At that time, when talking with Wang Kewen late at night, Wang Kewen told Xu Zhi that he was being pursued by 49 Company for the funds. The funds were the liquidated damages when Wang Kewen quit his job. It was originally paid by Zhu Yuxian. Yes, but the new president later refused to recognize the money and pursued it from Wang Kewen.

At this time, the person who pursued it had followed Wang Kewen to the Dream Company, and the battle was not small.

After receiving a report from the employee, Xu Zhi went down from the office to the first floor of the company. There were already many people standing on the first floor.

The employees of the Dream Company were all standing inside, and the side of the door was full of people from the Forty-Nine Company. Among them, a man in a neat suit was standing at the front, waiting for something.

Seeing Xu Zhi going downstairs, he suddenly regained his spirits. Before he came, he had seen Xu Zhi's photos and knew what President Xu of Dream Company looked like.

Without waiting for Xu Zhi to approach, a 49 employee on his side immediately introduced loudly to everyone present: "This is the president of our Walrus Group 49 branch, President Wei."

"Oh. It turned out to be President Wei. I don't know what you are doing today."

After Xu Zhi went downstairs, he did not shake hands with him, but stood in front of the staff and said.

Xu Zhi already knew about the sale of the 49 Company by Zhu Yuxian to the Walrus Company. Xu Zhi also lamented that Zhu Yuxian was quite shrewd at the time, but this was the first time Xu Zhi had seen the new president, President Wei.

"Mr. Xu, I came here today to study and visit. I have long heard that the Dream Company is very strong. I have been itching for a while since I became the president. I came here today and it is really extraordinary."

Mr. Wei in front of him was in his thirties when he was young. He was dispatched directly by the Walrus Group after the acquisition of Sijiu. There was an air of arrogance in his speech. The first sentence is quite polite, but the second sentence is not so polite.

"The second one is about Wang Kewen, a former employee of our company. I heard that he has joined your dream company again in the past two days?"

"Yes, I joined our dream company."

Xu Zhi replied arrogantly, looking straight at President Wei as he spoke, looking neither humble nor arrogant.

"It's good that President Xu admits it. I thought that President Xu was going to hide and cover up." This President Wei had brought more than ten people on this trip. At this time, they were all close to President Wei, watching each Looking at the dream company in front of him with a serious face.

Seeing this scene, Xu Zhi suddenly laughed:

"Mr. Wei, let's talk about it directly, there's no need to round the corners to inquire about the situation."

"Inquiring about the situation? You should have known when you recruited him that he still has a fund from our company that has not been repaid, and I'm here to ask for this money today. Originally, it was not my turn to act on this matter, but for Mr. Xu I am very curious, I will come here today to see what Mr. Xu looks like, and by the way, I will ask Mr. Xu a word of yours."

"Question? As long as Mr. Wei's questions are within a reasonable range, I don't think I will refuse to answer." At this time, although there were only a few floor tiles between Xu Zhi and Mr. Wei, everyone present could It felt like the twins were standing on both sides of a cliff.

"It won't be so reasonable, but I don't think President Xu should refuse to answer. I can put aside the money, after all, it's not a problem for you. What I want to ask is, did President Xu put Wang Kewen photographed our Forty-Nine Company as an undercover agent, isn't it a bit too despicable for you to do so?"


At this moment, Xu Zhi had an expression on his face that he could still say this. He didn't expect this Wei always to say such words.

"Mr. Wei, it was you who dug up our minister at the beginning, and we only pursued the liquidated damages. You are at fault first, this is one. And you took the initiative to dismiss Wang Kewen and let him live on the streets. 2. Not to mention dismissal, you are still chasing people for money, causing Wang Kewen to work for a few months without earning a penny, and owe you a lot of money, this is 3. Today you reversed right and wrong again, I I don't think any normal person would come to such a conclusion." Xu Zhi said righteously.

"Hmph, it's really funny, if Wang Kewen wasn't the insider sent by you, how could our new tour fail again? Mr. Xu, don't ignore the facts and make excuses. I'm here today with someone just to ask questions. "Mr. Xu, don't you feel guilty?"

"Guilty? I think it's you who feel guilty. You dug out Wang Kewen, and you should have paid the penalty. Now it's better, the game is unsuccessful, not only did you kick people out, but you also have to pay the penalty. You hate it more than killing a donkey, you are driving people to death, I'm not as ruthless as you are."

"Hate, I don't feel hate at all, let's not talk nonsense anymore, call Wang Kewen out, and let's confront him."

"You have something to say to me!"

Xu Zhi did not agree to President Wei's request. After this group of people came, Wang Kewen was protected and did not come down upstairs.

"Mr. Xu, I think it's better to talk to Wang Kewen."

Mr. Wei, who was opposite, still wanted to see Wang Kewen. When Xu Zhi opened his mouth, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd. Xu Zhi looked back, and Wang Kewen walked down from behind him.

"Kewen, why did you come down?"

"Mr. Xu, let me make it clear to him."

At this time, Wang Kewen stood by Xu Zhi's side and looked at the aggressive President Wei in front of him. It seemed that sparks were about to appear in his eyes. Wang Kewen said:

"Mr. Wei, what do you want to confront me? Is it about you expelling me, or about chasing my money, I thought you were despicable I didn't expect you to be so Shameless. When I, Wang Kewen, was in the Forty-Nine Company, you could ask any employee of the Forty-Nine Company if I had done anything to make me feel sorry for the Forty-Nine Company. Instead, it was the Forty-Nine Company. Cook, do you still have a conscience? The new game is online, you obviously screwed up, I think anyone with eyes can see it, you are here today to bring shame on yourself."

Wang Kewen said it with a tone of indignation. These simple words made everyone in the 49th company on the opposite side speechless, and the front of Mr. Wei's face turned blue with anger. up:

"Okay, you're tough, Wang Kewen, let me tell you, wait, we're not done yet!"

He hurriedly put down the last sentence. Mr. Wei, who knew that he was wrong, left the Dream Company with others. Before he could go far, the first floor of the Dream Company broke out into warm applause.

After a while, the crowd dispersed, Xu Zhi also returned to the office, while Wang Kewen went to the toilet and squatted for a long time, as if he had figured out something, he came out directly to Xu Zhi's office, and knocked on the door of the office .


After Xu Zhi looked up and saw Wang Kewen who came in, he smiled and pointed to a chair opposite.

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