In the blink of an eye, tomorrow is the official final day of the Spring Split, and Xu Zhi also held a pre-match meeting.

Compared with the tense atmosphere before the last uu match, everyone was much more relaxed this time. Now that everyone has the experience and the manpower, things will not be difficult to do tomorrow.

Speaking of which, Xu Zhi was still looking forward to what the stadium will be like tomorrow.

As the company got bigger and bigger, Xu Zhi let go of many aspects to the subordinates. This spring game, from the stadium to the competition, was all done by the subordinates. Xu Zhi only checked the situation occasionally, and he was doing a good job in some areas. He had never been there before.

For example, in this competition venue, Xu Zhi only knew that Ding Xiaomei and the others had rented a large stadium that could accommodate tens of thousands of people. They didn't know anything about the others. They had to wait until tomorrow to see the whole scene and see what the competition venue was like.

While Xu Zhi and the others were having a relaxed meeting, tomorrow's other protagonist, the God of War, was discussing the tactics intensely.

Don't look at them all the way to the finals with a little ease, but facing the opponents in the finals this time, they dare not relax at all, they don't want to repeat the mistakes of the last uu cup.

The opponent in the final this time is a new team, the aj team.

Although it was a new team that was formed before the game, the aj team was terrifyingly sophisticated. Wang Dalong and several people had probably gone through the video of the aj game, and there was only one word in their hearts.

Why use this word, because the aj team belongs to the kind of team that cooperates with breakthroughs and wins with positive results, just like a regular army, not sharp in some places, and all members are very unified.

Each team member is like a gear, pulling one to move the whole body, the five people seem to use one brain. Moreover, not to mention the perfect coordination, even the marksmanship is also top-notch. It can be said that several players of aj played so perfectly that they couldn't pick out any loopholes.

In the video of the game, Wang Dalong and several people have seen such a scene of the aj team. When they played point B, five people played from two directions, and the five people cooperated with each other to appear in turn, one after another, no matter how the opponent played, They are all backless, and the B point of the four-person heavy defense is easily taken away by the aj who can't lose one.

After watching it, Wang Dalong and the others took a deep breath of air. Even if they went to guard point B, they would probably end up the same way.

Wang Dalong and the others, after determining their opponents in the final, began to study aj, and of course aj was also studying Wang Dalong and the others.

But no matter what the other party didn't study, Wang Dalong and his group had some gains. After these few days, they had some experience in dealing with aj.

Several of them discussed the new tactics over and over again, checked for leaks and filled the gaps, and then waited for the finals tomorrow.

It was a sunny day, the final day of the Spring Split of Jumping Fire.

More than two months have passed since the start of the Spring Split, and today is the time to reveal everything. Because of the hot weather in summer, the game will be held at 6 pm.

Xu Zhi and the others waited in the company until after three o'clock in the afternoon, then faced the fiery sun overhead and drove to the stadium.

According to the original plan, the weather for the finals would not be so hot, but due to the postponement, such weather was inevitable. Dream Company added a lot of heatstroke prevention materials to the finals to prevent accidents.

The stadium rented by Gusai is Xijing City Stadium, which is the largest stadium in Xijing. Fantasy can rent this stadium without Xijing's support for Fantasy Company.

When he arrived at the stadium, Xu Zhi walked in surrounded by the crowd. As soon as he entered, Xu Zhi let out a sigh of Huo.

The stadium can accommodate up to 50,000 people. After a simple renovation by Dream Company, the total number of tickets sold this time is 40,000, from east, west, north and south. The center of the stadium is the main stage. Inside are two glass buildings, both with air conditioning, where the players compete. On the side of the main stage, there are large screens on all four sides, which are enough to make the real-time picture of the game visible to the audience in each stadium, and the picture will also be broadcast on uu, which is enough to ensure that every fan who jumps on the line of fire can see it clearly. can see.

What Xu Zhi lamented was not the advanced equipment, but that the next final of the jumping line of fire could be played in such a large venue.

Thinking that the next game will be played under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of people, Xu Zhi felt happy for the players.

When Xu Zhi was inspecting the work, spectators had already entered the venue one after another.

Speaking of which, with so many tickets on sale, Ding Xiaomei and the others are still a little nervous, for fear that if 40,000 tickets are sold at once, the market will be overwhelmed, and will there be not so many fans coming to the scene. But I didn't expect that after the tickets were released, they were sold out in half a day. The audience in Xijing City bought more than 20,000 tickets. .

This surprised Ding Xiaomei and the others. They didn't expect everyone's enthusiasm to be so great that 40,000 tickets were still not enough to sell. You know, in their original plan, 10,000 tickets were reserved for the remainder. This time, not only do you not need to leave more, but there is less. Of course, this is also related to time. In summer, people are willing to go out.

But there is also a disadvantage in summer, that is, the weather is hot.

However, after four or five o'clock, the hotter temperature will go down. It happened to be a little windy today, and when the wind blows, it is not too overwhelming in such a large venue.

After watching all the preparations, Xu Zhi sat in the front row, waiting for the game to come.

At this time, it was already five o'clock, and the two finalist teams had already entered the field. Although it was full of hostility before entering the When the two teams saw their next playing field, one by one was speechless.

Before, most of them were working men, and they never imagined that one day they would be able to compete in this large stadium with tens of thousands of people. This is simply more exciting than winning the lottery.

Look east, look west, each player's eyeballs are as huge as table tennis balls. It's like the lens of a camera, and it is necessary to take pictures of this venue and keep it as a memorial in the future.

Wang Dalong looked at this venue at this time, and endless pride rose in his heart.

Just like the generals who were about to fight in ancient times, Wang Dalong felt that his blood was boiling and burning, and every cell was telling him to crush the enemy and win the victory!

After watching the stadium, several people from the God of War team looked at each other again, and started walking towards their own competition site.

There was cheers from the stands on all sides as they walked to their computer in the very center of the stadium. Compared to the little-known aj team, most of the audience who came today were fans of the God of War. When they saw the God of War entering the city, they all waved their arms.

Aj's group on one side was also entering the city. Seeing this scene, Aj's team's eyes were extremely firm, and they said in a voice that only their own team members could hear.

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