104 episodes

“Guild leader, shouldn’t this be something to protest?”

The members of the Cheonmu Guild said with dissatisfied faces.

“It’s a completely honest guild reading.”

A guild of Jeong-in, who holds on to the strategy information and goes straight ahead by catching the boss.

The Jungin Guild was armed with materials from the boss and became stronger, and the gap with other guilds was widening endlessly based on that.

Joo Yong-seop said with an expressionless face.


“Yes. CEO Jung suggested that we join forces with the guild leader.”

The guild member said with an impression.

“Then, shouldn’t we at least share this with us?”

Joo Yong-seop, who was silent at the words of the guild member, said.

“I fully understand your feelings.”

“Then the guild leader goes and talks with CEO Jung… .”

“But there is one thing you are mistaken about.”

Joo Yong-seop looked at the guild members and said.

“alliance. That’s a nice word to hear. But this alliance is not the all-giving relationship you think it is.”

The guild members were bewildered by the reaction different from what they thought.

“The most basic condition for forming an alliance is that both parties benefit each other. In other words, if something comes, something must go. By the way… .”

Joo Yong-seop said, leaning on the chair.

“What can we give to Jeongin Guild to CEO Jung?”

“Well, it’s like any other contract, if you give the boss by-product exclusively… .”

“That’s something other guilds other than us can do. This means that there is no difference between us. In this situation, do you pressure President Jung by giving information on the grounds that it is an alliance? Do you think that would be possible?”

“… … .”

“Of course I am frustrated. I also envy the Jungin Guild. But in such a situation, it is this side that suffers a loss if such an irrational number is placed. CEO Jung is not such a good person. demanding more exorbitant conditions in return for providing information, or… .”

Joo Yong-seop said with a cold expression.

“It could end the alliance itself.”

Because it wasn’t a very strong alliance from the beginning.

“That, that… .”

Joo Yong-seop said to the guild members who became dumb after eating honey.

“I’ll find a way on my own, so go back for now.”

“… All right.”

Joo Yong-seop, who sent the guild members back, murmured.

“It’s an alliance… .”

They were surrounded to appease the guild members, but is this really an alliance?

In fact, it is nothing less than eating the rice cakes that Jeong In-soo throws out a little faster than others.

“What should I do?”

Joo Yong-seop has two options.

The first is to be content with being able to stay a little ahead of others while maintaining an ambiguous relationship like now.

second is… .

“It’s completely bowing in.”

The Jungin Guild was already pushing forward with a huge gap with other guilds.

Before that, I would have tried to catch up with the Jeongin Guild and surpass it.

Because Joo Yong-seop created his own guild not to be under other people.

Accepting the alliance proposal was also part of that effort.

However, after losing the match against Yeom Chang-soo, Joo Yong-seop realized a lot.

Just as he is looking upwards, the people below him are also aiming for himself and the Jungin Guild.

And that they can be pushed and change positions at any time.

If so, wouldn’t it be a reasonable decision to acknowledge the overwhelming first place and be satisfied with the position of second place, which widens the gap from third place?

“Well… .”

Of course, self-esteem is hurt.

But in practical terms, the second way is much easier and more reasonable.

Besides, I was even more worried because Jung In-soo, whom I had seen so far, had a tendency to spread generously if he was sure that he was his own person.

“Can the Cheonmu Guild overtake the Jeongin Guild?”

Looking at the results so far, I can’t imagine that at all.

Jung In-soo’s unparalleled analytical ability is also his analytical ability, but the skills of each guild member of the Jung-in Guild were also extraordinary.

In addition, the thoroughness of constructing a secret arena and introducing special attack martial arts training by supposing a fight between hunters.

“Hey, you’re going to have to worry about something like this.”

The Cheonmu Guild Gun, who started ambitiously to create the strongest guild in Korea, is now thinking about the position of a subcontracted guild for the Jeongin Guild disguised as an alliance.

After thinking about it for a while, I got a sudden call.

It was Jeong In-soo.

“Yes, CEO Jung.”

– The main guild chief. haha. how are you?

“I had a good time.”

-Gosh. By the way, I’m worried that maybe I wasn’t upset because I didn’t provide information on how to attack the boss.

“… it’s okay. It’s not something we left it to, and it’s up to CEO Jung to decide whether or not to disclose the information.”

– Thank you so much for thinking that way. Anyway, I’m thinking of having a meeting with the guilds regarding the boss attack, are you going to attend?

This means that something will be revealed not only to the Cheonmu Guild, but also to other guilds.

Only horses are allies, and in fact, they are being treated the same as other guilds.

Of course I understand.

The Cheonmu Guild also only had the title of alliance, because it had never actually done anything helpful to the Jeongin Guild.

“… Of course I will.”

-All right. Then I will send you the time and place, see you then.

Joo Yong-seop finished the call.

“But is it one mana ally or… .”

Joo Yong-seop said with a firm expression.

“Are you sure you’re number two?”

* * *

I smiled and said to the guild leaders of the six guilds gathered in the conference room.

“Thank you all for gathering.”

The guild leaders attended with anticipation that I, who had been avoiding information disclosure, would convene a meeting with related content.

“In the meantime, all guilds have been requesting information about boss attacks. But they all refused. For safety reasons. Actually, it’s not wrong. The bosses of the Busan dungeon are all very dangerous.”

How many hunters were sacrificed in their previous lives to obtain the strategy information.

All the attack information I know is information obtained based on the sacrifices of these hunters.

Of course, the guilds hid this with their own know-how and top secrets.

So it’s even more valuable.

“To be honest, even if I provide information on how to attack the boss monster right now, there is no guarantee that there will be no victims among you.”

I have no intention of giving them specific strategies like the Jeongin Guild, so it’s not necessarily wrong.

Wouldn’t it be better to listen to me when it’s a little risky?

At that time, a guild leader said with a confident expression.

“We will take care of that, so don’t worry and let us know.”

Did you leave information?

Even his ally, Joo Yong-seop, speaks cautiously, but what kind of guts are you?

“Well, you guys are very talented, so you’ll be fine, but I can’t help but worry about you as an information provider. In any case, I ended up worrying about it because there were so many requests from everyone.”

I said with a smile.

“It has been decided to disclose the attack information.”



Hue is the goat

Guild leaders cheering.

Then a man caught my eye.

It was Joo Yong-seop.

He closes his eyes and contemplates something even though he reveals information.

Are you annoyed that you didn’t take care of your ally?

If that’s the case, I’ll have to reconsider this relationship.

Because there are no alliances that are not beneficial.

Anyway, let’s get straight to the point.

“But before I give you the strategy information, there are things you should know.”

Hue is the goat

Guild leaders looking at me at my words.

“The Jungin Guild discovered a strange stone while catching the Busan dungeon boss monster. And it is still coming out.”

I took a skill stone out of my pocket and said.

“That strange stone is this one.”

The guild leaders looked at the stone and said.

“Crystals… Isn’t it?”

“What is that?”

I looked at the stone and said.

“I named this stone a skill stone. The effect of this stone is simple.”

When I briefly explained the skill stone, the guild leaders said with a surprised expression.

“Is there such a thing? Skill stone?”

“Is my muscle strength or something like that?”

I nodded and said.

“you’re right. But there is a problem.”

I said silent for a moment.

“That is, the positive and negative effects of one skill coexist.”

The guild leaders said with a puzzled expression.

“What do you mean?”

“It would be faster to see it in person than to say it. There is a video I tested to interpret the characters on the skill stone. We will see you and talk to you again.”

At my words, the lights in the conference room went out and a video was played on the big screen.

And the person who came out was Hwang Jae-ho.

“Gosh. Hwang Jae-ho’s face is mosaic-treated. tt.”

Of course it’s a lie.

I purposely left my face in order to publicly disgrace and imprint people as a useless hunter.

That’s the reason why I said the old name.

“Anyway, let’s see.”

Hwang Jae-ho said in the video.

-We will start the second day of the test.

Then Hwang Jae-ho took out a skill stone and smashed it.

-Ummm… I feel like my strength has weakened, Chief Lee.

Then this team leader appeared on the screen.

But, funnyly, unlike Hwang Jae-ho, whose face was exposed, the face of the team leader was mosaic.

“okay. I want to make a mosaic like that.”

In the meantime, team leader Lee gave several test machines to Hwang Jae-ho and tested it.

-Well… Overall strength decreased by about 5%.

– Haha, right? Will you go up next time?

The video went on like that.

And in the video, Jae-ho Han began to change his body day by day.

The body, which has been awakened and strengthened, is gradually shrinking as the experiment continues.

So the test video went by so quickly.

And the 45th day.

– Ugh.

Hwang Jae-ho was a complete bum.

The manager said in a calm voice.

-Strength, agility, reflexes, and jumping are all down overall… .

Then Hwang Jae-ho exploded.

– I can’t stand it anymore!! Get it back right now!! Give it back!!”

And the video ended.

I handed out the test result table to the guild leaders who were watching the video in awe.

“The first sheet is the measurement result before the skill stone test, and the last is the final test result.”

The guild leaders who checked the test result table said with a pale expression.

“Your physical ability has dropped to less than half.”

As the Hunter Academy was activated, the physical ability test results they received began to be used universally, so the guild leaders quickly realized what the test result table meant.

“… This is enough… Do you think it will be difficult to be active in the lowest level dungeon?”

“Hunter could be ruined this far?”

A shocking experiment result in which the Hunter’s power, which was thought to be immortal, became negative for the first time.

“As you can see, due to the skill stone, this hunter’s physical abilities have been reduced to the point of being unable to recover. Of course, in return, I got a lot of good effects, such as improving digestion and strengthening my hearing, but… What use would these be for a hunter with reduced physical abilities? I’m sure there’s no one who suspects the manipulation.”

In a situation where the boss monster was attacked less than two months ago, it is virtually impossible to pick out only those with bad effects.

Therefore, this test can only be regarded as randomly acquiring superficially random skill stones.

“Uh… .”

“Of course there is hope. There are also skill stones that are the opposite of this. A skill stone that sacrifices something else instead of increasing your strength. If you can decipher the text and identify these skill stones, it will be of great help to the hunters. But until all these texts are deciphered… I think it is the right decision for you to refrain from using it as much as possible. As you can see, the probability of it being a bad skill is very high.”

The guild leaders said with a disgusted expression.

“How do you absorb a skill stone after watching a video like this?”

“Wow. But it’s a waste to just give up.”

I looked at the guild leaders and said.

“In that sense, I propose. In return for providing information on the boss monster attack, I will collect all the skill stones you have obtained by killing the boss monster. And I will do my best to interpret the characters using those skill stones. Think about it. After interpreting all the characters, the status of the Republic of Korea.”

In times like these, there is no other excuse as effective as Nara.

“Are you going to release the text message to us as well after we’ve all interpreted it?”

Of course not.

I said with a smile.

“It’s like throwing away all the skill stones that go into the test in the air, shouldn’t there be a lot of benefit? Texts that have been interpreted will not be disclosed. Instead, if there are necessary skill seats, we plan to sell them back to you at an appropriate price.”

Of course, I have to keep the security as much as possible by hiding the letters and learning in front of my people.

“In addition, for your safety, when attacking boss monsters, a guild member will be dispatched to help you attack.”

It means that the horse helps the attack. In fact, they say that they will monitor whether the skill stone is stolen.

The guild leaders who understood what I meant caused a rejection reaction.

“Anyway, it’s a bit… .”

“You mean you’re going to read the interpreted text by yourself.”

If this situation completely hardens, eventually the guilds will have no choice but to be swayed by me.

“What if I turn down the offer?”

I shrugged and said.

“It is literally a refusal. No strategy information, nothing.”

Even the guild leaders must have realized the importance of the skill stone.

And the enormous influence and power that comes from the interpretation of the skill stone text.

However, it seems risky to say no, but it is a situation in which you cannot give up.

That’s when the guild leaders were in trouble.

Joo Yong-seop quietly raised his hand.

“Yes, the master guild master.”

“Our Cheonmu Guild will accept all of President Jung’s proposals.”


So easy?

“As an ally of the Jeongin Guild, our Cheonmu Guild fully trusts and trusts the Jeongin Guild and will entrust everything regarding the skill stone.”

Talking about the alliance for the first time in public and at the same time giving me full support.

If the Cheonmu Guild strikes forward like this, the other guilds who hesitated will of course return to pressure.


Joo Yong-seop.

Have you ever turned around this way?

I like it.

I said with a satisfied smile.

“Master of the guild.”


“I will make that decision so that I will never regret it.”


The name is an ally, so you have to do this.

If something comes, something goes.

I’ll have to stab it with a good skill stone.

It also provides more information.

Joo Yong-seop bowed his head and said.

“Of course it is something we should do. It would take a lot of time to get a skill stone and interpret it alone by the Cheonmu Guild anyway, and at the same time, it would have to bear side effects, so it is reasonable to just leave it to a trusted party.”

Joo Yong-seop looked at me and said.

“Isn’t that what an alliance is? Divide each one of them into areas that they are good at. The Cheonmu Guild is attacking, and the Jeongin Guild is analysis and information. I think that it is no different from focusing on only the areas of specialization of each company as companies are becoming more and more divided.”

I said with a smile.

“Great. Anyway, the Cheonmu Guild accepted… .”

I said looking at the other guild leaders.

“What do other people think?”

* * *

“Hey, this isn’t it.”

Hwang Jae-ho said, shaking his whole body.

“This was an ant hell.”

I survived thanks to a few positive skill seats that came out in the middle, but now that’s the limit.

His physical abilities have dropped dramatically, and now other abilities are also being degraded.

Now I can’t even figure out where and how it falls.

The problem is, there’s no way out of this.

“I didn’t get that offer back then… .”

At that moment, someone knocked on Hwang Jae-ho’s door.

“This is Jeong In-soo. Please open the door.”

Hwang Jae-ho hurriedly opened the door and said.

“I, CEO Jung!”

“Are you okay? Hwang Jae-ho.”

“Please, I don’t want anything else anymore. Just stop testing. please… .”

“Uh-huh. Then there is no way to completely recover… I don’t think that’s because I’m sorry.”

“I am fine, I am.”

* * *


Now that the video has been made, Hwang Jae-ho’s role ends here.

I want to bother him a little more, but as a hunter, he is already unable to recover, and it’s a bit of a waste to waste his skill stones on a guy like this.

In my mind, I want to sit in a pile of debt under the pretext of recovering all the money I invested by mentioning the contract… This leaves room for criticism for further cornering those who have been harmed by the experiment.

Especially since he is a person who has no relationship with me in this life, the criticism is even more fatal.

I’m sorry, but I can’t help but be satisfied with this.

But you can’t just finish it.

“good. The test ends by consensus.”

Hwang Jae-ho said with his back bowed.

“thank you! thank you!”

“Instead, there are conditions.”

“… Yes?”

“Agree on releasing Hwang Jae-ho’s test video to the public.”

It doesn’t matter since we’re the only ones at the meeting, but revealing all of this to the outside is another dimension.

Permission was required for distribution.

Hwang Jae-ho said with a pale, tired face at my words.

“Oh, is it public?”

“Yes. It is necessary to inform people about the dangers of skill stones. We have to minimize the number of victims.”

Hwang Jae-ho’s mouth shakes at my words.

Perhaps then he wants to say that he is not a victim.

I said with a smile.

“Instead, we will definitely mosaic and not reveal the identity of the person.”

“… That’s for sure.”

“Yes. I’m not that bad. Even if you don’t, you can’t even publicly disgrace someone who has been harmed by the experiment.”

Hwang Jae-ho, who was hesitating in the end, nodded and said.

“Oh, I see. I agree.”

“thank you. Many people will be saved thanks to Mr. Hwang Jae-ho.”

Of course, it is only a matter of time before the rumors spread as Hwang Jae-ho has already been revealed in the conference room.

I said looking at the bodyguard.

“Please deposit 3,000 as key money to Jae-Ho Hwang.”

When you hit, you have to hit it while paying the price.

Still, I need to instill the awareness that I did my best to rescue the victims of the experiment.

“All right.”

I looked at Jaeho Hwang again and said.

“ah. Of course, the nondisclosure agreement remains in effect. If you disclose this information to the outside… You know?”

“I know. I will never tell you.”

Personal information was leaked and I can’t explain it properly because of the contract.

Hwang Jae-ho’s life as a hunter ends with this.

I said raising the corners of my lips.

“good. You have worked hard all this time.”

Let’s enjoy it once.

A life different from the previous life.

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