China, called the world’s factory, has grown.

The basic base was a low-cost offensive with a huge labor force and cheap labor costs as weapons.

In particular, light industries such as the textile industry, where low-skilled workers can work enough after only a few days of training because they do not require great skills, are fighting over labor costs.

Naturally, Korea’s light industry, which could not compete in this labor cost battle, was pushed back by China and went downhill over and over again, and now it is almost in a state of disarray.

By the way, the skeleton is the king of the end of this field of labor cost, right?

“It’s a light industry… This is fine.”

I’m trying to save a market that’s already been ruined with my own hands, but who can say what?

If the transport skeletons are taking away the jobs of porters in Korea, this is like bringing back jobs and industries that have fled abroad.

Of course, Chinese workers and companies who lost their jobs as a result may go into a frenzy, but…

I said with a smile.

“Originally, capitalism is stealing and stealing.”

Even before being summoned to public opinion, there is no reason to hesitate even more because I have been exposed to Chinese kaengpanjil in the news every day.

In the first place, I’m an adult, so I don’t care about people’s reputation.

It’s just to build a peaceful environment after I retire.

Then, shouldn’t you just listen to good things only in Korea, where you plan to retire?

“No matter how you look at it, this is perfect for a skeleton.”

Skeletons that neither eat nor sleep are rolled 24 hours a day to make and sell cheap goods.

In addition, people might rather cheer for the fact that they have regained industries lost to China.

I said with my eyes shining.

“Shall we try this?”



Deokbae Kim, who ran a shoe factory that had been passed down since his father’s generation.

At one time, it was quite successful, building a tower of 3 million dollars in exports as a country’s export force, but it was already 20 years ago that the related industry itself began to collapse due to China’s low-priced offensive.

Until then, there were quite a number of shoe factories in the complex, but they were closed one by one, and now all that remains in the complex is Kim Deok-bae’s shoe factory, which was unable to let go of hope.

But even that was now at its limit.

Deok-bae Kim’s shoe factory, which had always been in the red, was driven to the brink of bankruptcy.

“I should have arranged it earlier.”

The time when the property that had been earned in the past was left.

If the factory had given up and cleaned up before it was in debt like now, at least a few hundred million could have been saved.

However, the end result of enduring with self-hypnosis that he would get better was a pile of debt.

Kim Deok-bae, who was contemplating with his eyes closed, said with a determined expression.

“Let’s file for bankruptcy.”

I had to admit it now.

The shoe industry is already a declining industry and no longer competitive in Korea.

So Deok-bae Kim decided to go bankrupt, but this time after that was on his mind.

“By the way, what about the staff? our family is?”

As it was a declining industry, they couldn’t pay as much wages, but employees who had been working for decades.

And even the families who are only looking at themselves at home.

Bankruptcy was just another beginning, not the end.

It is also the beginning of a penance filled with thorns.


But then, an old, gray-haired employee came in and said,

“President Kim!”

It was General Manager Cheon who had been with the factory since his father’s generation.

Since I’ve seen him since I was very young, Kim Deok-bae and Manager Cheon are open-minded, to the point of calling them uncles in private.

Deokbae Kim smiled and said.

“What are you doing? They told me to knock at least, but he’s a boss in his own way.”

However, Manager Cheon said in an urgent voice.

“It doesn’t matter now. What is that, a bone? Anyway, on the other side of the industrial complex, do you know a company called Seron?”

“Is it Seron? I know.”

A company with a representative who baffled people by pouring out hundreds of transportable skeletons at the same time.

As soon as I heard, it was a company that was growing at an absurd rate, with sales estimated at billions of dollars per month as soon as it opened.

“He’s an enviable person, lucky to awaken his abilities and earn such a fortune.”

Seron, who is exploding the possibility after not fully blooming, and his own shoe factory, which completely loses its growth engine and declines.

It was Kim Deok-bae who felt more and more bitter about the two companies being compared so much.

“If I had awakened, wouldn’t it be different from now? Is there really luck and time to be a human being…”

However, Manager Cheon said with a puzzled expression.

“Oh no, President Kim. for a moment······.”

Just then, a young man’s voice came from behind Director Cheon.

“Good luck… I honestly wouldn’t agree with that, but I won’t point it out, I’m not here to do that.”


Then, a young man entered the president’s office.

It was Han Ji-hyeok, the representative of Seron.

“Nice to meet you. Representative Deokbae Kim, right? Nothing else, I came here because I am interested in the shoe industry. Can I ask for a brief introduction? If you like it, I’m thinking of taking it over.”


For Kim Deok-bae, Han Ji-hyeok’s visit was no different than a rope.

Rather than going bankrupt and going into a pile of debt, it was a much better choice for Kim Deok-bae to take over all of his debts because it was okay to not receive a single penny, no, just a penny.

In addition, if the company is acquired, as much as the company can survive, the employees’ worries can be relieved.

‘I have to sell it unconditionally.’

It is a shoe industry that no one pays attention to as much as it is classified as a declining industry.

For Kim Deok-bae, this was truly his last chance.

“Using this machine, each component of the shoe is printed, and then these parts are sewn together…”

Han Ji-hyuk said to Kim Deok-bae, who desperately appealed to the factory.

“Does the machine look old?”

Kim Deok-bae was taken aback by those words.

“Rather, instead, the staff are as skilled as they are, so it would be better than running a clumsy machine.”

“is that so? okay. Please continue.”

“Hmmm. Anyway, these parts are sewn together by the staff in this department, then bonded and dried…”

While Deokbae Kim was explaining so hard, Jihyeok Han said with an interesting expression.

“It’s mostly manual work, right? Do you have any automated machines?”

Han Ji-hyeok is looking for an automated machine even before taking over.

Kim Deok-bae, thinking that he was doing this to save on labor costs, hurriedly said,

“Due to the manufacturing process, it is virtually impossible to make shoes as if they were printed like ordinary products. Cutting can be done by machine, but other things have to be done by humans in the end.”

“After all, it is a labor cost battle?”

Deokbae Kim swallowed dryly and said.

“They’re all great people with decades to decades of experience. You will never regret it. And if the plant is running at full capacity, it may need more workers. Now there are only 20 people, but there was a time when there were 100.”


Han Ji-hyeok said with an interesting expression.

“That’s nice.”

I don’t understand why it’s good, but when it seemed to go well, Kim Deok-bae let out a sigh of relief and said,

“Whoa. Anyway, it gets more complicated when you go into the details, but the basic manufacturing goes like this.”

“Do you think this will be enough? It’s so easy compared to fighting.”


“No, just talking to myself. So how does sales work? What about sales?”

Thinking that something has come, Deokbae Kim looked at Jihyeok Han and said.

“Most of them operate on a made-to-order basis.”


“It’s a way to make it by adding changes the customer wants to the basic base shoes we have made.”

“Isn’t it okay to just make one, pile it up, and sell it?”

“It’s possible, but if you do that and then the bad inventory builds up, it will come back to you as a loss. And to be honest, when it comes to shoes from a small shoe factory like ours, the demand itself is obvious…”

Han Ji-hyeok smiled and said.

“You are being honest.”

“Because there are no secrets.”

“Anyway, that’s good. It takes a lot of manpower due to the production method, and even if we made it ourselves, there is no place to sell it, so we only accept custom orders. Do you also export?”

“We are not exporting. No, saying I can’t is the right expression. As you can see, we have no choice but to use human hands, because we cannot compete on price with products made in China or Southeast Asia.”

Deok-bae Kim was on the verge of regretting whether he had been too honest while answering.

Even to himself, there was no advantage of a shoe factory even after washing his eyes and looking for it.

“Are you saying it’s only here, or are all Korean shoes like this?”

“Everyone is in the same situation.”

“Then the export path of Korean shoes is completely blocked, is it safe to say this?”

Han Ji-hyeok continues to reflect on the painful reality.

Kim Deok-bae felt sick to his stomach, but eventually nodded and said.

“yes. You can almost see it that way.”

But isn’t Han Ji-hyeok nodding his head with an expression of great satisfaction?

“Price competitiveness is lagging behind. It requires a lot of manpower. But even the export of Korean shoes was blocked? This is absolutely perfect.”


“If we mass-produce and export cheap shoes with very, very low labor costs, is there a chance?”

Then, Deokbae Kim spoke in an urgent voice.

“Yeah, that’s easier said than done! Shoes are not a problem that can be solved by automated machines! If it were that easy, those famous brands would not bother to find countries with low labor costs to make shoes…”

“no no. I’m sure you’re misunderstanding something, but I’m not interested in automated machines. Please just answer my question. Do you have a chance?”

“…of course there is. Cheap stuff works everywhere.”

Then Jihyeok Han clapped his hands and said.

“Good good! I love it!”

Han Ji-hyuk smiled brightly and said.

“I will take over.”

“Are you sure?”

“Instead, there are conditions.”

Thinking that something had come, CEO Deokbae Kim swallowed dryly and thought.

‘What is it? Aren’t you asking for money? Are all the employees fired? what?’

However, the conditions that came out of Han Ji-hyeok’s mouth completely overturned Kim Deok-bae’s expectations.

“It is a condition that President Kim Deok-bae continues to be the president and all employees continue to attend. I will give you a salary.”

“Me, are you talking about me?”

“yes. Then I will take over.”

There was nothing to worry about.

Deokbae Kim immediately lowered his head and shouted.

“thank you! thank you!”


I said while looking at the acquisition confirmation signed by President Kim Deok-bae.

“Then, with this, this factory is mine now?”

“of course.”

Deokbae Kim lowered his head and said.

“thank you. I will work really hard.”

It’s worth it.

Because if it wasn’t for me in the first place, the factory would have collapsed.

If it had already been eroded by debt and went bankrupt, it would not have been possible to save a single penny.

In addition to that, not only did he fully hire the staff, but he also put Deokbae Kim in the position of the president on a salary basis.

Deokbae Kim said with a clenched fist.

“First of all, I’ll run around and secure orders! You did this, but I have to repay you!”

Deokbae Kim speaks with a face full of passion.

I looked at him and shook my head and said.

“no. That’s not what we need right now.”

“yes? No… I can make shoes only after receiving an order…”

“We oppose it. I will make and sell it once, and even that as an export that has been completely blocked.”

According to Deokbae Kim, Korean shoe factories are barely surviving in the domestic market.

There is no need to cut the last rope of dying Korean shoe factories in the vast overseas market, right?

So, Seron goes to export unconditionally.

Deokbae Kim said with a worried expression.

“That, that’s…”

“Do not worry. You say it’s a labor cost fight? Let me introduce you.”

When I raised my hand, the entrance to the subspace opened and skeletons protruded.


So I pointed to the skeletons and said as if introducing them to Kim Deok-bae.

“This is our new intern. The boss teaches me a lot.”

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