123 episodes

Jaejin Lee said with a surprised expression while looking at the skill stones piled up in front of him.

“Are you talking about all of this?”


40 attack skill stones with a cooldown condition for activation.

It was only this that came out after collecting 15,000 skill stones.

Because of this, in my previous life, infinite skill shooting was only possible in theory.

“Absorb it all.”

The key to infinite skill shooting is to keep using other skills until the cooldown of the first skill you used returns.

In that case, theoretically, infinite skill shooting is possible.

But with 40, you don’t even have a jaw.

If you put your mind to it, you can activate dozens of skills per minute, but the shortest cooldown among the skill stones stacked in front of me right now is 11 minutes.

At least 10 times the current amount is said to be a true infinite riot, but I don’t know if that’s really possible.

However, if you continue to supply skill stones and mix the insufficient amount for one-time use, wouldn’t it be possible to make half and half?

By the way, money is really money.

To be honest, if you limit your opponent to only the boss, it’s much more efficient to distribute it evenly among the guild members and focus your firepower than this.

This is an extremely inefficient way to make Lee Jae-jin the strongest.

“Come on.”

“… All right.”

Jaejin Lee, who absorbs skill stones one by one like that.

In an instant, the skill stones disappear into the air.

Should I give this a little tea?

“Know that. Those are precious things that I wouldn’t sell even if someone offered me billions of dollars.”

Then Jaejin Lee, who was absorbing the skill stone, stopped and said.


“uh. That’s why we picked only the best of the 15,000.”

“… You want me to absorb it all?”


“Aren’t you giving it to other guild members?”

I said with a smirk.

“Honestly, who do I trust other than you? You and the guild members who worked hard under me since the time my legs hurt, and the guild members I took in after becoming a hunter. It’s obvious which of the two will be more reliable, isn’t it? And did I promise? I’ll make you a vertex. This is just part of the promise I made back then.”

“Uh… .”

“Uh-huh. Absorb it quickly. Don’t think it’s a waste. You have to be strong so I don’t scream too loudly! is not it? It’s all an investment!”

Jaejin Lee thought for a moment, then nodded and said.

“All right.”

Jaejin Lee who absorbed all the skill stones like that.

“It’s all absorbed.”

“great. Then come this way.”

I handed the paper I had prepared in advance and said.

“This is the cycle I envisioned around those skill stones. If you use it in this order, you can theoretically fire an infinite number of skills every 15 seconds.”

“Skill… indefinitely.”

Jaejin Lee already possessed and used one skill, so he must have understood what this meant.

“okay. And my ultimate goal is… Once in a second, it’s literally infinite fire.”

“Is that possible?”

“Theoretically, it is possible. The problem is that you have to spend time and money relentlessly. Anyway, that’s a matter for me to worry about, so you have to practice so that you can use it effectively.”

Then Jaejin Lee said with a smirk.

“All right. If your boss tells you to do it, you have to do it.”

“great. Then take this paper and practice.”

“All right. So let’s practice right now… .”

Jaejin Lee wants to go back because he thought the business was over.

“Where are you already? It’s not over yet.”


“Now I have to absorb the passive.”

I dragged Jae-Jin Lee to my personal storage next to the office.

And there were piles of skill stones that could not even be compared with the active skill stones that had just been absorbed.

“Hey, what the hell is this?”

“It’s passive. 1,000 in all.”

“Hey, if you absorb all of this, there will be side effects… .”

“don’t worry. It was well mixed.”

No matter how important combat ability is, it is true that if you absorb this much, it goes beyond the level at which other abilities are perceived and goes down to the point where everyday life becomes impossible.

So, I also mixed in a skill stone to offset that part.

“This is a passive that adversely affects combat ability. No matter how important battles are, people have to live. Don’t worry, I’ve calculated thoroughly enough to at least keep the original level.”

No matter how good the brilliance skill is, it is only temporary in the end.

Will he be able to defeat Jae-Jin Lee, who uses his passive skills to boost his basic abilities and sharpen his skills?

Kim Woong of brilliance and Jaejin Lee of overwhelming money.

It is clear who will win between the two.




If something like that gets in my way, I’ll take a photo of it and press it down.

Isn’t this enough?

Then, even by feeding more passives, it is enough to raise Lee Jae-jin to a level equivalent to the constant brilliance.

“Absorb it quickly. I’m going to have to absorb all of this today to send it to you. oh By the way, is this a secret? Probably because other guild members may feel deprived.”

* * *

So, while driving Jae-jin Lee with a skill stone and turning him into a monster beyond a hunter, the result of the work he had Yoon Sang-deok finally came out.

I looked at the picture of Kim Woong flew over to my cell phone and raised the corners of my lips.

“It was delivered well.”

After the skill stone delivered to Yoon Sang-deok was replaced through Lee Dong-soo, it flew back to me as a photo.

This skill stone was originally one of the skill stones that I had collected to give to Lee Jae-jin, and it was a short-range teleport.

“I’m going to die.”

It’s a really useful skill if you master it for dodging or evasion, but at the same time it’s a skill that doesn’t have a direct attack ability.

I thought a lot before choosing this one.

Hue is the goat

Gimme Kim Woong a powerful attack skill, but if you give it a useless skill, you might be suspicious of the fact that the skill stone has a different color.

In the end, after much deliberation, I chose this short-range teleport.

I picked up my cell phone and called Kim Woong.

– Yes, CEO Jung.

“I checked the picture.”

– How are you?

“Well… To be honest, I don’t know about this.”

– You don’t know?

“That’s right. Just because it’s developed by Jeongin doesn’t mean it can interpret all characters. I don’t know about this.”

Then Kim Woong sighed and said.

-Ha, there’s been a lot of gossip these days. Was it like this in the first place or was it luck in the beginning?

The Hanmu Guild was constantly replaced with bad skill stones through the move.

I kept saying it was a bad thing and advised not to absorb it, but one of the guild members objected, saying it was suspicious, and there was a time when I absorbed it saying that he would take responsibility for everything.

Of course, the guild member who confirmed that it was a bad passive was bewildered, and Kim Woong, who has accepted my advice since then.

“What would you like to do?”

It’s a situation that can’t be confirmed, but it’s not Kim Woong who will hand over this skill stone to the guild member.

“I can buy it for you.”

-no. I’ll just figure it out.

“Are you trying to deal with yourself like that again?”

-Someone has to experiment.

Hue is the goat


it should come out like that

I pretended to be sorry for a bit and said.

“It wouldn’t be a bad idea to just sell all of them to me and buy them separately later.”

– Haha, no. Because you can’t be indebted to it forever. Thanks anyway!

“It was nothing.”

So I finished the call.

Now, as always, after discussing with the guild members, you will finally absorb it yourself.

And Lee Dong-soo will report the fact to Yoon Sang-deok.

“A week or two would be enough, right?”

Roughly two weeks later, the character interpretation of the green skill stone has progressed a bit, making Kim Woong mistake the green skill stone for a teleport.

* * *

Skill seats were released not only in Korea but also around the world, and various skills appeared in the world.

Even if these skills are not for attack, the ability itself to create various variables in the world.

And the appearance of this ability gradually confused the world.

Weapons like firearms can be detected through inspection, but these skills are impossible to visually confirm.

A hunter who can unleash a weapon that exceeds the firepower of a gunpowder weapon whenever he wants.

The appearance of such a being was enough to arouse fear in the general public.

And the incident that ignited this fear happened today.


An unknown terrorist launched a terrorist attack in the United States in broad daylight.

The problem is that this terrorist secretly activated his skill in a high-rise building and disappeared, but there is no way to catch this terrorist.

The U.S. Bureau of Investigation sealed off the entire building and continued to investigate, but tens of thousands of people were inside the building at the time.

How can I check who used the skill among them?

Of course, since he was a terrorist, he wouldn’t have even registered as an official hunter.

In that respect, Korea is very fortunate.

Because I almost monopolized the skill stone, and it was effectively managed transparently at the level of the skill real-name system.

“Because Korea should really thank me.”

Isn’t this really purely my fault?

Besides, is it just a skill stone?

The snow white fruit also did not penetrate deep into society thanks to the fact that it was well managed by me.

“So, let’s do it with a little illegality. By the way, shall I call Woong Kim soon?”

In the end, as I expected, it was Kim Woong, who personally absorbed the skill seat after going through the meeting.

That’s when I was about to call him.

A man appeared on the news that was showing a terrorist video and started interviewing me with a determined expression.

-Strong power must be followed by strong regulation! If an individual, not a state, possesses excessive force, it will be catastrophic in the future! Look at America. Due to the lack of gun control and freedom to own firearms, shootings have occurred every day. But now even skills are being used as a means of terrorism! It must be regulated!

I said with a look of interest.

“Five. When will this yangban finally come out?”

I said, checking the date on the calendar on my desk.

“Yes. Election is coming soon.”

Election is 4 months away.

The man interviewed on TV was named Kim Kang-gyun, an opposition politician who was elected president in the presidential election four months later.

“Is it a slow start?”

Kim Kang-gyun, who was elected due to the birth of skills, was a typical hunter hardliner.

Kim Kang-gyun was elected as the general public’s insistence on controlling the individual’s armed forces and managing it.

From the first day of his inauguration, he pressured the hunters from all directions to impose restrictions.

Naturally, it caused constant friction with the hunters who had the skills and mighty force.

These clashes continued until his retirement, and in the end, the final winner in the fight was Hunter.

In order for Kim Kang-gyun’s regulation to be effective, it was necessary to have the power to control the hunters in the dungeon, but ironically, another hunter is needed to control those hunters.

Naturally, the hunters came out uncooperatively, and the government hunters, who were otherwise poor, were even worse off.

“good night. great.”

Of course, from my point of view, it is much better for Kim Kang-gyun to be elected and cause conflict with the guilds.

Because both the guilds and Kim Kang-gyun want me to stand by their side.

Naturally, the more competitors, the higher the value.

Also, like in the previous life, the guilds will also avoid the restrictions of Kim Kang-gyun and become more and more shady, and when the power is completed, they will walk a similar path to the era of the great hunter in my previous life.

“Kim Kang-gyun was elected by an overwhelming margin, so there should be no problem.”

Kim Kang-gyun received overwhelming support from the first public opinion poll.

When Kim Kang-gyun’s hard-line theory worked, the ruling party hurriedly made a similar promise, but at that time, the issue had already been preempted enough to remind Kim Kang-gyun when he talked about Hunter hard-line.

In the end, the ruling party was dragged around by Kim Kang-gyun throughout the presidential election, and in the end, it was inevitable that they would lose the election.

“Should I invest a little in Kim Kang-gyun’s theme stock? .”

As I was thinking about the theme week without thinking like that, I heard a reporter’s voice.

– In a recent opinion poll, the approval rating of the ruling party’s candidate Lee Nam-gil was reversed, what do you think?

I slowly raised my head at those words and said.

“… what? Reversal?”

what is this sound.

Did Kim Kang-gyun always overwhelm him?

– I have no doubt that my sincerity will eventually be conveyed to the people.

“Wait, wait. Not Kim Kang-gyun, but Lee Nam-gil is winning?!”

I hurriedly searched the internet for approval ratings.


Nam-gil Lee was beating Kim Kang-gyun by a narrow margin.

A result completely different from the previous life.

“What the hell is this… .”

The future shouldn’t change.

Information about the future is the most important power I have.

That’s why I’ve been trying my best not to miss the little things, but the president is different and not someone else?

“Why did this happen?”

Why has the future changed?


After thinking for a while, I said with a puzzled expression.

“no way… Is it because of me?”

* * *

I searched for the current government’s approval rating and said with a disappointed expression.

“I guess this is really because of me.”

The approval rating of the current government, which should have become a toothless tiger by falling into a lame duck, is still quite high.

And this approval rating was reflected in the approval rating of the ruling party candidate, Lee Nam-gil.

Lee Nam-gil is also conscious of that, and throughout the presidential election, he is claiming that he is the right person to succeed the current government.

In other words, claiming to be the enemy of the current government, and that it is being eaten as it is… .

“People are saying that the current government is highly valued.”

In my previous life, my evaluation of the current government was the end of my incompetence.

Of course I understand.

From the beginning of his tenure, dungeons and hunters appeared, and he had to go through an era of chaos in which the world was catastrophic.

The government took various measures, but the approval rating for measures far from reality fell day by day, and the lame duck phenomenon had already occurred since the middle of his tenure in the end due to incidents that occurred day after day.

But now it’s the complete opposite.

Although not very competent, at least in proportion to the situation in which the unrealistic elements of hunters and dungeons appeared, the current government, which is evaluated to have dealt with it much better than foreign governments.

And of course it was because of me.

By collecting slime slime for the first time, Korea became the first country in the world to be clean of garbage, and it was the first to lead various items to make it a developed country in the dungeon.

That wasn’t enough, so I made it a mecca for overseas guilds to visit.

is this only

In the past, accidents that remained unsolved were resolved with my own hands, and thanks to indirect interference by tying guilds into contracts, there were far fewer major accidents than in previous lives.

In addition, it is now up to skill stone management at the level of the skill real-name system.

So, the current government doesn’t actually do anything, and they only benefit from it.

“You crazy.”

Nam-gil Lee is confronting Kim Kang-gyun’s hard-line theory, saying that a new countermeasure is needed in a new era.

But is this argument working and the approval rating is leading?

“Wow. I never really thought of this.”

Anyway, it’s embarrassing to be embarrassed, and then you have to think about it.

“What if Lee Nam-gil, not Kim Kang-gyun, is elected?”

Because Kim Kang-gyun came with a hard-line theory, it sparked a conflict with the guilds, but Lee Nam-gil is spreading the theory of appeasement.

If this happens, there is no reason for the guilds to even pretend to be with the government.

Of course, if the power of the guild and hunter gets stronger, I’m sure it will go like the original history.

“Neither Kim Kang-gyun nor Lee Nam-gil invested money in Jung-in.”

Naturally, as a presidential candidate, he made investment proposals, but they all turned them down.

That’s right, they’re people running towards the ultimate goal of their lives, the presidential election.

Since they are such people, it is natural to try to avoid anything that could affect the election even a little.

“Lee Nam-gil is elected… .”

I pondered for a moment, then said with a firm expression.

“That’s not allowed.”

The relationship between me and the current government is not bad, and Lee Nam-gil is a person who insists on the current government’s red line, so it may not be a bad thing, but the future should not change.

If that’s the case, I’ll have to force the future to go back to Kim Kang-gyun.

I muttered with a puzzled expression.

“what the. You are going to do something like this.”

The problem now is that the current government’s situation is not that great and the hunters did not cause any major accidents.

Then the answer is simple.

Stop revealing the current government’s reality and causing the hunters to have a big accident.

Even without evidence of my involvement.

“What should I do?”

Exposing the current government’s reality is not an easy task.

To be precise, revealing is easy, but it is difficult because most of the information I have is directly related to me.

If so, it is the fastest and most convenient to instigate hunters to cause accidents.

So that people’s perceptions of Hunters deteriorate.

“The ways are endless… .”

You can have a hunter activate the skill on an empty building, or you can encourage a fight between guilds like foreign guilds did.

Right now, even if you commit just a few minor versions of what the Hunters did in your previous life, your perception of the Hunter will quickly deteriorate.

Of course, you have to keep the line in moderation.

If you make a mistake and even die, the problem will be too big.

Which way would be better… Hmm?

“for a moment. How many do I have to choose?”

I said raising the corners of my lips.

“It’s okay if you just do everything.”

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