How can you become the richest man by letting you host a game company https://

"The principal's work is the most important thing. It is a delay to your time that we can receive your reception today."

"Hahaha, Xiao Xu, you are too modest."

After the two exchanged a few words, the principal talked about today's arrangement: "We agreed before, before recruiting today, Xiao Xu, you will give a speech for our students, the content of the speech is optional, and let the students learn Besides, I also received a different education, this speech is not limited by identity, everyone can go, I wonder if you have any problems now, Xiao Xu?"

"Haha, no problem, shall we go now?" Xu Zhi replied with a smile.

The matter of the speech had already been said during the meal, and there was no theme at all. However, after the meal that day, Xu Zhi was originally determined to draw up a draft, but he couldn't. Because there were so many directions that could be said, he finally decided to use it at will. no problem. It happened that the principal said so at this time, and it was in his heart.

A group of people walked towards the auditorium behind the library. This auditorium is really not small, and there are already seven, seven, eight, eight people sitting in it.

Before Xu Zhi's speech, the principal took the stage and said: "Students, today we invited Mr. Xu Zhi, the president of our Xijing Fantasy Company, to give a speech for everyone. I think everyone has known about this before. Some people may ask why our university invites the president of a company in the society to give a speech, which has never happened before.

Classmates, I want to say that times have changed. You students who are about to graduate or have a few years to go will face unprecedented pressure, far exceeding your seniors and sisters. Whether it is employment pressure or life pressure, it will increase. I am not pouring cold water on you or adding pressure, but I want you to have a correct attitude to face the pressure in the future, and only by moving forward under pressure can you go further. Just as a seed germinates and grows when it touches rainwater and soil, you will also be refined in the environment of society.

I invited Mr. Xu Zhi to come here today because I wanted him to make a draft for everyone in advance from his point of view, so that everyone could be prepared. Mr. Xu Zhi is the president of our Xijing Dream Company. Last year, their company's revenue exceeded 5 billion yuan, and this year, they will recruit nearly 500 new people. I think this data is enough to prove Mr. Xu Zhi's ability. Come students, let me We applaud Mr. Xu Zhi to come to power! "

After the principal finished speaking, Xu Zhi took the microphone from the side with a smile.

At this time, the principal found a seat under the stage and sat down with the staff of the Dream Company. Xu Zhi stood alone on the stage.

Looking down, pairs of eyes staring at him, there are curiosity, doubt, worship, and longing... In the face of these diverse eyes, Xu Zhi is not false and calm. Glancing at the crowd in the entire auditorium.

If another timid person came up, these glances alone would make him speechless.

Picking up the microphone, Xu Zhi began to say:

"To be here today, first of all, I would like to thank the principal of our school, who gave me this opportunity.

To be honest, I was very nervous before. I was worried that no one would come after hearing a nobody like me coming to give a speech, but I didn’t expect that there would be so many people sitting here today, so I would like to thank the second Thank you, everyone, for sitting here and listening to me speak. "

"Clap clap clap!"

After Xu Zhi finished speaking, there was a burst of applause from below, Xu Zhi smiled at this, and had more confidence in the next speech.

"As the principal said just now, you students will face unprecedented pressure in the future. I fully agree with this point. I even want to say that this pressure may be even greater than the principal imagined. Speaking of which, , this pressure is multi-faceted..."

"Although I have mentioned so many possible pressures above, I would like to ask everyone not to feel that there is a big mountain in front of you that is difficult to overcome. I want to say that pressure has always been the best driving force for people to move forward."


"Our dream company will make even greater breakthroughs this year. When we move forward, we will not forget the benefits for our employees. Our company's salary has always been at the top of Xijing. For each new employee, we will... …”

Xu Zhi's speech lasted for nearly an hour, starting from the pressure and finally talking about the Dream Company. After the end, it attracted prolonged applause.

"Clap clap clap!!!"

"Okay, okay. This is the end of my speech. I don't know if you have any questions. You can raise your hand and tell me. If you can answer it, you will definitely answer it. However, due to time constraints, it is limited to three people, one question per person." Xu After finishing his speech, Zhi said to the audience with a smile. In the speech just now, he could see that the students below had a lot of questions they wanted to ask him.

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience raised a hand like a dense forest, and Xu Zhi picked one at random. It was a girl.

"Mr. Xu, are all the employees in your company as handsome as you?"

Originally thought it would be a difficult question, but I didn't expect it to be this After the girls at the bottom asked, the audience immediately burst into laughter, and Xu Zhi laughed too.

After laughing, Xu Zhi said: "There is a poem that says: 'Looking at the side of the ridge, the peak is on the side, and the distance is different. It's so beautiful, even the cleaning aunt is a goddess. Of course, I think if you join our company, after seeing everyone's appearance, you feel that what I said today is exaggerated, and criticize me , I will accept it humbly."


After Xu Zhi finished speaking, there was another round of laughter underneath, and the girl sat back down with a smile a little embarrassed.

"Okay, the first question has been asked, let me choose the second one."

After Xu Zhi finished speaking, more people raised their hands at this time, and Xu Zhi chose a boy.

"Mr. Xu, after listening to your speech just now, I have a question. Are the benefits of the company you mentioned true? Are they really that good?"

After asking the boy, he sat down. This question is not difficult to answer, Xu Zhi said:

"This is natural. I have always believed that the biggest boost to the company's development comes from employees, so I treat employees like family members. Working in our company will not suffer. Our benefits are obvious to all, which cannot be deceived. of."

After answering the second classmate's question, Xu Zhi looked down the stage again, and was about to choose the third one. At this time, he saw a man who had raised his hand very high just now, and was still taller than the others. People, Xu Zhi chose him.

Being selected by Xu Zhi, this classmate seemed very excited and immediately stood up and said:

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