He only taught Shuangxing how to fight and survive but neglected the quality education of his children! What a failure as a father!

Can the integrated movement be called an army? At best, they are just a group of thugs! terrorist! It's completely different from the army!

In the integration movement, the only team that could be called soldiers and could enforce orders and prohibitions were probably his shield guards.

After all, Tallulah was Frost Star's best friend, and she didn't want her to be embarrassed to get off the stage. She reached out and wiped the sweat from her forehead and said: "Yelena, your idea is correct. We do need to build an armed force of our own, but this one There is no need for the armed forces to continue to rely on the integration movement for construction. We are now revolutionary comrades and need to carry a brand new banner, do you think that is right?"

Shuangxing nodded. Indeed, they are all revolutionaries. How can they still cling to their former false reputation? Revolutionaries must behave like revolutionaries!

Tallulah breathed a sigh of relief, she was finally fooled!

Professional soldiers need to stay in the army for a long time and undergo militarized training. Soldiering and fighting is their profession. This is completely different from those thugs in the integration movement!

If we really follow the standards of the integration movement, this army will be destroyed sooner or later!

In order to prevent Shuangxing from being stupid again, Patriot coughed twice and took over the conversation.

"Comrade Tallulah is right, we need to build an army of our own, but before building an army, we must first determine who should give the command of the army. I think Comrade Jeston should command this army. The army is more suitable."

Everyone nodded, considering that Jeston was the first person to call out for the liberation of Ursus, but Jeston uncharacteristically put forward firm opposition.

"I don't think so! Commanding the army requires a person's military strategic vision to be very high. I am not suitable for this position."

You need to have some skills to be a good person! Jeston knows what level his military ability is. If he is asked to clean toilets, he is good at it, but he wants to command the army?

Jeston thought it would be great if he could direct a machine gun to move five meters to the right!

It’s better not to humiliate yourself, let the layman guide the expert.

"That... you are right. Then, Comrade Jeston, who do you think is more appropriate to hold the command of the army?"

Jeston held his chin and fell into deep thought. But in terms of military quality, he must be a patriot. His combat experience, let alone the integrated movement, is not matched by many people in Ursus!

But war is not just a battle, it is a continuation of politics!

Considering this factor...Jeston put down his hands and made a decision.

"I think Comrade Tallulah should take over the overall command of the army!"

Chapter 704: Ursus is just a broken house

"Me?" Tallulah was stunned.

"Yes, it's you." Jeston affirmed.

Tallulah quickly shook her head: "This is inappropriate. I have made mistakes before, and Mr. Patriot is better than me in terms of military literacy and combat experience. The command should be given to him."

Tallulah didn't understand why Jeston recommended her. The Integration Movement was developed from the Patriots' snowfield guerrillas, and the most elite shield guards were directly under the Patriots. In addition, the Patriots in Ursa Sri Lanka has been fighting for many years, and his combat experience is unimaginable! Even the emperor's internal guards respected him very much!

In the integrated movement, no one can surpass us in terms of prestige and ability! Therefore, both emotionally and logically, we should hand over the military power to him.

Jeston could guess the reason for Tallulah's refusal. He sighed and said, "I also know Mr. Patriot's ability. Let him command the troops and he will definitely be able to win consecutive battles."

"Since you understand Mr. Patriot's abilities, why do you still let me command the army?"

"Because war is a continuation of politics!"

Tallulah was stunned immediately.

"Our ultimate goal is to overthrow the feudal rule of the Ursus government and liberate Ursus! Fighting is a means to achieve this goal. I not only need to be able to win the war, but also know when to fight, when not to fight, and where to fight. , how to fight, this not only requires the commander to have rich combat experience, but also needs to have superhuman political vision! The only person here who has this ability is you!"

"..." Tallulah was silent.

The room fell into silence. Jeston had already made it very clear. Tallulah might have taken over the military power in the past, but it is different now. She has a dark history, and Patriot and Frost Xingdu knew about this dark history, and Tallulah really couldn't accept that she was asked to take over the military power under such circumstances.

Just when she was considering whether to tell the story about Black Snake, Patriot suddenly spoke.

"Then let Comrade Tallulah command the army."

Tallulah looked surprised: "Mr. Patriot, you..."

The patriot shook his head: "Comrade Tallulah, Comrade Jeston has made the reason for appointing you very clear. I can accept this result. Everything is for the victory of the revolution."

Tallulah and Patriot looked at each other for a while and then nodded heavily.

"I understand, and I am willing to accept the command of the army."

Patriot nodded and then turned to look at Jaston.

"Comrade Jeston, your plan is very good. I have no objections. But there is one thing I want to ask you again. How do you want to defeat the huge empire of Ursus?"

Jeston smiled.

"Don't worry, Mr. Patriot, Ursus is just a shaky old house now. If you step up and kick it, it will collapse immediately!"

? ? ? ? ?

That’s where you come from with such confidence! Do you know how much hidden power Ursus has? The Patriot felt that he had to pour some cold water on Jeston to calm down!

"Yes, as long as you kick him, a few strong men will come out and beat you up!" the patriot said coldly.

Jeston shook his head: "That's impossible."

"Do you know Ursus or do I know Ursus?"

"Mr. Patriot, if we kick in from outside, it is indeed possible that this kind of thing will happen, but what if we kick in from inside?"

The Patriot was stunned.

Jeston sighed: "Mr. Patriot, I know how strong Ursus's military strength is, but this strength comes at a price."

"Under the leadership of the previous emperor, Ursus frantically developed heavy industry and expanded armaments, which seriously affected the domestic economic development! When only the army became stronger, the country had no other means of profit except war, so the people of the country They will all be tied to the war machine called the country. Once the military factories are stopped, countless workers will face unemployment, and the national economy will collapse!"

This is a typical example of the neighbor collecting grain and me collecting guns, and the neighbor is my granary!

However, the economy of this kind of national system is extremely fragile. Once it falls into the quagmire of war and cannot capture the war dividends in a short period of time, the fragile national economy will easily be dragged down!

Moreover, under this state model, the military forces can easily escape control and evolve into warlords. At that time, for their own interests, they may even kidnap the country in order to launch a war!

This is why the local army of Ursus wanted to provoke Longmen.

"The patriots' current economy in Ursus is riddled with holes, and their control over the various armies has been reduced to the limit. If there is an invasion from external forces, it is indeed possible for Ursus to become entangled, but what are the internal conflicts? , it is impossible for those warlords and nobles with their own evil intentions to unite together and just hinder each other. How can such a country win?"

The Patriot was silent for a while and then let out a long sigh. It was precisely because he knew Ursus that he understood that what Jeston said was right. If all the forces of Ursus were really united, they would be able to move forward together. If they don't do it, they will definitely fail, but as Jeston said, this is impossible.

"Even so, Ursus still has an advantage in military strength and cannot be taken lightly."

Jeston nodded: "I understand, so we have to fight a people's war with them!"

"People's War?"

Patriot was stunned again when he heard this new word.

"That's right, people's war! The infected are a minority after all. We can't rely only on the infected to fight. This way we can't overthrow those decadent Ursus nobles, so we must unite all the oppressed classes! Ursus The army is very strong, but how many can they have? And the number of oppressed Ursus people is tens of millions! As long as we stand unswervingly with the people, we will definitely defeat them!"

At this point Jeston stood up.

"For those reactionaries, we must beat them hard! Only beatings hurt! Beatings will scare them! Only then will they understand that if the people at the bottom don't have a good life, then they won't have a good life either!"

"Perhaps not all of us can see the day of victory, and we may fall on the road of revolution! But I believe that after we leave, people will remember that those people will build schools and hospitals for them and improve their The salary is not because of those people’s conscience, nor because those people have become good people, but because we have been here!”

The room burst into warm applause!

Tallulah's eyes flashed with determination as she stood up to applaud.

It’s time to meet that person!

Chapter 705: Why do you want to arrest Ke Xi and care about me, Kasheena?

Ursus, a church-like building stands in the wind and snow. This is a school. The corridors of the school stretch for a long time. Various murals are hung on the walls, including the portrait of Emperor Ursus, and also have extremely religious meanings. Intense paintings.

Art is the carrier of history. These murals condense the historical process of Ursus' development to this day, and the gray marks on the walls also reveal the long history of this school.

In a classroom at the end of the corridor, a woman with long silver hair, a tall and plump figure, and unusually white skin was teaching the students in the classroom.

This teacher is a Hippogriff. The Hippogriff clan was the ruler of the Ursus Empire a thousand years ago and was an old noble with a very long history.

And now this member of the Ursus family, the former ruler, is telling the students in the classroom how the ancient Hippogriff Empire was overthrown and finally transformed into the Ursus Empire. The soft and penetrating voice is noisy. Grabs students' attention.

Looking at the faces listening attentively, the Hippogriff teacher showed a happy smile.

This Hippogriff is not only a teacher, but also one of the carriers of the Black Snake's will!

The black snake in Tallulah's body has been sent, but there is not only one copy of the black snake's will.

For the black snake, both Kosiche and the Hippogriff teacher are extensions of its will, both bodies!

The black snake's will that resides in this Hippogriff teacher quite likes the identity of a teacher.

Education is the foundation of a country. Black Snake has lived for so long and knows the importance of education!

Talent is the foundation of a country's strength. Strong young people make the country strong! These students are the future of Ursus!

And with so many outstanding students, maybe we can even find a few new containers!

In this way, she can not only teach and educate people to provide talents to Ursus, but also find new hosts. It is simply killing two birds with one stone! What a win! Belong to yes!

Although Black Snake did win a lot, these students did not lose.

Are the seats in this classroom occupied? Male students account for nearly 90% of them! From this almost one-sided ratio of men to women, it can be seen that the reason why these students are so enthusiastic about Black Snake's class may not be so simple.

In addition to history, they probably also want to learn foreign languages ​​​​from Teacher Hippogriff.

But this is not to blame these students, after all, Black Snake is really good at it!

The movements of this thousand-year-old snake spirit are so enchanting! Each and every one of the vertical paintings makes people feel unbearable!

She is completely opposite to Tallulah, the steely straight girl!

Look at what Tallulah was wearing before and what she was wearing after turning black. If it's the black snake that flirts with her, she really figured out the XP part!

Even the netizens across the screen were provoked. Some netizens even said, "I'm so stupid, and my hands are all covered with it?" Students who are not yet familiar with it.

Just watching Black Snake in class is a blessing!

As for the female classmates, to be honest, they looked at Black Snake with more naked eyes than their male classmates, and they just wanted to learn foreign languages ​​with Black Snake right away!

But coincidentally, they covet the black snake's body, and the black snake covets their body.

What is this called?

This is called running in both directions! Mutual benefit and win-win!

Just when Black Snake was explaining to this group of simple-minded students how the Ursus Empire's political system was established, there was suddenly the sound of approaching footsteps outside the corridor.

Black Snake paused for a moment, then continued teaching as if nothing had happened. The owner of the footsteps outside the door did not rush in.

The teaching time was not long. Soon the school bell rang and Black Snake put down the chalk.

"Students, that's the end of today's class. Everyone should consolidate their knowledge when they go back. get out of class is over."

The students in the classroom packed up their textbooks and left the classroom. Some students who loved learning ran to Black Snake to ask questions. Black Snake did not mind the trouble of these students and answered them one by one. After a while, the bell rang again. The next section. The class is about to begin.

When these students heard the bell, they could only say goodbye to Black Snake reluctantly.

After seeing that everyone had left, Black Snake packed up his textbooks and said calmly: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. If you are also interested in my class, why not come in and talk."

The classroom door was pushed open, and a man with short silver hair walked in.

Seeing this figure, Black Snake was stunned for a moment, then a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and finally his face showed an uncontrollable look of shock.


The black snake was indeed shocked, not because of Tallulah's appearance, but because it could not feel the black snake's will in Tallulah's body at all!

The black snake's will is not an absolute thing, and it is not surprising that it will be lifted. But the problem is that not only is there no trace of the black snake's will in Tallulah's body now, but even the traces of the host have disappeared without a trace! What's more important is that it has no idea what's going on!

It's like the black snake's will in Tallulah's body disappeared out of thin air! This is very scary!

Who on the continent of Terra can do such a thing!

59 Ruins Red Knife Brother!

Tallulah looked at Black Snake up and down, and paused for a while as her eyes swept over the other person's chest, not knowing what she was thinking.

After looking at Black Snake's body, Tallulah withdrew her gaze and said calmly: "What should I call you now? Should I continue to call you Cosiche?"

Black Snake came back to his senses and regained his smile.

"The name is not important to us, you can call me Kasheena like my students."

"Student, that's true. You taught me a lot."

Kasheena was stunned again. She didn't expect Tallulah to admit this identity so frankly.

She stared at Tallulah for a while and sighed: "Tallulah, you are different from before."

"Everyone will grow."

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