How can you become the richest man by letting you host a game company https://

"Impossible!" Another colleague shook his head. "How is this possible? Don't even think about it. The best result now is to criticize Wang Kewen. As long as he doesn't go, it's the best thing to do."

"This Wang Kewen, what do people say. People often say that choice is more important than hard work. I think it's not bad at all. If he hadn't left our company at the beginning, what would happen to He Wei now, that kid? Younger than me, good guy, after becoming a minister, driving a luxury car to see beautiful women, it's so cool for him."

"Hey, do you know? I heard some time ago that He Wei seemed to be beaten by President Xu. I heard that he didn't return home with his girlfriend during the Chinese New Year. He worked overtime in the company until late at night. It's what he did to improve, and I heard that the results are not bad."

"I also heard that after Wang Kewen returned to the company, he thought that President Xu was going to use Wang Kewen to replace him, and he was almost scared to pee. It was like dying to work. I also heard that opening a room with a girlfriend is atrophy..."



Suddenly, when two colleagues outside were chatting gossip, there was a sudden scream from Wang Kewen's room, and the two outside the door immediately ran in.

"Kewen, what's wrong with Kewen?"

The two colleagues immediately pushed the door and went in. Wang Kewen was standing on the bed at this moment, as if he had been electrocuted, and his entire expression was distorted, but this distortion was not intentional. caused by the head.

"Agreed, agreed, Xu agreed."

At this time, Wang Kewen, like a child who found a treasure, said to the two colleagues who came in while holding the computer.

The two colleagues glanced at each other in amazement, and then immediately moved to the computer screen, which contained Xu Zhi's email to Wang Kewen.

"Wang Kewen, I think your idea is feasible. After that, you can contact the staff of the company headquarters and send the information..."

After reading the email, the two colleagues showed disbelief, and one of them said blankly, "Unexpectedly, President Xu really agreed."

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that President Xu would agree. This is too unexpected." Another colleague also muttered.

"I just said that my idea is feasible, feasible, you can see that President Xu agrees, agrees... I want... I want..." Wang Kewen ignored the two colleagues at this time. Whatever he said, he kept talking on his own lips. He didn't seem to know what he was saying in his heart. Anyway, he wanted to keep talking and express his inner excitement.

Seeing Wang Kewen's excited expression, the two colleagues were not only amazed, but also deeply happy for Wang Kewen.

"Kewen, you are calm and calm. Mr. Xu always has a lot of adults. Why don't you send an email to Mr. Xu to thank him." A colleague thought of something and said.

"Yes, yes, I have to send an email."

After being reminded by a colleague, Wang Kewen suddenly woke up, sat directly on the bed, and started typing: "Dear President Xu, please allow me to use this title. At this moment, I am too excited to extricate myself. Thought you would agree with me..."

While Wang Kewen was typing the mail, the other two colleagues stayed for a while before going out to clean up the dining table, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" one of the colleagues exclaimed curiously.

During this time, they have been wandering between home and company. It can be said that they are unfamiliar with people around them. Usually, no one will knock on the door, not to mention that it is still night.

There was no answer outside the door, there were two more knocks, and a colleague stepped forward to open the door.

After the door opened, two police officers, a man and a woman, stood outside. Under the surprised eyes of this colleague, the male police officer said, "Hello, we are police officers. We just received a report from your neighbor that your room is yours. Yelling, he was afraid of something, so he reported it to us to check."

"Oh, misunderstanding, we are..." At this time, another colleague came up and began to explain to the police.

It turned out that Wang Kewen's shout just now misunderstood the neighbors, so the police came to the door. After the colleague explained it, the police went in and looked around and found nothing unusual. After giving them a few more words, the two policemen left.

Looking at the back of the policeman leaving, the two colleagues looked at each other again, looked at Wang Kewen's door, and smiled at each other.

After the police left, Wang Kewen in the house continued to write. At this time, he searched for all the vocabulary he had learned or heard, and integrated it into this email with a grateful feeling.

In addition to the modification time, Wang Kewen wrote this email for more than an hour. After writing, he let out a long sigh of relief, and then clicked Send, and immediately sent the email to Xu Zhi's mailbox.

After sending the e-mail, Wang Kewen became pious as if he had gained something sublime.

He was in a state of excitement at this time and didn't want to sleep at all, so after sending the email, he quickly contacted the staff of the Dream Company to get the information of Real Battlefield 2.

What Wang Kewen didn't know was that Xu Zhi only read this email for two minutes after he received it, and put it aside. Xu Zhi accepted too many compliments. , and Wang Kewen's writing is not very good. In a word, no skills, all feelings.

After sending the email, Wang Kewen, who was in the process of requesting information, was going very smoothly at this time. The person in charge of the real battlefield 2 information was the current R&D director of Dream Company and his former subordinate He Wei.

After He Wei confirmed the authenticity of the matter to Xu Zhi, he transmitted all the relevant information to him one by one, without any embarrassment. Real Battlefield 2's initial research and development progress has been more than half, and the various archived materials are complicated and time-consuming to transmit, but Wang Kewen is always in a state of excitement. It seems that he can stay awake this night until the data transfer is complete.

However, Wang Kewen finally fell asleep. After the excitement, his body returned to him a kind of exhaustion that seemed to be salvaged from the bottom of the sea. This exhaustion was deep and undeniable. He couldn't hold it any longer, and he fell into this dreamland where he had the best sleep quality in the past six months.

The next day, Wang Kewen happened to be on vacation and did not have to go to work. He slept until ten o'clock in the morning.

Both colleagues had already left for work. After getting up, Wang Kewen warmed up a glass of milk and had breakfast with a few slices of bread. The cold winter has passed outside the window, and there is vitality everywhere. As food enters his stomach, Wang Kewen feels like a tree that has gone through hibernation. In this coming spring, it will sprout branches, spit out tender leaves, and welcome sunshine. .

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