116 episodes

Changes in behavior of Kim Han-goo.

Kim Han-goo, who predicted that there would be a change in his behavior, started acting strangely.

However, Kim Han-goo’s behavior was very different from what I expected.

“You’re going somewhere in a car with errands?”


what kind of situation is this

Do you want to go to war with an outside organization?

“How many?”

-Including Kim Han-gu, there are 5 people in all.

You don’t have an errand to contact outside organizations, but take them with you?

“Are you following me now?”

-Yes. Keep your distance now… uh? The car went into an abandoned factory.

Are there any foreign gangs in the abandoned factory?

“Quietly follow me.”

-All right.

A watchman taking my orders and broadcasting the situation live.

– Entered the abandoned factory. and… I’m arguing.

“brawl? Who are you arguing with? new person?”

-There are no new people… They are arguing among themselves.

I said with a puzzled look.

“Are you arguing with the messenger?”

-Yes. And now… They’re beating one messenger.


What the hell are you guys doing?

“First, listen to what you are talking about.”

* * *

“Jaman. Don’t do it, just let it go easily. huh? Am I looking after you?”

At Kim Han-gu’s words, the errand runner Yoon Ji-man spit and said.

“f*ck you, you asshole.”

“Sick? this bastard is crazy Are you really just leaving now?”

“Who is it that you are so big now, you ungrateful bastard?”

Then, Kim Han-gu said with an absurd expression.

“Do you think you would have been able to create such an organization without me?”

Then Yoon Ji-man raised his middle finger and said.

“yes. f*ck you Even if it’s not you, if you have money, you can make it, right?”

taken from noblemt l

Money laundering organization.

In fact, it was Yoon Ji-man, not Kim Han-gu, who created this organization.

To be more precise, the money laundering organization was created by Yoon Ji-man’s proposal and Kim Han-goo’s acceptance.

Yoon Ji-man really hated poverty.

Then, one day, the snow white market came down to Yoon Ji-man like a savior.

There was no place more attractive to Yoon Ji-man, who would do anything for money.

As soon as I heard the rumor, I left everything behind and arrived at the Beksul Fruit Market.

However, all the systems were already in place there, and the only thing an outsider like Yoon Ji-man, who had just arrived, could do was just an errand.

Yoon Ji-man started researching the white snow fruit market as an errand under Kim Han-gu.

The pyramid-shaped merchant organization and the unknown organization that supplies them are separate, and the Snow White Fruit organization is protected by something even though it is openly doing business.

Yoon Ji-man was amazed.

He also wanted to create such an organization.

So, after repeated research and research, the money laundering organization was invented.

“f*ck. I wasn’t holding hands with an asshole like you.”

He persuaded acquaintances he had known for a long time to establish the foundation of the organization, but he needed money to attract gamblers who would play the game in the field.

But if I had that kind of money, I wouldn’t be doing this.

So, in the end, I chose Kim Han-goo.

Kim Han-gu was lucky enough to be selected as a high-ranking merchant and saved a lot of money, but he was not smart, so he decided that he could use it well.

Yoon Ji-man persuaded Kim Han-goo that if he invested money, he would create an organization to provide money laundering services, and based on this service, Kim Han-goo’s business could grow further.

In the end, at Yoon Ji-man’s persuasion, Kim Han-goo invested money in a long house, and the result was a money laundering organization.

“Anyway, it was made with my money. So tell me everything!”

“Don’t be mean! What have you done other than the money you initially invested? Besides, you’ve already made a lot more money by attracting merchants and eating them! This organization is mine! I made it! f*ck. I’d rather kill you!!”

At Yoon Ji-man’s words, Kim Han-gu smiled and said.

“okay. I thought it wouldn’t burn easily. That’s why I asked for three days.”

“3 days?”

Yoon Ji-man looked at Kim Han-goo and said.

“Why did you suddenly change like this? What did the author of the president say?!”

“It’s not your thing. You just have to pass the organizational chart.”

Yoon Ji-man’s head began to roll quickly.

‘Clearly, Kim Han-goo benefited from the money laundering organization. I have been very satisfied But why did it suddenly change like this? A greater profit was guaranteed or threatened.’

From the time Kim Han-gu was called by the author, it was Yoon-man who thought of all the cases.

If the chairman asks you to dissolve the organization, you can pretend to disband, make your key acquaintances into a similar structure again, and then attack another route.

What if they covet the organization and try to rob Kim Han-gu?

It’s not that bad either.

It’s a great opportunity to show off your skills at the top of the black market.

But, in a nutshell, I didn’t expect this to happen.

“what are you doing! Come on, don’t make it fire!”


Puck puck!

After receiving instructions from Kim Han-gu, the errands began to assault Ji-man Yoon.

All of them were working under Kim Han-gu, but as merchants do, they ran errands individually without contact with each other, so there was no hesitation in their hands.

Yoon Ji-man, who curled up and covered his head with his hands, continued to think despite the assault.

‘It’s not a threat. If it was a threat, I would have asked you to ask me first, but I wouldn’t have swung my fists like this. So what’s the bigger profit?’

If the upper layers of the black market took a good look at this organization and offered Kim Han-goo some kind of price in return for handing over the chart, all of this would be explained.

From the perspective of Kim Han-goo, in order to receive that kind of reward, the person who created the organization has to be himself.

“for a moment! for a moment!!”

When Kim Han-gu gestured at Yoon Ji-man’s words, the messengers retreated.

“Are you thinking of speaking now?”

“Let me ask you one thing. What will you give me if I hand over the organization chart?”

“… … ”

“That’s right. money? no. I don’t think it’s that kind of thing… Could you please lift me up?”

Kim Han-gu said with a contorted face.

“You talk a lot. I guess you don’t want to tell me yet.”

“Hey. Did you see this organization very well from above? it’s impressive. impression. But what about this?”

Yoon Ji-man said with a big smile.

“If I didn’t know, I didn’t know. As long as I didn’t know this, I never wanted to say more. Do you think I’m going to let other people do good? Let’s just die together. If I can’t eat it, I’d rather break it!!”

* * *


I smiled and said at the report of the watchman who was overhearing the situation.

“So, it was Yoon-man, not Kim Han-goo, who created the organization?”

I said looking at Kim Han-gu’s documents that I had researched beforehand.

“It’s Yoon. age 32. He is working as an errand for Kim Han-gu.”

Is it good enough?

He actively persuades Kim Han-goo to form his own organization, so he does not settle for himself, but works hard to move forward anyway.

Personally my favorite style.

The reason is simple.

Because I’m doing things I couldn’t do in my previous life.

-What should I do.

“Well… .”

Investigation of the situation is already over.

There was no external organization, and only Yoon Ji-man led Kim Han-goo as a money laundering organization.

will you save me?

Save it and try to grow it?

I pondered for a moment and then smiled.

“Let it go.”

Rescue too quickly doesn’t feel dramatic.

A little more slowly.

* * *

The beatings continued throughout the day.

Yoon Ji-man, who was covered in bruises all over his body, spit and spit mixed with blood.

“city… foot.”

If only my cell phone had not been taken away, I would have called my brothers and called for support.

Of course, most of the members of the organization were gamblers, but once the number of pages is filled, the current situation can be sufficiently avoided.

Then, Kim Han-gu came and said,

“So. Let’s just go a little easier. no. You could have just disclosed the organization to me from the beginning. What a great organization, just wrap it up tight. Thanks to you, I got hurt in front of the president.”

At that, Yoon Ji-man slowly raised his head and said.

“… side?”

“okay. I was excited to be promoted, but I was surprised when I suddenly asked the number of members. Why do I have to suffer like that because of you?”

“… and. What else did you ask?”

“I wonder why.”

“Do you know? If I listen to the conversation with the president, maybe my thoughts will change.”

Then, after thinking about it for a while, Kim Han-gu said.

“great. tell me.”

Yoon Ji-man, who heard all of the conversation with the chairman from Kim Han-goo.

Yoon Ji-man said with a hard smile.

“f*ck. You asshole asshole.”


“You and I are sick. I already got it.”

If the author, the president, wasn’t an idiot, he would have already noticed if he had talked like this.

I’m glad that Kim Han-gu is an idiot.

And Yoon Ji-man starts to take a deep breath.

“Whoa. Whoa.”

“What. what are you doing?”

“Shut up. It’s because we’re collecting flags.”

Then Yoon-man exclaimed, taking a deep breath.

“I made it!!!! So, don’t just look around and save me!!!”

Kim Han-gu shouted to the errands with a bewildered expression.

“what are you doing! Don’t close your mouth!!”

Then, Yoon Ji-man continues to shout to avoid the running errands.

“I will tell you myself!! Let’s talk to me without this f*cking idiot!!!”

But in the end, Yoon Ji-man is overpowered by the errands.


“phew. I was cold.”

Kim Han-gu kicked Yoon Ji-man and said.

“There is no one around here! Who do you think will come and save you?”

But then.

The door to the abandoned factory began to rattle.

thump thump.


The errands shut their mouths at Kim Han-goo’s words.

The locked door of the abandoned factory rattled like that a few times, and then went silent.

That moment when Kim Han-gu put his heart down for a while.


A man appeared, smashing the entire door rather than the lock with a huge roar.

“It’s nothing special that makes me nauseous.”

Kim Han-gu said with a pale, tired expression.

“Huh, Hunter?”

The hunter who came in after smashing the door looked at Yoon Ji-man and Kim Han-gu and said.

“It’s Yoon Ji-man, but Kim Han-goo. Let’s go, the president is looking for you.”

* * *


On the screen, Kim Han-goo, trembling, and Yoon Ji-man, full of wounds, were seen.

“Please save me.”

You must have expected me to attach someone.

It’s fun.

He’s got momentum and he’s got a good head.

Like it.

I grabbed the mic and said.

“ruler. Now is the time for truth. You said the organization was created by Ji-man Yoon?”

– I made it.

Then Kim Han-gu spoke in an urgent voice.

-ah. no! Obviously, I have invested my money… .

– Shut up. did i say it’s already caught

Yoonman nodded and said.

-you’re right. I made it. I didn’t want to live as an errand for the rest of my life, so I decided to make some money.

“There is paper and a pen on the table. Write down everything about your organization, including your organization chart and how you operate.”

Then Yoon-man said with a hard smile.

-Because I’m not in a good mood right now. And I’m not even this idiot, I’ll just say it out loud.

And then everything in the organization comes out one after another.

“… This is more than I thought… .”

well laid out?

The number of people is 26.

taken from noblemt l

Most of them were money changers, but a person in charge of handing over money to such a money changer and a person monitoring it were separately assigned. existed

For example, the position that the person in charge of handing over money should take when the money changer enters the casino.

If what Yoon Ji-man said is true, even if it takes a money changer, it is a well-organized organization chart that can be beaten out at the previous stage.

Of course, it is people who put it into practice, so it is questionable how well they will follow it, but it is the ability to adjust it well.

Another thing I noticed was that this organization really thoroughly benchmarked the black market point organization.

Organizations that are members of the same organization but do not know each other’s existence.

With only 26 people, it is so meticulously organized.

A question I suddenly had at that time.

“Did you make this for an expansion?”

Yoon-man said with a smile.

– You’re also quick-witted.

Once something is established, it is not easy to change it.

But it can be made much easier if you have a solid foundation from the start and move it in a way that calls out your size.

“How far have you been thinking?”

Yoon Ji-man said with a confident expression.

-All merchants and money changers on the black market. An integrated money laundering system organically connected to over a thousand people. After all, if you look at a merchant or a currency exchange book, it is only a small amount, so it is easy to avoid monitoring by the authorities. It’s organically connected to that. Instead of having the money exchanged by the money changer go through a number of processes and then driving it to one merchant to settle the payment, the money is divided among several merchants.

Casino exchanges are small.

So, do you cover this by volume?

If there are hundreds of such money exchange books, it will be more cost-effective to just catch other high-priced tax evaders than to investigate this even from the perspective of the management authorities.

In other words, this is a method that can only be used on the black market, where people with a lot of fixed black money are able to.

“this… It’s okay.”

A method that adheres to the basics of money laundering of complexity and difficulty of tracking, and at the same time introduces a point organization system in the black market.


After all, there is no such thing as absolutely safe money laundering.

In that sense, this integrated money laundering system is the kind of thing that management authorities do not want to touch.


Besides, once it’s completely settled on the black market… Wouldn’t people think I made this?

Just like part of the black market.

Did you even think of this?

“Is the target the end of the black market?”

– The black market was the basis. Based on this, I was planning to use the hundreds of gang members that I gathered and set up an overseas company to combine small donations and overseas money laundering to receive commissions from corporations or criminal organizations… . but what

Yoon Ji-man said as he shook his head toward Kim Han-gu.

-I’m all over because of this yangban here.

“Hmm… .”

I looked at Kim Han-gu and said.

“Mr. Kim Han-goo.”

-Yes… Yes?!

“Kim Han-gu lied to me.”

– No, I’m not lying!

“Anyway, if I judged it to be a lie, it would be a lie. Mr. Kim Han-goo You are exiled.”

Kim Han-gu jumped up from his seat and said.

– Meeting, Chairman! Please forgive me just once!! Really, really, I will work hard in the future!!

“It is natural. Please work hard in the future. so you can eat And you know?”

I tapped the mic a couple of times and then said.

“If you flutter around outside, you will be in bad shape.”

– Meeting, Chairman!!

“Take them out.”

The door opened at my words, and people came in and forcibly dragged Kim Han-goo out.

-President! President!!

Kim Han-goo was dragged out of the room.

“Now, what are you going to do next?”

– Well, it’s up to the president’s decision. If I say that I can continue to do business, I do business and the organization is all exposed anyway, so what choice do I have?

I said with a smile.

“I really like Yoon Ji-man. But I don’t want an organization I don’t know to influence the black market. Leave the organization.”

Yoongi sighed and said.

-ha. If it’s black, it should be black.

“Of course, I’m not asking for it with my bare mouth. Is Kim Han-gu’s seat vacant?”

Then Yoon Ji-man raised his head and said.

-no way… .

“Mr. Yoon Ji-man. Do you want to work for Kim Han-goo?”

The ability seems to be fine, but I’m not sure yet whether it can be trusted.

So, if you want to keep it underneath and watch it, you have to push it slowly.

There are many people who lack the ability because the only criterion for selecting the black market merchants was earnestness.

Just like Kim Han-goo, who have no hair but are full of greed.

If that’s the case, then I have to hire a smart guy and have him manage it, and I can’t do it myself until when.

– No, of course! Absolutely!

“If only performance and skills are certain… Going higher is not a dream. Just like I made a proposal to Kim Han-goo.”

-I don’t really have a chance, so I’m proud that evil and bullying don’t go anywhere!

Yoon-man said, raising his thumb.

-After all, Chairman, you are an excellent choice!

There seems to be a little bit of wit, but what?

You just have to do your job well.

-I explained all the organizational charts, and I will contact you and tell my dongsaengs to take over immediately.

And one action is also fast.

As soon as he makes an offer, Yoon Ji-man picks up his cell phone and calls his brother.

In addition, he switches to a speakerphone and appeals that his heart is sincere.

– Yes, brother. uh? The sound is broken, is this a speakerphone?

– Don’t worry about that, bastard. Stop all work right now.


-And someone will take over soon, so I’ll explain it kindly. uh? I mean, you have to show the demonstration yourself.

-no. Let’s talk a little bit.

-I’ve got a big chance? Of course I’ll take you too. So don’t gossip and do what you’re told.

-ha. Once I knew

-okay. Then see you soon preference

-okay. virtuous brother.



Wasn’t it Yoongi?

After the call, Yoon Ji-man said:

-it’s over.

“Did I just say virtue?”

-ah. It’s because of my childhood name. It is a nickname called by close brothers. I thought I’d need a pseudonym to create a secret organization, so I took it.


Yoon Sang-deok?

Wait a minute.

If it’s Yoon Sang-deok… .

‘Is that the name of one of the black market giants in a past life?!’

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