How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?

Vol 2 Chapter 7: What should I do if my body shrinks? Waiting online (seven) [Part2 / 2]

Only later will more children of civilians have the opportunity to learn magic.

"I think we should get along better than the nobles. Jiuyin whispered.

I smiled helplessly, Jiuyin's prejudice against the human aristocracy may be difficult to clear. However, if the children of the aristocracy are as lofty as the group of students in the previous student union, I am afraid that there is more than one.

What silver gun bully, my dad is the captain of the Wangdu guard, and finally Qi Qi was laid down.

But the side also reflects-fact one-the rules of our world are respect for power, even in school.

Jiuyin pulled my corner and pulled me back from my thoughts, "Senior, where do I report first?"

"I think".

I looked around and looked down-my eyes fell on the playground. On the line of the long queue.

"You need to divide your class first.

"Division? Where will I be assigned? Random?

"-A total of four classes, one enchanting, one transfiguring, one manipulating, one plastic, are divided into classes based on your type of magic." I said, holding her hand to queue.

"What are these people?

"Waiting for the magic of the test," I answered briefly. Tipping my toes to see what happened, the result is not high enough to see only the back of the students in front.

Really as a boy, but there is no place like a boy, even the height is no different from a girl

After a long line, I can talk to Jiuyin so it wo n’t be so boring. It ’s almost ninety-nine, and I finally saw how the students tested the magic, and the test method of Lian Qi at the beginning- Look-look, then I have the bottom of my heart.

I instead whispered to Jiuyin: "You don't need to be nervous anymore, just apply magic to the paper scraps on the table. If the paper flutters, it means that you are the operating system. If the paper magics are attached, it means that You are an enchanting system. If the confetti is on fire, wet, frozen, etc., it means that you are a plastic energy system, and I will forget the magical system. '

"". Jiuyin nodded, but I could see she was still nervous.

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