How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?

Vol 2 Chapter 41: What is the sense of sight of this fugitive marriage (1) [Part1 / 2]

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Just when I was overwhelmed by the whiteness on the bed and couldn't move, how could Lian Qi rush out of the closet!

Angrily, she raised her fist wrapped with silver magic power and emptied her towards the white! The other party was the demon king! How could she not let her mess come?

Bang! The white horse tail went around and blocked Lian Qi's fist. She glanced back at Lian Qi coldly, and at the same time let go of my hands. After thinking about it, the two men finally met. Lian Qi bit the dead white brigade like his head hitting Kun, where Liao Jiusi splashed. 1- The illness was unbearable. Xu Bai's dexterity toward the side-jumped away from Lian Qi. At the moment of landing, nothing was said about the prow of the "pirate ship"! The muzzle was facing Lian Qi, and the shell was brewing.

"Stop one by one!" I rushed over, opened my arms and blocked Lian Qi behind him, and then-looking at me in astonishment, for the first time in four years, I saw this expression on his face. ? Immediately followed by a loud bang! At the same time, Lian Qi in turn blocked me behind, but the artillery bombed, but no artillery came.

To my surprise, Lian Qi dragged my hand and led me out of the room.

"What happened just now?"

"I don't know! It's probably the shell of a shell? I looked back at the door, and the whiteness didn't come after it. The explosion just swallowed her up, and we also managed to get some time to escape, but I didn't take pleasure in it. Feeling one

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"Why did you rush out just now? Don't you die?

"Do I still watch you bullied by her?"

"How can I tolerate this kind of thing?" Lian Qi said bitterly, with tears in his eyes. I can't argue. Because I was wearing a wedding dress, I had to run away with my skirt on, so I could n’t run fast

What is the sense of sight of this fugitive marriage?

"Stop! Don't want to run one !!" Brothers Blue Husky blocked us.

"Bad me!" Lian Qi took my hand and ran straight, grabbing the ice-blue husky's dog and pressing it to the ground! Even the board under it couldn't bear her magic power and collapsed. .

"Beware, there is another one." Actually, without my reminder, even Qi Qi's return was a punch! In the middle of the ice-blue husky. He changed his belly and blasted it out "bang"-

The sound hit the wall.

"Isn't that a bullhead just now?" Lian Qi frowned and said to himself.

"Did you find out that you were defeated by you?" I felt helpless, and even Qi occasionally showed a natural side. She solved the two enemies with -0 anger, and did not let go of holding my hand from start to finish. In fact, you don't have to hold it so tightly. It seems like you are afraid of losing me. Or Xiao Xiao C, we did not run far, and ran into the man in a white shirt head-on.

"It's a subordinate of the Devil \ 'painter' Zhaimu Shuxing." I reminded Lian Qi while transfiguring the hammer of light. He was originally-walking-bowing his head and scratching his hair-he was thinking about his mind, and bumped into me and Lian Qi holding hands a little for a moment.

"I'm sorry." I turned the hammer a few times to find it, and then--the hammer embedded him in the wall.

"Come on." I reminded Lian Qi.

"Well, Phil, are there any other subordinates in this castle?" "I thought about it one by one." Including the "day condemnation" of Kris and Feinan Xue, who is also an artist, the members of Holy Twelve J There were two others, Lian Qigang and I just ran a few steps, and the sound of broken stones falling to the ground behind me. I looked back-I was surprised to see that the star of Saimu Mu, who had been embedded in the wall by me, was down again. !? I was surprised because there weren't many people who hadn't fallen yet because of being hit by my hammer? I saw the silver magic wrapped around him gradually beginning to appear. Following the rain master and the hunter, he was also an abyss?

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"Hey, leave the maiden." He calmly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his back, and stretched his hand toward the vase with some lily flowers in the corridor.

"Forget it, it's not time for love."

book.SFA Lian Qi shot him a long distance and made up a burst of magic. She dragged my hand and ran while he-his face looked around at the cracks in the spreading space.

"Sorry, I can't run fast because I'm wearing a wedding dress," I whispered to her.

"I don't blame you, it's just that I have a kind of immediate feeling of running away from marriage. Actually, I just thought so. At the same time, I suddenly heard a howl! Howling-pass ten, pass ten, the whole The castle exploded. The original dark lights were all lit.

"Is Husky calling! Is this an alarm? / \" I can't help but breathe down-air-conditioned, how much Husky was painted by Fei Nanxue. The first one is called Ice Blue Husky, the second is called Ice Blue Husky. After that, should hundreds of them be called again?

"There is an intruder! The maiden was taken away. A voice like this passed from all directions into my ears. I had a feeling of being surrounded.

"Well, come with me--"

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