There was no delay, I got off the plane, and the time on my watch just pointed to a quarter past eleven in the evening.

At this time, although it was past eleven o'clock in the evening, due to the time difference, after the flight arrived, it was still daytime and the sky was clear. According to the plan, Xu Zhi and his party will go to the hotel to rest for a day, and then officially start the work of the trip the next day.

A group of people took their luggage and started to walk outside the airport. According to the pre-arrangement, someone will pick you up from the airport, and then go directly to the hotel by car.

Luckily, Xu Zhi and his entourage found someone holding up a sign of the Dream Company as soon as they arrived at the exit.

When I was about to go up to ask, I suddenly found that there was a brand of Dream Company next to it.

Xu Zhi and his party were a little surprised, Huang Meng went to ask at this time, while Xu Zhi was waiting, a loud laugh suddenly came from the side: "Oh, Xu, I have been waiting for a long time, you are finally here. "

Xu Zhi knew it was Smith without turning his head. It seemed that he took the initiative to come to the airport to pick him up after learning the flight information.

Xu Zhi also had a smile on his face, took two steps forward, and hugged Smith.

After the hug, Smith exclaimed:

"Xu, let's go quickly, I have prepared the convoy, let's go to dinner now."

Xu Zhi didn't speak, and turned to look at Huang Meng. Huang Meng walked up at this time and whispered, "Mr. Xu, I have asked. One of the two brands that pick up the plane is Smith's, and the other is arranged by our company in advance."

"Okay, I know."

After listening to Huang Meng's words, Xu Zhi looked at Smith again: "Smith, I'm very sorry! Please forgive me for not being able to accept your hospitality. Our company has already made arrangements. We need to go back to the hotel first, and we can eat later. , thank you very much for coming to the airport."

"Oh, Xu, we can go to dinner first, and then you can go back to the hotel after dinner." Smith said with a smile.

When he finished speaking, Xu Zhi continued to refuse: "Thank you Smith, but we need to go back to the hotel first."

Smith seemed surprised at this time, "Oh, Xu, it's nothing to have a meal."

"Forgive me Smith, I need to follow our company's arrangement." Xu Zhi politely refused again.

"Okay, where is your hotel, I'll take you there." Smith said again.

Xu Zhi shook his head: "Smith, we have arranged the car, thank you very much for your kindness, but I'm really sorry, we'll see you tomorrow."

Hearing that Xu Zhi continued to refuse, Smith seemed a little unhappy, but he still said with a smile:

"Okay, then I wish you a good dream tonight."


Xu Zhi and his party followed the people arranged by their company and walked towards the parking lot. Behind him, Smith watched Xu Zhi and his party go away, and asked an assistant next to him puzzled: "Why don't they take our car? We are not prepared enough. I rent luxury cars."

"Smith, this should be the habit of people in their country, you don't have to mind."

"Habits of doing things? I don't quite understand."

"This is called 'human affection', maybe they don't want to accept other people's affection by the way."

"Humanity? Oh, I don't understand, but he's a stubborn man."

Compared with the luxury car fleet prepared by Smith, the cars arranged by Dream Company in advance were all ordinary commercial vehicles, but Xu Zhi let out a sigh of relief after sitting in.

His reason for rejecting Smith was actually not because of some so-called favor, but from the perspective of future cooperation between the two parties.

One is to cooperate with Smith, and the other is to seek greater development and explore potential opportunities.

Xu Zhi was very grateful that Smith could come to pick him up, but Xu Zhi also had to express his attitude. Business cooperation is no easier than fighting on the battlefield. From the moment the two sides meet, everything has already started secretly.

Smith was just a potential partner of Xu Zhi, not any of his subordinate companies. Taking Smith's car meant accepting Smith's arrangement, which Xu Zhi was unwilling to accept, so he rejected Smith.

The business convoy took Xu Zhiyi to the booked hotel. When the car turned around and turned, Xu Zhi saw the convoy arranged by Smith, and the limousines were all of great value. Xu Zhi smiled and shook his head.

After arriving at the hotel to complete the formalities, everyone rested in their rooms for a long time. In the evening, everyone came to Xu Zhi's room to meet, and they had to sort out most of the work tomorrow to make sure that nothing could go wrong.

"Mr. Xu, negotiating the establishment of a new company. We want to hold more than 50% of the shares. Smith may not agree so easily." Hearing Xu Zhi's plan for tomorrow, Huang Meng shook his head and said.

"He has to agree if he doesn't agree, or we'll change people to cooperate." Xu Zhi said firmly.

"Mr. Xu, you said that when a new company is established, technicians are only recruited locally. Is this a bit too reassuring?" He Wei asked again.

Hearing He Wei ask this, Xu Zhi said, "It's not that I'm relieved, but I don't need it. The only thing this new company has to do at the is to change the jumping line to a new one. Games, when we provide the source code, this is not too difficult. I think it is enough to recruit technical personnel locally. If we send personnel, some of the gains outweigh the losses. Of course, what you said makes sense, we have the most Several technical supervision and guidance personnel can be dispatched to assist in the development.”

"Mr. Xu, you just said about management."

"Mr. Xu"

Everyone sorted out the details of cooperation problems that they might encounter tomorrow with Xu Zhi. When everyone dispersed, it was pitch black outside the window.

The hotel provided dinner, Xu Zhi simply ate a little and fell asleep.

Day two.

The Dream Company and Smith formally begin negotiations to form a new company together.

Dream Company has developed rapidly this year and achieved remarkable results. As an international agent, Smith has a good strength and a lot of capable people.

From the very beginning, the negotiation has been in a situation of entanglement between the two sides, and no one will give in.

Fortunately, Xu Zhi and Smith are sincere, so even if they are very entangled, they still reach a consensus on the details.

Five days later, the two parties finalized a specific cooperation agreement:

"For the newly established fs game company, Fantasy Company holds 55 shares, and Smith holds 45 shares. The company's initial capital is prepared by Fantasy Company, and at the same time, Fantasy Company will provide technical guidance for the company to ensure the smooth development of the game. And Smith's side will be responsible for the full promotion of the game after that.

After the establishment of the company, the only goal within half a year is to make a new game based on the basis of Jump Fire. This new game was named fs:go under the discussions of both parties.

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