live forever, but they can die eternally. In other words, only after completely losing the ability to observe and perceive matter can humans enter a truly eternal state.

But, as for the ghost...

So, why do ghosts exist in this world? Why can some people see ghosts and some people can't? Why can ghosts be separated from matter and exist only with idealistic consciousness? Why can ghosts break away from the constraints of space and even be controlled by a few And reverse time?”

Dai Lin took a deep breath.

what do you want to say in the end?

Doctor Dai, look at this photo. The female doctor continued: This is one of the diagnostic methods used by demon doctors to diagnose patients with abyssal invasion levels. Have you been exposed to such cases in the past? Some people , you can see ghosts, but some people can't. What do you think is the reason for this?


Dai Lin vaguely had a frightening thought.

this world……

Have you read Liu Cixin's The Three-Body Problem? The author proposed a so-called shooter hypothesis. A sharpshooter shoots a hole every ten centimeters on a target. For the target, a creature in the universe, there is a hole every ten centimeters. , is the supreme truth in the universe. Doctor Dai, recall that before entering the hospital, people will not turn into ghosts after death. Is this a truth that you firmly believe in? Let me tell you, for us, the dean is the god Shooter.

So, actually...the theorem of the world we can not correct?

What is the definition of right and wrong? Doctor Dai?

of course……

What if matter does not really exist objectively, what if time and space are actually illusions of consciousness? When you understand that ghosts really exist, you should understand this, Doctor Dai. In this world, right and wrong are A concept that can be replaced at any time. For creatures that cannot leave the target, there is a hole every ten centimeters, which is the truth.

So, what is the other world...?

Dai Lin's voice trembled a little.

Soul... The female doctor took out her mobile phone again and turned on the screen. This is what intern doctors will learn, how to read the images of the soul. You should find that the structure of the soul can be explained by completely non-material theory, even if you dissect the human body The soul cannot be found either. But when the hospital scalpel cuts into the body, the soul can be found.


The structure of the soul is generally three souls and seven souls. In other words, the soul is generally a composite structure. If this theory is true, a ghost can possess the same soul structure as a living person by possessing another person's body. .”

That's right...

But in theory, it's impossible to achieve at all, including the transplantation of ghosts. There is an unachievable gap between the living and the undead. But in theory, the soul can actually possess others and still maintain the consciousness of a living person.

Then, she cleared her throat and continued: Don't you find the composite structure of the soul strange? Why are there three souls and seven souls? Why is the main body of the soul so complicated? Logically speaking, human beings only have a single consciousness, and they cannot even have it at the same time. Use your left and right hands to draw two geometric shapes.

Dai Lin suddenly understood.

The soul will have different thoughts and consciousnesses through perception of matter. In fact, people do not live in a single world... What do you think the matter we observe and recognize... actually belongs to?

Dai Lin thought of the experience in Black Marsh Village.

Black-blooded Ancestor...

Also, in Nanmei Village...

People cannot detect who the extra person is in the parade...

Abyss Invasion is such a curse. This curse will pull us out of the world of targets and expose us to sharpshooters.

The female doctor handed the photo to Dai Lin.

Don't tell anyone what you saw in the photo, Doctor Dai. You can't go to the world of the Marksman yet. Now, can you trust me?

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