How Can You Become the Richest Man By Letting You Host a Game Company

Chapter 169: , A Niu's college entrance examination

Time flies!

The hot summer is coming, and the sun in the sky is rising earlier and setting later.

The air is full of hot and dry ingredients.

Jumping Fire has entered another peak since the public beta last week. At the same time, the number of online users exceeded 6 million every day, and the number of logins on that day exceeded 20 million. This achievement is based on accumulation and opportunity.

From big cities to small county towns in China, as soon as you enter any Internet cafe, you will see the jumping line of fire, and all other games will tremble under the jumping line of fire.

In this atmosphere, the Spring Game of Jumping Fire is in full swing, with all kinds of masters emerging one after another, folk gods making a blockbuster, and the old strong teams not to be outdone. The spring game is like an arena, attracting thousands of people to show their skills. Release your turbulent and suppressed youth.

At this time when both the weather and the jumping line of fire are extremely hot, there are many things happening outside the jumping line of fire at the same time.

The annual college entrance examination came as scheduled under the bright sunshine at 8:00 in the morning.

Outside an exam room, a thin and thin girl arrived at the exam site accompanied by her parents.

"Girl, don't be nervous later, the exam is just like that, answer it as usual."

The father beside him looked at the door of the examination room and asked.

"Girl, the weather is so hot, drink some water. The mung bean soup that Mom made this morning is so warm. The weather is so hot, so drink some water."

The mother on the other side took out a thermos cup.

A Niu looked at the way her parents were busy for her, and drank a sip of mung bean soup with a smile.

After drinking, the sun was a little dazzling, she held the stationery bag on her forehead with her right hand, and stared at the entrance of the examination room for a while.

Since she returned from meeting Mr. Li last year, she has re-invested in her studies.

She is a smart girl, teachers and classmates have said so since she was a child. After devoting her energy to study again, she burst out with more enthusiasm than before. In the last mock exam, she was the tenth in the school and the top thousand in the province. That said, it's been pretty good.

For this college entrance examination, she was quite sure before, but when she officially came to the examination room, she suddenly felt a little uneasy. An indescribable emotion surrounded her.

Is it really possible, how many points will be taken in the test, and will it be repeated?

"little girl."

Hearing her mother's soft call, A Niu recovered from her absent-minded state and smiled at her mother.

"Girl, it's too hot today, let's not stand, let's go to the wall over there to cool down." Mother said, pointing to the shadow that had already taken up most of the face.

The source of the shadow was the wall of a dormitory building. Aniao nodded and followed her parents.

The prosthesis on her leg has been installed for more than half a year. Although she is actively training, her walking is still a little bumpy, but this is already good.

Walking with her parents, her slightly thin body, uncoordinated legs, and strange shoes attracted the attention of many people unconsciously. Many parents accompanying their children lowered their voices. found something.

But A Niu didn't care at all, her face showed a strong and confident gaze that ordinary people don't have. Confident people are the most beautiful, not to mention she is so beautiful. Many students who also participated in the college entrance examination were a little obsessed when they saw her. This is the desire for beauty.

When she came to the wall and stood in the shadows, A Niu did not hold the wall or sit directly by the wall like the others, she just stood up straight like a spruce tree. At this time, her thin body seemed to be like the Populus euphratica forest in the depths of the Taklimakan Desert. She had an unbelievable tenacious vitality. She stood here and looked at other people outside the sun.

No one knew what she was thinking at this time.

Gu suddenly An Niu chuckled, and her parents immediately turned to look at her, but An Niu waved her hand, indicating that it was nothing.

Her chuckle was not laughing at anyone, but at the illusory fate.


When it was time to enter the venue, An Niu's teacher hurried over. He knew about An Niu's situation and discussed with An Niu that an invigilator could accompany An Niu to walk in. There will be more people later to prevent any accidents, but An Niu Refused.

From the door to the classroom, she can walk by herself.

There is a metal detection door at the entrance of the school. When A Niu walks in, a harsh alarm sounds from the door, but she seems to have understood the relevant situation, and the security check is not difficult for A Niu.

Walking into the campus, A Niu walked to her exam site with other students.

The students rushed to the examination room. This is a unique scenery line. Among them, An Niu is so eye-catching. Her unhurried pace adds a red color to this scenery line, which is very bright.

Looking at the examination room in front of her eyes, A Niu's eyes were full of longing for the future.

Seeing that An Niu's back disappeared, An Niu's mother glanced at An Niu's father, and said with a sigh, "Niu has been so tired for the past six months, she has not been easy, the last time I went to the toilet at three o'clock in the morning. , I also found out that she was reviewing, and I didn't dare to disturb her."


A Niu's father didn't say anything, just sighed heavily.

He has aged too much since Anniu's accident.

"I think, no matter how good or bad Niu is in the test, don't let him study again. If you do well in the test, you can go directly to university. If you do not pass the test, you will go to a university that is a little bit worse. You can't review for the second year." Father looked at the gradually disappearing students in the school and said.

Hearing what An Niu's father said, An Niu's mother looked at him with some puzzlement.

A Niu's father continued, "The university is very There are many people, and there are many people. A Niu can adapt to life quickly when she goes to college. Moreover, the quality of students who can be admitted to college is generally higher. I won't bully Ah Niu. If I study for another year, I'm afraid she will have psychological problems."

Hearing this, A Niu's mother nodded, "You are right, you can't study anymore, but I believe An Niu, her grades are not bad, and her efforts will not be in vain."

Sitting on her own table in the examination room, A Niu gently brushed her hair around her ears, waiting for the official exam to come.

The two invigilators gave each other a wink. They both took care of A Niu. This girl is not easy, and it is difficult for her peers to do this.

"Jingle Bell!"

The bell rang again, and the test papers for the first section were unpacked and sent out. A Niu flipped through the test papers and looked around, showing a smile again.

"It's not too difficult!~"

When the first test was over, when A Niu came out, she hugged her mother.

"Mom, I will definitely be admitted to university."

Hearing her daughter's confident words, A Niu's mother and father both smiled.

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