It didn't take long for Izaki to appear on the rooftop of the lily of the valley building.

He found that Serizawa, Tatsukawa Tokio, and Tsurumoto Shoji were not here, only Yuji Tokaji and a group of younger brothers were playing mahjong there.

"What are you doing here, don't you think it's unreliable to follow Genji Takiya, and you're ready to take refuge in us, right?"

Yuji Tokaji turned his head to look at him, and continued to rub mahjong while teasingly.

Of course, he also knew that the boss and cadres of the GPS Legion were all defeated by Bai Ze.

"We did lose to Bai Ze, if you want to humiliate as much as you want, I can't say anything. "

Izaki hurriedly walked towards Yuji Toji.

"Say, what the hell are you doing here this time, it's definitely not humiliating yourself anyway, I don't think you're a masochist either. "

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just a return gift for the last time you besieged me. "

"What do you mean?"

Yuji Tozaki suddenly raised his head and looked at Aki Aki, who had already walked in front of him.

At this moment, Izaki's fist, without any hesitation, smashed cleanly on Yuji Toji's face.

Even if you can think that Izaki will shoot directly, there are still more than 10 people on his side.

Unprepared, he was directly knocked to the ground by Izaki instantaneously, and even the mahjong table was overturned to the ground.

"Izaki instantly!! it seems that you are really a masochist, you were lucky last time, and now that you have taken the initiative to come to the door, no one will come to help you, give it to Lao Tzu!"

Yuji Tokaji looked up, and a clear fist could be seen on his face.

With a wave of his big hand, his little brothers, copying guys, copying chairs, and empty fists, surrounded Izaki instantly.

In an instant, attacks that were like a storm fell on him.

In less than 1 minute, Izaki was instantly pressed to the ground with his head covered in blood.

"Get out of the way!"

At this time, Yuji Tozaki also got up, took the folding chair from the hand of a junior brother, and smashed it several times at Izaki.

Seeing that Izaki couldn't move anymore, Yuji Tozaki threw away the folding chair in his hand, squatted down and grabbed his hair, pulling his head up.

"You took the initiative to come to the door, do you just want me to beat me up?"

"Tokaji, war is always about means. "

Izaki, whose mouth was covered in blood, suddenly grinned, revealing two rows of bloody teeth.

Hearing this, Yuji Tozaki couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

"I didn't expect you to do it to this extent for the sake of Genji Takiya!"

Yuji Tozaki is not stupid, otherwise he would not have become the brains of Serizawa's army, and immediately understood what Izaki wanted to do.

"I'm not for Genji Takiya, but for me... Myself..."

After saying this, Izaki instantly closed his eyes.

Yuji Tokaji hurriedly came to the top of the building and looked down, and immediately saw Genji Takiya, Takashi Makise, and Tadashi Tamura walking towards this side with GPS.

"Damn, we're in the middle of the trick, let's go!"

Yuji Tokaji immediately took people away.

Izaki's purpose is very simple, that is, to let himself be beaten by whoever is in Serizawa's army.

He knows very well that now the morale of the GPS Corps has fallen to the bottom because of Bai Ze's battle.

As long as Serizawa's side makes a move, there is basically no ability to resist.

And if you are beaten by Serizawa's people, you can remobilize everyone's emotions, and this emotion is anger.

Anger can make the whole GPS legion reinvigorate and fight against the Serizawa legion with the same hatred.

The most important thing is to let Genji Takiya rekindle the flames of battle.

In Izaki's view, this is the only way to turn the current situation around in a short period of time.

As for being beaten, since coming to Lily of the Valley, I have not only been beaten once, and I will recover soon.

At such a small price, in exchange for the revival of the entire GPS legion, Izaki instantly felt that it was worth it.


"You say, what did Izaki tell us to do here? This side of the roof is Serizawa's territory. "

"Izaki seems to have said that he wants to discuss something with Serizawa. "

"I see, what are you talking about, should there be a war?"

"How do I know, maybe it's a temporary truce, after all, the morale on our side is terrible low right now. "

Genji Takiya, Takashi Makise, and Tadashi Tamura said as they walked to the roof.

Except for many places on their bodies that are covered with gauze, they still look in good condition.

Soon, they came to the roof of the lily of the valley.

"It's strange, Izaki instantly texted us to come here, where did my own people go?"

"Even Serizawa isn't here, is it April Fool's Day?"

"Wait, look there!"

As Tamura Tada's finger looked, Genji Takiya and Takashi Makise were all stunned for a moment.

Because in that direction, there was a person lying on the ground, and this person was Izaki instant.

Immediately after that, Genji Takiya began to run and quickly rushed in front of Izaki.

"Izaki, who beat you like this, Serizawa?"

Genji Takiya carefully turned Izaki over and lay him down.

Looking at Aki Aki, whose face was covered in blood, Genji Takiya's eyes were instantly filled with anger.

It's just that Izaki, who has his eyes closed, has no way to answer.

Genji Takiya glanced to the side, noticing a certain amount of spilled mahjong and an overturned mahjong table.

He's sure Serizawa did it.

Bai Ze said that the previous grievances were written off, and Genji Takiya believed that he would not come to trouble himself and others again.

And the people who play mahjong on the roof of the building are only Serizawa.

Just when Genji Takiya was sure, Izaki's eyes opened instantly, and he stretched out his hand tremblingly and grabbed Genji Takiya's hand.

"Don't worry, I just accidentally tripped over Ma. "

"It's Serizawa, right? "

"Don't look for them, with our current strength, there is no way to fight them, now the most important thing for you is to re-energize everyone's morale, and then continue to expand the power of the GPS legion. "

When Izaki said this, there was no way to hold Genji Takiya's hand anymore.

At the moment when he let go, Genji Takiya turned his head and left.

"Genji, don't be impulsive, we don't have a way to fight them now. "

Tamura Tadashi knew that Genji Takiya wanted to go to Serizawa for revenge, so he hurriedly stopped him.

"Get out of here!"

However, with Tamura Tada's strength, he couldn't stop it even for a second, and the whole person was directly thrown out by Takiya Genji's hands.

"Genji, calm down, what Izaki said is not wrong, the most important thing for us now is to improve everyone's morale and expand the power of GPS, and you still have injuries on your body now, and you will only be killed by Serizawa in the past. "

Takashi Makise also shouted while blocking in front of Genji Takiya.

Hearing this, Genji Takiya finally stopped.

He also knew in his heart that he had just been beaten by Bai Ze, and his injuries were not healed at all, and the wounds were still aching faintly, and he was in this state of being in no way to help Izaki take revenge.

It's just that he is not reconciled to endure like this.

With nowhere to vent his anger, he kicked the already tattered mahjong table next to him, kicking it out of a hole.


On the other side, in the second year of class A.

The man sitting in front of the three of Kirishima Hiromi was named Rao.

is currently the strongest person in the second-year faction battle, and Megumi Hayashida is naturally not counted, because he does not belong to any faction camp.

Rao was in the first grade, but after losing to Serizawa Tamao, there has been no movement so far.

"You three first-graders, dare to come to me, it's not a small courage, say, what's the matter?"

Rao was smoking a cigarette and playing with his mobile phone, and at the same time, he didn't quite say to the three of Kirishima Hiromi.

"Bai Ze in the first grade, have you heard of it?"

"It's the tyrant who defeated the biggest tyrant in the history of Shonan when he was in junior high school or something, right, I've heard of it. "

"Rao, he's almost got seven classes in the first grade now. "

"So you don't worry about yourself, what are you doing here? Kirishima Hiromi!"

Rao still didn't look up, and flicked the cigarette ash casually, looking like he had nothing to do with him.

Indeed, in his opinion, no matter what happened in the first grade, it had nothing to do with him.

"As long as he unifies the entire first grade, he will obviously target the second grade, tyrant Bai Ze, who is a very ambitious man. "

Kirishima Hiromi said very seriously.

"You just want to join forces with me, right?"

Rao flicked off the cigarette butt and finally raised his head and looked at Hiromi Kirishima in front of him.

"That's right, now that many people in the second grade have joined the Serizawa Legion, you can't organize enough strength to deal with Bai Ze, and you will be swallowed by him when the time comes, so it's better to help me now, and let's fight Bai Ze together." "

"That's very reasonable, let's see your strength, see if you're qualified to join forces with me, it's not a very difficult thing, as long as any of you can resist my punch and still stand, then I'll make an exception to help you once!"

"No problem, let me do it. "

Toshiaki immediately stepped forward.

Rao shook his head and fingers.

"No... I mean, try your strength, not you, so let's go together, don't you make a move, then I'm coming!"

Rao didn't pay attention to whether they were stunned or not, and still pressed the mobile phone in his hand, and the person rushed directly and punched Toshiaki in the city.

"So fast!"

When Toshiaki Motojo had this awareness, he had already been punched by Rao, and the whole person was blown away on the spot, knocking down many desks and falling to the ground.

I saw that with just one punch, the mask on his face was already stained red with blood, and he tried to get up, but he struggled and fell to the ground again, unable to get up.


"You'd better care about yourself first!"

As soon as Makoto Sugihara spoke, Rao appeared in front of him and punched him in the stomach.

Still with a punch, Sugihara Makoto slowly knelt on the ground, with a painful expression on his face, and it looked like he couldn't stand up for a short time.

After throwing a punch, Rao didn't look at him again, and the third punch followed, targeting Hiromi Kirishima.

Kirishima Hiromi found that Rao's fist, with his own reflexes, had no way to dodge at all.

He didn't understand why such a monster would lose to Serizawa.

In other words, Serizawa Tamao, who can defeat such a monster, how strong is it.

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