109 episodes

Busan Dungeon where top guilds from around the world gathered.

Even if it wasn’t, the guilds who were all shouting and arguing in their own country gathered, so there were often secret battles of pride between each other.

In particular, it was even more so between the national guilds of rivals or enemies.

However, there was a way to get information faster by giving Insoo Jung additional points according to the number of boss monsters attacked.

The sooner you get the information, the more types of boss monsters you can attack, and in addition to that, you can end the contract early.

And the competition continued into the dungeon.

“Are you ready?”

At the words of the guild leader of the Yamato Guild, one of the best guilds in Japan, the guild members checked their equipment and said:

“It’s almost over.”

The guild leader nodded and said.

“great. Be sure to prepare. Competing with other guilds is good, but losing a guild member even by mistake is a bigger blow to us.”

Since you are just getting used to the boss attack, you need to prepare in advance.

That’s when the Yamato Guild was preparing step by step.

A guild member who was watching the movement of the boss monster that had been spotted ran up to him with a pale expression and said.

“Guild Leader!!”

The guild leader immediately got up from his seat and said that something unusual had happened to the guild member’s voice.

“What’s up?”

“Lord, China’s Eight Dragons Guild!”

“The Eight Dragons Guild?”

Why did the Chinese Eight Dragons Guild come out here?

“They are attacking the boss monster we dotted with!”

The guild leader said with a contorted face.

“You didn’t say it was ours!?”

“I did! But he didn’t pretend he heard and immediately attacked… .”

The guild leader said while grinding his teeth.

“These Chinese bastards!! All wake up! let’s go!!”

The Yamato Guild hurriedly collected the equipment and headed to the location where the boss monster was.

There, the boss monster and the Eight Dragons Guild were already fighting fiercely.

“What is this?!”

The guild leader stepped forward and said.

“That boss monster is what we found!!”

However, the Eight Dragons Guild continues to attack the boss monster without pretending to hear it.

“Chick Show!!!”

When the guild leader, who was angry at their reaction, tried to step forward, the deputy guild leader stopped the guild leader and said:

“Calm down for a second. If you interfere with the Eight Dragons Guild and they take damage, it could become a problem in the future.”

“But just leave it alone!?”

Currently, the boss monster information given to each country is the same.

Hue is the goat

Guilds that have already successfully attacked individually, like the United States, are at a level where they can attack one more.

That is, at most, dozens of guilds are eating one or two types of boss monsters.

The anger of the Yamato Guild guild leader was quite natural, as it started with finding the boss monsters included in the attackable category.

The sub-guild chief shook his head and said.

“I also want to let those bastards go. Because I’m the kind of person who shudders when it comes to Chinese people.”

Here, the way the Yamato Guild took revenge against the Eight Dragons Guild was simple.

Either attack the back of the Eight Dragons Guild and make their hunting itself fail, or give up and retreat.

The problem was that if even a death occurred in the Eight Dragons Guild, this could lead to a diplomatic dispute between the two guilds beyond the two guilds.

“Then just kill them all! It’s a dungeon anyway, so there’s no evidence!”

At the words of the Yamato Guild Guild Leader, the Deputy Guild Leader said with a firm expression.

“Aren’t you serious? Even a mouse bites a cat when it’s cornered. Then we can get hurt. And above all… .”

The deputy guild leader pointed his chin to the guild member of the guild who was accompanied by the Yamato Guild and said.

“They are watching.”

Two guild members from the Jungin Guild 2nd group followed as a watchdog.


The guild leader, who was shaking and shaking, approached the guild member Jeong-in and spoke in English.

– That’s stealing! Don’t you have to do something?

It’s not like you’re selling equipment that doesn’t matter at a high price and putting your hands on something like this again.

At the words of the guild leader, the guild member scratched his head and said.

-uh… I haven’t been given instructions on what to do in this case… .

– Does that make sense to stay still?!

At the words of the guild leader, the guild member came forward and shouted loudly.


Then the guild member of the Jeongin Guild who was with the Eight Dragons guild said.


“That monster Yamato Guild made the mark first!”

“I know! But the one who catches it first runs away saying that I am the owner, so what’s the difference between me?”

“How am I supposed to do this?”

“I don’t know either!”

In the end, the guild member who finished the conversation without much profit told the guild leader what he had just said.

-Hmm, whoever catches it first?

– That’s right. Anyway, I don’t know any more. Let’s talk with the Eight Dragons Guild, shall we?

And then, a guild member of the Jung-in guild who smokes tantrums.


* * *

In the end, the Yamato Guild waited patiently until the Eight Dragons Guild finished its attack.

When the Eight Dragons guild’s boss attack was over, the Yamato Guild approached the Eight Dragons guild and said,

– That boss monster is ours!

Then the guild leader of the Eight Dragons guild also stepped forward and said.

-What are you talking about. The first one to catch is Imja. So who’s just watching?

-What?! These thieves bastards!!

Then the guild leader of the Eight Dragons guild twisted his face and said:

– Thief? Are we now thieves?

-If this is not theft, what is theft!

The guild leader Yamato said while pointing at the boss monster corpse.

-If you don’t give out half of the boss monster by-products right away, I will formally protest!

-half? Is this chunky bastard crazy? Why don’t you give half of what you did!?

The Yamato Guild guild leader was one of the best hunters in Japan, but he had one trauma.

It was the fact that his height was far below the adult average.

Thanks to that, I was rated as the best in Japan in terms of speed and agility, but that was after I woke up.

Being short was the Achilles heel that followed the Yamato guild leader like a tag.

-What!? dumpy!?

In the end, the guild leader, who exploded in anger, took out his weapon, and both the Yamato Guild and the Eight Dragons Guild, who saw it, entered into a battle stance.

– Apologize right now. If you don’t apologize… .

– You have to apologize. dumpy.

In the end, the Yamato guild leader who lost his reason at the words of the Eight Dragons guild leader.


* * *

I said with an absurd expression on the report of the guild members who were sent to the monitoring station.



“Why did you fight?”

When I heard about the reason Yamato and the Eight Dragons fought, I shook my head and said.

“Anyway, you bastards of Chinese sheep.”

You’re doing what you did in your neighborhood, too.

By the way, you took me to work, so why are they fighting?

Then, if you can’t work, there’s no point in bringing you here.

“What about the damage?”

“A total of six people, three on each side, were admitted to the hospital with minor injuries.”

Still, that’s not much damage.

“There aren’t as many injuries as I thought.”

“Yes. The deputy guild leaders on both sides forcibly ripped it off, so that’s the end of it.”

The average number of guild members among guilds who entered Korea is 50.

Of course, that was only the number of elite guild members who entered Korea, and there were more guild members in their home country.

That’s a lot of injuries, so you can make up for it.

“What should I do next time in a situation like this?”

China and Japan were the first to have a real fight, but similar things were happening everywhere.

The Brazilian and Argentinian guilds have also recently gone to the point where they are in a rush.

I clicked my tongue and said.

“Just work hard. tt.”

As if the Chinese and Japanese deputy guild leaders stopped the fight, everyone is trying to limit the clash as much as possible.

Because everyone has great skills, there can be real deaths, and fighting in the dungeon is inevitably dangerous.

But how long will this last?

They are all guilds representing each country, so they will never try to bend their pride.

“This is not what made me compete.”

The competition system was introduced to create an environment for foreign workers to work harder, but these guys are not competing for work, they are actually fighting each other.

“Why are you so hung up on such an unproductive fight… .”



It’s a non-productive fight… .

If productivity is a problem, it is not enough to create productivity.

I smiled and muttered quietly.

“Underground Stadium.”

The best place to fight safely and secretly.

It is here to arrange a confrontation between the guilds in dispute.

so-called national warfare.

How much fun would it be if a battle for the pride of the representative guilds of each country took place?

If it’s a fight that’s going to happen anyway, isn’t it better to fight while earning money?

Besides, from the government’s point of view, it would be a much better choice to quietly deal with foreign guilds in an underground arena than to fight indiscriminately.

It hosts national competitions and at the same time attracts VIPs on a large scale.


Until now, they had to wear an eye mask before entering, but from now on, it is openly operated.

This will reveal the true location of the secret arena to VIPs, but what about it?

Only the general public doesn’t know.

Now is just the right time.

It is used as a place to resolve conflicts among hunters from around the world so that the government cannot intervene.

If you make a situation where the damage is greater than the gain from touching it, it’s over.

I said looking at the guild member.

“If something similar comes up next time.”


I said raising the corners of my lips.

“Leave it alone.”

“… Leave me alone?”

Since the guilds are still careful with each other, it is too early to introduce it immediately.

Conflicts intensify and resentment towards each other and each other must accumulate.

Then, after one big explosion, the underground stadium appears in earnest.

“Do we really need to be embarrassed in the middle? They are all grown ups, so they have to take care of that.”

* * *

As the competition between the guilds intensified, more and more large and small fights took place.

The dispute that started with who will catch the boss at first leads to an emotional fight, and the pride of representing the country overlaps, and no one can back down.

At least the Jeongin Guild intervenes and mediates, and the situation is getting worse as the guilds are actually putting their hands on the fight.

And finally.

Their fight spread beyond the dungeon to Earth.

“This bastard!!”

“Dirty Chinese bastard!!”

Since everyone is only active in the Busan dungeon, it was natural for the lines to overlap.

Eight Dragons and the Yamato Guild members who got drunk and started fighting at a nearby tavern visited to unwind after hunting.

“I think! here!!”

The police, who arrived after receiving a report from the owner of the pub, had no choice but to stop after seeing the situation inside the pub.


A concrete wall is pierced with one punch, and household items are shattered by kicks.

In such a situation, the fact that the police, who are ordinary people, stop them is actually suicide.

The policeman said with a pale expression.

“this… This… .”

Besides, the opponent is not even a foreigner who can’t understand.

“Tell us how to do this… .”

The owner of the tavern rolls his feet while watching the tavern being smashed in real time.

“What are you doing?! Hurry up and dry it!!”

The police officer, who was awakened by the president’s words, shouted.

“Call the Hunter Guard!”

As all the foreign guilds gathered, the government also deployed a national hunter guard to maintain security.


“… Will it be with the Hunter Guard?”

These are all top-level hunters from each country.

The hunter guards, who were just rambling, were not their opponents.

Finally, the policeman hesitated.

“Contact the Jeongin Guild. I need help.”

* * *

A battle on Earth.

Of course, it was natural for the media to make a special mention of it.

The situation in which the citizens of the country suffered damage due to the fights between the hunters from abroad.

Thanks to the Jungin Guild, the hunters on both sides calmed down through media reports and promised to prevent a recurrence by compensating for the damage and making an apology, but public opinion was already tilted.

taken from noblemt l

Moreover, as a fight between the two guilds rises to the surface, China and Japan blame each other and criticize each other, making it difficult for the Korean government to be caught in the middle.

-CEO Jung, can you mediate between the guilds?

I said in a troubled voice at the words of the chief of staff.

“I want to do it too, but it’s a matter of pride. Will you really listen to me… .”

-If we fight, we will kick you out

So no trouble

You’re deliberately making it more competitive and fighting.

“What if we fight again? Are you exporting both?”

-that… .

Even now, Japan and China continue to criticize each other, so both of them get kicked out?

If that happens, the arrows of criticism will now be directed to Korea, not to each other.

“Then I need to cover up Sisibibi, is it possible? Nothing else, it happened in the dungeon. If you don’t do this for sure, only Korea will see blood.”

Information leaks or such expulsion for a clear reason can still win support from other countries except for the country from which they were expelled.

– This inevitably creates an antipathy towards overseas guilds. In this way, the people may refuse to attract foreign guilds themselves.

The government obtained various concessions through deals and promoted them as diplomatic achievements.

However, attracting foreign guilds, which is the driving force behind the diplomatic achievements, will be perceived negatively by the public.

“When there is something to gain, there is something to lose. Instead, you had a lot of fun, didn’t you?”

The chief of staff sighed and said.

-ha. If you’re going to fight, just fight quietly in the dungeon. Why are you making a fuss outside? .

I said with my eyes shining.

“Hmm. So is it okay to fight secretly?”

– I’m just saying this because I’m frustrated, because I’m frustrated. Of course we have to make sure we don’t fight.

“I am taking this seriously now. If it’s okay to fight secretly, I have my own solution.”

When there was a solution, the chief of staff said in an urgent voice.

– Any solution?

“To be precise, it is a workaround rather than a solution. Remember? The red-blue masked hunter showdown that I hosted. Wouldn’t it be simple if we just excluded the video distribution from there?”

The chief of staff was silent for a moment at my words.

-So… Let’s make them fight secretly?

“If we get rid of the smoking booths, will smokers quit smoking? No. It spreads everywhere and smokes. It’s the same thing. If mediation doesn’t work anyway, I’d rather just stick with it and resolve the conflict.”

-Will that really solve the problem? What if you don’t agree with the outcome? What if I keep fighting outside even after doing that?

I said with a relaxed expression.

“So it’s not a solution, it’s a workaround. Wouldn’t that be much better than leaving it alone though? At least we can keep it a secret from the general public.”

It is different from the time of Yeomchangsu.

At that time, Chang-soo Yeom needed to be revealed to prove his skills, but this is a battle of pride between guilds.

Besides, if you fight in secret like this, there will be less aftermath when you lose, so the burden on the guilds is greatly reduced.

Also, since the general public is unaware of the existence of this confrontation, each country will not have to come forward and directly criticize it.

It’s the same fight, but there’s a huge difference between secretly fighting under the water and fighting openly.

So it’s an unsealed book.

It’s not about solving the root cause of a fight, it’s just a way to avoid it by hiding it.

-Ummm… .

“The general public’s opposition from overseas guilds can be reduced, and the guilds won’t bother to fight outside because they have a place where they can fight freely. Isn’t it a good thing to have a good sister and a brother-in-law?”

Of course, those who fight outside will fight.

If reason had remained in the first place, there would have been no way to fight.

Instead, the frequency can be definitely reduced.

-… Let’s think about it first. The best thing is that it also makes the fight itself impossible.

I shrugged and said.

“That’s right. If you change your mind, please contact me.”

After finishing the call, I raised the corners of my lips and said.

“Does it prevent you from fighting?”

Absolutely impossible


Because I can’t stand by and watch it.

I continue to incite conflicts between the guilds, leading to fights, and eventually the government is forced to accept my proposal.

“Hey. national warfare. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.”

It is a national competition that also creates a sense of patriotism, which was not usually present.

Using the VIPs’ personal connections, foreigners from other countries are also invited.

After all, it has to go global.

“A foreign worker in the dungeon. Foreign mercenaries in the underground stadium. Perfect. I will use you from head to toe.”

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