The God of War on the field could not hear any voice from others. The second half had already begun. After changing sides, they became defenders.

Under the strange gazes of the host, uu live audience, and other teams in the top sixteen, the five God of War went straight to point b. They were stuck at five points each, all with their heads buried, like one at point b. Just like a mouse.

Other than that, there was no movement from them on the map.

This tactic surprised everyone. Some teams in the top 16 have already scratched their heads to study at this time. How did the God of War fight? Did they really have a perspective, or their teammates have prophets, Do you know that this Milky Way will go to b?

Of course, the God of War team does not have a prophet, they are just gambling, so that the Galaxy can't be forced, and the Galaxy can't figure out the routine.

What others didn't expect was that in the first game after the side change, the Galaxy Squad, after being tested, actually came to point B with five people.

The B point of the desert black is easy to defend and difficult to attack, not to mention that the five God of War are all there, and all points are stuck.

Twenty seconds later, the Galaxy Squadron was easily eliminated by the God of War.

This time everyone is boiling, and many people are swiping on the uu live broadcast: \"Plug-in! Perspective! Fake match!\" words. This is really the first time, even the official staff of the fantasy event did not expect this situation, but after checking, God of War did not hang.

At this point, everyone was stunned.

After this one was wiped out by the God of War, the five members of the Galaxy Squad unwittingly looked towards the place where the God of War was sitting. How dare they, aren't they afraid of us hitting a, how would they know that we were going to hit a b, Why don't we hit a, are they crazy.

After changing sides, the second round began. Galaxy suddenly adopted a very cautious tactic. Five people slowly lined up and played slowly. The God of War team was still at point b in this round. After Galaxy team detected that there was no one at point a , successfully under the package victory.

Next, after four consecutive games, the Galaxy team won, and the score came to 9-6, Galaxy 9.

This time, the God of War team is really incomprehensible. If it was all tactics before, it is hard to imagine the few games that lost points after that. They did not respond and were eliminated by the galaxy one by one. God of War is not using tactics, but is it really stupid?

On the uu live broadcast, many God of War fans were very disappointed:

\"God of War, what's the matter with you guys, can you play like this, I'm better than you guys.\"

\"God of War, have you guys not eaten? Why are you all shrinking tortoises? Do you want me to buy you some food?\"

\"Hahaha, it's still our Galaxy that is very good. You God of War had good luck in the previous rounds. Do you really rely on this good luck in the game? Isn't this revealing.\"

\"Come on Galaxy! Come on Galaxy!\"

\"Don't worry, there is one more, watch God of War come back.\"

The wind direction on the uu live broadcast has changed a bit.

In the last round of the first game, there was no miracle in the God of War, and even the five people seemed to be crazy, and rushed directly from the avenue to the lurker's house, and then were outflanked by the Galaxy team.


Galaxy won today's first game, which surprised everyone.

It's not to say that the first game should not be won by Galaxy. As the champion who defeated God of War in the last game, it is normal to win the first game. But everyone is surprised that it should not be taken in this way.

In other words, the performance of the God of War is what makes everyone surprised, so that everyone can't figure it out.

After the first game, there will be a fifteen-minute break, and all five members of the Galaxy Squad go to the bathroom.

\"Damn it, the God of War's opening few scares people to death, I didn't expect it to be a paper tiger.\" A teammate of Galaxy said.

\"Haha!\" After listening to his words, the captain of Galaxy Squad chuckled twice, \"I was right in the second half, they were playing tricks, I could see it, their tactics, as long as we Fight hard and follow my instructions, they have no chance.\"

\"Since the last fight, this God of War doesn't seem to have progressed, but it seems to have regressed.\"

\"What's going backwards, if you want me to see, I've become a lunatic!\"

\"Ha ha ha ha!!\"

Several members of the Galaxy team were full of disdain for the God of War in their hearts. The runner-up of the previous session, it seems that they will be beaten into the top sixteen this time.

During the intermission, the other top 16 teams who were studying the tactics of the two teams in front of the uu live broadcast showed an inexplicable smile. In their opinion, this God of War is probably over. With the empty name of last year's runner-up , When I came to the top sixteen, I'm afraid I won't be able to win even a game, so I just packed up and went home.

On the uu live broadcast, \"Disappointed! Disappointed!!\" for the **** of war, and even more vulgar words are constantly on the screen.

However, the number of people online has increased a lot, and everyone seems to be watching God of War's jokes.

At this time, except for the God of War himself, no one knew what they were thinking. The second game is about to start, and the eyes of several God of War show a confident smile. Only at this moment they know that the big one is coming!

\"Okay, the second game has already started. After experiencing the disadvantage of the first game, can the God of War adjust? There are many problems with their If you still want the same as the first game, This time the top sixteen may really come to an end for the God of War.\" The host's voice came.

In the second game, the map is a gray town. This time, the God of War is still the lurker.

At the beginning of the game, the five God of War went directly to point b, and the Galaxy team seemed to have discussed it. It seemed that four people were placed at point b, and the other person stood boldly in the middle.

Seeing this scene, many God of War fans are chilled, what the **** is this God of War doing, why is this still the same as the superior.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that in front of point b, the two players of the God of War suddenly turned their heads and ran towards point a, without turning their heads. The remaining three people could come for seven or eight seconds, and at the same time they took out the flash bomb and threw them into the b-pack.

The Galaxy Squadron, who was defending in the b-pack, suddenly burst into gunfire, but when the flash bombs disappeared, they didn't see the God of War alone.

And when they reacted and rushed to point a, the bag at point a had been in place for five seconds.

The God of War easily took this one.

The victory at the opening of the first game immediately made everyone's eyes stand up. This God of War seems to be somewhat famous!

At the beginning of the second game, Team Galaxy took advantage of the previous victory and deployed the defense separately, with two a/b points each, and a sniper in the middle. And the God of War team seems to be following the tactics of the top commander, and the five people rushed directly to point B.

However, unlike the top, this time in front of point b, no team members turned their heads and ran towards a.

With the help of the flash bombs, the five people entered point B at the same time, and the five-on-two easily captured the second point.

After winning the second point, everyone felt as if there was a difference. This difference seemed to emanate from the God of War. Something had changed in the arena.

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