120 episodes

‘Let’s be calm. Calm down, Jung In-soo. Let’s calm down.’

Forcibly calms the startled chest.

‘Did you think of me?’

Did you try to decide whether to absorb or not by looking at my reaction?

I looked at Kim Woong’s face.

Kim Woong closes his eyes with a calm expression.

He doesn’t look particularly excited, he just seems to be patiently waiting for the result.

I thought with a cold expression.

‘Damn, was that too much of an offer?’

But there was no other way than this.

A green skill stone that looks precious to anyone.

What kind of guild would sell this all over the world?

Anyway, the best option to get the brilliance skill has already crossed the water.

If so, you should not regret it, but think of the next solution.

‘It is true that he acquired the brilliance skill. However.’

He doesn’t know what that skill is.

In other words, no one knows when Kim Woong will be able to activate that skill.

‘If that guy freely handles the brilliance skill… .’

On the skill stone, it is written that when a skill is activated, it is engulfed in brilliance for 2 minutes and cannot be used for 21 minutes.

It’s only 2 minutes, but due to the nature of the brilliance skill, for those 2 minutes, Kim Woong’s attack power and defense power are greatly increased, and he is virtually superhuman.

There is a high possibility of using it to attack the boss and continuously create variables.

Also, when a new B-class dungeon appears, we will attack the B-class dungeon faster than anyone else.

In other words, this is a significant variable that threatens the basic framework of my business of monopoly after preemption.

‘You have to stop it.’

The best thing to do is to attract him to the Jeongin Guild.

If you didn’t get the skill, one way is to take the guy who got the skill.

However, he is improvised enough to try to attack boss monsters, he does not hesitate to take on challenges, and above all, he is an idealist enough to say that it is a peaceful world in front of me, a good competition.

Of course, it could all be hypocrisy.

But somehow I get a feeling.

I have a feeling he might be real.

‘I don’t need a person like that in the world of my dreams.’

If it was me in my previous life, I would have welcomed it with both hands.

A top hunter who shouts for justice and advocates for peace?

Regardless of how vain and unrealistic that claim is, its existence alone will give you strength.

Even if it is hypocrisy.

But not now.

As in previous lives, Hunters must be drunk with power and power, and the world must be in chaos.

Then everything I prepared will shine.

I thought about it for a while and told Kim Woong with a worried look.

“Are you okay?”

Kim Woong said while looking around his body.

“… There is no noticeable change.”

“Is that so. So, is it an active skill?”

Kim Woong may continue to absorb the skill stone himself in the future.

Intervene in such a situation and make him mistake the green skill stone for a skill other than brilliance.

Even if there is a limit to secretly handing over the top-level skill seat that was left out to give to Jae-Jin Lee.

Still, it’s a green skill stone, but you have to do that to get deceived.

“I am glad that there are no side effects. Relief.”

I looked at Kim Woong and said.

“But, Guild Leader Kim Woong. How about refraining from such dangerous behavior in the future?”

“As I said before, I am the sacrifice of others… .”

I raised my hand and stopped Kim Woong and said.

“I know, I know. What I’m saying is, don’t take things you don’t have to sacrifice.”


“I didn’t know that I would be able to provide this kind of service for real… .”

I sighed and said.

“I can’t just watch a promising hunter get ruined after not doing it. haha true If you get a skill stone in the future, please send it to me. I will determine whether it is a skill that I can absorb or not, and then return it as is.”

It does not provide an interpretation itself.

Instead, let’s seize the opportunity by providing a check to see if it’s safe or not.


“Of course, whether to believe it or not is the choice of Guild Leader Kim Woong. Instead, please keep it strictly secret that I made this offer.”

It would be much better to rely on recognition for this kind of guy.

“Anyway, as a businessman, I am responsible for the livelihoods of many of the employees under me. When it becomes known that such a person has provided an unrelated third party with the interpretation of the skill stone text, which he invested with the life and death of the company… .”

Then Kim Woong said with a determined expression.

“You hold on to that. I will not tell anyone outside the guild, of course!”

Is this guy some kind of hot-blooded idiot?

Anyway, if you don’t just spread things around, it’s fine with me.

Kim Woong said with a smirk.

“That’s a really good offer. As long as we can confirm that it is safe, we can provide it to the guild members.”

such a dog… .

what should you eat?

Hue is the goat

Give it to your guild members?

I thought, quenching my boiling anger.

‘no. I do not care. If you don’t know if it’s safe or not, you’re just doing the experiment yourself.’

After absorbing other skills, the green skill is mistaken for the skill absorbed later, not the brilliance.

“that… That’s right. It’s good for the guild when the guild members get stronger. Anyway, it was nice to meet you. Guild leader Kim Woong.”

* * *

Thus, the investigation into Kim Woong began in earnest.

“What kind of bastard… .”

I had the police who bought it dig up Kim Woong’s personal information.

In order to find out whether or not someone can be recruited by any chance.

By the way… .

“How can you be so clean?”

All I got was a few speeding tickets at most.

In addition, after investigating Kim Woong’s past, it is said that he was famous for being an upright man who couldn’t get over when he saw injustice.

I wonder if all the vague words he said to me at that time were sincere.

“… Do you think the world will be at peace if the powerful have the right mindset?”

Truly bullshit.

The memories of my past life prove it.

If the world had become cleaner with the appearance of just one right person, even if it changed, it would have changed a long time ago.

“What attracts… give up.”

Such a guy has a lot of room for sudden actions based on his beliefs.

That said, I may not be able to control myself at will.

Then, it’s time to focus on making the Brightness skill unusable.

“How can I trick you into absorbing the skill stone?”

He’s a good man, but he’s not stupid.

I’ll take a picture of the skill stone that was sent at the same time as the safety quest to me.

So you can’t just change it.

“It is impossible to reproduce the impact when it is absorbed by the ability of a fake factory… .”

It hurts in many ways.

I guess I’ll have to get my hands on it as soon as possible before I realize what kind of skill he has.

The best time to use your hands is the moment the guild acquires the skill stone.

“… Yes, guild member.”

I hate to admit it, but he’s a good guy.

But will the guild members really do the same?

The relationship of trust is strong enough to entrust the disposition of the skill stone entirely, but that does not mean that everyone agreed.

Obviously there are gaps.

I muttered while looking at the materials of the guild members of the Hanmu Guild.

“Hmm… It’s pretty good.”

All of the guild members are hunters of considerable skill.

In the academy level 4 course, information about general monsters in Busan dungeons are provided and training is conducted, which is actually close to a semi-C level.

And most of the guild members of the Hanmu Guild have completed this level 4 course.

But not everyone was like that.

“Are there any 2nd graders?”

It’s possible up to level 3, but it’s a Hanmu guild that only contains several level 2 hunters.

They even participate in the attack on the boss monsters of the Hanmu Guild.

taken from noblemt l

Most of them have been members of the Hanmoo Guild since the early days.

Ordinary guilds operate by sending out culled guild members and adding power, but Kim Woong’s Hanmu Guild carries the original guild members in his arms like a good man.

I said raising the corners of my lips.

“It’s very inefficient. So better.”

Participation in the attack of guild members with poor skills.

Is this really the right choice?

Absolutely not.

Even if the settlement ratio is adjusted, a structure in which dissatisfaction is bound to accumulate as 4th level hunters are 4th level hunters and 2nd level hunters are 2nd level hunters.

“Hmm… .”

Can you try swapping a 2nd-level hunter well?

After thinking for a while, I picked up my cell phone and called someone.

-Yes. President.

It was Yoon Sang-deok.

“Mr. Are you busy?”

-Even if you are busy, you have to run to the president at once.

“I think I need to do some work… .”

– Work?

“This is a very important job. never to fail. Are you confident?”

Even though he didn’t tell me anything about the work or anything, Yoon Sang-deok spoke with a confident voice.

– It doesn’t matter if you’re confident or not, right? You must never fail, but you must succeed.

“good. If you ever get caught, keep quiet. I’ll give you a separate hand.”

-Are you even getting insurance? Chairman too! haha.

“The work is… .”

Yoon Sang-deok, who was silent for a moment, spoke when I told him about the Hanmu Guild and Kim Woong.

-Recruiting guild members and swapping skill stones… .

“That’s right.”

– If this is the case, then this is my main specialty. who am i A person who lured gamblers into an organization. People’s desires can be hidden, but never disappear. Instead, I need some support.


-Yes, I heard that you can change your physical abilities with a skill stone… .

“you’re right.”

– That’s what I need. as much as possible.

“If that’s the case, I’ll give you enough support.”

– That’s it. President, take care. I’ll take care of the rest.

Hue is the goat

Good night.

This is how it is worthwhile to embrace Yoon Sang-deok.

“If it succeeds without any problems… I will repay you accordingly.”

Yoon Sang-deok said with a big smile.

– Hearing those words gives me a lot of strength! I promise you. I will make sure to succeed.

* * *

The auction ended successfully while Yoon Sang-deok started preparing for the work.

The average winning bid is 800 million for attack skills and 700 million for defense skills.

There was a line of people who wanted to participate in the auction with interest from overseas, but overseas sales failed due to the government stubbornly refusing to take the skill seat overseas as it was absolutely not.

If I had been able to participate in the auction overseas, I would have been able to sell it at a higher price, but this is a bit of a disappointment.

Anyway, the successful bidders flocked to the development of Jeongin as soon as they received the winning bid.

“This is a skill stone… .”

The Hunter looked at the skill stone that won the bid with an ecstatic expression and said.

“Am I finally getting my skills?”

All of this auction was conducted under his real name, so personal information about the hunter has already been received.

‘This guy has a windfall.’

I purposely assigned a good skill seat to the first customer.

Besides, this hunter is an F-class hunter who graduated from the Academy 1st course and is the lowest among hunters.

An F-class hunter acquires a skill stone with a higher activation condition?

It’s something I couldn’t even imagine in my previous life.

‘By the way, do you think it’s a fairly sincere style?’

Although it has fallen a bit now, the Hunters’ income is at a level that cannot be compared with the general public.

However, most of the money is easily wasted as easily as it is earned.

In particular, since most of the late F-class hunters like this person lose hope for skill improvement and fill the sense of loss with consumption, they have relatively little cash compared to their income. one situation.

‘Yes, there must be days like this.’

This hunter will now be able to move further upwards based on this skill.

I said with a smile.

“Now you can absorb it by giving it strength.”

The Hunter said while lifting the skill stone whose text part was covered with paper.

“All right.”

When the nervous-looking hunter gave power, the skill stone crumbled, emitting a white light, and disappeared into the air.

A skill stone worth 82,000 that disappeared in an instant, leaving only the paper that covered the letters.

Hunter said as he looked at the paper falling to the loose floor.

“… Are you absorbed?”

“of course. Did you see the video? Recall that video, reach out to that side and strongly associate it.”

A hunter who reached out to the target at my words.


And then.

As Jaejin Lee did, a white sphere was created from the Hunter’s hand and rushed towards the target.

And a sphere that explodes with a roar.

Hunter, seeing such a sight, said as he lost his mind.

“Wow… .”

“How are you?”

Hunter looked at his hand and said.

“In an instant, the power runs out.”

The skill that this hunter absorbed was exactly the same skill that I first gave to Jaejin Lee.

A skill that loses energy in exchange for flying an explosive sphere.

Instead, it was a very good skill because energy quickly recovered as time passed.

In some cases, shooting was possible, so the usability was excellent.

However, the Hunter, unaware of this fact, said with a nervous expression.

“Is this a bad skill?”

I shook my head and said.

“no. What determines whether or not it is a good activation condition is how much it affects the battle immediately after activation… .”

I looked at the Hunter and said.

“This is a good skill. Quite a bit too.”

Then Hunter said with a surprised expression.

“A good skill!?”

“Yes, I can assure you. This is a good skill.”

Hunter clenched his fists and said.


The hunters, who were waiting for their turn from the back, saw such an appearance and said with envy.

“Is it a good skill?”

“I’m totally envious. I should come up with something good.”

It was a moment when the distrust of the Hunters, who were worried that they might all be bad, faded to some extent.

“ruler. Next minute!”

At my cry, the next hunter came and absorbed the skill stone.

A hunter who pours out explosive spheres just like before.

However, the trigger conditions were different.



I activated the skill and told the surprised Hunter.

“How are you?”

“There is no change in the body!? This is a good skill!!”

But I said with a firm expression.

“No change? That’s weird. There is no skill that does not have a trigger condition… .”

“Shall we shoot again?”

“As you like.”

Then the hunter fired the skill at the target once again.


“look at this!! Another shot, and nothing happened!”

“Hmm… First of all, it doesn’t seem like a skill that’s unsuitable for combat. However, the conditions for activation have not been clearly identified, so please be careful when using it and if there is any abnormality, please contact us at any time.”

Hunter said confidently that he had acquired a good skill.

“Uh-huh, I see!”

A hunter with no change even after shooting twice in a row.

It was natural.

The skill stone absorbed by this hunter is a disposable skill stone that disappears after using it 8 times.

In a past life, something that sold for about tens of millions of won at the current price.

It is disposable, but it can be used continuously, so it is convenient to use in case of emergency.

But the poor guy who bought it for over 800 million won and used it twice as an experiment.

Does this guy know

That you just blew 200 million to the target.

I looked at the staff and said.

“Proceed like this. Verification is of course essential.”

Thus, the first official sale of the skill stone began, and the news soon spread through the media.

* * *

“ah… .”

Lee Dong-soo, who was watching the news, said with an envious expression.

“Skill stone… .”

Although the conditions for the activation or such have not yet been precisely revealed, the atmosphere was quite positive.

Even so, no matter how bad the activation conditions were, as the first sellers were, there were so few hunters who had them, so they were given a rarity.

When I heard the rumor, the hunter, who had the worst activation condition of 30 minutes stiffness after casting the skill, was desperate, but unexpectedly, love calls came from here and there. For now, the focus is on the power of the skill rather than the activation conditions, such as conducting experiments using it like a human cannon.

taken from noblemt l

Moreover, among them, people who use skills without any condition to those who have a slight loss of power as a condition for activation.

Like Jeong In-soo’s rant, the skill seat wasn’t just a collection of bad skills, so it was even more disappointing.

Lee Dong-soo sighed and said.

“ha. I should have won the bid.”

Lee Dong-soo poured all the money he had, but in the end did not win the bid.

I regretted spending so much money in the past.

“If I had won the bid… Could it be a little different?”

Lee Dong-soo is none other than a guild member of the Hanmu Guild, who recently drew attention for catching boss monsters by himself.

It was definitely something that would explode in the guild, but Lee Dong-soo could not be purely happy.

The reason was simple.

Because there was virtually no part where he actually played an active part in the boss attack.

Lee Dong-soo was an early member of the Hanmu Guild, and at first, he had been winning with Guild Leader Kim Woong.

However, at some point, Lee Dong-soo has stopped growing.

He thought it was a temporary phenomenon and made every effort, and Kim Woong also encouraged him, but the reality was cruel.

taken from noblemt l

My co-workers sprinted forward without realizing it, and I was still standing still.

Of course, Kim Woong told Lee Dong-soo not to lose hope and said that if he catches stronger monsters, he will one day succeed, but Lee Dong-soo’s abilities were the same in the Busan dungeon.

From then on, Lee Dong-soo was engulfed in a sense of wonder.

Although my colleagues around me had never pointed out anything, the thought lingered in my head that I might be swearing at myself because of my sense of entitlement, and every day was very painful.

The cheers of the guild leader and colleagues sounded like they were making fun of him, and Lee Dong-soo was getting more and more exhausted.

However, if you leave the Hanmu Guild on your own, you are admitting that you are a fugitive, and when you leave the Hanmu Guild, you become only one of the common low-level hunters.


Like this, Lee Dong-soo, who was suffering because of his entitlement today.

But then.

Ding Dong.

Someone rang the doorbell of Lee Dong-soo’s house.

Lee Dong-su sobbed and checked the intercom.

“Who is it?”

A man with a face he sees for the first time.

Lee Dong-soo said while pressing the intercom.

“who are you.”

Then the man on the screen smiled brightly and said,

-hello! My name is Sang-Duk Yoon.

“Oh, yes.”

Is it door-to-door sales?

That’s when I was about to refuse.

-I came here because I wanted to sell some skill stones, nothing else.

Lee Dong-soo said with wide eyes.

“What, what? Skill stone?”

Yoon Sang-deok put his index finger to his lips and said.

-Shh, wouldn’t it be nice to shout out loud?


Yoon Sang-deok said with a fishy smile.

-If you are interested, shall we go in for a moment and talk?

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